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In Publishing

3/30/2004 Mystique: Looking for help in marketing/distributing
Hi All, I was hoping to learn of any Online or Brick & Mortar RPG/Book Stores that fellow Small Indie publishers have been able to use in the past (exceptions…
In Publishing
Participants: Mystique, Ron Edwards.

3/28/2004 gobi: NPA Writer Update
I just sent Abzu a revised version of WTF? along with a tentative title logo. The only thing it's missing is a play example, but the deadline is approaching fast…
In Publishing
Participants: gobi, Lxndr, Matt, Mike Holmes, Michael S. Miller, xiombarg.

3/25/2004 brainwipe: Spleen Venting: Free = Rubbish?
This rant stems from a number of email I have received recently. I don't expect any detailed analysis on the social causes of this problem, I just feel that I…
In Publishing
Participants: brainwipe, Ron Edwards, quozl, xiombarg, ethan_greer, daMoose_Neo, talysman, bcook1971.

3/24/2004 daMoose_Neo: Question on CCG/RPG "combo"?
Hmmkay, title might seem a little bit odd, but heres the deal: I'm preparing some PDF Demo files to send out for reviews of my trading card game, Final Twilight.…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, contracycle, Lxndr, Amadeus, Marhault, Storn, taalyn.

3/24/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Whoi are the good reviewers?
I just released the latest edition of HeartQuest: Romantic Roleplaying in the Worlds of Shoujo Manga at RPGNow, and I was wondering if anyone had any advice on who the…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, clehrich, taalyn, DanielSchenström, ethan_greer, Cynthia Celeste Miller, GB Steve.

3/21/2004 Jasper: online presentation: divorced setting / rules?
Hello. I've done a search for past threads but haven't found anything specifically addressing this. I'm currently developing my game Principium Novum and am planning on a web-based release some…
In Publishing
Participants: Jasper, Eero Tuovinen.

3/18/2004 Sylus Thane: Publishing on Cd
Would anyone know of anywhere you can get cd's to publish your book that you can an emblem put on the cd. Lulu no longer offers their cd service so…
In Publishing
Participants: Sylus Thane, talysman.

3/15/2004 Vodrilus: Translating Mirima Tyalie, info required
Hello. I appologize for a slightly OT post, but figured this would be the most logical place to post it. I'm currently translating Mirima Tyalie, an RPG by B. Lee…
In Publishing
Participants: Vodrilus.

3/15/2004 travisjhall: Publishing a LARP scenario
Hi all. I'm new around here, but I've been lurking as a guest for a while now. Something happened recently that I thought I might ask you people about, though,…
In Publishing
Participants: travisjhall, Walt Freitag.

3/13/2004 taalyn: ISBN co-op?
Does anyone know if it's possible (and legal) to group together to buy an ISBN block? Anyone interested in doing so? I just can't afford a block of 10 (or…
In Publishing
Participants: taalyn, Valamir, Paul Czege, jdagna, daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards, xiombarg, Lxndr, madelf, talysman, age_of_dissent, Matt.

3/10/2004 Bob Goat: SKU Number?
Please forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is a SKU number and where does it come from? Is this a part of the ISBN? I am assuming that these are…
In Publishing
Participants: Bob Goat, jrs, jdagna.

3/10/2004 seraphimy2k: a bit of a newbie
hi everyone forgive me if im posting in the wrong forum, but this is my first post :) My question is as follows : i live in the uk, and…
In Publishing
Participants: seraphimy2k, Matt Wilson, Jack Aidley, Ron Edwards, coolblade.

3/9/2004 Dregg: Publishing just to Publish
I have been looking at alot of stuff on RPG now as of late. I don't mean to sound too high and Mighty but some of the quality of product…
In Publishing
Participants: Dregg, Ron Edwards, matthijs, Jack Spencer Jr.

3/9/2004 ShaneNINE: Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium
Where/how can I get this game? Sorry, I didn't really know where to put this post.
In Publishing
Participants: ShaneNINE, Trevis Martin, rafael, ethan_greer.

3/8/2004 abzu: NPA Art Thread -- Author's and Artists Come Hither
Ok, so just because there are a few laggards, doesn't mean we all should have to wait around. ;) Kidding, of course. Actually, the editing process for the NPA is…
In Publishing
Participants: abzu, Lxndr, Matt, Ben Lehman, Michael S. Miller, xiombarg, quozl, gobi, Mike Holmes, Jeph, Chris Passeno, Paul Czege, gpalmer, LindseyErin, hwango, DanielSchenström, Lordgeejay, veinglory, Wren, Valamir, ECoats, sharchen, Flash Fighter, kyrn, Storn, Ron Edwards.

3/8/2004 coolblade: Pricing for adventures, a bit more difficult.
I thought this deserved a separate topic other then the other pricing topics out there because after a bit of comparison of adventures published by top brands I find that…
In Publishing
Participants: coolblade, Clay, Ron Edwards, coxcomb, jdagna, Pramas, KeithBVaughn, Paul Czege.

3/5/2004 Rexfelis: Using public domain art
I'm puzzled why I don't see more public domain art in rpg's. There's a large body of works from the history of art to choose from. For fantasy rpg's alone,…
In Publishing
Participants: Rexfelis, Valamir, matthijs, daMoose_Neo, gobi, coxcomb, Peter Hollinghurst, madelf, James Holloway, talysman, clehrich, Pynchon, Storn.

3/5/2004 Rexfelis: Give them the game for free, then sell it to them!
This thread is a split from Clinton R. Nixon's Lulu thread. Clinton said something that got me thinking: All my games from now on - and I'll retroactively be doing…
In Publishing
Participants: Rexfelis, Lxndr, Matt Gwinn, montag, Ron Edwards, ejh, Paul Watson, Aman the Rejected, bcook1971, xiombarg.

3/5/2004 daMoose_Neo: Tips for catching a shop owners eye?
I'm *very* close to releasing a new card game (prints this weekend actually) and I'm looking at a release the end of April. In between now and then, I want…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Christopher Weeks, Ron Edwards, abzu, jdagna, coolblade.

3/3/2004 coxcomb: One book or two?
My game, Gallant, is a cinematic swashbuckling game. It is intended to be flexible enough to handle pretty much any setting / character appropriate to the genre. I am also…
In Publishing
Participants: coxcomb, Matt, Dav, Alex Johnson, Matt Gwinn, Paul Czege.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

4/1/2004 Rexfelis: Multiple editions of a game
Something I've noticed about rpg publishing: if a game does well, it is usually not just re-printed, but put out in new editions, with rules changes and additional features. Games…
In Publishing
Participants: Rexfelis, Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, Pramas, Valamir, jdagna, Steve Samson, Michael S. Miller, AndrewDylan.

4/4/2004 Mystique: Distributor Question
Hi all, I was hoping to find out what distributors fellow small publishers have used in the past / or are using, and what experiences you have had with the…
In Publishing
Participants: Mystique, talysman, jdagna, daMoose_Neo, Dav, Mourglin, HinterWelt.

4/6/2004 Domhnall: When to Try?
Hi all. My friend John (“Mourglin”) just found this site and linked it to me. My name is Daniel and I have been creating my RPG off and on since…
In Publishing
Participants: Domhnall, Trevis Martin, brainwipe, Matt.

4/6/2004 Matt Gwinn: Translations
Hey, I just received an offer to have my game Kayfabe translated into Italian and publish it in Italy. I was wondering if anyone else has received such an offer…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, montag, Valamir, Jürgen Mayer, Dav, Matt Wilson, Andy Kitkowski, edomaur.

4/7/2004 Amadeus: Cover Art Questions
From what I've seen on here while digging through archives for a day, its seems that prices for art vary quite a bit. I've seen quotes for full color covers…
In Publishing
Participants: Amadeus, Paul Czege, daMoose_Neo, Matt, Peter Hollinghurst, Storn, Ron Edwards, abzu, greyorm, quozl, Jack Aidley, Mourglin, Dav, inthisstyle, Valamir, Jonathan Walton, ejh.

4/8/2004 HinterWelt: Retailer Survey Results From GTS2004
I posted this over on RPG.Net and I thought people might be interested over here also even if the tier system does not interest. We finally have compiled the retailer…
In Publishing
Participants: HinterWelt.

4/8/2004 Andy Kitkowski: INDIE RPG AWARDS 2003 (Year 2004): FEEDBACK?
Hey all, this is one of two threads I'm creating on the subject of my awards. The other thread (on Volunteering) is in the Connections forum. After a long hiatus…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Mike Holmes, daMoose_Neo.

4/9/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Promoting a place to play
It just so happens that the ownership of the Seraphim Fan Network has been formally tranferred from Seraphim Guard to my personal use. So I'm opening upo the server to…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft.

4/9/2004 abzu: NPA Art Specs (and Something for Everyone)
So to earn my keep these days, I'm a pixel-jockey. I spend my nights wrangling little pixels and making them run ragged circles. Heeyah little doggies. Specs for NPA Art:…
In Publishing
Participants: abzu, Michael S. Miller, Ben Terry, talysman, xiombarg, Juicetyger, Jeph.

4/9/2004 daMoose_Neo: Approaching a distributor- tips? Suggestions? "Do not&q
Okay, I know I said before I was really against a distributor, but after a little bit of looking, it might fly. What I was wondering was what would be…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo.

4/10/2004 Juicetyger: 1km1kt online publishing
So, the much anticipated 1km1kt website has finally opened! It's been set up this time as an open submission site for anyone interested in fiction, fantasy, sci-fi and role-playing games.…
In Publishing
Participants: Juicetyger, Steve Samson, Amadeus, Jeph, madelf.

4/11/2004 Tav_Behemoth: Specific questions about a print edition
Dear Forgers: I've seen posters here advise that one can best tap the collective local expertise by asking very specific questions. Having seen the amazing quality of that expertise, I…
In Publishing
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, Ron Edwards, abzu, Bob McNamee, madelf, Michael S. Miller, Christopher Weeks, Chris Passeno, Matt Gwinn, Clay.

4/12/2004 realms_creator: Card publishers
Where can I find a publishers of cards? We are trying something new with spells. Instead of having them in a book.We want to have them done on deck of…
In Publishing
Participants: realms_creator, daMoose_Neo, Marhault.

4/12/2004 Dev: Ross Perot / Slander
Supposing I wanted to publish a setting around the suggestion that Ross Perot's election in 1992 led to a nationalistic (near-fascistic) atmosphere throughout the 90s. How much danger am I…
In Publishing
Participants: Dev, Mike Holmes, Christopher Weeks, Clay.

4/14/2004 abzu: NPA Art -- Time's Up!
So I did the preliminary layout last night for Snowball and Discernment in the NPA. It looks good. All I need in order to get this ball really rolling is…
In Publishing
Participants: abzu, xiombarg, Ben Lehman, Jeph, Matt, Mike Holmes, Jonathan Walton.

4/16/2004 Andy Kitkowski: Starting a "Legal Company", need help, STAT!
Hey all, for this project that my wife and I are engaging in, we need to register ourselves as a business ASAP (I think, details below). Basically, we are looking…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Lxndr, quozl, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, BPetroff93, Dav, daMoose_Neo, RaconteurX.

4/21/2004 daMoose_Neo: EXCELLENT site for FREE photography! *not spam*
I was doing some googling for some stock art for my card game (wanted free photo's of cities and skylines to use as Location cards) and came across an EXCELLENT…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo.

4/25/2004 Pilger: Own fanzine?
Talking about indie rpgs isn't such a popular thing, but this forum seems to be a real treasure :) Me, some other germans and some austrians try the same back…
In Publishing
Participants: Pilger, Matt.

4/27/2004 Valamir: Another Departure from GAMA
Jonathan Albin resigns as Marketing Director for GAMA. Problems in the GAMA hierarchy...what else is new. I received this as part of an email broadcast. As it is definitely industry…
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir, xiombarg, Dav, Andy Kitkowski.

4/28/2004 Erick Wujcik: Credit Union/Co-op Banking
Since there was a thread about starting a business, I thought I'd offer some advice on banking. I'll start with a post from a previous thread, "Starting a "Legal Company",…
In Publishing
Participants: Erick Wujcik.

more subsequent topics >>