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In The Riddle of Steel

2/11/2003 arxhon: Retired gamer brought back to the fray! Thanks, Mr. Norwood!
I have been out of general circulation for rpg's pretty much since White Wolf released Mage, except for a few months here and there playing WFRP, and a few rather…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: arxhon, Jake Norwood, GreatWolf, OriginalFlash, Spartan.

2/11/2003 Ashren Va'Hale: weapon stats
any ideas for the stats on the the ahlspiel, the flemish gudentag, the large messer and the hammer and spike of the pole axe?
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ashren Va'Hale, Mordacc, Shadeling, Jeffrey Straszheim.

2/8/2003 Thorsten: How long will it take to Germany?
How long will it take to get TROS to Germany? My FNLGS awaits it march at best or april?
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Thorsten, Jake Norwood, Jürgen Mayer.

2/10/2003 Shadeling: TROS Supers?
Well I am not insane. While thinking on my Wuxia TROS, this idea hit me like a Dopplehander. TROS Supers. I have always been a fan of the gritty...and a…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Shadeling, Mordacc, Clinton R. Nixon, RN3G8 4E.

2/10/2003 murazor: Armour piercing (and another thing)
Hello all. I have now bought, read and digested The Riddle of Steel, though I have yet to test it. Nevertheless, I have a few questions. What is the advantage…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: murazor, Paka, Valamir, toli, Jake Norwood, Irmo, Aaron.

2/10/2003 Mordacc: Statistics for Guns
Im thinking about a mordern campaign for TRoS and im wondering if these statistics for a few guns are realistic/workable. Pistols .45 4 rounds prep time. Refresh begins once one…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Mordacc, Brian Leybourne, Mokkurkalfe, Shadeling, prophet118, Ace.

2/10/2003 Irmo: THE 2002 INDIE RPG AWARDS
Jake, I can't see TROS among the registered games. Any reason other than you not getting to do it?
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Irmo, Jake Norwood, Brian Leybourne.

2/9/2003 Mordacc: Possible TRoS Campaign Worlds
Id like to compile a list of either fictional worlds or real world themes for a ROS campaign setting. FIctional ones would be things like Conan, based in a complete…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Mordacc, Mokkurkalfe, werewolf, TAROT, JESTER, Enoch, spunky, toli, murazor, Brian Leybourne, arxhon, Jake Norwood, Paka, Vanguard, jafuli, Shadeling, tauman, John Resotko.

2/8/2003 Jaeger: Harder than it looks????
Based on what was said in the recent SA thread I felt an exchange of ideas of what one considers adequate preparation for running a TROS campaign. Personally, I like…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jaeger, prophet118, Bankuei, arxhon.

2/7/2003 Michael Tree: TROS Star Wars
I've had an urge to run a mostly-Jedi star wars campaign for a while now, and I'm coming to believe that TROS may just be the best system for it,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Michael Tree, Shadeling, Brian Leybourne, Jake Norwood, RN3G8 4E, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Stephen, szilard, Matt Wilson, Bob Richter.

2/7/2003 Mordacc: Maryland Players Anywhere?
Well I finished my first mini-campaign as Gm and I have to say it was quite an experience. THere were three players, and they all got very inot the…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Mordacc, Michael Tree, Ashren Va'Hale, Shreyas Sampat, wpbarr, Valamir, Thalaxis.

2/7/2003 Paka: SA Question
Okay, the character is about to get into combat with his arch-nemesis who stepped on his puppy and slapped his father around. He spends his Passion - Hatred of vile…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Paka, Bankuei, Shadeling, Ashren Va'Hale, Jake Norwood, Brian Leybourne.

2/6/2003 Mordacc: Spiritual Attributes
One question i have about spiritual attributes is what happens when they are spent? Lets say that Bob has 2 Drive, 2 Passion, and 3 Destiny. Over the course of…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Mordacc, Brian Leybourne, Jim DelRosso, Ville, Stephen, Ron Edwards, Ashren Va'Hale, Valamir.

2/6/2003 Mordacc: House Rules
Im new to these forums so sorry about clogging them up with all my posts but Im pretty much in love with TRoS since i picked it up so im…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Mordacc, Brian Leybourne, Bob Richter, Michael Tree, Valamir.

2/6/2003 Mordacc: Alternate Advancement Rules
Ever since i switched from DnD to TRoS, all of the flaws of DnD have become more and more apparent to me. Now I cant put down TRoS. However, one…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Mordacc, Brian Leybourne, Bob Richter, szilard, Valamir.

2/5/2003 Mordacc: What do you think the Riddle is?
What do you think the Riddle of Steel is? I think it is that your mind and you are the most dangerous weapon and that Magic and weapons are only…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Mordacc, Jim DelRosso, Stephen, Brian Leybourne, Bob Richter, Ron Edwards, Darth Tang, Fallen_Icarus, John Resotko, Jake Norwood.

2/5/2003 sirjaguar: Weapon advantage transition
In TROS it states that the weapon length advantage switches once the smaller weapon has dealt a damaging blow. Let's say Joe has a dagger and Mike has a spear…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: sirjaguar, Mokkurkalfe, Jake Norwood, Irmo, Brian Leybourne.

2/4/2003 Jim DelRosso: The footman's pick and attack zones
I was playing around with the combat simulator, and decided to try out a footman's pick (I'd had such fun taking Max Steele apart with a morning star, I just…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jim DelRosso, Shadeling, Brian Leybourne, 655321.

2/4/2003 RN3G8 4E: Who Wants to Play?
Well, I've pretty much finished reading the book, and I'm creating a character... but who can I play with? I'm in the Provo, BYU area.
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: RN3G8 4E, Shadeling, Mike Holmes.

2/4/2003 Michael Tree: Making combat less lethal
I havn't bought the Riddle of Steel yet, but I love what I've seen in the quickstart rules and reviews I've read. Duels have always been the form of combat…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Michael Tree, Shadeling, Jake Norwood, Mike Holmes, Stephen, Paka, Valamir, Ashren Va'Hale.

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In The Riddle of Steel

2/12/2003 Darth Tang: Fighting nets
Still working on my application of RoS to the War Hammer world. Now, the Goblins, among others, use nets. Good idea, think it'll prove interesting. Problem is, how to apply…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Darth Tang, Jake Norwood, Shadeling, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Brian Leybourne.

2/12/2003 Fallen_Icarus: Lefthandedness
Excuse me if this has been covered in a previous thread. As you can see I am new to the forum. I've been playing a very by the book adventure…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Fallen_Icarus, Shadeling, TAROT, Mike Holmes, deltadave, Valamir, Jake Norwood, Brian Leybourne, arxhon, Bob McNamee, prophet118, spunky.

2/13/2003 Noon: G'day G'day, a few Q's
Heya all, I've run some of these through the search engine here already. Didn't find much so I thought I'd ask. Scuse me if I screw up some terms, just…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Noon, Brian Leybourne, Jake Norwood, Ashren Va'Hale.

2/13/2003 Aaron: Spoiler?
Any chance or a spoiler on the pack animal rules? I was almost embarresed when I set a couple of war dogs on my guys. Looking at their stats they…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Aaron, Brian Leybourne, Valamir.

2/13/2003 Mordacc: A Question about damage
Ok, i have some questions on damage. First, in the appendix it will say for some weapons that it has a damage of, say, ST + 2c. Now i take…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Mordacc, Brian Leybourne, Jake Norwood, Valamir, Noon, arxhon, Fallen_Icarus, Ashren Va'Hale.

2/13/2003 Shadeling: There is a Quickstart Review on RPGnet
I just saw it!
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Shadeling, Stephen, Irmo, Blake Hutchins, wpbarr, arxhon, Noon.

2/13/2003 Ben Lehman: Thoughts on RoS mass combat
I don't know if Brian Gleichman is a dirty name around here (he has said some mean and nasty things about RoS) but I have just been reading his articles…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ben Lehman, toli, Brian Leybourne, Darth Tang, arxhon, Noon, Jake Norwood, Calder, svenlein, Bob Richter, Wolfen, Nick Pagnucco.

2/13/2003 Bankuei: Manuever Mods...
Ok, so here's some modified and new manuevers... most have been simplified or are not very different from the book. Bash/Bind/Check/Toss/Weapon Hooking/Expulsion Gamewise, all these things are basically either distracting…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Bankuei, Aaron, arxhon, Jake Norwood, Brian Leybourne.

2/13/2003 Fallen_Icarus: Glamour as a physical force
On page 107, under the heading of Glamour lvl 2, it mentions that the illusion can be made solid but lacking real sound or tactile componants. In one of my…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Fallen_Icarus, Bob Richter, Shadeling, Brian Leybourne.

2/14/2003 Darth Tang: Weapon images (Pole Arms)
Its important to give players a visual image of what their gear looks like. In my current campaign, I have the Janes pocket books so players can see. One of…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Darth Tang, Mike Holmes, Michael Tree, Jake Norwood, Shadeling, arxhon.

2/14/2003 Darth Tang: War pick
I haven't been able to find an illustration of this in any of my books on period weapons. I'm extremely hesitant to include a weapon for which I've no reliable…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Darth Tang, Shadeling, Irmo, Salamander.

2/14/2003 Eldrad: Hey new to the game!
Just wanted to say hi! I am very impressed so far by tRoS! I read the back of the book and looked through it a few weeks ago. I could…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Eldrad, Brian Leybourne, Jake Norwood, Noon, arxhon, Shadeling, Spartan, Rattlehead.

2/14/2003 Jake Norwood: Life, the Universe, and Everything (con)
This weekend at BYU (my local University) there's a Sci-fi/Fantasy Symposium. It's where I ran the second-ever demo of TROS last year with great success. Anyway, our own Seth (Ashren…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jake Norwood, Ashren Va'Hale, RN3G8 4E.

2/14/2003 arxhon: Now that I have it, my thoughts.
Well, I've had the mainbook for a couple of days now, and read it from cover to cover (including acknowledgements and the index). The combat system is all i hoped…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: arxhon, Valamir, Shadeling, Michael Tree, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood.

2/14/2003 Matt Wilson: wound effects
Do wounds affect rolls like reflex tests? We were playing last night and only found evidence that wounds affect combat pools. Seems sensible that a character would be less quick…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Matt Wilson, Fallen_Icarus, Bankuei, Shadeling, Jake Norwood.

2/15/2003 arxhon: The assorted moons
What are the various colors of the moons? Do they have Imperial names? Or can i just make up my own stuff....e.g. One of each color of the rainbow except…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: arxhon, Jake Norwood, Ashren Va'Hale.

2/16/2003 Vanguard: People's games
This being such a recent game, and having only played a few sessions so far, I'd love to hear how the system has worked for other people - what kinda…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Vanguard, arxhon, Darth Tang.

2/16/2003 Paka: Riddle of the Dark Sun
Okay, some day I'd love to run Planescape with the Riddle but right now I am intrigued with Riddling the ole boxed set, Dark Sun. I'll have to tinker with…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Paka, prophet118, arxhon, Drew Stevens, Clinton R. Nixon, Michael Tree.

2/16/2003 Darth Tang: RoS: When Pets Attack
OK, animal attacks (and non-humaniod monsters, for that matter): what sort of manuvers are you working up for them? Leaping? Dart to hamstring? Or is it simply Jump & Bite?…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Darth Tang, Brian Leybourne, b_bankhead, Jake Norwood.

2/16/2003 Mordacc: Campaigns
My friend is going to run his first ROS campaign and he will be GMing me in a solo game. Hes having some trouble with adventure ideas and we were…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Mordacc, Jake Norwood, Russell Hoyle, arxhon, Mike Holmes.

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