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In Publishing

8/24/2001 FilthySuperman: A slight trepidation
I've recently finished a very nice and playable version of my game Any Town, U.S.A. Anyone who checked it out before when I was looking for playtesters will find the…
In Publishing
Participants: FilthySuperman, Ron Edwards.

8/24/2001 Petter Sandelin: squad rpg design
While checking out free indierpgs lately I've been thinking about how you could apply a "squad model" for the design process. A squad would consist of people with different skills(programming,…
In Publishing
Participants: Petter Sandelin, FilthySuperman.

8/20/2001 FilthySuperman: How much is enough?
To get straight to the point.. let's say I want to print, bind, and publish a book. Complet with artwork.. the whole 9 yards. How much content is enough? How…
In Publishing
Participants: FilthySuperman, Ron Edwards, jburneko, John Wick, Emily Dresner, Cameron, JSDiamond, kwill, Dav.

8/20/2001 Thededine: Setting + Plot Packaging
Here's a stray thought I had. I'll throw it into the mix and see what you-all think of it. It would have to be a boxed set package (and if…
In Publishing
Participants: Thededine, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Dav.

8/16/2001 jburneko: Distribution Question
Hello, Well, the unthinkable has happened. I was struck by inspiration and I suddenly found myself designing and writing a game. Originally, I thought I was going to end up…
In Publishing
Participants: jburneko, Ron Edwards, FilthySuperman, Clinton R. Nixon, ephealy, Misguided Games.

8/13/2001 Ian Freeman: Publish for Money Question
I have a question for those of you who have published games over the internet with credit card payment, and where the game was in electronic form. Sorcerer would be…
In Publishing
Participants: Ian Freeman, Gordon C. Landis, Clay, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon.

8/4/2001 Supplanter: Dying Earth and Covers
Seems to me the cover of the Dying Earth RPG not only provides no hint of what the game is like in play, it gives one entirely the wrong idea…
In Publishing
Participants: Supplanter, Ron Edwards, John Wick, Misguided Games.

7/29/2001 Ron Edwards: Suggestions for Indie Manifesto?
Among other things, I hope to get a little Indie-RPG Manifesto pamphlet ready for GenCon. It might be no more than a two-sided sheet; time is short. Any suggestions for…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, joshua neff, kwill, Supplanter, John Wick, Dav, Jack Spencer Jr, Le Joueur, Clinton R. Nixon, Zak Arntson, Anon LeBlanc, Jeffrey Straszheim.

7/23/2001 Jack Spencer Jr: Gaming Library
Well, Gaming Outpost's Gaming Library is now up and running. I'm not sure what the general feeling is about GO around here these days but I do see many of…
In Publishing
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr.

7/20/2001 rpghost: RPG Industry - Insider private forums!
RPG Host Networks is proud to announce it's newest community service: This new site was created as a private industry only forum to help improve communication between your peers.…
In Publishing
Participants: rpghost.

7/18/2001 Jared A. Sorensen: Ad-supported RPG's, Media Models & Magazines
I had a crazy idea for octaNe...because I really wanna see it published (and so do quite a few people out there, sheesh!). A thick, glossy magazine format. Full-color...hell, with…
In Publishing
Participants: Jared A. Sorensen, JSDiamond, Misguided Games, Paul Czege, Blake Hutchins, Clinton R. Nixon.

7/9/2001 Clinton R. Nixon: Article on PDF publishing
There's an article at regarding PDF publishing, with quotes from our own Seth Ben-Ezra. I warn that the article's pretty poorly written, and asks the wrong question (can…
In Publishing
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Ron Edwards, GreatWolf, Dav.

7/3/2001 joshua neff: expanding the network
While RPGs are a huge passion of mine, I'm not much of a game designer (not since high school, when I made my own Doctor Who RPG), & not about…
In Publishing
Participants: joshua neff, Ron Edwards, Dav.

7/3/2001 Nathan: IndieAid at Other Cons
Hey, had a brainstorm idea... Would you guys pay a small fee to get your games represented at other cons? Reason why - I am going to Uncommoncon at Dallas,…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan, GreatWolf, Dav, Misguided Games, Ron Edwards.

6/30/2001 Peter: Card Games
Does anyone know of any resources for publishing card-based games? Maybe I should email Atlas...
In Publishing
Participants: Peter.

6/29/2001 Nathan: Mystic Ages -- Indie Issue
At least once a month, I hope to do an "indie issue" for Mystic Ages Online ( - focusing on indie games, reviews, and the like. The first one is…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan, Misguided Games, Dav, xiombarg, Ron Edwards, kwill.

6/26/2001 Ian Freeman: Art necessity
I am working on a PDF doc of a game right now and i am wondering how necessarry it is to get visual into the document itself. I have no…
In Publishing
Participants: Ian Freeman, Jared A. Sorensen, Dav, Matt Gwinn, Clay.

6/25/2001 Nathan: Pay500 Program
Hello all... Just checking out GMT Games, and they have a real interesting program setup... They post up previews and a synopsis of games that have been on a…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan.

6/24/2001 rpghost: Electronic Sales - Interested?
Hi everyone, I'm try to get a feel for wether there is a market for an idea I have come up with. First, if you don't know already, RPG Host…
In Publishing
Participants: rpghost, Dav, Nathan, Clay, Jason L Blair, MrCusey, Black Knights.

6/23/2001 Paul Czege: getting out the reviews
Hey everyone, I've got a question for those of you who've published, or are about to publish. Did you or do you have a strategy for trying to get your…
In Publishing
Participants: Paul Czege, JSDiamond, Dav, John Wick, Misguided Games, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

8/28/2001 Valamir: Copyrights
Clinton just posted a very useful article on publishing indie games, but one thing not addressed is copyright...that vast morass of seemingly contradictory government BS. I've been doing some poking…
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir, Ron Edwards, Misguided Games, JSDiamond, FilthySuperman, Laura Bishop, Gordon C. Landis, Ian O'Rourke, Matt, Dav.

8/30/2001 James Holloway: "Completeness" and Customer Expectations
Following on from a question in another forum, I ask: I think that most of this forum's users (examples of progressive humanity that they are) would agree that one of…
In Publishing
Participants: James Holloway, Ron Edwards, Ian O'Rourke, Mike Holmes.

9/2/2001 Tyrant: CD "Book" Format
While the debate between RTF and PDF rages ever onward (I prefer PDF myself) Lets say I wanted something Physical to sell my customers... Okay, granted actual books can be…
In Publishing
Participants: Tyrant, kwill, Dav, Matt, Ron Edwards, James Holloway.

9/2/2001 rpghost: Instant Download Sales! ( ) is an electronic delivery system for role-playing games: rule books, modules, fiction, paper miniatures, software, and more! Puchase products in the store and imedately download them…
In Publishing
Participants: rpghost, Tyrant, Matt, sandy.

9/3/2001 James V. West: Web-Page Challenged...
I posted my stuff on a geocities page using the generic "page builder" software they provide. Very limiting, as far as I can tell. The next time I post a…
In Publishing
Participants: James V. West, Matt, Tyrant, Valamir, peteramthor, Jack Spencer Jr, FilthySuperman, Philippe Tromeur, Epoch, Ron Edwards, Clay.

9/6/2001 Matt: Web promotion
This a tangent to the HTML thread, but I thought it could do with some discussion as most of us have web pages. Once you have your cool and funky…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt, Ron Edwards, Emily Dresner, Philippe Tromeur, Tyrant, Marco, rpghost, ephealy.

9/12/2001 Ron Edwards: Dresner article series
Hi everybody, Emily Dresner is writing a series of articles for the Forge about the actual practicalities of RPG book publishing. The first of the series is available now in…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, Mytholder, ephealy, Zak Arntson, Judas.

9/26/2001 Ron Edwards: Emily's second article
Hey everybody, Emily Dresner has presented the second in her series of articles about the nuts & bolts of RPG publishing. Discuss! Best, Ron
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr, Emily Dresner.

9/26/2001 Mike Holmes: Web Page Content
I can do HTML, and so can Ralph. We're not challenged as far as that goes. What is challenging is coming up with something to put on a web page.…
In Publishing
Participants: Mike Holmes, Matt, Nathan, Paul Czege, Marco.

9/28/2001 Matt Gwinn: The Cost of Art
I was just wondering what all you published game designers pay for your art. My game Kayfabe is reaching completion and I'm in the process of getting some art together…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, James V. West, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, greyorm, Le Joueur.

9/29/2001 Marco: Sorry about the inappropriate post.
Removed Msg about newly released book. -Marco
In Publishing
Participants: Marco.

10/10/2001 Clinton R. Nixon:
I just found this site - it's apparently new - and thought it actually had some good resources. They manage to screw up a lot of stuff that can be…
In Publishing
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon.

10/12/2001 Nathan: Status Reports (from YOU)
So, how is everyone doing in your projects/project or daydreams? Anyone have any major success lately, or new creations that they are giggly about? Currently, I am excited about the…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan, Matt, unodiablo, Zak Arntson, Philippe Tromeur, Epoch, jburneko, Jared A. Sorensen, Matt Gwinn, Jack Spencer Jr, hardcoremoose, Valamir, Mytholder, greyorm, Mike Holmes, Ian O'Rourke.

10/12/2001 Jack Spencer Jr: Help getting you game out there.
SOmewhere, forget where, Ron mentioned that part of why Sorcerer gained the following it did is because he participated in banner exchanges and webrings and stuff like that. Well, as…
In Publishing
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, Ron Edwards.

10/19/2001 Matt Gwinn: Single or Double Column?
I'm doing the layout for Kayfabe and I was curious what people feel is a better layout for a game.
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards, Chris Passeno, Le Joueur, unheilig, Laurel.

11/6/2001 Nathan: Gamer Masturbatory Exercise #11
Nevermind the topic title...... Your Uncle, a lifelong war reenactor, hobbyist, and gamer, has died and left you a grand total $1,000,000. The only stipulation was for you to spend…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan, unodiablo, jburneko, Zak Arntson, Laurel, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards.

11/7/2001 Laurel: $1000 bucks, a system, a vision
Building off the million dollar scenario, let's say you've just been given $1000 to publish a game. You have a system that needs polishing, but you are getting there and…
In Publishing
Participants: Laurel, unodiablo, Jason L Blair, Paul Czege, Nathan, Ron Edwards, Matt, JSDiamond, James V. West.

11/8/2001 Nathan: CD Publishing
Ron & All, Has CD publishing been successful for anyone? I remember one company that promised to do several RPGs per different CDs, with supplemental material and programs included on…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan, Ron Edwards, unodiablo, JSDiamond, Jack Spencer Jr, Laurel, kwill, Matt Gwinn, Paul Czege.

11/19/2001 unodiablo: Dead Meat - step by step - Interested?
Hey All, I'm far enough along in the planning and production of the printed version of Dead Meat that I thought I'd post here and ask if any of you…
In Publishing
Participants: unodiablo, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, hardcoremoose.

11/30/2001 Ron Edwards: Raw pain
Hello, I should like to direct the attention of anyone interested in role-playing publishing here for a nice insight into the process. For those who've been through the process…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards.

more subsequent topics >>