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In lumpley games

5/1/2008 Jonathan Walton: [IAWA] Prerequisites Shared Understanding
Hey Vincent, Sorry to have emoted all over that last thread.  I've just been really frustrated both times I've tried to play IAWA and have further frustrated by not being…
In lumpley games
Participants: Jonathan Walton, lumpley, John Harper, Valamir, Brand_Robins, Valvorik.

4/30/2008 David Artman: [IAWA] Forms Dice Values: Covert or Overt?
I've been closely following the Battle for the Ring thread(s); and they made me think of a related, but by no means critical, question: Should players keep their Forms Dice…
In lumpley games
Participants: David Artman, Eliarhiman6, lumpley.

4/30/2008 rycanada: [IAWA] Proxy dicing seemed wrong, what was right?
last game I flubbed something.  There were two generals (factions of a broken-up army).  One was a PC (particular strength of Brilliant Tactician), one was an NPC (particualr strength of…
In lumpley games
Participants: rycanada, lumpley, Brand_Robins.

4/29/2008 jburneko: [IAWA] Answerer & The Dice
This is mainly directed to Vincent's analogy about the Answerer in a round and Block/Dodge vs. Taking The Blow in Dogs.  In a couple of threads Vincent has talked about…
In lumpley games
Participants: jburneko, lumpley, David Artman.

4/29/2008 robotsunshine: [Poison'd] Play
Our Saturday night gaming group has always shifted through games, never seeming to be able to pick one up and keep going due to unreliable players.  We've done D&D, Exalted,…
In lumpley games
Participants: robotsunshine.

4/28/2008 Graham Walmsley: [Poison'd] Chastity
So, we played Poison’d yesterday, an afternoon-long game. I’m GMing and there’s Alex, Scott and Adam playing. We eat tuna nicoise before playing, very nautical. The first thing that happens:…
In lumpley games
Participants: Graham Walmsley, lumpley, agony, Ogremarco.

4/28/2008 David Artman: [IAWA] First Play Yielded Questions
So I finally got to play IAWA at NC Game Day on Saturday, and we had a couple of questions. As I also "won" a copy of the rules--the GM…
In lumpley games
Participants: David Artman, lumpley.

4/28/2008 Web_Weaver: [DitV/Glorantha] Con game question
I am going to be running a DitV/Glorantha mash-up at Tentacles (German convention) and I am planning a quick but intense 2.5 - 3 hour game. I plan to use…
In lumpley games
Participants: Web_Weaver, travisjhall, newsalor, Eliarhiman6, Mike Holmes, chriscrouch.

4/27/2008 Eliarhiman6: [IAWA] Flee in the middle of the fight?
Hi! This happened in our IAWA game yesterday (a Con game, not with my usual group): I played a vengeful ghost. My murderer (another PC) paid a sorcerer (a NPC)…
In lumpley games
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Supplanter, Valvorik, lumpley.

4/27/2008 Uriel: [Mechaton] Scenarios
So I'm gonna run Mechaton at a Con soon, 36 hours in total, and I was thinking about running some scenarios with special objectives as well. I think I'll run…
In lumpley games
Participants: Uriel, dindenver, David Artman.

4/26/2008 travisjhall: [DitV] Three-Streams Valley
I'm running DitV for the first time, at last, tomorrow, and figured I'd post my town for a little advice before then. A few restrictions on this... For a variety…
In lumpley games
Participants: travisjhall, lumpley.

4/23/2008 agony: [Poison'd] average booty...?
Just finished reading Poison'd and I'm in utter agony; the game is absolutely stellar and I don't even know if I will get to play in the foreseeable future. Anyway,…
In lumpley games
Participants: agony, lumpley, GB Steve, Pelgrane, Graham Walmsley.

4/20/2008 agony: POISON'd actual play?
I can't seem to find any actual play posts or playtesting posts with examples of play.  A search yields nothing.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?
In lumpley games
Participants: agony, lumpley.

4/19/2008 rycanada: NPC Totem (Another play aid)
Hey guys, if you're interested I've got my Totemic NPC sheet done up as a basic PDF.  I found it handy at the last session: Totemic NPC Sheet
In lumpley games
Participants: rycanada, Valvorik.

4/17/2008 lumpley: [IaWA] Breaking Bad Habits
Bad for In a Wicked Age, that is. All of them are good habits for other games, variously. These are some rules restrictions I recommend if you're having trouble breaking…
In lumpley games
Participants: lumpley, Valvorik, jburneko, Troels, Mike Holmes, Alan, GreatWolf, Eero Tuovinen, Brand_Robins, oliof, Peter Nordstrand, David Artman, jenskot, Eliarhiman6, Jonathan Walton, Marshall Burns, Piers Brown, John Harper, Noclue, Valamir.

4/14/2008 Mike Holmes: [IAWA] Failing to Resolve
So we were playing IAWA at ForgeCon this weekend (missed you, Vincent!), and the rule that I can paraphrase as "Exhaust, Injure, or Negotiate" came up as potentially problematic. There…
In lumpley games
Participants: Mike Holmes, lumpley, jburneko, Eliarhiman6, jenskot, Valvorik.

4/14/2008 rycanada: Poison'd more fun than IAWA?
Background: I happened upon an interview for Page XX with Luke and Vincent.  Vincent sounded really tired.  But at one point he said that poison'd was more fun but IAWA…
In lumpley games
Participants: rycanada, lumpley, Graham Walmsley, Peter Nordstrand.

4/13/2008 dyreno: [DitV] Alternate setting: Dogs of the Military. A Full Metal Alchemist setting
When i started to think of story ideas for DitV i kept coming back to the thought of Full Metal Alchemist. And after reading through the Alternate setting thread i…
In lumpley games
Participants: dyreno, David Artman, dindenver, Andrew Barton, KuroFluff, Danny_K, Marshall Burns, Shenron.

4/12/2008 dyreno: what happens when you run out of dice
quick question. What do you do if you've run out of dice completely. Had a PC shooting down at a gunman and him firing back. The gunman rolled great while…
In lumpley games
Participants: dyreno, Eero Tuovinen, Eliarhiman6, dindenver, lumpley.

4/12/2008 dyreno: [DiTV ] All the Dogs do is murder!
All the Dogs do when we play is murder folks! The way the players see it, talking is something the Devil loves to do, and they don't want nothing to…
In lumpley games
Participants: dyreno, lumpley, JC, Ward, Eero Tuovinen, Peturabo, Eliarhiman6, wreckage, Blankshield, cdr, David Artman, dindenver, chuckles73.

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Subsequent Topics
In lumpley games

5/3/2008 Eliarhiman6: [IaWA] the game text, some observations
Hi Vincent! After reading the last threads on IaWA (than changed a lot of my impression on the way the game is played), and seeing that next Thursday my group…
In lumpley games
Participants: Eliarhiman6, David Artman, lumpley, jenskot.

5/4/2008 dyreno: [DitV]Just a fun thing to throw out to the masses
So the other day i was play testing a scenario with a few friends of mine. We were having a good ole time and decided to spice things up a…
In lumpley games
Participants: dyreno.

5/4/2008 agony: [Poison'd] Bargains Causing Problems
A player made a Bargain with another, vowing to keep him out of the upcoming fight and make sure he was not part of the boarding party.  But see, the…
In lumpley games
Participants: agony, lumpley.

5/6/2008 GreatWolf: [IaWA] What might end up being a completely obvious question
Hey, Vincent! I've been reading the recent threads, and something occurred to me. I seem to recall your describing some of your old Ars Magica freeformish games as being negotiated…
In lumpley games
Participants: GreatWolf, lumpley, Mike Holmes.

5/7/2008 LandonSuffered: Otherkind -- Still Available?
...and if so, where? I only recently heard about this game and was hoping to look it over. Thanks!
In lumpley games
Participants: LandonSuffered, jenskot, lumpley.

5/7/2008 ptevis: [IaWA] Two-on-one conflicts and making people answer
Two cases came up last night that we weren't sure how to handle. First: Ted and Christina decide to team up on me. We roll dice, and the order is…
In lumpley games
Participants: ptevis, lumpley.

5/8/2008 Tommi Brander: In a wicked age, kinda
Greetings. The story: I read a few reviews and such of IAWA, built a game that, to my best knowledge, resembles it, played the hack and enjoyed it a lot.…
In lumpley games
Participants: Tommi Brander, Eero Tuovinen.

5/16/2008 Filip Luszczyk: [IAWA] Action vs Maneuvering
I need a couple of examples that illustrate the practical difference between Action and Maneuvering. Or, a foolproof formula for deciding which of the two should apply.
In lumpley games
Participants: Filip Luszczyk, lumpley.

6/2/2008 nevermore: Update on Afraid
Hey Vincent, I've been working my way through every post on here that deals remotely with Afraid and the last news I'd heard about its completion/ release was that it…
In lumpley games
Participants: nevermore, lumpley, Eero Tuovinen, devonapple.

6/6/2008 wishbone: Nighttime Animals?
Hi, I'm a homeschooling mom who's a former rpg player and I'm looking to get my kids into rpgs now. I'd seen Nighttime Animals Save the World mentioned on a…
In lumpley games
Participants: wishbone, Eliarhiman6.

6/8/2008 jessecoombs: IAWA Cop variant?
I thought I remembered reading some post or listening to some podcast where Vincent was talking about doing an official Police/LA Cop version of In a Wicked Age. I'm guessing…
In lumpley games
Participants: jessecoombs.

6/18/2008 Valamir: [IaWA] Chapter 3 Question
So, we're about to embark on Chapter 3 and my character tops the We Owe List.  I have a question about the new Chapter 3 rule on Significance. Here's the…
In lumpley games
Participants: Valamir, agony, Eliarhiman6, David Artman, lumpley.

6/20/2008 rycanada: Doing game probabilities in Excel
Hey Vincent, you mentioned a few times that you had an excel sheet you used to check on probabilities for IAWA.  How did you go about constructing that?  I know…
In lumpley games
Participants: rycanada, lumpley.

6/21/2008 rycanada: Wicked Age -corner case clarification
Let's say three people are in a conflict: Alex is rolling d12/d10 Bert is rolling d10/d8 Charlie is rolling d8/d6 Charlie lucks out and gets 7/5 (7 on the d8,…
In lumpley games
Participants: rycanada, lumpley.

6/23/2008 GreatWolf: [IAWA] Rules question about multi-character action sequences
We played In a Wicked Age last Thursday and Friday, getting us through two more Chapters. You're absolutely right, Vincent. This game is way better as a campaign game. At…
In lumpley games
Participants: GreatWolf, lumpley.

6/24/2008 agony: Poison'd new ambitions
Any opinion on the following new ambitions? I want to be (name another Pirate's position under Brimstone Jack) I want to be (name another NPC's position under Brimstone Jack) E.g.…
In lumpley games
Participants: agony, Arturo G., lumpley.

6/25/2008 Arturo G.: [Poison'd] No soul, no consequences on bargains?
After reading Poison'd something came to my mind. If my Pirate is really a ruthless bastard with very low Soul and I keep on committing sins (which is easy) I…
In lumpley games
Participants: Arturo G., lumpley.

6/28/2008 rycanada: [IAWA] Profiling approaches to the Owe List
I'm very slowly working on a random generator to shake out consequences of a conflict.  One element of doing so is profiling player approaches to the owe list.  Disclaimer: All…
In lumpley games
Participants: rycanada, Ben Lehman, Eliarhiman6, Alan.

7/2/2008 rycanada: Laborious Wicked Age dice map
I expanded on my Wicked Dice Map because I wanted to emphasize a few things to my players and really break down the action into concrete steps for absolute beginners. …
In lumpley games
Participants: rycanada, Eliarhiman6, lumpley.

7/8/2008 agony: Poison'd Hack: Cruel Fortunes for Crime Drama
Think Martin Scorcese's "Mean Streets" and you got it. I have all of the modifications I had in mind already penned, I just need Rotten Fate (Cruel Fortunes) ideas. So,…
In lumpley games
Participants: agony.

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