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In Publishing

5/28/2006 Denise: ENnie Awards- Indy Titles Wanted!
Hey all, I've just been going through the list of submissions for this year's Gen Con EN World RPG Awards (the ENnies), and am noticing a distinct lack of Forge…
In Publishing
Participants: Denise, Thunder_God, Ben Lehman, jasonm, abzu, greyorm, btrc, Dav, Gaerik, Ron Edwards, Thor Olavsrud, andrew_kenrick, chadu, woodelf.

5/28/2006 madelf: Leasing rights & independence
I'm posting this as a split from this thread because I think it's a little off track for that topic. Some of the later comments in that thread got…
In Publishing
Participants: madelf, Ron Edwards.

5/27/2006 btrc: Origins Awards - Vote Indie!
[Cross-posted to Endeavor] Which is to say, vote for me, since I think I'm the [i]only[/i] indie designer on the list this year...;) And, there are of course other deserving…
In Publishing
Participants: btrc, Ron Edwards, abzu.

5/25/2006 Willow: Fantasy Atlases
Hey all- I don't recall what thread I read it in, and it was from a while back, but it was something to the effect of "alot of game designers…
In Publishing
Participants: Willow, pells, Justin D. Jacobson, Joshua BishopRoby, Kobayashi, Wolfen, philaros, Ron Edwards, Dav, Valamir, Eero Tuovinen, Miskatonic, Black Iris Dancer, Czar Fnord.

5/25/2006 dindenver: Re: Design docs
Hi!   I have a couple of talented artist friends, each has offered to do a little work for my book. I created a simple design doc with a wish…
In Publishing
Participants: dindenver, devilbunny, Justin D. Jacobson, Joshua BishopRoby, Valamir.

5/24/2006 Davaris: RPGs for the Computer
I have a question for everyone. What or who do you use for art for your books? Whenever I've approached artists, the prices they quote are very expensive. Are there…
In Publishing
Participants: Davaris, Graham Walmsley, jeremycoatney, gpetersz.

5/21/2006 Graham Walmsley: Publishing wiki
I put this together over the last week. It links to old Forge threads (and some other resources) to answer common questions like: how do I create a PDF? How…
In Publishing
Participants: Graham Walmsley, Willow.

5/18/2006 playbywiki: [PlayByWiki] Marketing a wiki-based RPG
Simply put, "How?" I'm looking for any and all thoughts, ideas, directions, viral marketing suggestions, tips, tricks, inclinations, things to avoid, things to definitely do, etc. I've been in marketing…
In Publishing
Participants: playbywiki, Graham Walmsley.

5/18/2006 Pelgrane: Anyone here making a living from RPGs?
Is there any person who writing indie games who is making a full-time living from it? I'm just wondering how this compares with so-called mainstream RPG publishers (a number of…
In Publishing
Participants: Pelgrane, MatrixGamer, Gaerik, Ben Lehman, Joshua BishopRoby, joepub, Jake Richmond, guildofblades, Ron Edwards, GregStolze, Justin D. Jacobson, Eero Tuovinen, Valamir, greyorm, pells, LordSmerf, abzu.

5/17/2006 DensityMan: Graphic Designers (split)
Sorry to dig up old posts like this, but thought it better than starting anew... Is there a resource available for start-ups who are looking for a layout artist? We're…
In Publishing
Participants: DensityMan, Ron Edwards, nikola, playbywiki, Justin D. Jacobson, dwalton97060, Docbrown, gpetersz.

5/8/2006 jeremycoatney: Hardbacks worth the time/money?
-Hello,     Here is a question I've been thinking about for some time. Is it worth making hardback copies of books? For clarification, is it worth it to the…
In Publishing
Participants: jeremycoatney, Joshua BishopRoby, Gaerik, Nathan P., Editor Drew, MatrixGamer.

5/7/2006 jeremycoatney: Advertising without a budget?
    I'm fairly certain this falls under the catagory of a publishing question, but not entirely, so if it doesn't,please bare with me here.     I have my…
In Publishing
Participants: jeremycoatney, Nathan P., Thunder_God, dindenver, Ben Lehman, Bryan Hansel, Ron Edwards, axonrg.

5/2/2006 Kat Miller: A slightly used game idea
I’ve been a fan of Everway for many years.  I’ve twitched, and flicked and nudged it along the way, I’ve run the system for the Supers Genre to great success. …
In Publishing
Participants: Kat Miller, Bill_White, Czar Fnord, Damon C Bradshaw, Thunder_God.

4/27/2006 Ron Edwards: [It Was a Mutual Decision] Case study for discussion
Post 1 of 3 Hello, Now that the It Was a Mutual Decision books are printed and shipped - yay! - I thought I'd give a little history and outline…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, Adam Dray, Paka, Justin D. Jacobson, Clinton R. Nixon, Matt Snyder, Technocrat13, Czar Fnord, Eero Tuovinen, Clay, davidberg, Thunder_God, Bryan Hansel, Miskatonic, Adam, Dav, Andy Kitkowski, Gregor Hutton, greyorm, jasonm, Paul Czege, Sydney Freedberg, Troy_Costisick.

4/26/2006 jrs: Happy World IP Day
April 26th is World Intellectual Property Day.  Julie
In Publishing
Participants: jrs.

4/23/2006 preludetotheend: Identifiers, what are yours, whats their impact?
So I was just wonder how you think people identify to your product by just skimming through it. Whats your strategy, and how much of an impact do you think…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, abzu, Ron Edwards.

4/20/2006 pells: [Avalanche] - Finally, a teaser
I had to give a lot of thougths into this. I've been presenting my project for quite a while now, and finally, I've got something to show. But, I do…
In Publishing
Participants: pells, abzu, Eero Tuovinen, Jake Richmond, Selene Tan.

4/18/2006 GregStolze: REIGN's release model: A ransom/hard copy hybrid
It's interesting that the quarterly sales of UA continue to chip in a hundred copies of the core book every time.  It seems to support the theory that "the MRB…
In Publishing
Participants: GregStolze, Paka, c, Dav, Thunder_God, MikeSands, Ben Lehman, jasonm, andrew_kenrick, Nathan Herrold, Yokiboy.

4/17/2006 Michael S. Miller: Books in retail stores--Buy now or buy later?
Over in a WGP... Actual Play thread, the ever-inciteful John Kim asked the following: One thing that I sometimes feel funny about -- if the store only has one…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Paul Czege, abzu, Joshua BishopRoby, inthisstyle, c, Ron Edwards.

4/16/2006 MarktheAnimator: Publishing in Thailand
Hello, I've been away for quite a long time, but I just wanted to say hello again to everyone. My game, Fantasy Imperium is nearly ready for press. I just…
In Publishing
Participants: MarktheAnimator, Thunder_God, Bryan Hansel, MatrixGamer, Justin D. Jacobson, Joshua BishopRoby, guildofblades, Ron Edwards, jeremycoatney.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

6/1/2006 preludetotheend: Alternatives to selling your material.
    Good day all I have been slowly finishing up work on my game and setting Reflections, and have been thinking of how I want to publish my game.…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Thunder_God.

6/1/2006 Eero Tuovinen: European fulfilment
Concerning the Essen thread, I've discussed the practicalities of mailing games to Europe with a couple of publishers. It's not cheap to ship to Europe, as I know from personal…
In Publishing
Participants: Eero Tuovinen.

6/6/2006 MatrixGamer: In House production for the upcoming convention season.
I want to describe what I'm doing this year for production so people who do in house production or are interested in that can see one way of doing it.…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer, guildofblades, philreed, komradebob.

6/11/2006 netojose: German printing quality
Dear All, Anyone here would know how the Germans achieve their print quality while printing board games? The paper usually has a linen texture and is varnish. Would anyone know…
In Publishing
Participants: netojose, Joshua BishopRoby.

6/12/2006 phetish: looking for card POD
hey folks... i'm looking for a Print on Demand (POD) company to make cards.  my cards need to be somewhat larger than playing card size, something on the order of…
In Publishing
Participants: phetish, btrc, Czar Fnord, Paul Czege, joepub, AvalonPOD, Ron Edwards, guildofblades, daMoose_Neo, nikola, kenw.

6/12/2006 Willow: Pricing & Demand Curves
I was going back through old threads and wanted to respond to something I saw here: While it is a very good look into the basics of pricing, there…
In Publishing
Participants: Willow, lumpley, preludetotheend, Ron Edwards.

6/14/2006 Justin D. Jacobson: What is the function of the Back Cover?
For purposes of analysis both general and specific, following is the draft of my back cover text for Passages. Lose Yourself in a Good Book! Through the Looking Glass…
In Publishing
Participants: Justin D. Jacobson, devilbunny, jerry, Nathan P., Valamir, Czar Fnord, Joshua BishopRoby, sean2099, joepub, Ron Edwards, Jake Richmond, Editor Drew, nikola, slade the sniper, KeithBVaughn.

6/15/2006 Skallagrim: Presentation - As important as system? (split)
hello all, a long time lurker here.. Well speaking strictly from a consumer point of view (as most of my ideas continue to die in conceptualization stages)... This may seem…
In Publishing
Participants: Skallagrim, Miedvied, Ron Edwards.

6/16/2006 lumpley: Mongoose contacted me
Matthew Sprange wrote me a little while back, offering to publish Dogs in the Vineyard under a new imprint that Mongoose is launching (or considering launching). I'd keep intellectual property…
In Publishing
Participants: lumpley, Valamir, Vaxalon, Andy Kitkowski, Pelgrane, Wart, Thunder_God, Adam Dray, abzu, nikola, Paul Czege, komradebob, Jake Richmond, David Chunn, Ron Edwards.

6/20/2006 daMoose_Neo: InDesign 2.0 - Bookmarks, HELP!
I've been over and over this one and I'm tearing my hair out. Figured with it being layout, this was the best place to ask: is anyone here familiar with…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Czar Fnord.

6/21/2006 lesbianvampyre: Re: Name for Company (split)
I did some digging around on the Internet and discovered there are two other people using Parallel Universe and there is another Parallel Universe Publishing. I would like to keep…
In Publishing
Participants: lesbianvampyre, Ron Edwards.

6/26/2006 Denise: 2006 ENnie Awards Fans' Choice Nominations Open
Hi Forgers, I don't want to use this space for announcements, but I really really wanted to make sure you guys were aware of this, and could voice your opinions. …
In Publishing
Participants: Denise.

6/27/2006 jasonm: Horizontal format books
I know printers don't care which edge they bind on, making horizontal layout books possible - but are they a good idea? I'm specifically thinking about a digest-sized book perfect…
In Publishing
Participants: jasonm, jrs, Czar Fnord, pells, MatrixGamer, Eero Tuovinen, amicitia, Editor Drew, nikola.

6/28/2006 contracycle: Women lead rush to mobile gaming
[quote][b]Women lead rush to mobile gaming[/b] The casual nature of mobile games appeals to women.  Women players are responsible for two-thirds of the sales of mobile phone games, a US…
In Publishing
Participants: contracycle.

6/29/2006 c: Box Sets
I tried doing some searching for previous threads and didn't find anything that answered my questions, so.... What do we know about box sets? In my experience there are typically…
In Publishing
Participants: c, abzu, jasonm.

6/30/2006 Editor Drew: Intellecutal rights to product, ancillaries, future editions
One of the other posters in a closed thread mentioned that he had been approached by a publishing company and offered a percentage of the revenue generated from the sales…
In Publishing
Participants: Editor Drew, lumpley, Joshua BishopRoby.

7/3/2006 Norbert Matausch: A slightly used game idea (split)
Hi Kat, Into the Mystic sounds really great. Like all the Everway goodness, plus some narration rights. Cool, gotta love it. My question is: Why do you use a (more…
In Publishing
Participants: Norbert Matausch, Ron Edwards.

7/5/2006 c: Small production methods for making cards.
So after reading this closed post about printing cards in small runs I thought some info I just gained from a card and board gaming buddy might be useful…
In Publishing
Participants: c, daMoose_Neo, Veritas Games, Adam SBG, Thomas D, andrew_kenrick, Tony Irwin.

7/6/2006 preludetotheend: Low blow for Aegri Somnia Press
Recently I had agreed to work with an individual on a project I don't wish to disclose the details exactly I will pick up work on it some other time…
In Publishing
Participants: preludetotheend, Ron Edwards, Justin D. Jacobson.

7/8/2006 copx: How much "inspiration" is legal?
Can I sell something if the mechanics are mostly taken from other (commercial) RPGs? The rules of my game are a crossbreed of WFRP 1st Edition, Inquisitor and my own…
In Publishing
Participants: copx, Kesher, Valamir, Bill Masek, jerry, Gasten, Veritas Games, Ron Edwards, baron samedi, Thunder_God, Justin D. Jacobson.

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