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In Dark Omen Games

2/3/2004 M. J. Young: Character Sheet feedback (split from Ubercon Demo)
Thanks; got it. I am surprised that the new character sheet doesn't include any place for notes. Particularly, there's no place to identify a character as Blessed, or Digger Paladin,…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: M. J. Young, GreatWolf, Shreyas Sampat.

1/26/2004 M. J. Young: Ubercon Demo
Seth, I just submitted a Legends of Alyria demo event to the Ubercon events list, for Friday evening. Let me know if there's anything you want me to have or…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: M. J. Young, GreatWolf, Mike Holmes.

1/25/2004 GreatWolf: Off-Topic: The latest from Dark Omen!
Noah Matthew Ben-Ezra was born on January 25 at 1:54 p.m. He weighed 9 lbs. and was 21 inches long. Mother and baby are both doing well. If you're interested…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Ron Edwards, greyorm, Blake Hutchins, M. J. Young.

12/24/2003 GreatWolf: Merry Christmas!
The people who walk in darkness Will see a great light; Those who live in a dark land, The light will shine on them. For a child will be born…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf.

12/5/2003 GreatWolf: Alyria Actual Play Post!
Hello, everyone! I've just posted an Alyria Actual Play report up in the Actual Play forum. The thread is here. I thought that you would be interested. Seth Ben-Ezra Great…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf.

9/24/2003 GreatWolf: What I've been doing....
In the My editing is done thread, I was asked: If you'll indulge a fan's curiosity, I'd be rather curious to know what it was that you were…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Tim Alexander.

9/15/2003 Ron Edwards: My editing is done
I want to make it public that I consider Legends of Alyria to be one of the finest role-playing games available. It stands with Hero Quest in its brand of…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: Ron Edwards, Valamir, ethan_greer, GreatWolf, Thalaxis, Shreyas Sampat, Gordon C. Landis.

7/13/2003 GreatWolf: Status report (7/12/2003)
I think that I'm finished writing the manuscript. I say, "I think" because I know that it needs a good edit or two, and I may find myself rewriting sections…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood.

5/8/2003 Spooky Fanboy: Invoking the Trait
I recall there was a bit of controversy over what happened when two players invoked the same Trait. Has there been any progress in that department? I still stick by…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: Spooky Fanboy, M. J. Young.

4/11/2003 M. J. Young: Young Playtest Group First Storymap
A few preliminary comments--I started this yesterday, and my computer froze while I was trying to find my notes, so I just gave up and went to bed. I'm trying…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: M. J. Young, GreatWolf, hix.

3/27/2003 GreatWolf: I/C gains by Moon Dice
I was working on the Alyria manuscript last night, and an inspiration hit me. I/C gains are supposed to provide a mechanical push to characters, who are required to react…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Ron Edwards, Spooky Fanboy, szilard, Mike Holmes, Valamir.

3/27/2003 Tony Irwin: Release details
Hi Seth, I read Ron Edward's review of your game and am keen to buy it when it gets released. Are you at the point yet of establishing a release…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: Tony Irwin, GreatWolf.

3/23/2003 Ron Edwards: Forge review is up
What are you waiting for? Go read it!! Best, Ron
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: Ron Edwards, Valamir, GreatWolf, Mike Holmes.

3/17/2003 Shreyas Sampat: The 'Look' of Alyria
I've been wondering about Alyria's visual style for some time; it has a very clear mood, and even suggests a sort of aural atmosphere (muffled clanks and voices, all overlying…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, M. J. Young, Valamir, GreatWolf.

3/13/2003 GreatWolf: Alyria downloads
Okay, here are the downloads available for Legends of Alyria, all gathered into one place. Thanks to Jason Blair for providing hosting for these files. Alyria Quick Start rules This…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Spooky Fanboy.

2/8/2003 GreatWolf: Tweaking Trait activation
I have been corresponding with someone about the Alyria rules, and he has asked a couple of interesting questions about Trait activation. I'm chewing on the issues, but I thought…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Spooky Fanboy, Valamir.

2/5/2003 xiombarg: web site
Okay, am I correct that the following is the Dark Omen Games web site? Given that, it seems there is something wrong with the Alyria link from that page:…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: xiombarg, GreatWolf.

2/4/2003 GreatWolf: Devil’s Hour (A Tale of Alyria)
1330….1331…1332. The Keeper’s breath was heavy as he entered the meditation chamber atop the tower of Kron. He paused to catch his breath, a difficult task while trying to speak…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf.

2/4/2003 GreatWolf: Wearing the Mask: A Tale of Alyria (long)
Suddenly, he awoke. Sweating, he panted in the darkness. Was it a dream? His mind was muddled and confused, still swathed in the mists of sleep. He groped for the…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf.

2/4/2003 GreatWolf: Update (2/4/2003)
I thought that it was time to update the status on Legends of Alyria for those who are interested. Last GenCon I made a commitment to finish Alyria in time…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Jürgen Mayer, Shreyas Sampat, Mike Holmes, Thalaxis.

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In Dark Omen Games

2/12/2004 GreatWolf: Games that Alyrians play
Once upon a time, I had toyed with the idea of creating Alyrian board games. You know, what sort of games would they play in the Citadel? How about the…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Valamir.

2/13/2004 Marhault: My Moon Die: An Odyssey
Well, I made my Moon Die last night. It was, for me, the culmination of a quest many years long, far longer than I have known about Alyria. A quest…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: Marhault, GreatWolf.

2/16/2004 Marhault: Some questions
So I spent a little time with the Alyria Quickstart Rules this weekend. Made up a few characters, resolved a few conflicts, that sort of thing. I have a few…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: Marhault, GreatWolf.

4/7/2004 Ben Lehman: Status of Alyria
Hey... So everything I've heard about this system makes it sound perfect for a game that I want to run in the Fall, but I don't know if the game…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: Ben Lehman, GreatWolf, M. J. Young, Rich Stokes, Valamir, arxhon, Mike Holmes.

4/7/2004 GreatWolf: Alyria website/wiki ideas
In this thread, Mike Holmes mentioned the use of a wiki for an Alyria website. This got me to thinking about this idea, so I thought that I take a…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Marhault.

4/11/2004 Ben Lehman: On Dragons and Evil
"Fairy Tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." --GK Chesterton This is a topic…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: Ben Lehman, GreatWolf, Trevis Martin.

4/19/2004 GreatWolf: Bad news
Hi, everyone. I have some bad news that I need to tell all of you. No, Legends of Alyria isn't cancelled, but it does affect certain aspects of the publication…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, BPetroff93, Valamir, quozl, Shreyas Sampat, Spooky Fanboy, xiombarg, Eero Tuovinen, Ben Lehman, M. J. Young, greyorm, Lxndr, Mike Holmes, Marhault, Paul Czege, Blake Hutchins, Sean, Jürgen Mayer.

5/5/2004 GreatWolf: Proposed updated iconography
Hello, everyone. In this thread, I discussed the need to change the iconography for the Alyria system. Several ideas were bandied about, including clock faces. After tossing around the ideas,…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Mike Holmes, Valamir, M. J. Young, Trevis Martin, ethan_greer, Mark D. Eddy, greyorm, Lxndr, Blake Hutchins, quozl, hix.

6/28/2004 Marhault: On the sequential faces of the clock
It's been a while since this topic has been discussed, and it has been simmering in the back of my mind since then. In the last thread, Seth showed some…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: Marhault, M. J. Young, GreatWolf.

8/27/2004 GreatWolf: IIEE concerns and some new rules
Hello, all. It's been a while since I've written, for which I apologize. But, I thought that I'd let you know how Alyria is coming. Believe it or not, I…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Ron Edwards, hix.

10/8/2004 M. J. Young: Demo games--new rules or old?
Seth-- This seems the quickest way to get hold of you, as my private message boxes are kind of full and my address book is a disorganized disaster. I'm going…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: M. J. Young, GreatWolf.

1/7/2005 GreatWolf: Needing some Latin help here.
So, I'm contemplating using the Liturgy of the Hours as someone (I think Ralph) suggested as a replacement for the moon phases. Here's what I've got so far: Moon Phase----…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Ron Edwards, suffusionofyellow, Mark D. Eddy, Marhault, Shreyas Sampat, 1of3.

4/7/2005 GreatWolf: Needing some help (and some art)
Okay, so I am heeding the various bribes, threats and cajoling found in this thread. Silly as this may sound, I did not know that there was this level of…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

4/26/2005 Yokiboy: New to Alyria
I found this game a while back after reading Ron Edward's praise of it all over the place. I didn't actually read it until today, but must point out that…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: Yokiboy, GreatWolf.

8/5/2005 GreatWolf: At last, Alyria enters the world
Your attention please!  I wish to make an announcement!  As of today, I am publically announcing the brand new Legends of Alyria blog.  This blog contains the complete text of…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, hix, matthijs, Jonas Karlsson, Gaerik, ScottM, Marhault, Mike Holmes, Yokiboy, Spooky Fanboy, M. J. Young.

8/19/2005 GreatWolf: Off-topic: The latest GenCon release!
On August 19 at 12:33 a.m., Justice Daniel Ben-Ezra was born. He was 8 pounds, 12 ounces and 21 inches long.  Mother and baby are both well.  For more details,…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, matthijs, bcook1971, Jasper Polane, Shreyas Sampat.

9/14/2006 GreatWolf: Print version on the horizon
It would appear that it is time for the annual Alyria forum post.  Here's hoping this isn't premature, but the time seems to be right. As I type, Crystal is…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, M. J. Young, Marhault, greyorm, Ron Edwards, hix, matthijs, Eero Tuovinen, Steven Stewart.

9/24/2006 Steven Stewart: Special Rules for the Blessed, Chosen, Etc.
Hiya Seth and Community, I read your blog version of Alyria. Really cool. Just a quick quesiton, in the sample scenario you mention that one of the characters follows the…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: Steven Stewart, GreatWolf.

11/15/2006 GreatWolf: At last, the print version is available!
It's been a while since I posted this update, wherein I discussed some problems with the proof. Well, Crystal and I both agreed that more needed to be done.  A…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, hix, Andrew Morris, Gaerik, M. J. Young.

11/21/2006 GreatWolf: Legends of Alyria Actual Play
Please post all links to Legends of Alyria actual play in this thread.  This doesn't have to be only threads on the Forge.  If you post on your blog or…
In Dark Omen Games
Participants: GreatWolf, Filip Luszczyk.

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