The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

10/12/2010 preludetotheend: Need some help with wikis
Hello I know some of you folks are technically inclined and was wondering if anyone knows much about wikis. I am looking to have a platform that I can restrict…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Adam Dray.

10/11/2010 Calithena: Distribution Lists?
I am curious whether any folks around here might have access to, or be able to point me to a place where I might get access to, lists of active…
In Publishing
Participants: Calithena, Jason Pitre, mratomek, Nathan P., MatrixGamer.

10/11/2010 RedPissLegion: [AW] Question about healing
Hi :) So I’ve started playing AW a couple of weeks ago and yesterday we kind of got stumped at something. We’ve been using the harm and healing move rules…
In lumpley games
Participants: RedPissLegion, Noclue, lumpley, mreuther, VAgentZero, JMendes, Paul T.

10/10/2010 Trollkin: Alignment system, kind of
Again I was working on my fantasy RPG, and I realised that I don’t have any system, or mechanic for some kind of character alignment. At first my plan was…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Trollkin, Moganhio, Locke, Noon, Ar Kayon, David Artman, Warrior Monk, BunniRabbi.

10/9/2010 Cottonmouth: questions
1. What happens when you run out of dice in a conflict? Do you lose? 2. What happens when both players burn out each others dice at the same time? …
In lumpley games
Participants: Cottonmouth, Noclue, lumpley.

10/9/2010 Gunnox: I don't know where to start...
I dont know what I should write at the first page with text... Should I start with "Enter the fictional world of..." or "LichScape is a..." or what do you…
In Publishing
Participants: Gunnox, mreuther, Ron Edwards, KeithBVaughn.

10/9/2010 sojikai: Systems designed to be opposed to one another -within one game-
I don't believe that the title of this thread does a good job of explaining what this thread is about. Excuse my naming ability. The topic in hand is designing…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sojikai, mreuther, Vulpinoid, Noon, Kalandri, Abkajud.

10/9/2010 mreuther: [Descent] Multi-Resolution Dice
This is something which Fantasy Flight has been using in a number of titles (I believe they use it in the WFRP 3e rules too) which we ran across playing…
In Actual Play
Participants: mreuther.

10/8/2010 Ron Edwards: [Zero ] Dingo for dinner
A couple of weeks ago, I brought Zero, one of my favorite RPGs, to the Dice Dojo. Peter and Megan joined me, and we ran an opening session, up to…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards, ShallowThoughts, davidberg, Noon, Artanis, hardcoremoose.

10/8/2010 wolfpunk: Battlejack (Feedback Appreciated)
I am looking to publish Battlejack, a new PVP-centric roleplaying game designed to use blackjack as the resolution mechanic. Here is a bit of the fluff text. If the fluff…
In Connections
Participants: wolfpunk, Ron Edwards, Noon.

10/8/2010 sacrosanct: [Altus Adventum] Lair of the Goblin King
[i]Before I get into the actual play part, since the vast majority of you are not familiar with the game in question (Altus Adventum), it's basically a high fantasy rpg…
In Playtesting
Participants: sacrosanct.

10/8/2010 sojikai: Samurai RPG
The setting is feudal Japan, or really any place similar, be it historical or made up. I have seen people do simmilar things in the past, though more like samurai…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sojikai, Abkajud, Noon, contracycle, Chris_Chinn, Ron Edwards, dindenver.

10/7/2010 Stregheria Games: Box or Book?
The Stregoneria RPG will be being released public playtesting has finished on an internet forum site and I'm torn between 2 possibilities: a boxed set or a softback book. Making…
In Publishing
Participants: Stregheria Games, mreuther, Jason Pitre, Chris_Chinn.

10/7/2010 Locke: [Age Past] Steam punk supplement, Technomancy
So i am getting the baseline rules for character building down for the steam punk supplement to my Age Past game.  Everything is coming fine, but I hot a roadblock…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Locke, Magnus Pym.

10/7/2010 Gunnox: What about a mythical RPG?
While playing the strategy game age of mythology the idea about making a mythical war-rpg struck into my head. Ok, here are my ideas: It should be like age of…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Gunnox, Chris_Chinn.

10/7/2010 Trollkin: Doing health
I’m continuing with the design for my fantasy game, but I cannot decide wither to pool hp like in D&D, or to break it into the hit locations like in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Trollkin, Locke, mreuther, Necromantis, contracycle.

10/7/2010 Kalandri: I dare you to do this better
This is a light game I made with the primary intention of having a story-driven rules-light game with characters that felt different and were easy to make. PRIORITIES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kalandri, mreuther, Noon, Chris_Chinn, Necromantis.

10/7/2010 mreuther: Industry Web Standards (Thoughts)
This is not entirely a rant, per se, but it's not entirely simply a point of discussion. See, I've just spent about the last six hours looking at publishing websites.…
In Publishing
Participants: mreuther, Paul Czege, Chris_Chinn, preludetotheend.

10/6/2010 mreuther: Distribution Questions
Hi, I'm Mathew, and this is my first post here on The Forge. I've got a question regarding the distribution of games which was actually spawned by reading over at…
In Publishing
Participants: mreuther, Ron Edwards, guildofblades.

10/6/2010 Ar Kayon: Story games. They suck.
But I had a thought when I found myself singing the Butcher Pete song you hear in Fallout 3.  Wouldn't it be cool to play a game set in the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ar Kayon, Abkajud, Certified, Adam Dray, Necromantis, Noon, Trollkin, Magnus Pym.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

10/12/2010 Marshall Burns: [Uncanny Underworld] powerz test
Uncanny Underworld is an urban fantasy game I've been working on for a while, but has only recently been stirring after it became clear through testing that a major overhaul…
In Game Development
Participants: Marshall Burns, Roan, help im a bug.

10/13/2010 epweissengruber: [WoD & Exalted] Currency and Dice Pools
After a session of Sorcerer a player and I got into a casual discussion of dice probabilities and system. His contention was that in the recent White Wolf WoD games,…
In Actual Play
Participants: epweissengruber, Abkajud, Noon, SamuelRiv, Eero Tuovinen, Filip Luszczyk.

10/13/2010 Warrior Monk: Fantasy heartbreaker, version 7
Long time without posting :P ok, after several tests I came up with another ruleset to try on a medieval fantasy game. I'm still using the Anima rpg setting so…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Warrior Monk.

10/13/2010 Kalandri: Yet another Conflict Resolution idea: The Battle Track
The game session is getting boring, the GM is running into a wall, and so he resorts to the old standby: GM: "An army of like thirty ninjas jump out…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kalandri, Noon, Ar Kayon, Eero Tuovinen, Bloomfield.

10/14/2010 Galwinganoon: [[SS/WoN]] Secrets and Training
A note about my experience level:  I've just finished my third meeting of the first SS / WoN game I've ever run. With that in mind, I have some questions…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Galwinganoon, mreuther, Eero Tuovinen.

10/14/2010 Valamir: Universalis monthly sales since 2002
[url=][/url] Having just completed my semi annual update to my inventory and sales numbers I though I'd put the number up on my website as an item of general publishing…
In Universalis
Participants: Valamir, Artanis, mreuther.

10/14/2010 Valamir: Universalis Monthly Sales since 2002
As a note of general interest to those not in the habit of scanning the publisher forums, I just started a thread on Universalis sales down in the Uni forum. …
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir.

10/14/2010 SamuelRiv: [Rifts] Simplification question
Reviving the dead, as I'm new here. My brother played Rifts and AD&D when he was teen and I was wee. I couldn't join in, thus I read the Rifts…
In Actual Play
Participants: SamuelRiv, Ron Edwards, davidberg, Noon, mreuther.

10/14/2010 Chris_Chinn: Avoiding the Mechanics for Functional Play
Over at this thread ( ), Abkajud mentioned: Oddly, I've noticed a parallel conceit regarding "traditional" design - there's a crowd that thinks game mechanics should be brutal and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Chris_Chinn, Filip Luszczyk, Abkajud, mreuther, Noon, jburneko, C. Edwards, Caldis, davidberg, Chris Chambers.

10/14/2010 Artanis: Demoing Trollbabe
Hello Ron and other Trollbabe aficionados I'll be attending Spiel Essen, slavishly monkeying for Eero. The booth will be offering Trollbabe and we'll be demoing it. Except, I just read…
In Adept Press
Participants: Artanis, Ron Edwards.

10/15/2010 Chris Chambers: Game System in the works
Hi I am kind of new, well I was here years, and years ago, and am working on turning our house game system into a full RPG.  I would like…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Chris Chambers, Ar Kayon, Noon, Abkajud, Mike Sugarbaker.

10/15/2010 Eduardo Caetano: Situationist Gamemastering by Bruce Baugh (does anyone know where to find it?)
Hello Everybody! I'm a brazillian role-player, and I've recently discovered the universe of indies RPGs. Now I'm studying a lot of the theories debated in the early 2000. I've just…
In Connections
Participants: Eduardo Caetano, Paul Czege.

10/16/2010 Jason Pitre: Seaching for style guides
I am in the early editing stage for my game, and I have realized that I really have a style guide for my products.  I was wondering of any of…
In Connections
Participants: Jason Pitre, David Artman.

10/16/2010 Jason Pitre: The Steps to Design an RPG
I just produced this article over on my website;  and I think it might be of particulare interest to some of you folks over at the Forge.  It's far…
In Publishing
Participants: Jason Pitre.

10/16/2010 FetusCommander: [Supers Chess] story elements in a mechaically focused game
[url=]Supers Chess[/url] has seen about 6 playtesting sessions now, and I have some concerns about how it's shaping up. The chess mechanics, central to the conflict resolution of the game,…
In Game Development
Participants: FetusCommander, Noon, SamuelRiv, Holywar.

10/17/2010 robotsunshine: [DitV] Gunfighting questions
If I missed this somewhere, apologies! I couldn't find it in the book or skimming the forums. When do you roll Acuity + Will for gunfighting versus just rolling a…
In lumpley games
Participants: robotsunshine, lumpley, Noclue.

10/18/2010 BunniRabbi: Wargame developement
    I'm not seeing this answered anywhere so let me just ask: Does this site revolve around RPGs only in a strict sense, or would table-top wargames also be…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BunniRabbi, mreuther.

10/19/2010 Seamus: Anyone else been getting wierd spams from chinese IP
I mention this on the forge because a number of the emails I received, when I click view email source, looks like they were sent to RPG related emails (and…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Seamus.

10/19/2010 drkrash: Indie Sales Numbers
Hey, all.  I haven't posted here in a long time because, well, I've been working on my game.  But I was curious about something I read this week. I released…
In Publishing
Participants: drkrash, Adam Dray, mreuther, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Noon, Gryffudd, Gregor Hutton, Frank Tarcikowski, Pelgrane, Vulpinoid.

10/19/2010 vonschlick: [art] [PAID] Low paying art work
Vonschlick Productions is looking for artists. VP is looking for superhero line art. VP is a new company that will be creating supplements for current superhero games and one day,…
In Connections
Participants: vonschlick, BunniRabbi.

more subsequent topics >>