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In Conventions

6/29/2004 taepoong: [Origins] "Is this a Forge game?"
So I went to Origins to man the NerdNYC/Burning Wheel/Forge booth. We had many Forge games available including Universalis, My Life with Master, Octane, Inspectres, Kill Puppies for Satan, Bulldogs!,…
In Conventions
Participants: taepoong, Valamir, M. J. Young, anonymouse, Eero Tuovinen, Dev, jdagna, JamesSterrett, Mike Holmes, Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards, abzu, WyldKarde.

6/27/2004 Nev the Deranged: [GenCon 2004] Info mailings?
Just wondering if/when those of us who signed up through the booth can expect convention guides and such, or if we will be picking them up onsite. I know they…
In Conventions
Participants: Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards, Christopher Weeks.

6/8/2004 Cynthia Celeste Miller: Room Sharing at Origins
I'm in a bit of a bind. I was originally going to be sharing a room with some friends at Origins, but they are now unable to go. Unfortunately, I…
In Conventions
Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, Mike Holmes.

6/7/2004 Pagrin: How do you?
Hello all I've recently been roped into helping out a con I have attended for the last 15 years (They called my "sure I'll help" bluff.) The Convention is called…
In Conventions
Participants: Pagrin, Dregg, M. J. Young, abzu.

6/3/2004 Michael Hopcroft: How much should I expect to need for GenCon SoCal?
At least two fellow publishers have asked me if I plan to attend genCon SoCal, since I'm on the West Coast and, well, so is it. I'm tempted to be…
In Conventions
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Ron Edwards.

6/1/2004 Ron Edwards: DemonCon III followup
Hello, Let's qualify this a little - it's not a real big con, all right? Just an open play day, getting people to meet one another. We've tried to get…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Bob Goat.

5/27/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Room sharing at Kublacon
If there is anyone going to Kublacon who doesn;t have their room arranged yet, I have 1-3 spoaces left in my room. I didn;t know for sure I;d have my…
In Conventions
Participants: Michael Hopcroft.

5/26/2004 M. J. Young: Lunch at Dexcon?
It was mentioned over in the Ropecon thread that a number of Forge people are going to be at Dexcon. I was hoping to be able to manage it, but…
In Conventions
Participants: M. J. Young, Helvetian, abzu, lumpley, JamesSterrett, Tav_Behemoth, Dregg.

5/24/2004 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2004] The look & feel
Hello, This thread is related to Booth design and logistics, but mainly focused on atmosphere, comportment, and other intangibles which, in practice, are actually quite tangible. I figure…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Matt Snyder, Andy Kitkowski, Eero Tuovinen, abzu, AdAstraGames, Nev the Deranged, LordSmerf, btrc.

5/21/2004 Eero Tuovinen: Forge in RopeCon?
I've followed the Forge preparations for GenCon, and came to consider an interesting thought: during 23.-25. of July we have in Finland the biggest northern roleplaying convention, Ropecon. I don't…
In Conventions
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Valamir, Tav_Behemoth, M. J. Young, Merten, Matt Snyder, chadu, Paul Czege.

5/18/2004 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2204] Booth design and logistics
Hello, Quick note first I am possibly unique in this, but today it was a huge surprise to me to check the GenCon dates and to realize that they've been…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, Mike Holmes, jrs, Bob Goat, abzu, daMoose_Neo, btrc, Michael S. Miller, Valamir, Matt Wilson, Matt Snyder, Dav, Andy Kitkowski, Paul Czege, AdAstraGames, LordSmerf.

5/16/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Transportation issue for GenCon
I have a question for the experienced bus travelkrs on the list concerning GenCon? How long does it usually take Greyhound to get a person from portland, oregon to indianapolis?…
In Conventions
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Lxndr, Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards.

5/12/2004 Lxndr: [GenCon] Fastlane Raffle?
I've been kicking this idea around in my mind, and have even allocated some budget to the concept and found a local Indianapolis retailer that could help meet my needs…
In Conventions
Participants: Lxndr, Bob Goat, Bob McNamee, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

5/11/2004 Ron Edwards: DemonCon III (I hope)
Hello, For those of you who can't tell, it's been a bitch of a month for me. So I only hope this very late announcement is able to draw some…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Tim C Koppang, Mike Holmes, abzu.

5/10/2004 Matt Gwinn: "Does The Game System Really Matter?" GENCON Semin
[quote][b]Event ID:[/b] 3606 [b]Game ID:[/b] SEM00045 [b]Title:[/b] Does The Game System Really Matter? [b]Event Description:[/b] The Game System doesn't matter to have a successful gaming session. Join your hosts as…
In Conventions
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards, Dev, daMoose_Neo, Mike Holmes, Bankuei, Andy Kitkowski.

5/9/2004 John Kim: Forgeites at KublaCon '04 in SF Peninsula
So who is attending KublaCon? It will be May 28-31 in Burlingame on the SF Peninsula. I'll be there and running two events. Neither of them will be Indie RPGs,…
In Conventions
Participants: John Kim, Michael Hopcroft.

5/9/2004 Doyce: Forge Presence at San Diego ComicCon?
I was wondering if any Forgeites are attending SD ComicCon in August or if GenCon Indy is going to be the place to be.
In Conventions
Participants: Doyce.

5/6/2004 Zak Arntson: Dragonflight in Seattle (Aug 13-15)
Guess what? Getting close to 20 years of gaming, and I've never been to a convention before. I figure it's time to stop that by going to Dragonflight this year,…
In Conventions
Participants: Zak Arntson, Mike Holmes, Bankuei, rafial, jdagna, Michael Hopcroft.

5/4/2004 Dregg: Forge Presence at Dexcon 7?
I was Just wondering who from the Forge is attending Dexcon 7 in July? The Convention really wants to work with us and time is running thin. I myself am…
In Conventions
Participants: Dregg, Michael S. Miller, buggy, JamesSterrett, Helvetian, Mike Holmes, Tav_Behemoth.

5/3/2004 Dregg: Indie RPGA?
Going on some Ideas from the AGOG Thread... I was thinking about this over the weekend as I look at the RPGA section of the con. The RPGA... I…
In Conventions
Participants: Dregg, Michael S. Miller, Valamir.

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Subsequent Topics
In Conventions

7/1/2004 MrWrong: Indie RPGA II (split)
[quote="Michael S. Miller"] It boils down to "running demos = getting stuff" As independents, we can't afford to just give books away to our most energetic fans. [/quote] Don't be…
In Conventions
Participants: MrWrong, taepoong, Ron Edwards, Dregg, Valamir, jdagna, M. J. Young.

7/9/2004 GRIM: EuroGenCon 2004
Anyone else going to be there? I have a booth! Wooo!
In Conventions
Participants: GRIM, jdagna, M. J. Young, Ron Edwards.

7/12/2004 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2004] The folks who'll be there
Hi everyone, Here's the list! If you thought you were on it and you're not, contact me ASAP. If you still want to be on it, you're pretty much shit…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski, Matt Wilson, abzu, alchemist, Matt Snyder, Bob Goat, Paul Czege, Michael S. Miller, lumpley, Tav_Behemoth, Jürgen Mayer, Matt Gwinn, smokewolf, jrs, Mike Holmes, Nev the Deranged.

7/13/2004 Andrew Morris: What indie games are running at DexCon?
Hey all, since it starts tomorrow, I'm hoping I can get some feedback on which indie games will be running events at DexCon this year. Even though I'm only a…
In Conventions
Participants: Andrew Morris, abzu, nerdnyc, Dregg, JamesSterrett.

7/13/2004 Valamir: Gen Con extras
I was thinking of purchasing a digital cash register. There's a pretty sweet Casio for $200 at office depot that we could actually program in all of the product prices…
In Conventions
Participants: Valamir, alchemist, btrc, jrs, Ron Edwards, abzu, Bob Goat, Paul Czege, Matt Snyder, smokewolf, Lxndr, Tav_Behemoth, Matt Wilson, Jürgen Mayer, lumpley.

7/16/2004 abzu: Origins After Action Report
Hi Folks, Sorry it took so long to get this up, but I've been a busy bee (and then a very tired and burnt-out bee). I wanted to give a…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu.

7/16/2004 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2004] Pamphlets/handouts
Hey there, Phil Reed and I have come up with a plan for the booth handouts & paper stuff. ITEM ONE A trifold pamphlet that lists all the companies and…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, philreed, Valamir, alchemist, lumpley, Bob Goat, Paul Czege, Tav_Behemoth, btrc.

7/19/2004 Andy Kitkowski: Trinoc-Con in Durham, NC July 23-25: Indie Friendly Con! Indie Friendly... because I'm in charge of the RPG section this year! Mwah-ha-ha-ha-haaaa! Actually, that's a bit of a misnomer- They encourage you to run anything you want to…
In Conventions
Participants: Andy Kitkowski.

7/19/2004 Eero Tuovinen: The Ropecon books are here!
The books I ordered for our Ropecon booth arrived in time! Now my kitchen table is full of gaming goodness, oh my. Many thanks to all who bothered to sell…
In Conventions
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, M. J. Young.

7/19/2004 Paul's Girl: Forge Night Out in Indy
Hey everyone, I just spent a few days in Indy for a conference for work and discovered a fantastic place for a Forge night out, Fountain Square. Its only a…
In Conventions
Participants: Paul's Girl, Matt Snyder, smokewolf, Mike Holmes, btrc.

7/20/2004 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2004] Booth furniture - very important
Hello, So far I have not ordered any booth furniture from the company that's working with GenCon LLC, The George E. Fern Co. For all three GenCons I've done so…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards.

7/22/2004 Ben Lehman: [GenCon 2004] Sleeping Space
So the last housing thread has gone the way of the Dodo (off the first page) and I have some more housing... uh... requests. I will be booth-monkeying at GenCon…
In Conventions
Participants: Ben Lehman, btrc.

7/25/2004 Eero Tuovinen: Ropecon AAR
Well, Ropecon came and went. I did some time behind the table, gave two lectures (one theory, one about Kätyrin osa) and ambled around. All in all an interesting experience.…
In Conventions
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, Mike Holmes, Merten, abzu, Ville Takanen, M. J. Young, Erick Wujcik, Ron Edwards.

8/4/2004 nerdnyc: [GenCon 2004] Nerds in Need
We, NerdNYC, are in a bit of a bind. We had lined up a shared booth space but just in the past couple days it fell through. The other groups…
In Conventions
Participants: nerdnyc, abzu, alchemist.

8/5/2004 daMoose_Neo: [GenCon 2004] Booth Tour idea? (anyone w/ own booth?)
Had a thought, might be a little late or so to pull it off, but couldn't hurt to toss it out there. How many people will be having a booth…
In Conventions
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards, Bob Goat, smokewolf, AdAstraGames, Matt Snyder, Ben Lehman, Tav_Behemoth, Jason L Blair, Valamir, abzu, Paul Czege, jdagna, GaryTP, jrs, Michael S. Miller.

8/5/2004 alchemist: Maps - For demoing RPGs & GENCON - taking requests!
All, My companies products are software for helping gamemasters setup for and run their games no matter what system they use. With that in mind Ill be creating a number…
In Conventions
Participants: alchemist, Bob Goat, smokewolf, btrc.

8/8/2004 Tav_Behemoth: Forge booth at Gen Con SoCal?
Seems like it's way too soon to start thinking about this, but are there plans to do a Forge co-op booth at Gen Con SoCal? The Game Publishers Association is…
In Conventions
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards, Lxndr, abzu.

8/9/2004 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2004] Contact information and showing up
Hello, It's coming close to the time when we need to designate contact people for various times at GenCon, so people who show up know they can get in touch.…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Bob Goat, Matt Gwinn, Andy Kitkowski, Jürgen Mayer, Nev the Deranged, smokewolf, Valamir, Matt Wilson, Paul Czege, Lisa Padol.

8/10/2004 DannyK: Dragonflight 2004, Seattle
Any indie game action going on at this year's Dragonflight? The con website is possibly the least helpful con website I've ever seen, but I've heard good things about last…
In Conventions
Participants: DannyK, rafial.

8/10/2004 Andy Kitkowski: Indie RPG Awards: GENCON Ceremony Info!
Hey all, thanks to the efforts of Ron Edwards and Matt Forbeck, we have a locale for the Indie RPG Awards ceremony! The ceremony will be Wednesday Night (before the…
In Conventions
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Jürgen Mayer, Tigger, Ron Edwards, Bob Goat, PlotDevice, iago.

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