Previous Topics In The Riddle of Steel 12/17/2003 Caz: Rapid fire This is for interested in modern/futuristic ballistic firearms in TROS.
I've been doing it differently, but I tried this recently for rapid fire rules and I'd like to know what… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Caz, Jake Norwood, Ingenious, LordSmerf, Brian Leybourne, deltadave, Wolfen.
12/17/2003 Malechi: TFOB I can't seem to find any reference to an updated release date for TFoB anywhere. Any clues on its whereabouts?
Jason In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Malechi, Draigh, Brian Leybourne.
12/15/2003 johnmarron: TRoS for Middle Earth anyone actually done it? Hi all,
I'm sure this has come up in the forum before, but I wasn't able to locate any discussion of it using the search function. Has anyone actually run… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: johnmarron, Durgil, Bogie_71, Mike Holmes, Bastoche, kenjib, BirdMan, Blake Hutchins, Valamir, Gary_Bingham, Ingenious, Wolfen, Brian Leybourne, Farlon.
12/15/2003 Gary_Bingham: Riddle Of The Spice Guys,
I am preparing to run a game for my regular group set in Frank Herbert's Dune background. I love this background and I would not be the first person… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Gary_Bingham, Mike Holmes, Bob McNamee, Lxndr, Paka, Caz, GaGrin, Valamir, contracycle, Vanguard, Alan.
12/15/2003 Dev: Using TROS in CRPGs Watching my friend play the new CRPG Disgaea (for, like, 12 straight hours), I realized yet again that most CRPGs use a whole lot of D&D baggage - i.e. levels,… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Dev, sirogit, MachMoth, Jake Norwood, Caz, kenjib, Mokkurkalfe, Krammer, GaGrin, Ingenious, Wolfen, Brian Leybourne, Thanaeon, Noon.
12/14/2003 Paka: Unlock the Wordhoard - New Gift [u][b]Unlock the Wordhoard (Major and Minor)[/b][/u]
Characters with this Gift are able to stand before men and women before a conflict and rouse them with words, stirring them to new… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Paka, StahlMeister, Caz, Jake Norwood, Ingenious, toli.
12/14/2003 Ian.Plumb: Compulsory SAs for Characters Hi,
SAs are an interesting idea that really do have the capacity to reinforce role-playing through in-game benefits. A really great design idea.
I have a couple of questions that… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ian.Plumb, Ingenious, ZazielsRephaim, Brian Leybourne, Jake Norwood.
12/12/2003 Paka: Chat Room Gaming the Riddle As my gaming buddies become more and more scattered around the globe we have begun to look into ways to continue gaming together.
I've downloaded the free software off of… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Paka, Wolfen, Mikaboshi.
12/11/2003 sirogit: "Soul"s attached to spiritual attribuites An idea I had for how to treat "souls" in TROS, espicially with an eastern setting, would be that spiritual attribuites are tied to them, I.E, if a person is… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: sirogit, Brian Leybourne, Ingenious, Krammer, Jasper the Mimbo, Wolfen.
12/10/2003 Jake Norwood: Slightly OT: Jake in New Orleans The Association for Renaissance Martial Arts is holding a massive event in New Orleans Feb 28 and 29, and I'll be there to teach a class or three. It's an… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Salamander, Valamir.
12/9/2003 MachMoth: TROS: Tanks, Guns, and Giant Robots. Split from TROS mechanic (split):
Yeah, I get off track way too easily.
Anyways, everyone's talkin' about making TROS in space, and I was wondering how capable it would… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: MachMoth, LordSmerf, Wolfen, Caz, Draigh, Krammer, Ingenious, Harlequin, Mechavomit, Melkor.
12/9/2003 Mikaboshi: Online TROS game. Hey first post to this forum but have been lurking and reading it for a week or two now.
First off I would like to thank Jake for writing the… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Mikaboshi, kenjib, Paka, Trevis Martin, Wolfen, November Kilo, Half-Baked, Krammer.
12/9/2003 JSB: problems with TROS software In general, I like them and they are useful. However, I found some problems.
They didn't install correctly. I use a double partition, with winME and win2k. I attempted to… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: JSB, Brian Leybourne, Richard_Strey, kenjib, Mike Holmes, Thanaeon.
12/8/2003 Ashren Va'Hale: anti climactic endings I have found that what makes a good climactic battle in tros is not thelength but the setting and sa's, the fights themselves tend to be less flashy and moreanti… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ashren Va'Hale, Brian Leybourne, Draigh, Wolfen, Jake Norwood, Jasper the Mimbo.
12/8/2003 Anthony I: Starting New Players This is split off from Manuver Declarations During Combat thread as it is off-topic for that post. This is in response to:
It's a really slick and elegent system,… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Anthony I, Ashren Va'Hale, Brian Leybourne, Wolfen.
12/8/2003 thomcat: Dur Garon's battleaxe Picked up the game, both books, on strength of reviews and nominations.
To demonstrate combat, I pulled "Dur Garon" and "Tiberius Damarisk" from the OBAM "Rouges' Gallery", and they battled… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: thomcat, Ashren Va'Hale, Brian Leybourne, Wolfen.
12/8/2003 Krammer: General Stupidity (split) Recently, we were on a boat, and one of our characters was in the crows nest. there were some people below the deck coming after us, with the intent of… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Krammer, Brian Leybourne, Ithron, Ingenious, Paka, The big blue ape.
12/8/2003 Shadeling: Hello to All Hello to all. Been a while since I have posted...been laying low. Of course there was that 2 week period of evacuation due to the california wildfires, but I am… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Shadeling, Brian Leybourne.
12/8/2003 Charles Smith: TROS Historical Style Guys (and gals!)~
I'm not too new here, but I hardly ever post, so technically I'm new at this. Go easy on me :)
I've owned the game (TROS) pretty… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Charles Smith, Jake Norwood, Ingenious, Wolfen, Brian Leybourne, Mechavomit, contracycle, Jeda, Sneaky Git, Malechi.
12/7/2003 Krammer: Looking for people Out of curiosity, I would like to know if there are any people in the Davis county, Utah area that play TRoS (aside from those I know about)
It would… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Krammer, Rico.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In The Riddle of Steel 12/19/2003 Ingenious: TROS in WW1 It was the war to end all wars. I think. *shrug*
Anyways, I bought this topic up becase A. nobody's done a WW1 post before I dont think, unless my… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ingenious, Caz, Jake Norwood, Mike Holmes.
12/19/2003 sirogit: Looking for an live-online game of TROS As my plans to gm a face-to-face game in the near future have been derailed, I was thinking that it would be a good expiereince to be a player in… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: sirogit, Half-Baked.
12/19/2003 Rico: New way of caulculating damage This problem first came up when I was seneschal for a dwarf with a hammer. The dwarf was using the puncture side of his hammer and attacked a guy at… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Rico, Brian Leybourne, Mike Holmes, demiurgeastaroth, Ashren Va'Hale.
12/21/2003 chade0: about Brian's Damage Table Program Brian,
Thanks for this very useful and handy program you've coded! It really makes Senechal's work easier (assuming you have a laptop).
Now, a question and suggestion, have you ever… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: chade0, Wolfen, Brian Leybourne.
12/22/2003 Malechi: Katanapunk! Website Hey there,
Some of you may remember a project I started working on called Katanapunk! Its been a while but thanks to my 12 week uni holiday which started a… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Malechi.
12/22/2003 Stephen: Towards a hypothetical 2nd (3rd?) Edition.... Strictly speaking, the big brown hardback shipped to stores in '02 is the Second Edition, but for most of us it was the first one we saw. So I'm not… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Stephen, Jaeger, Wolfen, Ashren Va'Hale, Ingenious, Krammer, contracycle, Paka, Poleaxe, Tywin Lannister, Thanaeon, bcook1971, Jake Norwood, kenjib, Deacon Blues.
12/23/2003 Jaeger: Monsters in TROS = UFO's in real world... The way I and an associate have taken to running our games we tend to make human antagonists the main bad guys, with little to no magic in our campaigns.… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jaeger, Ashren Va'Hale, Mike Holmes, kenjib, Jake Norwood, Wolfen, Lxndr, Ingenious, contracycle, Crusader, Ian Charvill, Salamander.
12/23/2003 Ashren Va'Hale: new flaw I was thinking Debt would be a cool flaw. Basically a character owes someone some money.
You could vary the amount and to whom with the severity of the flaw.… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ashren Va'Hale, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood, Wolfen, Ingenious, Krammer, Jaif, Paka.
12/23/2003 Alan: Evasion, Attack, and Sorcery Somewhere I got the idea that it was possible to allocate dice to Duck & Weave or Dodge even when you're attacking. Is this true?
Also, can you cast an… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Alan, Jake Norwood, Ashren Va'Hale, Brian Leybourne.
12/23/2003 AnyaTheBlue: Magic fiddling Okay.
I know the lightspeed rock has come up before, so I'm not going to go back over that again. Suffice it to say that this post is in a… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: AnyaTheBlue, kenjib, Jake Norwood, Wolfen, Deacon Blues.
12/23/2003 Noon: Okay, I just touch you explode. Just idling through the TROS book recently and thinking about something which I think is usually off kilter in most 'more successes equals more damage'.
And that is that even… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Noon, Ashren Va'Hale, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Jaif, Deacon Blues, Ingenious, spacedragon, failrate, kenjib, Anthony I, Wolfen.
12/24/2003 Caz: Firearms stuff Hey everybody, I've gotten some things accomplished.
I've compiled and organized my designs for rules and stats for firearms and other ranged weapons.
I've got the rules, a basic list… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Caz, Jake Norwood.
12/24/2003 sirogit: The Riddle of Death; The development of my rules on Spirits Here's what I have currently developed as rules for ghosts and other unattached spirits. I'd like to thank everyone in the previous thread for shaping my ideas to a degree.… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: sirogit, Ingenious, Balbinus, Wolfen, Clinton R. Nixon.
12/24/2003 Brian Leybourne: Wayyy OT Merry Christmas all. I hope you have a great, and safe holiday.
No, I'm not early. It's Christmas here. You're all just behind the times :-)
Brian. In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Brian Leybourne, Ingenious, Wolfen, Krammer.
12/26/2003 Crusader: differing types of plate armour While I suspect that something like this may be covered in TFOB, I keenly feel the need to ask anyway...
I notice that the core book mentions on page 203… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Crusader, Caz, Ingenious, Jaeger, Salamander, contracycle, Durgil, toli, Poleaxe, Brian Leybourne.
12/26/2003 Feugan: Spies and Spy equipment Hey all,
I will soon be hosting a game with four players and I am putting them through a series of adventures that are basically Tom Clancy covert ops in… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Feugan, Ingenious, Bob McNamee, Caz, Salamander.
12/27/2003 sirogit: Spiritual Attribuites for NPCs? One thing I didn't really get from the book was, do you normally "allow"/make NPCs to have spiritual attribuites?
I can see a few reasons against it, such as
1)Spiritual… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: sirogit, Ashren Va'Hale, Jake Norwood, StahlMeister.
12/28/2003 Hugin: Magic Swords done right I've been wondering about those intelligent magic swords once so popular in D&D that never actually really worked because the only way the DM could influence the player was to… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Hugin, Ingenious, Jake Norwood, Brian Leybourne, MonkeyWrench, ZazielsRephaim, Wolfen, Jaif, tauman, AnyaTheBlue.
12/28/2003 Ian.Plumb: Demonic Possession Hi,
I'm in the midst of writing a small scenario that involves one of the player characters becoming possessed by a demon. I intend handling this through the character's SAs.… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ian.Plumb, Ingenious, Bob McNamee.
12/28/2003 RexGator: Questions on hit locations To All
Ran my first TROS combat demo yesterday for my friends. I had whipped up some pre-generated characters for the purpose of the demo. I had failed to provide… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: RexGator, Noon, Jake Norwood.
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