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In Conventions

5/9/2007 Steven Stewart: [ApolloCon] June 22nd-24th Houston, Texas
Hello all, Just letting folks know that there will be some independent games being run at Apollocon here in the Bayou City There will be two slots so far, one…
In Conventions
Participants: Steven Stewart.

5/8/2007 Troy_Costisick: [GenCon 2007] Forge Booth Menu
Heya, Last year I started to work on a booth menu, then Alexander took it over and did an awesome job.  Is anyone up for starting this project again for…
In Conventions
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Ron Edwards, c, iago, jrs, Eero Tuovinen, Gregor Hutton, Iskander, inthisstyle, Paul Czege, jasonm, Valamir, Blankshield.

5/2/2007 rohoe: GASPcon7, Pittsburgh, PA
I am the convention coordinator for a small Micro Con in Pittsburgh and this will be the 7th year we will be holding this event. This years convention will be…
In Conventions
Participants: rohoe.

4/26/2007 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2007] Revving the motor
Hi there, Yes, Virginia, there will be a 2007 Forge booth at GenCon. It's been a while since I posted to announce the new design and plans for the booth.…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick, segedy, inthisstyle, Gregor Hutton, btrc, iago, Justin D. Jacobson.

4/23/2007 Andy Kitkowski: Forge Midwest 2007] How was it?
I totally want to see a (read: many) full report. Quick play blurbs, pics if you have them, the whole works.  It's been a year since I've seen the likes…
In Conventions
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, GamerChick, syntruth, Matt Snyder, c, Nev the Deranged, Mike Holmes, jrs, GreatWolf, Ron Edwards.

4/23/2007 Troy_Costisick: [Forge Midwest 2007] Reflection
Heya guys, I'd like to ask you guys a few thing about the hotel and how it facilitating your experience at this year's Forge Midwest.  If you get a chance,…
In Conventions
Participants: Troy_Costisick, Matt Wilson, Valamir, Doyce, c, jrs, Tod Olson, GamerChick, Nev the Deranged, TJ.

4/23/2007 c: Osh Con 2007
[url=]In this thread[/url], Keith B Vaughn asked, "As a side note: will anyone else be going to Oshcon in September? (Oshkosh, WI) I run my booth solo and that is…
In Conventions
Participants: c, KeithBVaughn, Adam SBG.

4/19/2007 Robotech_Master: Soldiers in Iraq seek materiel for ZigguratCon
Just thought I'd pass this along in case anyone here wanted to help them out. They essentially have almost no gaming material whatsoever, so it might be a nice opportunity…
In Conventions
Participants: Robotech_Master, David Artman, GamerChick, Valamir, Jono.

4/18/2007 Matt Snyder: [Forge Midwest] Friday night
Friday night last year was great for socialization, seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Everyone will be trickling in the city at various times. So, it'll likely be impossible…
In Conventions
Participants: Matt Snyder, Matt Wilson, Troy_Costisick, abzu, Blankshield, Ron Edwards, jrs, Paul Czege, Mister Six, Kesher, Doyce, jenskot, Jono.

4/16/2007 Matt Snyder: [Forge Midwest] Charge per person
The total charge for name tags & renting space at the hotel for Forge Midwest 2007 will be $1100 plus tax. This is more than last year, as expected in…
In Conventions
Participants: Matt Snyder.

4/15/2007 tradegcuk: Gen Con UK 2007
[color=green]Dear all ok sorry if this breaks any of the guidelines on posting concerning a Convention.  I was just going to place an advert but I read the guidelines on…
In Conventions
Participants: tradegcuk.

4/15/2007 Emily Care: JiffyCon Boston, April 28
Hello, For all those in the Massachusetts and general Northeast area, we're having another JiffyCon this time in Boston. It will be held on Saturday April 28th, from 10am -7pm…
In Conventions
Participants: Emily Care.

4/10/2007 Kat Miller: Indie Games Explosion at Dex Con (I need games by April 15)
I already posted on announcement on Story Games about this: While Double Exposure who host Dex Con have changed policy regarding Free Badges, being supportive of the Indie Community…
In Conventions
Participants: Kat Miller, iago.

4/9/2007 Darcy Burgess: CanGame 07 -- Ottawa, Ontario
Just a quick heads up to the community. When: May 19 & 20, 2007 What: Demo table of indie rpgs during the day.  Participants get to vote for the "full-on"…
In Conventions
Participants: Darcy Burgess, Ned, walkerp, Ron Edwards.

4/7/2007 RobNJ: [Dex Con 10] 4 games for a badge
Public Service Announcement: I read up on the policies page for Dex Con and they require 128 player-hours of GMing in order to get a free badge. Kat was able…
In Conventions
Participants: RobNJ, zipht.

4/6/2007 Denise: [ENnies] Attention publishers!
A request from one of our judges: When shipping product to a judge not in your country, please mark on the package "FREE SAMPLE PRODUCT FOR EVALUATION ONLY.  VALUE LISTED…
In Conventions
Participants: Denise, iago.

4/4/2007 oliof: NordCon, 2dn/3rd of June, 2007 - Hamburg, Germany
Hi, despite limited efforts at hspielt, I want to give indie games some more spin at the biggest RPG convention in Northern Germany, NordCon. One of the organizers, Stefan Unger,…
In Conventions
Participants: oliof, Eero Tuovinen.

4/2/2007 Kat Miller: Indie Games Explosion Gen Con 07 Schedule
Ive finished the Gen Con Indie Games Explosion schedule. I've posted this link to The IGE Live Journal and to Story Games. If your running games as part of the…
In Conventions
Participants: Kat Miller, Hans, JustinB, iago, Nev the Deranged, Matt Gwinn.

4/1/2007 Nev the Deranged: [GenCon] Event Registraton Question
Okay, this is probably a stupid question, but I've never registered for events at GenCon before. This year I'd like to get in on some games and whatnot, so I've…
In Conventions
Participants: Nev the Deranged, Blankshield, Hans.

3/29/2007 Matt Gwinn: Origins Anyone?
I'm planning on being at Origins on Saturday and Sunday. Is anyone else from the Forge going to be there? ,Matt
In Conventions
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Kat Miller, Jake Norwood, ephemere, c.

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In Conventions

5/16/2007 Ron Edwards: [GenCon 2007] Sign-ups so far, and information check
Hi there, I figured I'd out everyone, and try to get all the relevant information in one place for Fred. I'm looking for some missing information and corrections, too, because…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards, iago, GreatWolf, Troy_Costisick, jasonm, Kevin Allen Jr, JustinB, Clinton R. Nixon, Jake Richmond.

5/18/2007 Paul Czege: the deadline for buying in to The Ashcan Front is Monday, June 4th.
Hey all, My mental tally of who's participating is the group of folks who've posted to this thread a couple of sentences describing the game they want to have as…
In Conventions
Participants: Paul Czege.

5/21/2007 Paul Czege: the in absentia policy for having your game at The Ashcan Front booth
Hey all, Matt and I both want The Ashcan Front booth to support a small handful of folks (like maybe two or three) who can't, for whatever reason, be at…
In Conventions
Participants: Paul Czege.

5/21/2007 Emily Care: JiffyCon June, and GenCon ruminations
Hey folks, We're having another rpg con out in western Massachusetts.  This is the fourth JiffyCon. It's a one day rpg event, and we've had a wide variety of the…
In Conventions
Participants: Emily Care, Ron Edwards, RobNJ, Ben Lehman.

5/23/2007 fjj: Indie Game Designer for Guest Star Appearance on Danish Game Con wanted
Viking Con 26 is held October 12 -14 2007 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Last year, we did a workshop and demo games of many different indie games like Dogs in the…
In Conventions
Participants: fjj.

5/23/2007 iago: [GenCon 2007] Indie Games Passport - Sign Your Booth Up!
[img][/img]  So, this year I'm going to be working on doing the Forge Booth Menu, to help the Forge Booth better tell people who's games are there to be demo'd,…
In Conventions
Participants: iago, Ron Edwards, Valamir, RobNJ.

5/27/2007 Judaicdiablo: Go Play NW - Seattle, June 23rd-24th - Pre-Reg ends June 1st
Go Play NW – June 23rd & 24th A chance to meet and game with other members of the story games community. <a href="">Go Play NW website</a> Seattle University Seattle,…
In Conventions
Participants: Judaicdiablo.

5/29/2007 c: Lake Geneva Gaming Convention (June 15-17th)
Hey folks, The Lake Geneva Gaming Convention is scheduled for June 15th to 17th, in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Is anyone looking to go to this? My group of conventioneering buddies…
In Conventions
Participants: c, Adam SBG.

5/31/2007 brainwipe: [GenCon UK 2007] Reading UK
I am going to be running some Icar at GenCon UK this year. Anyone else going?
In Conventions
Participants: brainwipe.

6/3/2007 TwoCrows: Questions of Big Game Con Virgin
Forgites, My convention experience has heretofore been limited to only a handful of small-ish gigs relatively local to me (the Cincinnati-Dayton-Columbus Triangle; nearest the Cinci point in that geometry), and…
In Conventions
Participants: TwoCrows, TonyLB, jasonm, Ron Edwards.

6/6/2007 itiro: EIRPG 15 - São Paulo, Brasil
The 15th edition of EIRPG (Encontro Internacional de RPG - "International RPG Meeting") will happen in São Paulo on July 7th and 8th. We are planning to run demo games…
In Conventions
Participants: itiro.

6/6/2007 iago: [GenCon 2007] The Forge Booth - Menu Update - Please Read!
I've put together a spreadsheet with the information I'll be using to construct the Forge Booth's menu.  I need all this information to be complete before the end of June…
In Conventions
Participants: iago, Ron Edwards, xenopulse, Troy_Costisick, Paul Czege, GregStolze, Denise.

6/11/2007 btrc: [GenCon 2007] Furniture?
I'm bringing the flooring, and I assume we're doing the same thing as last year regarding tables and chairs? And, just to drool over and think about for the future:…
In Conventions
Participants: btrc, iago, jasonm, Ron Edwards, segedy, Valamir, inthisstyle, Paul Czege, Denise.

6/12/2007 Taladel: Who's going to be manning the Forge Booth?
A guy I met through a mutual friend just told me that he's got a seat at the Forge booth for GenCon this year. He mentioned that he's demoing a…
In Conventions
Participants: Taladel, Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick, jrs, Justin D. Jacobson.

6/13/2007 iago: [GenCon 2007] [Forge Booth] [Menu] You have 24 hours to pay Ron!
Hey, folks.  In the interests of keeping the "data churn" on my end to a minimum, I need to conform to Ron's Official List of Booth Folks in terms of…
In Conventions
Participants: iago.

6/19/2007 Andy Kitkowski: [Gencon 2007] Is there a Games on Demand area this year?
Hey all, after thinking for the last year or so that there was no way I could get to GenCon... Things changed, and I will be there. :-) This is…
In Conventions
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, jrs, Gaerik, Nev the Deranged.

6/25/2007 Jake Norwood: Last Call for Origins?
Hey all. Just poppin' in one more time to see if there will be any forge-ites up for some pick up games or just hanging out at Origins. I'll be…
In Conventions
Participants: Jake Norwood, Nathan P., iago, Marhault, Jared A. Sorensen, c.

6/25/2007 Matt Snyder: [Ashcan Front] Support the front with T-shirts!
We're working to get everything in place for the Ashcan Front booth at Gencon. Paul created some really cool T-shirts with the Ashcan Front logo. So, we're offering pre-orders to…
In Conventions
Participants: Matt Snyder, Matt-M-McElroy, Paul Czege.

6/26/2007 iago: [GenCon 2007] Indie Games Passport: Rubber Stamp Designs, stat!
[img][/img] Attention: Folks involved in the Indie Games Passport! The place I'm going to be ordering the rubber stamps from is doing a 50% off sale for one week only…
In Conventions
Participants: iago, nikola, GregStolze.

6/26/2007 Nev the Deranged: [GenCon '07] - Non-Exhibitors Wednesday Meetup Plans (?)
For those of us (if, in fact, there are any besides my crew) who are coming into town on Wednesday, but are not Exhibitors, and therefore are prohibited from helping…
In Conventions
Participants: Nev the Deranged, Matt Gwinn, Matt-M-McElroy, Ron Edwards, Troy_Costisick, Thunder_God.

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