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In Publishing

8/18/2004 smokewolf: Need help with PDF
I need help troubleshooting a problem. One of my customers emailed complaining about text overlapping in one of the files they downloaded from the email - Unfortunately, the main file…
In Publishing
Participants: smokewolf, abzu, 16CBH, Alex Johnson, Chris Passeno, btrc.

8/17/2004 Michael Hopcroft: The waiting game
I have a mansucript with everything needed to go sitting on my hard drive. Since I;'ve contracted out my printing and layout, I have to wait until they say they…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Mark Johnson, jdagna.

8/15/2004 Kilor Di: Publishing Costs
I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this particular topic, but here goes. I'm going to try to save up enough money from my job so that…
In Publishing
Participants: Kilor Di, Troy_Costisick, Ron Edwards, Erick Wujcik, smokewolf.

8/12/2004 philreed: vs. Monsters printer did good.
I got the copies of vs. Monsters from the printer and the books look good. Nice printing job. The only odd thing is that each book includes 8 extra blank…
In Publishing
Participants: philreed, jdagna, Matt, Perrina, Alex Johnson.

8/9/2004 salkaner: A license question (FOIL)
Hei to all. I would as your opinion about an open license I'm using on my game (Fresco) I tried tu se one similar to the QPL. Fresco Open…
In Publishing
Participants: salkaner, Jürgen Mayer, Jack Aidley.

8/9/2004 GregS: Opinion on Layout: Self or Contracted?
Well, we're finally getting ready to go to print and the last step, obviously, will be to lay the book out. And after doing an exhaustive search on the Forge,…
In Publishing
Participants: GregS, jdagna, gruk, John Uckele, andy, philreed, Matt Snyder.

8/8/2004 Matt Wilson: PTA: Proof copy
On Friday, as the movers were bringing our stuff in (I just moved to Milwaukee), the proof copy of Primetime Adventures arrived via FedEx. I chose Offset Paperback Mfrs., Inc.…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Wilson, Andy Kitkowski, madelf, JSDiamond, Alex Johnson, Chris Passeno.

7/31/2004 HinterWelt: Reviews III (split)
Reviews can be bad. I have heard the "No such thing as a bad review, its all exposure" schools but I am in favor of informative reviews. By this I…
In Publishing
Participants: HinterWelt, Ron Edwards, daMoose_Neo, Bob McNamee.

7/30/2004 dramaartwriting: Mixing genres in self-publishing projects
I am working on a big book to be self-published of many creative writing and art genres. I know that there is a benefit to illustrating a book of writing,…
In Publishing
Participants: dramaartwriting, PlotDevice, Andrew Morris, jdagna.

7/30/2004 daMoose_Neo: Reviews II (split)
And really only at the begininng~ As was said in another post I just read 'people have a fear of trying something new'. Why review D&D, WW, MtG etc products?…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards.

7/30/2004 Tony Irwin: PDF size
Last night I emailed Shojuo Story to my dad who was good enough to create a pdf on his home pc. The pdf is about 15 meg in size, as…
In Publishing
Participants: Tony Irwin, Jasper.

7/30/2004 Tav_Behemoth: Personal victory - Behemoth3 Incorporates
Just wanted to say that there has been no happier moment in my brief and unexpected career as a PR flack than writing this press release! The "What Is B3"…
In Publishing
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, Ron Edwards.

7/29/2004 Valamir: RPGMall
I recently had a series of email exchanges with James regarding the future of RPGMall and my perception that it needed to reinvent itself as something more than just an…
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir.

7/29/2004 LordSmerf: Shared Publishing Center
So as i read over Phillip Reed's Fun Size project i started to wonder: Is there enough interest to support a website that is dedicated to publishing compilations (probably as…
In Publishing
Participants: LordSmerf, Vaxalon, Jack Aidley.

7/28/2004 oversoul01: DRMs??
Forgive me I am a little behind the times. I am now trying to figure DRMs out. I understand what it is suppose to be, but what I want to…
In Publishing
Participants: oversoul01, Jack Aidley.

7/26/2004 Astrivian: PDF publishing tips
Does anyone have any tips for PDF publishing. Let me clarify a little though: i am thinking of publishing for the computer alone (i.e. print at your own risk). Adobe…
In Publishing
Participants: Astrivian, abzu.

7/25/2004 philreed: Fun Size: The Indie RPG Halloween Anthology
Fun Size is a proposed anthology of original horror roleplaying games and source material for existing indie roleplaying games. Fun Size is a project designed to be fun and to…
In Publishing
Participants: philreed, Jonathan Walton, Eero Tuovinen, xiombarg, ADGBoss, Paul Czege, Tim C Koppang, Bob Goat, woodelf.

7/24/2004 Green: Between Design and Actual Play?
For a good little while now, I've been working on Kathanaksaya, but it seems that after the initial stages of design and revision are over, it seems the only way…
In Publishing
Participants: Green, Jasper, JSDiamond, Wilper, bcook1971, Jack Aidley.

7/24/2004 philreed: RPGNow and the competition . . .
Competition is a good thing. If things went as I wanted, there would be two or three sites out there similar to RPGNow operating at the same fees and providing…
In Publishing
Participants: philreed, Jonathan Walton, Jasper, ethan_greer, Dev, Steve Wieck, Jack Aidley, WRPIgeek, xiombarg, Clinton R. Nixon.

7/23/2004 mindwanders: Market Research
Hi all, After the results of the survey of larpers published by Nina on various places accross the net (I've posted it again in this thread I've been thinking…
In Publishing
Participants: mindwanders, jdagna.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

8/24/2004 Tav_Behemoth: Is Indieness a Property of People, Games, Books, or Lines?
I'm splitting this off from the Open Licenses and Indie Games thread: From my perspective., the question I got when i saw the topic is whether someone who uses…
In Publishing
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, Ron Edwards, abzu, Bob Goat, eyebeams.

8/25/2004 ChrisJ: How to publish when it's not an RPG?
I'm coming out with one of those compendium books like a 'monsters manual' or 'things that cut compendium' or 'shotgun damage encyclopedia'. The problem is that I will have stats…
In Publishing
Participants: ChrisJ, Ron Edwards, btrc, daemonchild.

8/25/2004 Ron Edwards: [Adept Press] Explaining and updating mini-supplements
Hello, This topic is split off from Open licenses and indie games. Historical point first: when I started the mini-supplement program for Sorcerer in 1998 or maybe early 1999, the…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, ADGBoss, Bob Goat, Tav_Behemoth, jrs.

8/27/2004 daMoose_Neo: Ever seen d20 when it doesn't need to be d20?
Not really a poll, but I want to gauge peoples observations out of curiosity, especially with discussion of OGL and various lisencing schemes around the net. Has anyone encountered games…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, greedo1379, smokewolf, salkaner, Ron Edwards, madelf, inthisstyle, philreed, Vaxalon, JSDiamond, greyorm.

8/27/2004 jdagna: Printing a Trade Paperback
Hey everyone, I have someone who has basically finished a novel for Pax Draconis and I'd like to help him get it published* on a POD basis with small print…
In Publishing
Participants: jdagna, daemonchild, smokewolf.

8/27/2004 Blankshield: Does anyone have advice for a non-USA gaming company
I realize that's very vague, and I am checking avenues other than the forge, but there's a lot of small press expertise on here that is worth trying to draw…
In Publishing
Participants: Blankshield.

9/1/2004 Grex: Net Publishing Made Profitable (Slightly OT, perhaps)
"After 13 years of experimenting, veteran Net publisher Adam Engst has finally stumbled on a good business model -- fast-turnaround e-books." Although this has nothing to do with RPG's --…
In Publishing
Participants: Grex, abzu.

9/1/2004 it's out?
Hi, I can't find the announcement that it's out, but read of someone who had a copy. Any pointers? Curious, Sandy (who would have contributed, but thought the project had…
In Publishing
Participants:, Rich Forest, Nev the Deranged, abzu.

9/1/2004 rafial: NPA (split)
Well, it was being sold at GenCon. Key20 has quietly added it to their product page: I ordered from there, but have not yet received it (it's only been…
In Publishing
Participants: rafial, Ron Edwards.

9/3/2004 eyebeams: Issaries and independence
I for one would be very interested to know how Issaries is considered an independent game company by Forge definitions. Is this entirely because Greg Stafford has final approval over…
In Publishing
Participants: eyebeams, Gordon C. Landis, Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir, Ron Edwards, greyorm.

9/5/2004 andy: A Bad Review
I hope that this thread is not off topic here, but I have a question/issue. I recently published my game (BONES) on RPGNow. Within a few hours of publication, a…
In Publishing
Participants: andy, Ron Edwards, Andrew Martin, jdagna, John Uckele, GregS.

9/7/2004 Tav_Behemoth: Paranoia XP Design by Wiki and Fans
I've been meaning to post about this Paranoia XP press release for a while now (actually the first release of the two; the second is highly amusing but not as…
In Publishing
Participants: Tav_Behemoth.

9/7/2004 Ravien: Seriously Ambitious Project Idea
Hey, I'm feeling pretty ambitious and optimistic at the moment, which is kinda out of character for me, but I figure I'll go with it for a while. Here's what's…
In Publishing
Participants: Ravien, mindwanders, Malak, daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards, jdagna, Andy Kitkowski, Walt Freitag, Vaxalon.

9/8/2004 Ron Edwards: What should White Wolf do? (I'm asked)
Hello, In the White Wolf Discussion thread, John Kim responded to a point of mine: Anyway, back to White Wolf. Its four-game, supplement-heavy treadmill tactic failed in the mid-90s. People…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, ADGBoss, John Kim, DannyK, eyebeams, mearls.

9/8/2004 Andy Kitkowski: Penultimate Final Update on the 2003 Indie RPG Awards
Hey all, as most of you should know, the Indie RPG Awards went down on Wednesday night before GenCon. That was the actual ceremony. The next morning, my lovely wife…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, abzu, Marco, Bob Goat, Ben Lehman, Paul Czege, Ed Cha.

9/13/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Final Twilight] PDF File for CCG Review?
Hmmkay, considering something- I'm gearing up for a big push, trying to get some attention on Twilight and an as-of-yet unannounced event for Halloween (looking to having that announced and…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, LordSmerf.

9/14/2004 jerry: Copylefting (split)
[quote="Jack Aidley"]However, because copyleft is a form of public domain...[/quote] Copyleft isn't a form of public domain any more than copyright is. Copyleft is specifically copyright. That's where it gets…
In Publishing
Participants: jerry, Ron Edwards.

9/15/2004 Dreams_of_Cats: (Generic Fantasy City Book PDF) Viable Product?
Hi - The Background: I would like to produce a non-system specific city book, with hundreds of pages of maps, NPC's, and line drawings. It would be crammed with plot…
In Publishing
Participants: Dreams_of_Cats, greedo1379, ethan_greer, timfire, smokewolf, Vaxalon, jdagna, Tav_Behemoth, ffilz, Ben Lehman.

9/16/2004 smokewolf: Got the idea from GenCon this year
Hey guys, GenCon made me think that it is possible for smaller guys to gang up and get together to improve our sales. In that line I gather a few…
In Publishing
Participants: smokewolf, Ed Cha.

9/17/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Final Twilight] Could someone here review please?
Hmmkay- Kinda feelin a bit odd (bad reviews tend to do this)- just heard back from the editor of Scrye, they had wanted to review Twilight and give it some…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

more subsequent topics >>