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In The Riddle of Steel

2/20/2004 Matt Wilson: some confusion on dodging missiles
In last night's game, my character was generating missile pool to nail some guy with a thrown knife, and the guy actually launched a knife in return. So the rules…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Matt Wilson, Wolfen, Valamir, John Harper, Brian Leybourne, kenjib, Alan, Jake Norwood, Ben Lehman, Overdrive.

2/20/2004 Malechi: Dice, exploding...
No not that kind of exploding...and in fact I'm not sure if thats the right word. Something came up last session regarding dice rolling and its been annoying me ever…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Malechi, [MKF]Kapten, Brian Leybourne, Wolfen.

2/20/2004 Lithos: An entirely gameplay unrelated piece of praise for TRoS.
The binding.. it's a bloody well bound book! I've had my copy for months, and it's received a heap of use and abuse, and it's sturdy as the day I…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Lithos, Bob Richter, Wolfen, Drifter Bob, Jake Norwood.

2/20/2004 bergh: Armor and the test character on page 25
Armor and the test character on page 25 This guy haves full suit chain, ok this gives AV4 and -2CPM this is fine, not this guy have a Cheat Plate…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, [MKF]Kapten, Malechi, Wolfen.

2/20/2004 Malechi: Supplements...TTC
Hey there guys, With the recent thread on Mini-supplements I became curious again about the state of the official supplements. After going over some (very) old threads I found discussion…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Malechi, Edge, Brian Leybourne, Lithos, Jake Norwood.

2/19/2004 johnmarron: Why 39?
This is something that bugs me every time I read through the TRoS book. What was the design rationale behind the numbers of attribute points gained at each priority level…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: johnmarron, Mokkurkalfe, Lxndr, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, Jake Norwood, Ingenious.

2/19/2004 bergh: MasterScreen and TROS
Hi everyone, i can see that TROS homepage has ALOT downloaded for this masterScreen thingy! but the page: is closed, and i can see that this where the masterscreen…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, Valamir, Jake Norwood, Wolfen.

2/19/2004 Edge: Weyrth Specific Supplements??
Hey Just a quick question. I know there is TFOB coming out and the Japan sourcebook, but are there any Weyrth specific supplements planned or is anyone looking at doing…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Edge, Tywin Lannister.

2/18/2004 daagon: What about Chinese!?
Don't get me wrong cos I love Japanese history and all about samurais and all that... but what about chinese weaponry? I understand that a Japan sourcebook will be coming…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: daagon, kenjib, Malechi, Jake Norwood, Edge, Bankuei, Brian Leybourne, Ben Lehman, Jonathan Walton, Wolfen, MrGeneHa, Kaelin, clehrich.

2/18/2004 [MKF]Kapten: A thought about bow damage
I have considered switching out a lot of damage from the bows to armor piercing instead of damage. The reason is that when I looked at the longbow I saw…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: [MKF]Kapten, Poleaxe, Hereward The Wake, deltadave, Drifter Bob, Bob Richter.

2/18/2004 bergh: half-swording and doppelhander question
Q: Why are there fixed ATN & DTN for halfswording? , somehow a longsword and a Doppelhander, is now equal in hitting, but the doppelhander just gives more damage. weird......…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, Jake Norwood, Muggins.

2/18/2004 bergh: Realism in TROS
Hi Thanks for a great game. I think the combat is highly realistic, and fun, i hate D&D bashing and hitpoints. This is what i see all to often in…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, ZazielsRephaim, Muggins, Brian Leybourne, [MKF]Kapten, Salamander, Poleaxe, Jake Norwood, Crusader, Ben Lehman, Ingenious.

2/18/2004 bergh: Are bows and crossbows to weak?
Generaly I think that Long bows and crossbows are to weak, in real life, a longbow would go through a full plate armour and kill the person inside it, somehow…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, Salamander, Valamir, Andrew Mure, Muggins, Poleaxe, [MKF]Kapten, Hereward The Wake, Crusader, Drifter Bob.

2/18/2004 Malechi: Magical Item - Covenant Item rules
hey there, while converting the Midnight setting for TROS I came across their Covenant Items which I thought were pretty nifty, even for d20. Basically its a magic item that…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Malechi, Ingenious.

2/17/2004 Drifter Bob: The Free City
Can anyone tell me anything about the Free City shown on the map between the Seat and Fauth...? I was wondering if it was meant to be anything like Venice...?…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Drifter Bob, StahlMeister, Lxndr.

2/17/2004 Stephen: A variant sorcery system (with recognizeable influence....)
A suggested alternate magic system for worlds with a slightly different flavour – ones where magic can be more visible and more chaotic, though just as deadly and dangerous. This…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Stephen, Thanaeon, BirdMan, Lxndr, kanseg, The Heretic.

2/17/2004 Caz: TROS Psionics
Here's sort of a rough draft for an idea for a psionics system. I'm desperately trying to keep it very simple. Race priority B as usual. If someone is psionic,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Caz, Ingenious.

2/17/2004 Jaeger: Addiction...
OK, here's something to lighten the mood... Lets say I create a Duellist PC, and lets say that I have to give him a disadvantage. Here's my idea- Addiction: Killing…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jaeger, Ingenious, Richard_Strey, Wolfen, Ian.Plumb, Loki.

2/17/2004 Malechi: Midnight to TROS Conversion
For those that are interested I'm currently compiling a conversion of Midnight for TROS. Its mixed up with the Character Generation Quick Reference sheet that was floating around a while…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Malechi, Edge, Melkor, Lithos, Morfedel.

2/17/2004 sirogit: Choosing a demonic weapon.
So, after some talks with a player, I wanted to include a demonic, stormbringer inspired weapon into my game as a possible plot device. Except it's done to death with…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: sirogit, kenjib, Ingenious, Salamander.

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Subsequent Topics
In The Riddle of Steel

2/20/2004 bergh: Half Swording, split
No swinging when half swording?!? Why does the halfsword mode intry, in the doppelhander profile then have a CUT profile?
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, Salamander, The Heretic, Drifter Bob, Muggins, Richard_Strey, Wolfen, Jake Norwood.

2/21/2004 Jaeger: Toned down spell system
This spell system is just a modification of the existing one. it is intended to be a toned town or throttled back version to reduce the ridiculous power levels of…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jaeger, Edge, Morfedel, Andrew Mure.

2/21/2004 Wolfen: Melee
This is slightly OT as it has nothing specifically to do with TRoS, but with WMA instead. I do not question the skill of our WMA practitioners, esp. considering that…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Wolfen, Caz, Salamander, Jake Norwood.

2/22/2004 sirogit: Two questions
Do bludgeoning, cutting or puncturing type attacks have any effect on how much armor they're able to get through? Also, is there any rule I skipped in which you can…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: sirogit, Bob McNamee, Brian Leybourne.

2/22/2004 Ingenious: Armor of Air question..
This question came up during last night's session. Does the +3 bonus damage for halfswording/estocs etc apply to the 'armor of air' spell? It says that it's a +3 vs…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ingenious, Jake Norwood, Salamander, BirdMan, Valamir.

2/22/2004 Zhores: Byuing new skills vs. skill packets.
Greetings one and all. This is my first post to the forum. Let me first say that TROS is an excelent game, though, exempting the combat rules, a little rough…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Zhores, Lxndr, Brian Leybourne.

2/22/2004 sirogit: TROS game: The Sea of Fallen Gods for a little bit of info on the game. I had the first session of this game this saturday and it was great, even if it was just prepatory…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: sirogit, Brian Leybourne.

2/23/2004 Morfedel: Large Groups and Spiritual Attributes
I'm curious. I run my games with the plot created around the characters. The Spiritual attributes in TROS makes this much more interesting. However, I was thinking... it seems like…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Morfedel, Andrew Mure, Wolfen, Nick Pagnucco, kenjib, Overdrive.

2/23/2004 Morfedel: New TROS review at RPG.NET
just an FYI. Seems like a reasonable review, all told.
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Morfedel, Malechi, Wolfen, arxhon, Caz, Jake Norwood, Deacon Blues.

2/23/2004 Morfedel: Leather Armor for the Lower Body?
We were making characters saturday, when we notice something; there is leather armor in the books for the torso and arms, but what about the legs? and leather boots/gloves solid…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Morfedel, Andrew Mure, Malechi, Ron Edwards, Brian Leybourne, Jake Norwood, toli, Edge, kenjib.

2/23/2004 bergh: My own campaign world map
Hi I have made this map for my campaign. This is a large file and its better to save it to the disk and becouse then its more easy…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, toli, kenjib.

2/24/2004 Degamer: The Riddle of Westeros
I am preparing to run a game of TROS under the setting of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire setting. (One of THE best fantasy serries ever…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Degamer, Edge.

2/24/2004 Malechi: [OT] PC Death... not that kind though
argh.. i hate it when that happens.. My PC died in the wee hours of this morning, taking with it a goodly amount of Katanapunk!, Midnight to TROS Conversion stuff…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Malechi, Wolfen.

2/24/2004 nsruf: Newbie question on combat
Hi all! I finally picked up TROS last weekend, after lurking here for a while to see what the game is all about. And it seems to be a much…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: nsruf, Salamander, Valamir, Jake Norwood, Wolfen, John Harper, Brian Leybourne, Edge.

2/24/2004 daagon: Appendices mistake?
In the appendices download (and thus, i assume, in the core book which I'm waiting to be delivered) page 245 and 246 both have the same "Bludgeoning Damage Location Table:…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: daagon, Jake Norwood.

2/24/2004 bergh: "naked Dwarf" syndrome and a posible fix
first i wanna say that having a toughness about 6 is not working very good, we tryed to play yesterday, (mock combat), and the T7 character was simply to good,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, Caz, toli, sirogit, Ingenious, Overdrive, Andrew Mure, Wolfen, Jaif, Brian Leybourne, bearer, lokdu, Edge, Tash, Dain, Turin, ZenDog, Tom, aaronharmon, bottleneck, Aelios, Starshadow, James Buchanan, Fleinhoy, Sir Mathodius Black.

2/25/2004 Aelios: Sorcery: E=Mc^2 and other questions
Maybe this should be three posts; but I'm tired right now so please forgive me. Q1: I've seen…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Aelios, sirogit, Rick, Wolfen, Morfedel, Jake Norwood.

2/25/2004 Durgil: Possible Alternative Rules for Armour
Just to let you all know right up front, if you don't want an extra dice roll or two in combat when a hit is determined, then save yourself some…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Durgil, Crusader, Wolfen, Caz, BirdMan, Mike Holmes, Mokkurkalfe.

2/25/2004 ZazielsRephaim: MAJOR SPOILER (if my players read this I'll kill them)
Nick, Jason, Bill, Cory, Logan.... if you guys read this, I will kill you, then kill your characters later. I just wanted to run a game laden with undead and…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: ZazielsRephaim, Jaeger, Jake Norwood, kenjib, Brian Leybourne.

2/25/2004 Dan Sellars: Overcrowding in Weryth
Hello Chaps, Sorry this rambles a bit... I was just looking through the rule book last night refreshing myself about Weryth etc as I've never really read it through before.…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Dan Sellars, Jake Norwood.

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