The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

8/21/2008 Andy Kitkowski: Ways to handle PDF downloads?
Hey all, I'm looking for a software kit for the web to do basically one thing (so I don't need a whole CRM/CMS or anything): I want something that can…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, greyorm.

8/21/2008 Emily Care: [Flowers for Mara] Family schisms at Gen Con
Hi there, At Gen Con, I got the chance to play Seth Ben Ezra's game A Flower for Mara.  This game is played in the form of an improv play…
In Actual Play
Participants: Emily Care, GreatWolf, segedy, Tobias Wrigstad, Blessdevil, Claudia Cangini.

8/21/2008 dindenver: [ditv[ Say yes or roll the dice question
Vincent,   Are there any tips, tricks or nuances to "Say yes or roll the dice"?   I am designing a game that is going to rely on it heavily…
In lumpley games
Participants: dindenver, lumpley, daniel_yokomizo, Roger.

8/21/2008 Ron Edwards: [Kagematsu] GenCon, Thursday night
Hello, We gathered at the Embassy Suites in the time-honored tradition to playtest the game, including Danielle Lewon (the designer), Anna Kreider, Darcy Burgess, and me. Curiously, a 50-50 male-female…
In Playtesting
Participants: Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen, Darcy Burgess, wunderllama, Nev the Deranged, SNora.

8/21/2008 Dustin Bingham: [Fame] First thoughts
Hi there, After having my gaming pretty much transformed by these wonderful games (DitV, Sorcerer, MLWM, and Polaris, specifically), I've decided to take a crack developing a game myself.  I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Dustin Bingham, whiteknife, imago, Ron Edwards.

8/21/2008 segedy: [Gen Con 2008] Post-Mortem
I've found these post-Gen Con discussions interesting and helpful in the past, so let's start a new one for Gen Con Indy 2008.  What worked in the booth (and in…
In Conventions
Participants: segedy, iago, Tim C Koppang, JustinB, jenskot, Ron Edwards, rafael, Nathan P., Andy Kitkowski, jasonm, Gregor Hutton, abzu, SirValence, wunderllama, Paul Czege, TonyLB, Darcy Burgess, buzz, inthisstyle, tonyd, Jonathan Walton, Paka, Adam Dray, Graham Walmsley, RobNJ.

8/21/2008 Elizabeth: Photographer available for illustration work
Hi! I'm a freelance photographer by day, game designer by night. I've been doing a ton of photography as game illustrations lately, and I thought I should mention that I'm…
In Connections
Participants: Elizabeth, Vulpinoid.

8/21/2008 charlesperez: Social Context: Rules for 4th Ed D&D Characters who belong
While reading 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, a set of rules in the form of a plug-in for D&D sort of clawed its way out of my brain. These rules…
In First Thoughts
Participants: charlesperez.

8/20/2008 Carabbit: Hey, new game and etiquette
Got a group and a game that's been in production for more than a year. We feel we've reached a 'beta' type point where we are looking for others outside…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Carabbit, Vulpinoid, Eero Tuovinen.

8/20/2008 Abkajud: [Dishonor!] "Canceling Out" Mechanic - I need your suggestions
Hello, all! My name is Zac, and I haven't posted about this particular game for a long time. It previously appeared under the heading of "Trial by Combat/The Honor system",…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Abkajud, imago, Vulpinoid.

8/20/2008 Helix: [Poison'd] Character Sheet / Cheat Sheets?
Hi. I just demoed and bought this game at Gen Cont his year. It should be a blast to play with my group. I remember seeing a character type sheet....had…
In lumpley games
Participants: Helix, lumpley.

8/20/2008 Paka: Dark Pages Imprint: Zeppelin City Set-up
A few friends of mine are moving back into town and I was excited to read that DarkPages prefers a GM and one or two players.  I have been enjoying…
In Playtesting
Participants: Paka, Jared A. Sorensen, Spooky Fanboy.

8/20/2008 LemmingLord: Capes at GenCon - D-Day Capes Style
The best two hours of the best four days of gaming was playing out an alternate D-Day.  Many thanks to Tony for showing me how the system works in practice. …
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: LemmingLord, TonyLB.

8/20/2008 sirogit: [WGP] Jumper Hellboy and an Art teacher take on star girl and a yeti.
I'm 3 sessions into a WGP game. We choose a setting that's 'kind of like sunnydale', a suburban community that's serene conformist outside with corruption and evil powers and people…
In Actual Play
Participants: sirogit.

8/19/2008 lopes-gabriel: Music for Shock
[b]Music for Shock! Some stuff that I like to listen to while I´m  playing![/b] [b]Ghosts – Nine Inch Nails[/b] (wonderful for [b]lonely industrial landscapes[/b]) Free download at [b]Mind is…
In glyphpress
Participants: lopes-gabriel, nikola.

8/19/2008 Kalladeron: Dice Mechanic -Need a Help
Firstly, excuse me for possible English mistakes, I am Brazilian and as I believe that you know that English is far away from being our language mother.    It is…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kalladeron, imago.

8/19/2008 Raeth: [Options System] Intro / wounding system
[font=Trebuchet MS][size=15pt][b]Intro[/b][/size] Hello-hello. I'm Nick. I've been working on a system for several years now, mostly all on my own. My system, called the Options System for now, focuses on…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Raeth, whiteknife, dindenver, chance.thirteen.

8/19/2008 TonyLB: Misery Bubblegum Playtesters Wanted
I'm going to be trying "Playtest by Chain-letter" to get some blind-playtest mojo going.  Basically, this isn't a game that I can (or would) distribute to you electronically:  I gotta…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: TonyLB, Myrmidon.

8/19/2008 rabindranath72: [Sorcerer] Hyborian Age as a S&S setting
Hi all, new to the boards, new to Sorcerer and Sorcerer & Sword, bought them two days ago, and I literally devoured them. Excellent material! I have been searching for…
In Adept Press
Participants: rabindranath72, Ron Edwards, epweissengruber, Finarvyn, Vortigern, Christopher Kubasik, The Dragon Master.

8/19/2008 TonyLB: GenCon: Misery Bubblegum 1/7
#1 of 7 games played at GenCon: I started out the weekend with a nice, small game with two other players.  I'm pretty dang sure that I know their names,…
In Playtesting
Participants: TonyLB, Ron Edwards, Marshall Burns, Paka, Landon Darkwood.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

8/21/2008 AXUM: SOTC- Help & suggestions for a New Stunt
Hello! As a SOTC GM, I was tinkering with a new Stunt for a Master Criminal Villain I have (a Master Thief), oddly enough, called "Master Criminal".  I was hoping…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: AXUM, iago.

8/22/2008 EarthenForge: [Under My Skin] under my skin. Now, with pictures!
I am undertaking the rather daunting task of writing an AP for Emily Care Boss’s Under My Skin game, in the Jeepform tradition, as played at GenCon 2008. It was…
In Actual Play
Participants: EarthenForge, RobNJ, Ron Edwards, Niobe, Emily Care, Tobias Wrigstad, GreatWolf.

8/22/2008 BlissAuthority: [Power 19] [Nameless Mecha Game] Help me with bolded questions?
1.) What is your game about? ::This Game:: is about hot-blooded humongous mecha badassery in the face of an eeevil foe, with the careful (or not) forging of alliances on…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BlissAuthority, Abkajud, dindenver.

8/22/2008 Matterhorn: The Story Tree, some upload advice (please)
Hi -long time browser, first time poster. I have been working on a bronze age pirates meets Lost low fantasy campaign for a while now. Yesterday I was struck by…
In Publishing
Participants: Matterhorn, Dustin Bingham, Rob Donoghue.

8/22/2008 imago: [Coraçao Selvagem] Mechanics
On Coraçao Selvagem characters have 5 Attributes, with 5 Abilities under each Attribute. Attributes have scores from 1 to 6, while Abilities have scores from 0 to 5. Drives and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: imago.

8/22/2008 LordEntropy: [SOTC] Outnumbered
A number of the fists stunts talk about their use when being outnumbered. Now I know Mooks get a numerical advantage to attack a character but I cant see anywhere…
In Evilhat Productions
Participants: LordEntropy, iago, oliof.

8/22/2008 SirValence: GenCon Forge Booth Chairs, part 2
I was reimbursed for all but $19 for the chairs, and I can cover that much. That's $1 for each StoryCards deck that sold. :)
In Conventions
Participants: SirValence, segedy, Valamir, iago.

8/22/2008 Pilgrim: Errata? Hermes & Aphrodite
Matt, Question - p92 with Aphrodite duplicates the Power, Urges, Muses and Talisman for Hermes, even though the labels have been changed. Got a corrected version some where? Trey
In Chimera Creative
Participants: Pilgrim.

8/23/2008 Matterhorn: [The Story Tree] First Thoughts.
Thankyou Dustin and Rob for your uploading advice. This is the first version of The Story Tree. It is completely untested at this time so I am keen for…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Matterhorn, Eero Tuovinen, Vulpinoid.

8/23/2008 Greymorn: AMMF?
I have a feeling I may regret this in the morning, but this idea is stuck in my head so here it goes. Please reply with thoughts and especially AP…
In Actual Play
Participants: Greymorn, Filip Luszczyk, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, greyorm, Entech, Web_Weaver, Big J Money, Marshall Burns.

8/23/2008 The Dragon Master: [Sorcerer] One Shot...
To start with, yes I ran a search for this, and I'm in the process of digesting the information I found. That being said... I joined the group I'll be…
In Adept Press
Participants: The Dragon Master, jburneko, Ron Edwards.

8/23/2008 Jack Phillips: [The Amnesia Detective] Power 19 answers. Suggestions/help?
I'm working out an idea for a game called The Amnesia Detective. Player/s were investigating something. They don't remember what. They don't remember who they are. Over the course of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jack Phillips, whiteknife, TonyLB, Willow, Big J Money.

8/23/2008 Abkajud: response to Dishonor! questions (Vulpinoid and Imago)
[i]Is the game focused on courtly intrigue? Is it based on defending the empire from hostile outside forces? Is it based on ferreting out heretics and dishonourable swine within the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Abkajud.

8/23/2008 Abkajud: response to Dishonor! questions (Vulpinoid and Imago)
[i]Is the game focused on courtly intrigue? Is it based on defending the empire from hostile outside forces? Is it based on ferreting out heretics and dishonourable swine within the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Abkajud.

8/24/2008 neko ewen: Slime Story: teenagers hunt cute monsters for spending money
This is an idea that's been brewing for a long time, and I think I'm finally starting to figure out how to put together a game about it. It takes…
In First Thoughts
Participants: neko ewen, BlissAuthority, whiteknife, Eero Tuovinen, Landon Winkler, Wirebrain.

8/24/2008 Kaynus: There has been talk of a space rpg. Time to get organized.
I just got done with my anti-depression therapy (a Rocky montage marathon plus some fast metal) so I'm fired up and ready to get my self committed to some sort…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kaynus.

8/24/2008 Matterhorn: [The Story Tree] First Impression (V2!)
The Story Tree V0.003 This link should work. Please test, critique, etc. I am am keen for any and all comment. Thanks Eero Tuovinen and Vulpinoid for the technical…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Matterhorn, Vulpinoid.

8/24/2008 BlissAuthority: [Each Star Could Be An Ally!] Seeking playtesters - running over chatroom
I have bashed out a play-testable version of Each Star Could Be An Ally, a hot-blooded Super Robot roleplaying game where you must save not only Earth, but forge alliances…
In Connections
Participants: BlissAuthority.

8/24/2008 jessecoombs: New version of Poison'd?
Alas, I was not able to make it to Gencon. After hearing about a new version of Poison'd, I got excited and bought the existing pdf. There was a note…
In lumpley games
Participants: jessecoombs, lumpley.

8/25/2008 Eero Tuovinen: [Forum Diary] I get my own rules!
Ah, the fulfillment of my ambition! Seriously, though, my primary reason for asking for a Forge forum was to get a new place to make chit-chat about the Solar System…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen.

more subsequent topics >>