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In Conventions

7/24/2006 Valamir: Gen Con Cash Register
Once again I'm providing the cash register that will be used at GenCon.  This year, instead of being staffed by overworked underpaid volunteers, Brennan of IPR will be providing the…
In Conventions
Participants: Valamir, Blankshield, Keith Senkowski, Matt Snyder, inthisstyle, iago, John Harper.

7/24/2006 Iskander: [GenCon] Booth flyer - IMPORTANT for game designers
Dear designers, If you are going to GenCon, and have not yet looked at the GenCon menu thread, what are you waiting for? Love and hugs, Alexander P.S. I will…
In Conventions
Participants: Iskander, abzu, Justin D. Jacobson, LordSmerf, Emily Care, lumpley, jrs, timfire, Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

7/24/2006 Keith Senkowski: [GenCon] Chairs
So who is taking these things home with them?  I'm bringing the shit down, but as I said in this thread, my ass can't store them and I am bringing…
In Conventions
Participants: Keith Senkowski, btrc, Valamir, abzu.

7/24/2006 daMoose_Neo: 4 day GenCon badges - badge for demos
Alright - Fun times here at Neo ^_^ We were going to be running a skeletal crew this year anyhow, but could have managed, except for the fact that my…
In Conventions
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Gaerik, joepub.

7/17/2006 andrew_kenrick: UK indie games conventions
If you're into your indie games (playing or running), there seems to be plenty of cons that cater for you in the US, whether indie games are at their centre…
In Conventions
Participants: andrew_kenrick, Matt, Arturo G., Graham Walmsley.

7/17/2006 Paka: Dexcon 2006
When I first showed up to Dreamation in 2005 I had played a few indie RPG's but hadn't met that many of you all and if I did, it was…
In Conventions
Participants: Paka, Jared A. Sorensen, Avie, Michael S. Miller, Andrew Morris, Clinton R. Nixon, Salvius, abzu, RobNJ, Bret Gillan, TonyLB, Shawn De Arment, Gaerik, Thomas D, dpetroski, Helvetian.

7/16/2006 btrc: GenCon wireless?
If last year is any indication, we can get wireless in the cafe, but not in the dealer area, at least not without paying through the nose. So, if someone…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc, abzu.

7/15/2006 Valamir: Viktory looking for demo help at GenCon
I've mentioned Morrison Games here before as a fellow small press publisher, publishing Viktory: a faced paced wargame in the same category as Axis & Allies or Risk (but in…
In Conventions
Participants: Valamir.

7/14/2006 thwaak: ConQuest San Francisco
Hello Folks, I'll be attending ConQuest San Francisco ( in early September and am eager to try my hand at some of the indie RPGs being played 'officially' there (Dogs,…
In Conventions
Participants: thwaak, EndGame, Czar Fnord, cdr, Thomas D.

7/13/2006 abzu: Forge Booth Menu
OK, it's time. Who's doing the menu of companies, products, prices and URLs? Fun, fun! -L
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, Iskander, jrs, Clinton R. Nixon, Jared A. Sorensen, Troy_Costisick, inthisstyle, Justin D. Jacobson.

7/5/2006 Arturo G.: [PuCLN] Advertising your games
Hi, folks! Next week it will be held PuCLN, a big national Spanish convention. As I announced in the thread  PuCLN, we have organized the first official track of Forge…
In Conventions
Participants: Arturo G..

7/3/2006 epweissengruber: Phantasm 15 (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)
Torontonians, Eastern Ontarians, Quebecois, and Ottawanians!  Get down to Peterborough for Phantasm 15! Phantasm is held September 23rd & 24th, 2006 Saturday 10:00 AM - 12:00 Midnight Sunday 10:00 AM…
In Conventions
Participants: epweissengruber, eyebeams, Ned, Mister Hoppe, walkerp.

7/3/2006 Iskander: [Origins] Booth Report
I was monkeying for Brennan at the IPR booth this past few days. Here's my thoughts on stuff. I am sure this is mostly old hat, but I figure it's…
In Conventions
Participants: Iskander, abzu, Meguey, Latigo, inthisstyle, Lisa Padol, Andy Kitkowski, Waiwode, Thunder_God.

6/26/2006 btrc: Origins question
I just got a generic email from AAGAD about the Origins Awards, asking for a name and cell phone number of the person to step up and recieve an award.…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc, Iskander.

6/26/2006 Graham Walmsley: [Continuum 2006] July 28 to 31, Leicester
[url=]Continuum 2006[/url] is at Beaumont Hall, one of the Leicester University halls of residence, from July 28th to 31st. Looking through the site, there's an excellent line up of games:…
In Conventions
Participants: Graham Walmsley.

6/22/2006 Emily Care: [JiffyCon July 06]Western Mass gaming con
Hey folks, If you're in the general western Mass area, come check out an event we're running in July.  It's JiffyCon, a small, one-day rpg con. It will be chock…
In Conventions
Participants: Emily Care, Technocrat13, jenskot, Iskander, jasonm.

6/21/2006 Thunder_God: Wherein Guy Asks Questions about GenCon 2007
I have to ask, is the more important issue that of "Not familiar with selling books at GenCon" or that of "Too many new books"? If the former, then what…
In Conventions
Participants: Thunder_God, Blankshield.

6/15/2006 btrc: Free room & badge for Origins
Rick Loomis at Flying Buffalo is looking for some part-time help with his booth and is offering room and badge for your troubles, so if you were thinking about Origins…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc.

6/13/2006 Paul Czege: [GenCon 2006] booth chairs
Last year's chair sponsorship program endowed us with twenty steel chairs, and saved us the non-trivial sum of money we'd have had to spend on renting cheap-ola chairs from the…
In Conventions
Participants: Paul Czege, abzu, btrc, Blankshield, Gaerik, Ron Edwards, Keith Senkowski, Silent Tamatama, Tim C Koppang, Hans.

5/22/2006 Frank T: [Spiel 2006] Booth Monkey Thread
Hi, Check out the discussion on Spiel 2006 here. If you are thinking about contributing money to the endeavor, you are probably interested in how well your game can be…
In Conventions
Participants: Frank T, Eero Tuovinen, Gerd H., Joe Dizzy, oliof, ocasta, Matt, Daniela Nicklas, ( o Y o ), Nicolas Crost, Yvie, btrc, Caynreth.

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Subsequent Topics
In Conventions

7/28/2006 lumpley: GenCon Booth - Awards Banner
[quote author=abzu link=topic=20622.msg214869#msg214869 date=1154097391] Also, I think we* should put a display together similar to what Vincent had last year -- the hanging panels that described Dogs and its accolades.…
In Conventions
Participants: lumpley, abzu, Clinton R. Nixon, Justin D. Jacobson, Paka, Ron Edwards, Malcolm, Keith Senkowski, Matt Snyder, Ben Lehman, timfire, Nathan P., jasonm, Valamir, btrc, Paul Czege, Dantai, c, Emily Care, TonyLB, inthisstyle.

7/31/2006 Frank T: [Spiel Essen] Info, funding, and homework for the authors
Hi, I'm back with some information on how the Essen project, previously discussesd here, is making progress. To recap, Spiel fair at Essen, Germany, is Europe's largest game fair and…
In Conventions
Participants: Frank T, oliof, Eero Tuovinen, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman, Justin D. Jacobson, Markku Tuovinen, TonyLB, jasonm, Blankshield, Yokiboy, Emily Care.

8/2/2006 abzu: Forge Booth Sticker Scheme
Hello, hello, So, based on our bad experiences at the Forge boothg in the past few years with repitching the same customers over and over again, I devised a simple…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, TonyLB, Ron Edwards, Justin D. Jacobson.

8/3/2006 Blankshield: [Gencon] Where do I go, what do I do?
Ok, this is straight up questions to the primary sponsers, so please don't post unless you happen to be one of them with answers. I'm getting off a plane Wednesday…
In Conventions
Participants: Blankshield, timfire, Ron Edwards, Michael S. Miller, Keith Senkowski, inthisstyle, Justin D. Jacobson, btrc, drozdal, jasonm, abzu.

8/3/2006 Frank T: [Spiel Essen] Booth monkeys in charge of the games
This is the second booth monkey thread for the booth at Spiel Essen in October. This time, it’s not about “I’d like to be there and I possibly could demo…
In Conventions
Participants: Frank T, Eero Tuovinen, Markku Tuovinen.

8/3/2006 Paka: Gen Con Booth Newbie Visualization
I am trying to picture this weekend a little bit.  Allow me to visual here and let me know where I am off. I will arrive at the convention center…
In Conventions
Participants: Paka, abzu, RobNJ, Justin D. Jacobson.

8/7/2006 Keith Senkowski: GenCon Loading Dock
Any of you monkeys out there know which street access to the loading dock is off of?  I didn't deliver or take shit away from there last year so I…
In Conventions
Participants: Keith Senkowski, Michael S. Miller.

8/8/2006 Clinton R. Nixon: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night
Peoples of the Forge, Wednesday night, I will be organizing a demo-fest. I'm sure you've got a 10-minute demo of your game, right? I'd like to help you get better…
In Conventions
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Justin D. Jacobson, JohnU, TonyLB, Michael S. Miller, Nathan P., John Harper, Ben Lehman, Blankshield, joepub, Yokiboy, Lxndr, Paka, Meguey.

8/8/2006 Gaerik: My GoD sessions...
Hello Game Designers! GenCon gets kicked off tomorrow night and I'm stoked.  One of the things I'm doing is manning the Games on Demand table for a single session on…
In Conventions
Participants: Gaerik, jasonm, Kat Miller.

8/14/2006 btrc: Post-GenCon comments
Just starting a thread for people to chip in on. I'm not in much shape to write, having just finished 15 hours of driving with a 4 hour sleep break…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc, chadu, Editor Drew, Kat Miller, Ron Edwards, Matt-M-McElroy, jasonm, Nev the Deranged, Jürgen Mayer.

8/15/2006 marknau: GenCon Observations from an "Outsider"
I haven't been keeping up with things at the Forge for about 3 years now. I saw the booth at GenCon and waded in to see what was up. Observations…
In Conventions
Participants: marknau, c, Smithy, Waiwode, Editor Drew, Zach, stove, RobNJ, Adam Dray, David Artman, Sydney Freedberg, Denise, sean2099, Turbo, GB Steve, MikeH.

8/15/2006 John Kim: 2005 Indie RPG Award Winners
So the Indie Awards were announced on Friday live at GenCon, and I'm posting them now as I get back.  I'm updating the website with comments and pictures now --…
In Conventions
Participants: John Kim.

8/15/2006 Iskander: [GenCon] Random Moments of Awesome
Hey folks, I wanted to post a few random awesome moments, just because. Please chip in. Here's my first: It was unequivocally awesome for me to see Dalys (Michael S.…
In Conventions
Participants: Iskander, Nathan P., jrs, Meguey, TonyLB, Blankshield, Gaerik, Justin D. Jacobson, RobNJ, inthisstyle, Malcolm, Lxndr, Gregor Hutton, Tim C Koppang, nikola, iago, John Harper, joepub, Jye Nicolson, Dantai, btrc, Nev the Deranged, Michael S. Miller, Matt.

8/15/2006 abzu: Gencon Feedback [Designers/Boothies]
OK folks, let's talk about what worked and what didn't. Share your stories of success and failure here, too. For the fans, please use this thread: Thanks, -Luke
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, TonyLB, Tim C Koppang, Meguey, jasonm, Blankshield, Justin D. Jacobson, Jake Richmond, Malcolm, Valamir, iago, Matt Wilson, Nathan P., jrs, Iskander, Lxndr, Paka, segedy, Gregor Hutton, inthisstyle, eruditus, lumpley, Clinton R. Nixon, Paul Czege, John Harper, DensityMan, timfire, Troy_Costisick, iain, Jonathan Walton, Jasper the Mimbo.

8/15/2006 jasonm: Demo scripts
I'm now obsessed with optimizing the demo as a sales and presentation resource.  To this end, this morning I wrote down from memory my demo as it was presented on…
In Conventions
Participants: jasonm, TonyLB, segedy, John Harper, David Artman, Paka, Justin D. Jacobson, iago, Malcolm, semioticity, iain, Nathan P., marknau.

8/15/2006 abzu: In Praise of Brennan and Alexander
And Danielle, and Ralph, and Mike Miller. You all suffered for our greater glory and you made the booth so so so much better than it's ever been before. Three…
In Conventions
Participants: abzu, Iskander, inthisstyle, Jake Richmond, Malcolm, Meguey, Matt Wilson, Nathan P., Paka, Ben Lehman, Gregor Hutton, Dantai.

8/15/2006 Kat Miller: GoD and IGE : after Gen Con Impressions
The Games on Demand experiment was a huge success. Over the Course of the Con we collected 147 tickets and entertained 89 players in a number of 2 hour and…
In Conventions
Participants: Kat Miller, Iskander, Bankuei, Gaerik, jasonm, Christopher Weeks, iago, Larry Wickman, Hans, Emily Care, LordSmerf.

8/15/2006 Nick_Bergeron: Dr. StrangeForge or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Wii
I get excited when I play games.  When I was younger I had a hard time training myself not to bounce up and down while leaping over Koopa Troopers.  I…
In Conventions
Participants: Nick_Bergeron, Malcolm.

8/16/2006 daemonchild: GenCon 2006 Pictures
Hi, Not sure if this is the appropriate forum for this or not. Matt and I would like to extend an invitation to host pictures of GenCon and all its…
In Conventions
Participants: daemonchild, iago, RobNJ, Bankuei, Rob Donoghue, Matt-M-McElroy, Ron Edwards, Emily Care, Gregor Hutton, Malcolm.

8/17/2006 btrc: GenCon lost & found
Unpacking my stuff, I found a beige mesh sort of thing called a Tonga, which is apparently a baby sling of some type. Would the owner please contact me and…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc.

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