Previous Topics 7/18/2002 Valamir: Origins, much bigger than I thought Origins this year felt very small to me. A number of people I was there with mentioned the same thing. Perhaps it was the nearly always empty food court that… In RPG Theory Participants: Valamir, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood, tdenmark.
7/18/2002 Jake Norwood: Supplements Big and Small, Good and Bad I've been thinking a lot about the roll of supplements lately. I've had many conversations with Ron and others about them and "what makes a good supplment" in the past,… In Publishing Participants: Jake Norwood, Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, Zak Arntson, Jared A. Sorensen, Le Joueur, xiombarg, Eugene Zee, Matt, Dav, Michael Hopcroft, toshiro.
7/18/2002 Ron Edwards: Trollbabe exists Ha ha! Oh, this game is so wonderful ... Matt Snyder has cemented his place in my pantheon of Amazing Role-playing Professionals, due to his work on its layout.
Anyway,… In Publishing Participants: Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, greyorm.
7/18/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Fun Fighters - Ygg thinking out loud again I was thinking a little on the fighter-like professions I have for Ygg. As I stated elsewhere, my intent is to make everything interesting, no filler material.
The magic is… In Indie Game Design Participants: Christoffer Lernö, Valamir, damion, contracycle, Wolfen.
7/18/2002 Jake Norwood: Bestiary: Print or PDF? I've been planning to release Of Beasts and Men in print form since the beginning, but I've been wondering if an initial release on PDF wouldn't be wiser...a lot depends… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Valamir, Skywalker, Jason L Blair, Wolfen, Jürgen Mayer, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Jaif, Brian Leybourne, Bob Richter, Ace, Durgil, Lyrax, Janne Halmetoja, Delta1, Thirsty Viking, Scotty, Mokkurkalfe, svenlein, Silanthous, Unsane.
7/18/2002 Jhilahd: Broomstix - advancement and other quirks Just out of curiosity(maybe I glazed over it too quickly), but how do we advance characters in Broomstix? I know, I know... they go on to the next school year.… In Memento-Mori Theatricks Participants: Jhilahd, Jared A. Sorensen, Tim Denee.
7/18/2002 Zak Arntson: Order of Independent Game Forums I don't know how important this is, but it's a feature request:
Ordering the Independent Game Forums by activity. It's a judgement call on what "activity" means, but I'd love… In Site Discussion Participants: Zak Arntson, Jason L Blair, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.
7/17/2002 Ron Edwards: A Sorcerer novel Hello,
I just finished reading John D. MacDonald's novel, The Girl, The Gold Watch, and Everything (1962). The hero inherits a gold watch from his mysterious uncle.
Kirby, the… In Adept Press Participants: Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, Mike Holmes, Clinton R. Nixon, jburneko, Gordon C. Landis, Zak Arntson.
7/17/2002 Lily: Wuthering Heights RPG Question.... To Whomever It May Concern,
I'm new to this board, as you may be able to tell. I would like to join the Wuthering Heights roleplay, but I am clueless… In Actual Play Participants: Lily, xiombarg, Mike Holmes, Michael Hopcroft, Ron Edwards, Philippe Tromeur.
7/17/2002 Zak Arntson: Chthonian and IIEE I went and looked up the IIEE (Intent, Initiation, Execution, Effect) thread here. Chthonian is definitely a game where the Characters need to be reasonably competent.
When a Player wishes… In Indie Game Design Participants: Zak Arntson, Bailywolf, rabidchyld.
7/17/2002 Jake Norwood: Virus by Email My computer got the Klez virus (or something like that), an E-mail worm from about 4 sources this morning. It then went to every address in my list, which includes… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Wolfen.
7/16/2002 Jason L Blair: Little Fears Game Tools: NEW HAND-ME-DOWNS This thread is where people can detail any new hand-me-downs they've come up with.
Please do not just post with a "BOOYAH!" no matter how neat-o someone's hand-me-down may be.… In Key 20 Publishing Participants: Jason L Blair, Comte, saint ash.
7/16/2002 contracycle: tight framing How tightly can we frame a game, as play event rather product?
Assuming a fair amount of GM/player distinction, if I as a GM said something to the effect of… In RPG Theory Participants: contracycle, amiel, Ron Edwards, Gordon C. Landis, Mike Holmes, Michael Hopcroft.
7/16/2002 Matt Snyder: How many copies? Here's a question sparked by Jared's pole of who will buy octaNe. I'm aiming this at the folks who've done this before, namely Ron and Jason.
How many copies of… In Publishing Participants: Matt Snyder, Jason L Blair, Clinton R. Nixon, joshua neff, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Matt Gwinn, Michael Hopcroft, Jürgen Mayer, Eugene Zee, Misguided Games, Tim Denee.
7/16/2002 contracycle: treason by the book Well, I'm not entirely sure about the appropriateness of this post, but I've come across a marvellous book for historically interested gamers. I'm not sure it is actually RPG theory,… In RPG Theory Participants: contracycle, Ron Edwards.
7/16/2002 Michael Hopcroft: I'll be at the GPA Booth, but.... I'd like some advice on suitable activities to run at my booth to promote my game.
I"m scheduled to run two full demos in the veent hall -- one of… In Publishing Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Ron Edwards, Misguided Games, Valamir, Jake Norwood.
7/16/2002 Ben Morgan: Just started Orkworld game last week It kinda sucks that John Wick has gone MIA recently. I just started a new game of Orkworld last saturday. There were four players, the same four as the Elfs… In Actual Play Participants: Ben Morgan, Valamir, Ron Edwards, Demonspahn.
7/16/2002 Michael Hopcroft: How committed is committed? IN the back of the HeartQuest book I had an ad for the next game Seraphim Guard was planning to publish, Fuzz: the Furry Police RPG. IT's a nice-looking ad… In Publishing Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Ron Edwards, rafael, Valamir, Gordon C. Landis.
7/16/2002 Zak Arntson: Chthonian - Indie Gaming Monday (7/15) Okay, after some Dreamcast Bomberman and general BSing, we got down to business and finished up the middle act of the Chthonian adventure. You can read the first session here.… In Actual Play Participants: Zak Arntson, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, rabidchyld.
7/16/2002 Comte: the fallen Here is an idea that I have been kicking around for awhile, and meaning to put on this list but I never seem to get around to it, untill now.… In Key 20 Publishing Participants: Comte, Ron Edwards.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 7/18/2002 Noel: Underworld Characters Here's an idea for a character that I've been playing with:
"The Self-Made Man"
A junkman artificer obsessed with the idea of self-improvement, and with his eventual goal of walking… In Adamant Entertainment Participants: Noel.
7/18/2002 wyrdlyng: Dominating Play (long) Setup: I'm playing in a weekly/bi-weekly D&D game run by my wife. The current group is 6 players in size and is the result of combining 2 groups, 1 good… In Actual Play Participants: wyrdlyng, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Clay, Jake Norwood, Paul Czege, Gordon C. Landis, hyphz, Andrew Martin, damion.
7/18/2002 TSL: For your amusement... The Epic Level Handbook has an epic level spell listing that I thought you'd get a kick out of:
DC 86 Memento Mori- A thought that kills. In Memento-Mori Theatricks Participants: TSL, Dave Turner.
7/18/2002 Ashren Va'Hale: Looking ahead to september in september me and my roomate will be needing to join a group playing in the provo utah area. Both of us would like a chance to play rather than… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ashren Va'Hale, Jake Norwood.
7/18/2002 tdenmark: What is a role-playing game? How far can you push the envelope and still be called a role-playing game?
Can a board game with a character you control be an RPG? (Talisman?)
Can a card… In RPG Theory Participants: tdenmark, Jared A. Sorensen, Valamir, Ring Kichard, Paganini, Le Joueur, contracycle, Stuart DJ Purdie, Jürgen Mayer, Zak Arntson, Mike Holmes, Victor Gijsbers, Wolfen, Jack Spencer Jr, Ron Edwards.
7/18/2002 Clinton R. Nixon: RPGnow I know we've talked about this before, but I want to know if anyone around here has any hard data - has anyone sold anything through (I know for… In Publishing Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Michael Hopcroft, Matt Gwinn, Valamir, xiombarg, Matt, greyorm, quozl, Cynthia Celeste Miller, rpghost.
7/19/2002 Christoffer Lernö: Fun Fighters part 2 (Ygg) I wrote this stuff at home unaware of any comments to my first posting, so I apologize for any overlap. I'm gonna keep lagging on the postings for a while… In Indie Game Design Participants: Christoffer Lernö, contracycle, Ollog Herder.
7/19/2002 Michael Hopcroft: CyberCon I've been asked to get a vendor booth at this year's CyberCon and to run games there. Since this is an on-line game convention and I've never tried to sell… In Publishing Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Dav.
7/19/2002 Paganini: What can the dice determine? So, I was bored this evening, and thinking about the bent my game-design thinking has been developing along. I appologize in advance for the rambling nature of this post. :)… In RPG Theory Participants: Paganini, lumpley, Mark D. Eddy.
7/19/2002 Michael Hopcroft: Mailing Lists Many publishers now use free or cheap mailing list services to provide mailing lists to support their games on the Internet.
I currently manage four mailing lists; one devoted to… In Publishing Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards.
7/19/2002 Jared A. Sorensen: Player/contributor locator I think I've asked for a Player Locator function before.
But check this out:
It would be very cool if there were fields in user profiles that gave info. as… In Site Discussion Participants: Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, Matt, Clinton R. Nixon, Jürgen Mayer.
7/19/2002 James: Other idea for a "finder" [quote="unodiablo"]Like the title says, I'm looking for 2 or 3 people to game with weekly, or every-other-week.[/quote]
I live nowhere near Madison (unfortunately), but I'm glad to see the posting,… In Site Discussion Participants: James, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir, xiombarg, Matt Gwinn.
7/19/2002 Ron Edwards: Yikes! Scary picture Hi there,
Check it out here. Chills, man.
I'm interested in links to other pictures people would find useful for Little Fears, so chime in if you know of any.… In Key 20 Publishing Participants: Ron Edwards, Jason L Blair, Mike Holmes, Jesse Paulsen, Matt Snyder, Dios-Flakk, paulmjessup.
7/20/2002 Demonspahn: Free Dreamwalker: Roleplaying in the Land of Dreams demo Hi everyone. I wasn't exactly sure where to put this and I apologize in advance if I guessed wrong.
Dreamwalker: Musings, a free playable demo for Dreamwalker: Roleplaying in… In Publishing Participants: Demonspahn.
7/20/2002 Ace: Polearm use question (a little OT) We are debating GURPS 4e changes over in Pyramid and need some feedback on how Polearms work in single combat.
Lets say I am armed with a nifty halberd and… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ace, Lyrax, Jake Norwood.
7/20/2002 Ace: TROS to GURPS I am a big GURPS fan from way back, over 100 books plus Pyramid print issues and counting.
One thing I don't like about the system is the "minis battle"… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ace, Mike Holmes.
7/21/2002 Matt Gwinn: CAH in print? I'm gett'in antsy. Is CAH gonna be in print by GENCON? In Cartoon Action Hour Participants: Matt Gwinn, Eddy Fate.
7/21/2002 Jaif: New Spiritual Attribute: Help the GM. I'm sure many of you have seen this: people who can come up with 4 SAs cleanly, but can't get a good 5th. This got me to thinking about options...… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jaif, Jake Norwood, Brian Leybourne, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.
7/21/2002 Lyrax: Spirits and Other Magicks Hey, I'm just trying to start a little conversation here concerning spirits (lesser, regular and greater varieties).
One of my players (more specifically, the one of my players who can… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Lyrax, Jaif, Silanthous.
7/21/2002 Jason L Blair: The Insects of God I got into a deep funk tonight and really wanted to pull through it. Somehow, a game came out of it. I just wrote it then made a webpage for… In Indie Game Design Participants: Jason L Blair, Wolfen, Petter Sandelin, Ron Edwards, Demonspahn, Jared A. Sorensen.
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