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In Publishing

4/9/2002 Buddha Nature: A Philisophical Question
Why do you create games? Do you do it for the money? Do you do it for the fame? Do you do it to make the RPG community that much…
In Publishing
Participants: Buddha Nature, Ron Edwards, Zak Arntson, Le Joueur, JSDiamond, contracycle, Clay, Jared A. Sorensen, Clinton R. Nixon, J B Bell.

4/3/2002 contracycle: pure visuals
This is a fairly out-there thought I had a while ago and I just want to ask what people think of the idea. This has to do with the Matrix…
In Publishing
Participants: contracycle, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Tyrant, Le Joueur, Laurel, Eugene Zee, Seth L. Blumberg, RobMuadib, Misguided Games.

4/3/2002 Matt Gwinn: Cheap Short Run Printing
HI everyone, While searching high and low for an affordable way to get kayfabe printed I came across this site They can print perfect bound books for less than…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Tyrant, Eugene Zee, Chris Passeno, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Clay.

4/3/2002 Max Tangent: What to Expect
Allright, I've done it. I've gone and made a game system, and a setting. I would put a year between now and I finishing it, that is, put enough of…
In Publishing
Participants: Max Tangent, Ron Edwards, Eugene Zee, GMSkarka, Jerry D. Grayson, Dav, Misguided Games.

4/2/2002 Clay: Cheap PDF Solution
I just found a great solution for PDFs that doesn't require too much technical know-how. It does, however, require that you have access to a UNIX machine with kde and…
In Publishing
Participants: Clay, Clinton R. Nixon, Buddha Nature, Reimer Behrends, Chris Passeno, Valamir.

3/31/2002 Bailey: Font creation
I've used Gimp for my font creation, but I'm not too good so I just download all the fonts a can.
In Publishing
Participants: Bailey, Wolfen, Jason L Blair, Michael Bowman, Adam, Clay.

3/29/2002 JSDiamond: Indies getting respect
Regarding Ron's debriefing on this year's GAMA trade show, I believe that he is quite right about a positive change that may be going on in the minds of retailers…
In Publishing
Participants: JSDiamond, Ron Edwards, Jason L Blair, Misguided Games.

3/22/2002 Ron Edwards: GAMA debriefing
Hello, I spent most of this week at the GAMA Trade Show, an annual event held at Las Vegas. For those of you who don't know, the people who attend…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, Jason L Blair, Jerry D. Grayson, GMSkarka, Misguided Games, JasonSch.

3/22/2002 Butch: Latex and translation software
Some people talked about latex in this forum. Which distribution is the best for Windows 98?!?! Latex?!! MikTex?!?! Anybody have some ideas about a good translation software?!? (french to english,…
In Publishing
Participants: Butch, Matt, Clay, Philippe Tromeur.

3/21/2002 Matt Gwinn: Free PDFs vs Final Product
I have been offering Kayfabe for free on my web site for about six months now. About a month ago I decided that I would not update the PDF file,…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Valamir, Clinton R. Nixon, Alex Gray.

3/18/2002 hoodrat3785: Publishing on the internet.
Is this a good idea or no? I am not sure how I wish to publish my new game.
In Publishing
Participants: hoodrat3785, Ron Edwards, lumpley, Matt, Clay.

3/18/2002 Dav: 24.95 vs 25 (Price continuation)
Note: This is a continuation of "Price Setting..." Thread in thhis here forum. There is no attached link because I am lazy... suck me. Bailey; I agree that X.95 is…
In Publishing
Participants: Dav, quozl.

3/17/2002 Adam: Page Numbering in PDFs
Hey all, I thought I'd ask people to weigh in their opinion here, since there are a few people who have published PDFs on the web before. :) I've traditionally…
In Publishing
Participants: Adam, Matt Snyder, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Jared A. Sorensen, Dav, Seth L. Blumberg.

3/16/2002 Jared A. Sorensen: Interesting "review" of two game stores at Many of the reviewer's concerns have been echoed by many Forgers. Shrink-wrapping. "Oh, that's not out yet." and the accurs'd problem making special orders. I put this in the…
In Publishing
Participants: Jared A. Sorensen.

3/16/2002 J B Bell: Intellectual Property and Dice Mechanics
There's been some debate about the legality of lifting dice mechanics from other games, with a few different opinions. So, the usual disclaimer at the head of this thread: there…
In Publishing
Participants: J B Bell, woodelf, C. Edwards, Zak Arntson, Gordon C. Landis, Armin D. Sykes, Blake Hutchins, Seth L. Blumberg, Misguided Games.

3/15/2002 quozl: missing article
Clinton, is the following article still up on the web somewhere? The link on the articles page is broken. Publishing Your Web-Based Indie Game for Under $100 by Clinton R.…
In Publishing
Participants: quozl, Clinton R. Nixon.

3/10/2002 mearls: Publishing on the Super Cheap
Hello, I'm thinking of publishing an off the wall gaming book for sale at GenCon. Here are my printing goals: Small print run (200 tops; I don't want to wreck…
In Publishing
Participants: mearls, Matt Snyder, Dav.

3/7/2002 rafael: quoting lyrics
this may have been covered already, but i couldn't find any discussion of the subject anywhere on this site. i've seen numerous game books quote popular song lyrics (a perfect…
In Publishing
Participants: rafael, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards, Blake Hutchins, Paul Czege, Clinton R. Nixon, GMSkarka, Seth L. Blumberg, contracycle, Skippy, Matt Snyder, Bailey, Dav, Adam, woodelf, J B Bell.

3/6/2002 Jared A. Sorensen: Fonts, fonts, fonts...who's got the fonts?
For your game logo needs, a great site: Lots of stuff thing is you can type in a word and see an instant preview of that word spelled…
In Publishing
Participants: Jared A. Sorensen, Valamir, unodiablo, Matt Snyder, J B Bell, Bailey, Ben Morgan, Matt, Wolfen.

3/2/2002 Galfraxas: A Cheap Way To Create PDFs.
Okay, some of you guys may have seen this on, but there's this rather cool utility out there that allows people to create PDF files for free, and it's…
In Publishing
Participants: Galfraxas, James V. West, Zak Arntson, Matt, EvilIdler, Clay, Reimer Behrends.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

4/12/2002 Jared A. Sorensen: Raping the public...
Ever since finishing InSpectres, I've had a bunch of sales...which is great! :) I've also taken some hit in the criticism department. The standard mantra seems to be "It's too…
In Publishing
Participants: Jared A. Sorensen, Balbinus, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Valamir, Nathan, Mike Holmes, Eugene Zee, Laurel, unodiablo, Sidhain, Blake Hutchins, Tim C Koppang, Clay, Wolfen, Dav, hardcoremoose, Alex Gray, Bob McNamee, Jason L Blair.

4/15/2002 Robotron666: Discouraged but still trying
Hey guys, New to this area although I was an oldschooler on Gaming Outpost and I'm looking at printing my own game, and folks are telling me not to…
In Publishing
Participants: Robotron666, Ron Edwards, Eugene Zee, rafael, Laurel, Roy.

4/16/2002 Ron Edwards: GenCon 2002 - very important
Hello! Jason and I have now, albeit with much suffering, landed our three tables at GenCon (or close anyway). As I've described before, Forge folks are welcome to attend and…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, Valamir, Misguided Games, Mario, Matt Snyder, Le Joueur, lumpley, Clinton R. Nixon, Matt Gwinn, Nathan, Ferry Bazelmans, joshua neff, Dav, Jason L Blair, Michael Hopcroft, Jared A. Sorensen, Clay, Seth L. Blumberg, woodelf, hive.

4/16/2002 Jared A. Sorensen: PDF Publishing and Printing Problems
Hey, all. I'm trying to InSpectres ready for a "Kinko's special" print-run but I'm having problems with the whole resolution/image size thing. I have created an alternate (300 dpi) cover…
In Publishing
Participants: Jared A. Sorensen, Matt Snyder.

4/18/2002 lumpley: Party Games
Know what I want on my game shelf? The Forge Book of Party Games. A stack of 2-5 page games that a. you can play ten minutes from now, with…
In Publishing
Participants: lumpley, Clinton R. Nixon, Jared A. Sorensen, Ferry Bazelmans, Ron Edwards, Zak Arntson, J B Bell, Matt, Nathan, Jason L Blair, Henry Fitch.

4/19/2002 Matt Gwinn: Handling Outsourced Supplements
Kayfabe is nearing completion for GENCON and I've had offers by three people to do supplements. One guy wants to do preestablished promotion supplement. One guy is already writing a…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen.

4/25/2002 Nathan: I Spent Zero Dollars (Sort Of) - Indie Publishing
Howdy, I've been quiet because I have been hard at work on indie stuff and regular stuff. I've got some cool news coming around the corner. But check out my…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan, Ron Edwards, Matt, Zak Arntson, Matt Gwinn.

4/27/2002 Ron Edwards: Stores and sales - what helps and what doesn't
Hi there, A couple of unpleasant anecdotes have surfaced in this thread in the Sorcerer forum. I am seeing a very marked dichotomy across stores in terms of Sorcerer, one…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, J B Bell, Matt Gwinn, Le Joueur, Clay, JSDiamond.

4/30/2002 Matt Snyder: Electronic publishing redux
After many late hours, I finally finished laying out Cartoon Action Hour and it's now available as a PDF download{/url] for $10. The PDF is thick by most standards…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Snyder, Nathan, Ron Edwards, Mytholder, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Michael Hopcroft.

5/1/2002 sdemory: ANNOUNCEMENT: Arise and walk
Not exactly sure where this should go, so I'll rest assured that Mr. Nixon will eliminate it before it's too much of a hassle. Thanks to the efforts of the…
In Publishing
Participants: sdemory, Ron Edwards, greyorm.

5/1/2002 Matt Gwinn: Getting Down to "Business"
Well, as Gencon approaches and I prepare to send Kayfabe to press I thought I should clear up a few things before I end up screwing myself. At what point…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Jared A. Sorensen, Gordon C. Landis, Clay, Seth L. Blumberg.

5/3/2002 Laurel: Looking at the new Mall Folks with previous experience selling downloads? How do the new RPGNet Mall Merchant terms compare to other services you've used, including hosting everything yourself and going through Paypal? The…
In Publishing
Participants: Laurel, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Valamir, Matt Gwinn, Jack Spencer Jr, Emily_Dresner, Matt, Tim Gray, GMSkarka.

5/4/2002 sdemory: Problems with PDFs
Hey, all, Having recently put my game out for public purchase ( ), I'm having some difficulties with PDF delivery. My PDF's about 3.4 megs, which is too large for…
In Publishing
Participants: sdemory, Ferry Bazelmans, Chris Passeno, Matt Gwinn, Jared A. Sorensen, J B Bell, Clinton R. Nixon, Clay, Tim Gray.

5/6/2002 Nathan: Next Project: Interactive Format
Alright, I don't remember if we've talked about this or not -- I have another game that is taking shape in the wing of my head cavity called The Cross.…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan, Paul Czege, Ron Edwards, Clay, Jared A. Sorensen, rafael.

5/9/2002 Sidhain: Help! Help!
The publisher who was supposed to produce several of my works (and was under contract to do so) has basically defaulted--no money changed hands, and my property of course remains…
In Publishing
Participants: Sidhain, Ron Edwards, Misguided Games, Michael Hopcroft.

5/14/2002 xiombarg: Vanity Publishers?
Okay, in this thread, someone talks about Now, I have to admit that ever since I first heard about it, my thought was: "What the f*$%? What is this,…
In Publishing
Participants: xiombarg, Michael Hopcroft, Jerry D. Grayson.

5/14/2002 jburneko: Percieved Validity
Hello All, I don't often post in this forum but there's something that's been on my mind about the public perception of indie published games. Before I started coming to…
In Publishing
Participants: jburneko, Jack Spencer Jr.

5/14/2002 Michael Hopcroft: Introducing Myself
Hi there! Cynthia Celeste Miller of Spectrum Game Studios pointed me here, and I thought I'd introduce myself seeing as I can;t find a better place to do so. MY…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Clay.

5/15/2002 Ron Edwards: All RPG book publishers take note
Hello, This message is for those of us who publish, or are about to publish, an RPG intended to be available in retail stores. I strongly recommend that company websites…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards.

5/17/2002 Michael Hopcroft: GenCon
It's big, to the point of almostg ebing bloated. It has that huge castle in the middle of the dealers room. But GenCon is still THE big RPG show and…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Jason L Blair, Ron Edwards.

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