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In First Thoughts

6/22/2007 Web_Weaver: Quest Based Card Game
Whilst getting bored on a Coach journey and wishing I had a deck of cards I began to imagine a card game that engaged the players on more than a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Web_Weaver, vertigo25.

6/22/2007 rycanada: Games that use difference?
The quick version: What games have used the difference between the "attacker" and "defender" actions to resolve the damage or tilt the stakes?  Were there pitfalls to this approach? The…
In First Thoughts
Participants: rycanada, Vanoj, Alan, VoidDragon, Age of Fable, Justin D. Jacobson.

6/21/2007 Neikiu: Business Tabletop?
hey all, I have been into table top for a few years now, and after falling out with the guy who used to GM with me and some friends (long…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Neikiu, vertigo25, zoom.

6/21/2007 vertigo25: Darkest Dungeons
I usually get flashes of ideas, and burn through them pretty quickly. This one, however, looks like it may actually see the light of day. I've actually been putting at…
In First Thoughts
Participants: vertigo25, Ron Edwards, Zeigfreid, Rafu, Noon, natfrobinson, Narf the Mouse, Justin Nichol - BFG, Age of Fable.

6/21/2007 Jenita: Tips To Save Big On Your Next Car Loan
Get Your Credit Report You can’t pick up a personal finance article, magazine or book that does not refer to the importance of knowing what is on your credit report.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jenita, Rafu, vertigo25, SpazMan, eldunce, Ron Edwards.

6/20/2007 Hereward The Wake: Is there such a things as "a new method for combat?"
Based upon recent threads and my own musings on combat systems, is there such a thing as a new way of dealing with combat? I'm not so sure. I know…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Hereward The Wake, SpazMan, Ryutensai, VoidDragon, Noon, Sydney Freedberg, mothlos, Adam Dray, Zeigfreid, Nev the Deranged, eldunce, Brannos.

6/20/2007 mothlos: Inductive vs. Deductive Game Design
I am looking for some reading on inductive vs. deductive game design. I am puzzling on this a bit myself and was hoping for some help. In case my words…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mothlos, SpazMan.

6/20/2007 Zeigfreid: Walking down a long road
Hi I'm Ziggy. I love to write settings, and the way I do this is by making roads. Roads are linear and easy to write, so I can generally get…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Zeigfreid, xiombarg, Noon, vertigo25, OleOneEye, Narf the Mouse.

6/17/2007 preludetotheend: Hard Wired (Gears and Cogs (GaC)) first thoughts please longish :(
    Thanks for giving things read over I will try and be as brief on setting as possible and get to the meat and potatoes of what the forums…
In First Thoughts
Participants: preludetotheend, SkuToV, VoidDragon.

6/17/2007 fluency: The Drunken Man in the Corner & Mr. Happy Loveshine
[u]The Drunken Man in the Corner[/u] [i]By Gilbert Kraag Translated from norwegian by Skjalg Kreutzer[/i] You need: *3-10 players *An empty beer bottle. Sit in a circle. Spin the bottle.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: fluency, SkuToV, Ron Edwards, David Artman.

6/17/2007 Vanoj: [Silent] Introductory Feedback Requested
[b]Personal and Project Background[/b] After months of lurking, only occasionally burrowing out to shoot off a comment or two, I'm glad to have some ideas to present for critique. I've…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Vanoj, northerain, Artanis.

6/16/2007 SkuToV: [Death Team] First Timers First Idea
Hi, I'm completely and utterly new to these forums. I found out about them from the perosn working on Raid Earth and I came up with my own idea for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SkuToV, Noon, Ron Edwards, Sydney Freedberg.

6/15/2007 fluency: Grab Life by the Balls
[u][b]Grab Life by the Balls[/b][/u] [i]By Gilbert Kraag Translation from norwegian by Skjalg Kreutzer[/i] Grab Life by the Balls (GLbtB) is a live-action roleplaying game for 1 or more players.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: fluency, joepub, Vanoj, davidboze.

6/14/2007 Doplegager: [Zen] Core Mechanic- Inverted Dice Pool
I'm attending GenCon this year with the Ashcan Front Booth, and am in the process of developing a system to introduce myself to the gaming community with.  I'm expecting to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Doplegager, Darcy Burgess, SpazMan, VoidDragon, Rafu.

6/14/2007 Dave Graffam: [Race to Glory] My first stab at this sort of thing
I'm calling this game "Race to Glory". Objective: The point of this game is to tell a zany story and have a good time telling it. It's possible for all…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dave Graffam, VoidDragon.

6/13/2007 SpazMan: Shards of the Titans [Game Setting advice; System in development]
Hello "The Forge", This is my first post, and I have only recently started looking into The Forge. I have been recently listening to back archives of podcasts such as…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SpazMan, Adam Dray, Sydney Freedberg.

6/13/2007 RiverofTearsJvL: Looking for a program for Tree Graphs
Anyone know of a program that will let me run long Tree Graphs? Im converting notes and rules i wrote over the last few years to my laptop, and i…
In First Thoughts
Participants: RiverofTearsJvL, SpazMan.

6/12/2007 Simon C: [Fir Bolg] Fortune (near or maybe at) the Start, and GM Fiat.
Fir Bolg is this project that I'm kind of unable to let go, even though I don't really think of myself as a game designer.  It's a mostly gamist supporting…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Simon C, Noon, Rafu, contracycle, Eero Tuovinen, HighmoonMedia.

6/12/2007 CSBone: One Roll "High" School
This started as Power 19: One Roll Narrative Role Playing System (Long). This is the first of three concepts. My goal is to get the One Roll system ready…
In First Thoughts
Participants: CSBone.

6/11/2007 jeffmoore: The Abnormal RPG ...
Vincent Baker, owner of lumpley games and author of "Dogs in the Vineyard" said, "Don't make another normal RPG. There are plenty and more than plenty, there are too many…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jeffmoore, Adam Dray.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

6/23/2007 Narf the Mouse: Tales From The Rusty Broadsword Inn (Take 2) - Some sort of massive problem?
I had a flash of inspiration and completely redesigned the system. Then, I posted straight to 'Connections', which now seems very premature. With about four hundred and fifty views on…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Narf the Mouse, Noon, The Dragon Master, Rafu, BigElvis.

6/26/2007 Darcy Burgess: [Gathering Storm] -- That Gut-Wrenching feeling
[url=]The original genesis thread[/url]. [b]What the game's about[/b] Telling short (brutal?) stories set in Britain during the [url=]Blitz[/url] (1940-41). [b]What's changed since the genesis?[/b] The game will be driven by…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Darcy Burgess, BigElvis, Zeigfreid, Sane, jasonm, Sydney Freedberg.

6/26/2007 Zero Zeed: Stuck in the setting
Hi guys, I’m new to this forum so I will introduce myself, my name is Ciro and I am from Venezuela so sorry if my english get too wrong. I’m…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Zero Zeed, anders_larsen, rycanada, jasonm, Vanoj, Ron Edwards.

6/26/2007 punkbohemian: Fudging Fudge dice
I know what the probability curve looks like for 4dF, but I'm wondering how it would change if the fudge dice were modified. For example, let's say it's 2dF with…
In First Thoughts
Participants: punkbohemian, VoidDragon, Age of Fable.

6/28/2007 Justin Nichol - BFG: A New Kind of Magic System
Perhaps I'm wrong. It might not be new at all. Maybe some of the fogies like Ron (I say this only after having read his Fantasy Heartbreakers series, can you…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Justin Nichol - BFG, lumpley, greyorm, VoidDragon, BigElvis, Agleos, Valamir, David Artman, chris_moore, simon_hibbs, Noclue, Creatures of Destiny, Dan Maruschak, Spooky Fanboy, JustinB.

6/29/2007 Dan Bell: Harn: Free pdf adventure module
(I've been told via PM that this subforum, rather than Actual Play is the correct subforum for this post): Hello all I want to announce the release of a new…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dan Bell, Ron Edwards.

6/30/2007 algi: Wizards of Middle Earth
I have this little game idea, but I don't know where to start, what to care about, I just know what I would like to achieve. I noticed reading LotR,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: algi, Ron Edwards, Justin Nichol - BFG, greyorm, Noon.

7/3/2007 Jeff Turner: Power and Politics as core gameplay - Broken Hills
I was struck with an idea on a game I would like to run, and I was wondering if anyone here had any thoughts, criticisms or advice. The Concept Modeled…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jeff Turner, Noon, contracycle, zoom.

7/4/2007 neko ewen: Raspberry Heaven: A game about happy times in an anime high school
Yesterday I came up with a game idea that I'm really jazzed about, though it's very much in the "First Thoughts" stage. "Raspberry Heaven" is meant to be based on…
In First Thoughts
Participants: neko ewen, Filip Luszczyk, Ben Lehman, FredGarber, Zach, Jake Richmond.

7/4/2007 Earthling: Ether-using jedi in a steampunk world experiencing the information revolution!
First of all, let me introduce myself - my name is Harri Sarsa, and I hail from the barren, frozen wasteland of southern Finland. Hello to everyone. Now, the topic…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Earthling, oliof, tj333.

7/6/2007 craig: Level based Vs. skill based characters.
[color=blue]Hello...I'm going to ask a question but do so without any sort of framework supporting why specifically I need to know, outside of that obviously I am in the process…
In First Thoughts
Participants: craig, The Dragon Master, Noon, FredGarber, Narf the Mouse, simon_hibbs, Ron Edwards.

7/6/2007 Simons: Gradual Party Destruction
Hey all, I’ve posted here twice before, and it’s been helpful.  Anyway, the game I’m working on now is called Game X (or at least this is the working title…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Simons, Noon, BlackTerror, David Artman, elbows, LandonSuffered.

7/11/2007 SPELLSLINGER: Spellslinger expansion
I got a RPG today that uses the d20 system, and thought of an expansion showing a war between the humans and werewolf-like gray runners. i also thought of adding…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SPELLSLINGER, Finarvyn, Ron Edwards.

7/11/2007 Krytos: A Greeting and a Request
First of all greetings to you all, as this is my first post here. I found this place a few days ago via a link in someone's blog about rpg…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Krytos, Eero Tuovinen, C.W.Richeson, SpazMan, Narmical.

7/11/2007 Kothlar: Experiential Major Wounds
For some time now, my game group has been working on adding major wounds to the d20 setting.  There are a number of ways to go about this and we…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kothlar, Noon, preludetotheend.

7/12/2007 francis: MEchanical Dream 2.0
Hi everyone, For those who don't ever heard about Mechanical Dream before, I invite you at We offer a complete Industrial-Fantasy world with high content such as politic, economic…
In First Thoughts
Participants: francis, Ron Edwards.

7/12/2007 KickAssClown: [Shaped] Character definition and Character generation
Alright as some of you might already know, I am working ona game that for now I call Shaped. It started out from a brainstorm and was briefly discussed in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: KickAssClown.

7/13/2007 Justin Nichol - BFG: Rethinking my resolution mechanic
ok so I had a new idea for the game system I'm trying to create. I've created about 5 systems now, each better than the last but each still not…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Justin Nichol - BFG, VoidDragon.

7/14/2007 VoidDragon: [AVERA] Banking Advancement with Interest
In reference to my Logarithmic, Multi-genre system, I was hoping to develop/modify my character creation/advancement system with a few goals: 1. Players will be compensated if the GM forces advancement…
In First Thoughts
Participants: VoidDragon, Justin Nichol - BFG.

7/15/2007 Eldrad: NOVEL RPG System
Okay imagine just making a character in a freeform way. For example... I look through the book and decide I want to make a Science Officer for my STARCLADS Sci…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eldrad, Filip Luszczyk, Justin Nichol - BFG, Charlie Gilb, David Artman, Sydney Freedberg, Vulpinoid.

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