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In Indie Game Design

6/30/2004 thereformant: Quick little game
Not sure if this counts as a rpg but tried this out when my DM guide for D&D got beered to the max (i know you guys hate D&D but…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: thereformant, ethan_greer, greyorm, Alex Johnson, jdrakeh.

6/30/2004 philreed: New 24-Hour Games
With vs. Monsters Deluxe finished I'm ready to try another 24-hour game. Anyone else up for doing some of these over one weekend in July?
In Indie Game Design
Participants: philreed, Jeph, pigames, anonymouse, Crackerjacker, ethan_greer, ADGBoss, Eero Tuovinen, sirogit, Lxndr, Brett M. Bernstein, Drew Stevens, Andy Kitkowski, JamesSterrett, Tony Irwin, bigsimon, Jonathan Walton, C. Edwards, timfire, jdrakeh.

6/30/2004 John Harper: [Danger Patrol] Conflict Resolution with Cards
Lately I've been toying with a conflict resolution system for my retro-sci-fi game Danger Patrol, and I figure it's time to give the Forge a crack at it. Specific questions:…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: John Harper, TonyLB, The Fiendish Dr. Samsara, Matt Wilson, Valamir, TnT, W Alexander.

6/29/2004 Lathan: [Evensong] Introduction/Overview
I'm not really sure how to present this (in spite of lurking for a couple of months now) but I'll do my best... ----------------------- Basic overview: Evensong is a surreal,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Lathan, Ben Lehman, failrate.

6/28/2004 pilot602: [Seven Systems Legacy] mechanics (penetration) for damage
Well I htink I have good, solid base for my ranged weapons and damage tracking in SSL. I've thrown together a quick PDF with what I'm thinking is pretty much…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: pilot602, Sydney Freedberg, greedo1379, Ravien, Chris Lekas, btrc.

6/28/2004 Tobias: [Ideal Holiday] Rant/Greer Manifesto Inspired Design
Warning: rambling, since I'm writing this as the ideas are coming. Well, the discussions about the GM (argggl, acronym collision) got me thinking (as most discussion tend to do). As…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias, MarktheAnimator, Erick Wujcik, JackBauer, ethan_greer.

6/27/2004 MarktheAnimator: Off Handed Weapons
Hello, I'm trying to decide if I should include a penalty for using a weapon in your off hand (usually left). Currently I'm using a -25% penalty to hit with…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: MarktheAnimator, Argetlamh, Sledgeman, ADGBoss, TonyLB, Mark D. Eddy, ErrathofKosh, Autocrat, LordSmerf, Andrew Morris, GregS, Mike Holmes.

6/27/2004 Survivor: OGL Information
Hey, some of you may remember me from a while back, attempting to create a sci-fi themed RPG using the d20 Modern system. I am still working on said RPG,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Survivor, Eero Tuovinen, daMoose_Neo.

6/26/2004 Drew Stevens: [Touché] Almost a Playtest Release :) Touché is game I've been working on for a while now- I mentioned it a few weeks ago, in Roleplaying Theory. Well, it's done. Mostly. With my hand written…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Drew Stevens, Jasper, Mark D. Eddy.

6/25/2004 pilot602: [Seven Systems Legacy] new(?) idea for damage modeling
OK I've been thinking about Battletech, comments from Mike H. and Sydney and Raiven and I think I have a totally new (new, at least, to my game) approach to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: pilot602, Sydney Freedberg, Ravien, Andrew Martin.

6/25/2004 sirogit: the Seas of Let's Fiddle.(Very weird.)
I'm working on something that's a chimera of a parody of Furry characters and a game with the premise of What Would You do For Love? It's nearly complete. right…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sirogit, deidzoeb.

6/25/2004 Ravien: [Scarlet Wake] Playtest Release
Hey all, Although it's not 100% complete just yet (more like 85%), I thought I may as well post this up now, seeing as how it will be completely finished…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ravien, Sydney Freedberg, Andrew Morris, WyldKarde, Sledgeman, Andrew Martin, Trevis Martin, Jasper, b_bankhead, Drew Stevens, MarktheAnimator, Mark D. Eddy, Tobias.

6/24/2004 StrongBadMun: Head Trip Games [Formerly Epoch Games] System (Long)
This system has taken me quite a while to work on, mostly because I'd find something that just didn't work and changing it meant changing the whole system. I remember…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: StrongBadMun, Sydney Freedberg, TonyLB, Alf_the_Often_Incorrect.

6/23/2004 Aaron Powell: [Viewpoint] Request for Comments
A friend and I have been working on a set of game mechanics that we're calling Viewpoint. The system's mainly designed to address issues we've had with other sets of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Aaron Powell, MarktheAnimator.

6/23/2004 Ben Lehman: Polaris: Fate and Choice
Hi Everyone-- So my RPG, Polaris is in final devolopment, before playtesting ensues. Since the last thread on it rocked so much (thanks to everyone who responded! Sorry I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ben Lehman, Eero Tuovinen, MarktheAnimator.

6/22/2004 StrongBadMun: Opinions on Game Name please
It has come to my attention that the name Schism is being used already so I'm working on a new name. The game is a near future setting where the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: StrongBadMun, Mark Johnson, Andrew Morris, ethan_greer, contracycle, Tobias, Ron Edwards, TonyLB, MarktheAnimator.

6/22/2004 pilot602: [Seven Systems Legacy] - stuck on new mechanics
I'm trying to come up with a way to keep my "one-die" system but make it easier to manipulate the "effectiveness" of rolling for a hit/location but the most important…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: pilot602, Ravien, TonyLB, Tobias, Sydney Freedberg, Chris Lekas, WyldKarde, greedo1379.

6/22/2004 StrongBadMun: [Schism] Introducing Epoch Games
I just joined about 10 minutes ago but I just have to spread the word as soon as I can. I've been working on my own RPG system for about…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: StrongBadMun, ADGBoss, Mike Holmes, Andrew Martin, WyldKarde, Ron Edwards.

6/21/2004 Dumirik: [Oneiro] Player Introduced Bangs (Split from thread)
This thread was split from my thread in GNS theory Narrativist Reward Mechanics The basic idea that I have had for my game, now with the final title of Oneiro…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dumirik, Mike Holmes, TonyLB.

6/19/2004 Damocles: [Out of Hell] first notes for a comedy game
Hello, you probably don't remember me, but I used to post a bit here a fairly long time ago. I had some ideas for games that never really went anywhere,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Damocles, Dumirik, Chris Goodwin, Jasper.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

6/30/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Need help expressing a thought
This is silly, but I've been going back and forth on trying to express this one idea for days, and I know for a fact that I clarify my thoughts…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, inky, John Harper.

6/30/2004 greyorm: [IGC] Publication Update Request
Alright, what's happening with the IGC Publication? Is it going to press? I ask because we haven't heard anything about it, no one has contacted me to get the draft…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: greyorm, timfire, Christopher Weeks, Mike Holmes.

7/3/2004 pjagdishkumar: News Papers Site
Hello Friends Recently I have visited where you can read all Indian Languages Newspapers without downloading their fonts. In this site you can build your on membership pages and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: pjagdishkumar.

7/3/2004 ZenDog: [Season 17/The Show] The Pilot
I’m not really ready to start work on this game yet; it was just one of those ideas that you get in a flash, then bubble about in your head,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ZenDog.

7/4/2004 Radecave le Scribouillard: [Palimpseste] Looking for a translator
I'm looking for a translator for Palimpseste, a rpg I wrote. I need someone who likes odd words. I can pay for that job...
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Radecave le Scribouillard, Kesher, GB Steve.

7/4/2004 Bob Goat: [Conspiracy of Shadows]
Hi, I'm working on the supplement for teh game that we just released Conspiracy of Shadows and one of the things I want to do is a social "combat"…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bob Goat, Jinx, Lathan, btrc.

7/5/2004 Sledgeman: [The Business] (Long) Introduction
I've been hammering away at The Business for awhile, and I've got pages and pages of random notes making up a nearly complete rpg. Only trouble is, it only makes…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sledgeman, Sydney Freedberg.

7/5/2004 jdrakeh: Formless Revised (last planned playtest file)
The revised Formless playtest file has been posted, and addresses many concerns brought to my attention by those who had a look at the first draft. This is the last…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh.

7/6/2004 Asrogoth: [God Lore]More Actions...
Well, I've been working pretty hard and have not had much time to spend on God Lore, but I've slowly but surely been adding more stuff to accomplish my goal…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Asrogoth, Mike Holmes.

7/6/2004 Deadboy: (Anarchist's Activity Book) chaos in game design
Hi, relatively new to the forge... I posted once a few months ago asking for advice on getting people interested in my past RPG projects, such as Revelation. I've also…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Deadboy, Dev, Doctor Xero, Elkin.

7/6/2004 LoreTG: [Lore: Uprising] - looking for an opinion system concepts
Hello all, The purpose of this post/thread is to attempt to get a general opinion of our upcoming release, Lore: Uprising. This in itself becomes quite a challenge due to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: LoreTG, Andrew Morris, Andrew Martin, MarktheAnimator, btrc, Sydney Freedberg.

7/7/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Superhero Punishment mechanic
I have pushed myself to get something resembling a cogent first draft of Capes up on the web. I am looking forward to another round of playtesting fairly soon. Before…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Michael S. Miller, ErrathofKosh, btrc, inky.

7/7/2004 Palaskar: Quick Question
Ok, so I'm down to the culture development phase of my setting "The Fifth Hour." What are the key areas that should be detailed for each culture? So far I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Palaskar, Jack Aidley, ErrathofKosh.

7/7/2004 Bob Bell: RoCKit: a role-playing construction kit in search of comment
Hello. I recently started work on a project to resurrect some very old rpg ideas of mine from the early 1980's and was interested in some feedback. I am new…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bob Bell, ErrathofKosh, greedo1379.

7/7/2004 sergeant_x: [Storyline] Yet another Firefly inspired RPG
This is a continuation of some work I've been doing on a Firefly inspired game focusing on character development. My initial plan was outlined here: I'm keeping an updated…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sergeant_x, jdrakeh, ErrathofKosh, Sydney Freedberg, Doyce, Juicetyger.

7/7/2004 GregS: [Valherjar] Balancing Target Numbers
Hi all, I'm new to the list (despite a few ghost-like posts) so a hello is in order first. My name is Greg Spyridis and I am with Game Monkey…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: GregS, ErrathofKosh, Thor, Sydney Freedberg, ethan_greer, btrc, Dev, Andrew Morris, Bob Bell.

7/8/2004 Zakharov: Percentile Based System Help\Question
Hey all. Long time reader, first time poster. I've been working on a little, 'relatively' easy rpg system to play around the house as an introduction to the big boys.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zakharov, Jack Aidley, MarktheAnimator, TonyLB, Zoetrope10, Bob Bell, GregS, M. J. Young, Alex Johnson.

7/9/2004 clehrich: [Shadows in the Fog / Age of Paranoia]
Hi again. Some of you may remember some previous threads about Shadows in the Fog, a while back: The first thread The next try Then Jere decided to port the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: clehrich, bluegargantua, Jere, jeffwik.

7/9/2004 jdrakeh: Formless-related Announcement (IMPORTANT)
I just wanted to clarify that, despite the misleading remark on the Fantasy Makers Industries front page (which was made without my permission or knowledge), I am self-publishing Formless. Not…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh.

7/10/2004 nidpants: [Exp. combat system] Bushido: Fast and flexible sword duels
[b]Bushido: Way of the Warrior[/b] (very working title, one is a literal translation of the other) Alright, i've been indulging in two activities recently, dangerous when mixed: creative thinking and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: nidpants, GregS, Lathan, Sledgeman, Mike Holmes.

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