Previous Topics In First Thoughts 10/28/2010 Leovaunt: [Legacy of Heroes] Wounds and Fatigue System Attacking and Check Mechanic Thread
Note: This the Wounds and Fatigue System and Attack and Check Mechanic Threads are closesly linked
Introduction/ Class Mechanic Thread:
As part of… In First Thoughts Participants: Leovaunt, Adam Dray, mreuther, Necromantis, dataweaver, Ar Kayon.
10/28/2010 Leovaunt: [Legacy of Heroes] Tests and Attack Rolls Introduction/ Class Mechanic Thread:
In the Legacy of Heroes role-playing game, all checks (combat or out of combat) are done by making a d100 test. Most checks are made… In First Thoughts Participants: Leovaunt, Adam Dray, Ar Kayon, mreuther, Paka.
10/28/2010 Necromantis: [A Time of Steel & Staves] Critical strikes/fails issues So first I suppose I should start out by outlining my system's conflict resolution mechanics.
Everything (or as near to it as I can) that a character decides or attempts… In First Thoughts Participants: Necromantis, Bloomfield, Ar Kayon, Chris_Chinn, Ron Edwards.
10/28/2010 Leovaunt: [Legacy of Heroes] Introduction/Class and Class Point Mechanic This is my introductory post on my Legacy of Heroes role-playing game. Legacy of Heroes is a fantasy setting about exploration, warfare, political intrigue, the corruption of absolute power, fierce… In First Thoughts Participants: Leovaunt, Adam Dray, mreuther.
10/28/2010 Noon: Musing on true solo games and writers block I was on another forum, actually in terms of browser game design, and I decided to write a post that pitched a sort of situation and I asked what people… In First Thoughts Participants: Noon, mreuther, FetusCommander, masqueradeball.
10/28/2010 sinrabies: first ever game created, feedback appreciated. im a newcomer to both this website, tabletop game design, as well as tabletop gaming in general.
first of all, i have never played an official game, only ever homebrew… In First Thoughts Participants: sinrabies, mreuther, Noon.
10/28/2010 Bloomfield: Mechanic for creating connections between characters, and secrets Hi all, I'd appreciate some feedback on this idea I'd like to use for a homebrew cyberpunkish SF game. The style of the game will be open-ended with stuff happening… In First Thoughts Participants: Bloomfield, mreuther, chronoplasm.
10/25/2010 chronoplasm: Humans in Dwarf I'm designing a game called Dwarf: The Old World of Dwarfiness. It's what it says on the tin; it's a game about the lives and the adventures of fantasy dwarfs.… In First Thoughts Participants: chronoplasm.
10/25/2010 davidberg: Pass the Ball, Tick the Clock I wonder how much fun it would be to play a game where no one must (or can) invent setting features. You play your characters and choose what they encounter… In First Thoughts Participants: davidberg, chronoplasm, Noon, Bloomfield, stefoid.
10/24/2010 BunniRabbi: Attribute question This is a very specific question about a larger project;
I'm creating a superhero narrative RPG, and am currently going over the attribute spread. In most games there is "Strength"… In First Thoughts Participants: BunniRabbi, Necromantis, Locke, VAgentZero, Jason Pitre, Noon, Bloomfield, Roan, dataweaver, Certified.
10/23/2010 Moganhio: Is Gumshoe simulationist? Is Gumshoe (Trail of Cthulhu) simulationist or gamist? this question comes from a debate in a spanish forum where no agreement was reached. I felt curious about what would pop… In First Thoughts Participants: Moganhio, Ar Kayon, Necromantis, Chris_Chinn, mreuther, Ron Edwards, davidberg, Bloomfield.
10/22/2010 Warrior Monk: What's in a fighter? without using I like to play characters that go straight into the battle, but often find them in disadvantage against mages or simply boring to play in combat since combat options are… In First Thoughts Participants: Warrior Monk, Chris_Chinn, BunniRabbi, dindenver.
10/21/2010 mreuther: Validity of Cliche in Game Design [url=]Reference[/url]
To what extent are cliches viable in our designs? As was discussed in the last thread which got closed, some good gaming moments have been had in various… In First Thoughts Participants: mreuther, chronoplasm, Ar Kayon, Ron Edwards, Necromantis, Chris_Chinn, Mike Sugarbaker.
10/21/2010 Necromantis: A offshoot idea -- RPG centered around personality So a while back I was considering whether alignment had a place in the game I am designing (A Time of Steel & Staves) I posted here for advice and… In First Thoughts Participants: Necromantis, Ar Kayon, Chris_Chinn, ShallowThoughts, Lassidus, Jason Pitre, stefoid.
10/21/2010 chronoplasm: Non-Combat 'Roles' If there's one thing I like about D&D 4E, it is the well defined and transparent roles in combat (defender, striker, leader, controller). They ensure that character has strong niche… In First Thoughts Participants: chronoplasm.
10/20/2010 Fungiochi: Reaper: Student Project
Hi! We're a group of students from QUT in Brisbane making a game for UDK, please check it out. All feedback is greatly appreciated.
Check out all about the game… In First Thoughts Participants: Fungiochi, Ron Edwards.
10/20/2010 mreuther: How to Design an RPG . . . (lol) Ran across this today and thought it'd be of use to folks. ;)
For the fun, a diagram to help . . .
Some cliches to avoid, or play on,… In First Thoughts Participants: mreuther, BunniRabbi, Ar Kayon, Noon, Ron Edwards.
10/18/2010 BunniRabbi: Wargame developement I'm not seeing this answered anywhere so let me just ask: Does this site revolve around RPGs only in a strict sense, or would table-top wargames also be… In First Thoughts Participants: BunniRabbi, mreuther.
10/15/2010 Chris Chambers: Game System in the works Hi I am kind of new, well I was here years, and years ago, and am working on turning our house game system into a full RPG. I would like… In First Thoughts Participants: Chris Chambers, Ar Kayon, Noon, Abkajud, Mike Sugarbaker.
10/13/2010 Kalandri: Yet another Conflict Resolution idea: The Battle Track The game session is getting boring, the GM is running into a wall, and so he resorts to the old standby:
GM: "An army of like thirty ninjas jump out… In First Thoughts Participants: Kalandri, Noon, Ar Kayon, Eero Tuovinen, Bloomfield.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In First Thoughts 10/31/2010 dataweaver: Power and Finesse I'm experimenting with a game mechanic that's built around the idea that the core attributes come in Power/Finesse pairs, where the Power stat determines how much you can do while… In First Thoughts Participants: dataweaver, Necromantis.
11/2/2010 Vulpinoid: [FUBAR/WALKABOUT] An optional rule to reflect attitude/alignment I've just written, and rewritten, this optional game rule a half dozen times.
I've gotten to that point where I know what the words are meant to convey, but I've… In First Thoughts Participants: Vulpinoid, Noon, mreuther, stefoid.
11/4/2010 Hour11: At the intersection of P&P RPG and mini Wargaming. So me and a couple of guys (Calling ourselves Hour11 Games) have been working on a game for a little over a year and I was wondering what people's… In First Thoughts Participants: Hour11, Noon, Vulpinoid.
11/7/2010 sproket: Goldchest Hi everyone,
I've been a lurker for a while - I decided to be brave enough to post now. :)
I've been working for about a year on a new… In First Thoughts Participants: sproket, Ron Edwards.
11/8/2010 Leovaunt: [Legacy of Heroes] Corruption Attacking and Check Mechanic Thread
Introduction/ Class Mechanic Thread:
Wounds and Hit Point Mechanic Thread
I have the basics on the corruption mechanic for my roleplaying game.… In First Thoughts Participants: Leovaunt, Ar Kayon, davidberg.
11/8/2010 Leovaunt: [Legacy of Heroes] Spell Casting Systems Attacking and Check Mechanic Thread
Introduction/ Class Mechanic Thread:
Wounds and Hit Point Mechanic Thread
Corruption System
Note: This has some relation to this thread
Keshan… In First Thoughts Participants: Leovaunt, Ar Kayon.
11/10/2010 Abkajud: Ancient Rome, Lead Poisoning, and Violence [x-posted at]
I got sucked back into Adult Swim's delightful game Viva Caligula, and an idea struck me.
- Your character is a resident of ancient Rome. You're either… In First Thoughts Participants: Abkajud, Vulpinoid, Magnus Pym, Airafice.
11/12/2010 TrollSlayer: Large-scale battles? Hello,
I've been designing a comedy/satire RPG based on the characters being "cannon-fodder". The general feel of the game is meant to be of insignificance: think of one of the… In First Thoughts Participants: TrollSlayer, Ar Kayon, flossy, Noon, mreuther, contracycle, NN.
11/12/2010 Kadski: (D20) Shadow Walkers Shadow Walkers
The once great Land of Helvakia is overrun with the black plague, a disease that wracks the mind and soul with visions from the outer planes, a world… In First Thoughts Participants: Kadski, Chris_Chinn, Noon.
11/12/2010 metagov: 5dx: a new action resolution mechanic Hello,
I've been thinking about RPG game mechanics and I wanted to share one in particular that I think is new and interesting. Well, new to me at least: I… In First Thoughts Participants: metagov, Ar Kayon, mreuther, Certified, Adam Dray, Abkajud, Noon, BinaryCat.
11/14/2010 SortableBadger: Project Absalen So, first post, though I am a lurker - of sorts. I've recently decided to put what I've learned into action and realized I didn't know as much as I… In First Thoughts Participants: SortableBadger, Noon, Chris_Chinn, mreuther, stefoid.
11/14/2010 Doug Law: I hate opposed rolls I suppose the subject says it all, but I'm designing a new game system and I was weighing a few mechanics. I wondered if maybe someone could convince me why… In First Thoughts Participants: Doug Law, SortableBadger, Ar Kayon, Chris_Chinn, Noon, dataweaver, Abkajud, Necromantis.
11/15/2010 Necromantis: [RUN!] is there a non-gamist way of dealing with REWARDS I was doing some thinking...
wouldn't any game that awards XP or any other kind of Points, has levels or any kind of "improvements" to the character be gamist in… In First Thoughts Participants: Necromantis, Chris_Chinn, mreuther, Noon, Ar Kayon, stefoid, SortableBadger, ShallowThoughts, Daemonworks.
11/15/2010 dataweaver: dice: time taken vs. series of rolls In my games, I usually use a simple 2d10-equivalent mechanism when resolving success or failure. However, I'd like to come up with a reasonable alternative to this for handling cases… In First Thoughts Participants: dataweaver, mreuther, Noon.
11/16/2010 Alfryd: Egri and Nar vs. Sim I can't recall the exact thread, but I was thinking recently about some comment Ron made when trying to 'daignose' a given player's general CA. I think the general gist… In First Thoughts Participants: Alfryd, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.
11/16/2010 BunniRabbi: Aristotelian Morality / Virtue list I've been taking this philosophy class that has given me an idea for a morality system based, very loosely, on Aristotelian Morality. Essentially, Aristotle felt that every virtue was a… In First Thoughts Participants: BunniRabbi, SortableBadger, Noon, Jason Pitre, epweissengruber.
11/17/2010 stefoid: a game where there is no GM and/or everybody is the GM Real Soon Now (tm) Im going to test this concept on a group of friends Yes, actual play, wowee.
The link is to the 'back-story generator' idea I had. … In First Thoughts Participants: stefoid, SortableBadger, mreuther, Abkajud, Chris_Chinn.
11/17/2010 Talanic: Laying out P. C. Hodgell's World of Rathillien RPG Hi all! I was here a while ago with the World of Rathillien RPG, and the net result of the critique I received was the harsh truth; it's a mess. … In First Thoughts Participants: Talanic, Abkajud, Chris_Chinn, ShallowThoughts.
11/18/2010 Necromantis: [Run!] a Role-Sharing game of memory lapse and evading capture. {issues} I will give a quick explanation of my plans for this game.
Anything else that I leave out that you would like to know, just ask.
Role-Sharing game. … In First Thoughts Participants: Necromantis, SortableBadger, SamuelRiv, Bill_White.
11/19/2010 izlear: Wager based game idea! I have been toying with an idea for a few weeks. There are similar games, I know that, but I wanted to put this idea forward and see what you… In First Thoughts Participants: izlear, Noon, SortableBadger, Bill_White.
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