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In Indie Game Design

10/22/2004 Jeph: Exposition, example of play, IIEE on the Edge of Forever
So, at the moment, the Exemplar revision is shelved along with a few complete pages, and the Dark Spell (diceless) revision is up. Right now it's at about 45 pages.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jeph, TonyLB, Chris Goodwin, JamesSterrett, Spooky Fanboy, eef.

10/22/2004 Nathan P.: [Timestream] Rules Revision
So its been tough, what with school and the ALCS (go Sox! Woooo!) to get any work done on Timestream, but I finally hacked out a full revision of the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nathan P., TonyLB, Sydney Freedberg.

10/21/2004 The_Confessor: Gothic Space Fantasy (Untitled as of yet)
So I started brainstorming on an idea for a game based on a few ideas in my head and came with an odd hodge-podge of an idea for a game.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: The_Confessor, xiombarg, TonyLB, Vaxalon, scobie, zephyr_cirrus.

10/20/2004 jphannil: Different storytelling rpg
Hi all forgers ! First a little background, I have been building my own rpg called Chaos & Order for some time now, and when thinking about playing styles I've…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jphannil, Trevis Martin.

10/20/2004 aplath: Spinoff from Pretender/Otherkind
Hello all, I've been lurking here in the Forge for a while and finally the bug got me and I started my own little game design. :-) It is really…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: aplath, Emily Care.

10/20/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Polishing
This thread in reference to Capes. An earlier revision is available for perusal, as well as development threads here, here, here, here, here and here. The Big Playtest has completed.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, LordSmerf, Sydney Freedberg, Doug Ruff, efindel.

10/20/2004 oversoul01: An idea for a diceless system (Kinda Long)
I have been wanting to do a "diceless" system for sometime now. But I wanted to definately finish version 2 of Dice Chucker befroe I began a new project. What…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: oversoul01, Shreyas Sampat.

10/19/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Genetisys] Monster combat- work for genre?
[url=][Genetisys]"File off Serial Numbers" or originality?[/url] First post up there. Run Down: Monster Battling, just like all of the sickeningly sweet Pikachu anime out there, but with a little more…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Shreyas Sampat.

10/18/2004 Factor 8: The Kingdom of Loathing ~
To my surprise, I can't find any posts about this online game " The Kingdom of Loathing " If you haven't checked this out yet, well .... maybe you…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Factor 8, daMoose_Neo, greyorm.

10/17/2004 WyldKarde: The Miscreant Engine (more - split)
Surprising how many people still read this thread. I've been approached by people off and on for a few months now on the status of this project. Most seem to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: WyldKarde, aganauton, Ron Edwards, Ravien, Roger, Jeph, TomteOfDoom, RedShogun.

10/17/2004 Cmonkey: How do you feel about formulas in games?
Something like so: (1x + 2y + 3z)/5 Although I've presented it in an algebra-like fashion here, the letters would be real numbers in practice, possibly an attribute level or…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Cmonkey, sirogit, Halzebier, Mark Johnson, kwill, Ron Edwards, daMoose_Neo, Brother Adso, ragnar.

10/17/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Recycling Events
Back in Social Resolution Mechanics we gave the idea of session-long Complications (Issues) a really thorough working over, and reluctantly concluded that we couldn't see a straightforward way to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Doug Ruff, LordSmerf.

10/16/2004 oversoul01: [Dice Chucker]- Version 2 is posted for download
Well the 2nd incarnation of Dice Chucker is finished. I made some big changes over the entire thing. First I did some small changes in the basic system. I felt…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: oversoul01.

10/16/2004 Sydney Freedberg: [GroupDesign] - Mix Your Own Metaplot
[i]Preamble: This thread is a sister thread to [url=]GroupDesign: Advanced Archivism[/url], dedicated to figuring out how to play an entire campaign in the setting and situation thrashed out in the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sydney Freedberg, Andrew Morris, contracycle, Tobias, TonyLB, daMoose_Neo, Doug Ruff, Michael Brazier, Dumirik.

10/16/2004 Sydney Freedberg: [GroupDesign] - Advanced Archivism
[i]Preamble: This thread is a sister thread to [url=]GroupDesign: Mix Your Own Metaplot[/url], dedicated to refining the concept of Archivists as laid out in the earlier Groupdesign threads [url=]Setting &…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sydney Freedberg, Doug Ruff, Andrew Morris, TonyLB, contracycle, Tobias, Dumirik, mholmes52, Michael Brazier, daMoose_Neo, Spooky Fanboy.

10/15/2004 Brother Adso: White Noise: The Galaxy of Man
[i] "Do you have any idea how many 900 billion is? That many people, and all their aspirations, history, politics, and religion amount to is white noise. They cancel each…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Brother Adso, Dev, Vaxalon, Technocrat13, Paul Czege, Matt Wilson, Mark Woodhouse, Sydney Freedberg, anonymouse, John Harper, Grex, TonyLB.

10/14/2004 Jediblack: Traits list
Hi guys and gals, does anyone know where I can get a very very large traits list? Abilities, attributes, powers, geek stuff... I know that there's one out there! But…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jediblack, salkaner.

10/13/2004 Green: [Kathanaksaya] Encouraging use of character elements
This is a sort of split from the punitive mechanics thread I started, but since this post will go in a different direction, I think a new thread is appropriate.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Green, Shreyas Sampat.

10/13/2004 sirogit: Luminaires(Tentative title)
I wasn't quite sure if this is 100% fit for Game Design, as the game is by and large, a specific mechanic, but anywho... The game's principlly about a different…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: sirogit, Shreyas Sampat, Mike Holmes.

10/13/2004 ragnar: [Ragnar's RPG] - Start of a generic rpg....
Firstly, the title of this game system is very much a working title. It's just there to distinguish it from other yet to be named systems (i.e. it's better than…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ragnar, TonyLB, Ben Lehman, salkaner, Tomas HVM.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

10/24/2004 gobi: [Freak High] Second Draft
Let me start off by apologizing for my lengthy absence from the community. I've been gone for several months because of various RL reasons. Now that things are settled, I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: gobi, Nathan P., Psuedopod, darthblevis, Dev, Shreyas Sampat.

10/24/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Dungeons/Dummies] Mechanic brainstorm
Let me run this through: 1) Read this thread last night: The Try/Fail Sequence as a Mechanic 2) Went to bed right afterword, part of it sticking in my brain.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo, jerry.

10/24/2004 Psuedopod: Dark, low-power space opera
Hello, everyone. I'm kind of new here, and I guess I'd like some advice on the game I'm developing. It's an idea I've been working on for some time... The…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Psuedopod, darthblevis, Matt Wilson, Vaxalon, Roger, Dev, greedo1379, Walt Freitag.

10/26/2004 Tobias: [GroupDesign] Thread Index and progress
This thread cataloges the different posts in the GroupDesign effort - a design effort by several people from the forge, on the forge. Purpose of this thread is ease of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias, Andrew Morris, Sydney Freedberg.

10/27/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Tropes or no Tropes
In the Polishing thread, Frankly, since chain-reactions of "no, I trope that" was such a big part of the fun in playtest -- and such a powerful form…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Sydney Freedberg, LordSmerf, Doug Ruff, Eamon, efindel.

10/29/2004 Blankshield: [Death's Door] Social contract guidance
See a summary of the game in this thread. In this thread, I want to talk about social contract setup for Death's Door. In the quote box is the extant…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Blankshield.

10/30/2004 Suvordaeus: LoserQuest: Slowly destroying all tolerance for others.
Hello, everyone. I'm pretty new here, but I have lurked on the boards for a little while. Anyways, I have created a system (see signature) and I'm working on a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Suvordaeus, Robin Hood, contracycle, Blankshield, Miskatonic.

10/30/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Thread Index
Capes, a superhero game with heart, is an ongoing, almost completed, project in "Game Design Theater in the Round". From nigh on its earliest beginnings the game has developed right…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB.

10/31/2004 Tav_Behemoth: [Masters and Minions] Statement of Intent
This is from a draft of the intro of Horde Book 3. Comments appreciated. ---------- WHAT IS MASTERS AND MINIONS? It’s 2004, and the children of fantasy roleplaying are thirty…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, abzu.

11/2/2004 Chris Goodwin: Special: the RPG
This is something I've been working on recently. I feel like I'm opening up my aorta and letting it drain into this posting (sorry for the imagery, folks) but I'm…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Chris Goodwin, Tomas HVM, TonyLB, Nathan P., Sydney Freedberg, Dangerboy, Spooky Fanboy, Rick James, daMoose_Neo.

11/2/2004 Dangerboy: [The Myan Hotel] Monster encounter mechanic
Hello, Everyone. I'm trying to find a way to generate monsters for a horror game I'm designing. The layout of the game is that one player (the GM) controls the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dangerboy, TonyLB, Vaxalon, daMoose_Neo, GregS, zephyr_cirrus, Mike Holmes, Thor.

11/2/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Dunegons/Dummies]Rough Draft 1: The Imps
After playing around with some mechanics, I think I have the D/D basics down! Players roll 2d6 less than a Target Number, which starts for ALL challenges at 2. By…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo, KeithBVaughn, Tobias.

11/5/2004 RobMuadib: T:COTEC - Accuracy, How to calculate a Value
Hello people Yes I am still working on my game. (Currently titled Teramyr: Chronicles of the Eternal Cycle) Currently I am tweaking details of combat and one that's got me…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: RobMuadib, Mike Holmes, Roger, eef, Passer by.

11/6/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Dungeons/Dummies] Dungeon Design 101
[url=][Dunegons/Dummies]Rough Draft 1: The Imps[/url] Fairly comfortable with the way the Imps and basic play as them are handled, tis time to turn attention to one of the other core…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Nathan P., Walt Freitag, Tobias.

11/7/2004 Simon W: It's a Dog's Life goes Anthropomorphic!
Okay, this isn't artwork for It's a Dog's Life 2nd Edition, but the artist (Alfredo Lopez Jr.) was inspired by my game to come up with this Now, this…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Simon W, timfire, madelf, Nathan P., Atilary, Dumirik, GregS, Sydney Freedberg.

11/7/2004 Veritas Games: Combinatorics: Categorized Point-Based Costing Models
I've found that often point-based architectures for character creation sometimes break down because they don't take into account vast synergy between certain powers. Some of that can be taken into…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Veritas Games, TonyLB, Precious Villain, Ron Edwards, GregS, ZeOtter, Nathan P..

11/9/2004 GreedIsGod: As-Yet-Unnamed-Game [Fantasy]
I am working (mainly a collection of ideas, as I do all my thinking at work without access to a pen and pad) on a game setting (no thought given…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: GreedIsGod, Shreyas Sampat, Cmonkey, contracycle, Rob Carriere, lumpley, daMoose_Neo, Valamir, abzu, apparition13, gruk, Ron Edwards, raithe, Ben Lehman, Eero Tuovinen, Wheeler, greedo1379.

11/9/2004 Tobias: [GroupDesign] Schrodinger's war: Feel of Play
Ladies in Gentlemen, this thread is about why the GroupDesign game Schrodinger's War is cool. What does it feel like to play? For instance, why are all you contributing? What…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias, daMoose_Neo, Sydney Freedberg, Nathan P., Andrew Morris, hix, contracycle, Doug Ruff, TonyLB, Dumirik, BlueDanube.

11/9/2004 Tobias: [GroupDesign] Schrodinger's war: Nailing Axes
Ladies and Gentlemen, This is a thread in the GroupDesign series, focusing on nailing the 'Axes' (the scales in the balance in Schrodinger's war.) A lot has been said on…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias, Andrew Morris, Sydney Freedberg, Nathan P., Michael Brazier, Doug Ruff, TonyLB, Dumirik, mholmes52, contracycle, daMoose_Neo.

11/9/2004 Tobias: [GroupDesign] Schrodinger's war: Nailing HTT and GL
Ladies & Gentlemen, Don't you just love abbreviations? ;) HTT stands for the 'Human Time Tunnel' - a view of human history that's at the core of how SW sees…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias, Andrew Morris, Michael Brazier, Dumirik, Sydney Freedberg, contracycle, Doug Ruff, BlueDanube, daMoose_Neo.

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