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In HeroQuest

10/15/2005 epweissengruber: Balazar Campaign for Indie RPG Toronto: 2 New Myths
I wanted to use some of the Sorcerer and Sword/Heroquest threads in the creation of my own campaign. I got great inspiration from one of my players.  But no one…
In HeroQuest
Participants: epweissengruber, Mike Holmes, Bryan_T.

10/10/2005 Erik Ny: Heroquest Exalted: At a loss for bangs
So, after some discussion, me and my players agreed to set our game in the Exalted universe, using the conversion to HQ available here. The characters: Fatima, oldest daughter of…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Erik Ny, Brand_Robins.

10/3/2005 Janus: Midnight Heroquest conversion (take 2)
Hi, I'm looking into running a Midnight game with the HQ system. Midnight is your typical MERP-like fantasy setting, with one plot twist The Evil One, after being beaten up,…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Janus, StalkingBlue, Brand_Robins, Mike Holmes, Scripty.

9/27/2005 Janus: Midnight / Heroquest conversion?
Hi, Would anyone still happen to have a copy of Scripty's Midnight setting to HQ system adaption? I can't seem to find it around the net. Thanks in advance, Janus
In HeroQuest
Participants: Janus, Mike Holmes, Uzzah.

9/11/2005 Ian Cooper: Railroading and Heroquests
Red Cow is a non-linear game using techniques like relationship maps (a big relationship map admittedly), bangs etc. So it becomes a litte jarring when we try and play out…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Ian Cooper, Donald, Ron Edwards, GB Steve, Peter Nordstrand, Mike Holmes, simon_hibbs, Jane, Web_Weaver, MarkAdri, Tim Ellis, Bryan_T, StalkingBlue, Neil the Wimp.

9/11/2005 Issaries: Borderlands & Beyond reprint - adapting it for Heroquest
Hello all, As you may or may not have heard, the Borderlands & Beyond runequest reprint will soon be back from the printers. One of the thigs that I have…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Issaries, Jane, Ian Cooper, Mike Holmes, Lamorak33, droog, Mandacaru, epweissengruber, nellist, Ron Edwards.

9/5/2005 Tim Ellis: Lost...
This was almost covered in the <A href="">10 vs 100 words </a> discussion and the "play before play" point, but it shied away again.  Anyway I was thinking about the…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Tim Ellis, Mike Holmes.

8/18/2005 Lamorak33: Last Days at Skullpoint
Hi all Has anyone run through this as it is written up in Gathering Thunder?  Care to share some notes as to how it ran, and what direction it took?…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Lamorak33, Mike Holmes, Ian Cooper, Ron Edwards.

8/6/2005 Lamorak33: MGF and YGMV II
Hi I think most folk have got YGWV nailed.  Donald hits the nail on the head in his post. I see a lot of strange stuff written about MGF though. …
In HeroQuest
Participants: Lamorak33, simon_hibbs, Ron Edwards.

8/6/2005 Lamorak33: Hesitance towards Glorantha II
Hi I have the same objections that your friend has. I don't play in Glorantha, because I don't want to learn it, and have to…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Lamorak33, simon_hibbs, Mike Holmes, greyorm, Ron Edwards, newsalor, Nick Brooke.

8/9/2005 Erik Ny: [Glorantha] Source for info on Seshnela?
Me and my players have agreed to set our HQ game in Glorantha, or at least use it as a foundation to mold to our liking. Now, I have been…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Erik Ny, Nick Brooke, Lamorak33.

8/1/2005 epweissengruber: Literary Reference for Lunar Empire: Salammbo by Flaubert
I just finished readaing Flaubert's Salammbo. It is an amazing novel and I recommend it to anyone running a campaign in the Lunar Empire. It describes a rebellion by Mercenaries…
In HeroQuest
Participants: epweissengruber, Nick Brooke.

7/31/2005 Erik Ny: Narrativist examples of play?
Hi, First time poster, who's been lurking for about a month or two by now, trying to soak up the Forge ideas like a sponge. Anyway... I read a post…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Erik Ny, StalkingBlue, Mike Holmes, Mandacaru, Gelasma.

7/21/2005 lightcastle: Can you do EVERYTHING with an Extended Contest?
Is there ever really a reason to use an unrelated action in an extended contest? Lately I've been finding that it seems easier to just subsume the unrelated action in.…
In HeroQuest
Participants: lightcastle, soru, Mike Holmes, Brand_Robins, simon_hibbs, Eero Tuovinen.

6/25/2005 Tom B: Non-Gloranthan Magic
I think this is my final sticking point. I've worked out the PCs into their HeroQuest form, advanced them appropriately to match their abilities under the former system, and everyone…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Tom B, Der_Renegat, Mike Holmes, Tim Ellis, simon_hibbs, Gelasma.

6/14/2005 CCW: Goals-based rewards--actual play.
This thread is a follow up from PBEM HP Distribution OK, we had a go at using goals for experience. I outlined the system simply, I hope: * Each…
In HeroQuest
Participants: CCW, SumSum, Brand_Robins, Mike Holmes, Christopher Weeks, KingOfFarPoint.

6/6/2005 KingOfFarPoint: Using The Pool when playing HeroQuest
A while back (in the lull between HeroWars and HeroQuest) I experimented with using The Pool to run HeroQuest games. We already had HQ characters and an ongoing campaign, so…
In HeroQuest
Participants: KingOfFarPoint.

6/2/2005 Mike Holmes: Keyword Restrictiveness
A keyword includes within it everything that it "should" have in it. This is, to me, one of the features of HQ - you never have what I refer to…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mike Holmes, Eero Tuovinen, Valamir, Christopher Weeks, bigpumpkin, Gelasma, lightcastle, Thor Olavsrud.

6/2/2005 Mike Holmes: Variable Augments - Used?
I think this has been covered before (if not here, then on the rules group). How often are variable augments used in your game? I have a feeling that they're…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mike Holmes, Eero Tuovinen, Brand_Robins, Bankuei, Christopher Weeks, nellist, bigpumpkin, Gelasma, Balbinus, Ian Cooper, James Holloway, Scripty, Vaxalon.

6/2/2005 Mike Holmes: PBEM HP Distribution
In this thread we were looking at the possibility of using TSOY Keys as an alternate way to meter out HPs in HQ. I came out against it, as ancillary…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mike Holmes, Christopher Weeks, CCW, bigpumpkin, StalkingBlue.

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Subsequent Topics
In HeroQuest

10/20/2005 ytreza2: Publications
Hello ! Do you have some news about the books annouced on the issaries's web site ? Like "world of glorantha" announced to be released for 2005 !!!! What an…
In HeroQuest
Participants: ytreza2, newsalor, Mike Holmes, Peter Nordstrand, Bryan_T, Paul King, Lamorak33.

11/6/2005 Mandacaru: Rewarding invention
I feel I need to reward players who come up with something off-the-wall, brilliant, mythical or downright daft, according to my interpretation of Wushu-style gaming - the more dramatic the…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mandacaru, Vaxalon, Mr Darran Sims, Lamorak33, Bryan_T, Christopher Weeks, Mike Holmes.

11/7/2005 nuanarpoq: AntQuest!
Apologies for crosspostings... Hey folks - I spent the weekend working up a version of HeroQuest for Ants. I must be nuts. Anyway, if you've ever wanted to run a…
In HeroQuest
Participants: nuanarpoq, Mike Holmes, Joe Zeutenhorst, Mandacaru.

11/17/2005 Mike Holmes: HP Reward Systems Revisited
Yah, I've been through this before, dontchano. Time to look at it again. For brainstorming purposes, if people want to propose outlandish stuff, go ahead. But I've got some specific…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mike Holmes, Vaxalon, Janus, Christopher Weeks, Eero Tuovinen, Lamorak33, CCW, Kintara, Ian Cooper, Bryan_T, simon_hibbs, Doyce, lightcastle.

11/17/2005 Mike Holmes: Multiple Specialized Magic Cults
So I'm looking for examples from play of characters that you've played or had in a game you've run that had magic from more than one specialized cult. I'm trying…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mike Holmes, Janus, Lamorak33, Ian Cooper, MrWrong.

11/24/2005 Fatespinner: Would Univeralis and Hero Quest work togather?
hi, not sure if this is the right forum for this, because it is both a HQ and a Univeralis question anyway, this is my first post and I hope…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Fatespinner, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

12/21/2005 Hans: "Lost World" type games...
Hello everyone: I have been toying for some time with an idea for a "lost world" type game, borrowing heavily from Edgar Rice Burroughs John Carter series and other sources. …
In HeroQuest
Participants: Hans, epweissengruber, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Daredevil.

1/4/2006 Ian Cooper: My Red Cow background material
Hi all, Apologies for the cross-post on this one, but I suspect there are some folks here who are not on HeroQuest-RPG. I will try and get an Actual Play…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Ian Cooper, Daredevil, a_verheaghe, Thor Olavsrud.

1/19/2006 Maitete: Ron's "A toolbox for playing Hero Wars"
In the thread Where to begin? Ron made a mention of providing a document he wrote called "A toolbox for playing Hero Wars" to the poster.  Does anyone (specifically Ron)…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Maitete, Ian Cooper, Lamorak33, Tim Ellis, Ron Edwards.

1/21/2006 Daredevil: Magic, Ritual and Mechanics
I've recently strated playing (GMing) Heroquest in Gloranthan campaign, and some things still confuse me, mostly due to being quite new to the setting. One of these issues involves the…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Daredevil, Mike Holmes, Web_Weaver.

1/22/2006 Lamorak33: Last Days at Skullpoint - again
Hi I have started a new thread as the last post relating to this has slipped off the front page.  Here are the links to the previous threads;…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Lamorak33, Peter Nordstrand, Bankuei, Ron Edwards, Mandacaru.

2/4/2006 matthijs: HeroQuesting during hypnosis
In order to emphasize the otherworldly experience of a HeroQuest, has anyone tried using hypnosis on players during such a quest? I recently tried out a hypnotic experiment in shared…
In HeroQuest
Participants: matthijs, Vaxalon, Mike Holmes, Eero Tuovinen, Lxndr, Adam Dray, newsalor.

3/5/2006 ytreza2: when ?
do someone know when moon design will publish 'imperial lunar handbook 2" and when do they will tell us the publications for 2006 ? thanks
In HeroQuest
Participants: ytreza2, Peter Nordstrand.

1/25/2006 nellist: Finding myth
[Quote]This might be very naive, but do the GM or players make up the myths for a HeroQuest, or is it supposed to be something published.  In other words, when…
In HeroQuest
Participants: nellist, Bryan_T, Chew, Mike Holmes.

3/17/2006 epweissengruber: Augmentations in Extended Contests and in Simple Contests
Been doing a lot of Heroquest play lately and doing a lot of thinking about the rules.  Our group has been working out our approach to running Simple Contests and…
In HeroQuest
Participants: epweissengruber, Mike Holmes, lightcastle, Web_Weaver, soviet.

3/17/2006 Calithena: Heroquest Probabilities Question
Talking extended contests here - rough answers are OK. (I already know the answers for simple contests, they're easy to analyze, and weird - I think I'd come extended or…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Calithena, Tim Ellis, Mike Holmes, Hans, Vaxalon, epweissengruber.

3/21/2006 lightcastle: Split Extended contests
Something I'm never quite sure how to handle are extended contests with multiple goals. Let me explain: Our evil priest is on the top of the ziggurat, with the princess.…
In HeroQuest
Participants: lightcastle, Vaxalon, Web_Weaver, Mike Holmes.

3/23/2006 Der_Renegat: descriptive abilities as a pendant to visual special effect in movies
You all know the special effect in a movie – the one that totally blasts you away, like the AT AT in The Empire Strikes Back. Or the costume that…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Der_Renegat, Vaxalon, Mike Holmes, lightcastle.

3/24/2006 Mike Holmes: Unrelated Actions Revisited
A perennial topic, the subject of Unrelated Actions was brought up in this thread: The question, as always, is what makes an action truely unrelated enough to use this…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mike Holmes, lightcastle, Tim Ellis, Web_Weaver, nichughes.

3/27/2006 Mike Holmes: Asymetrical Conflicts
There's been a principle that I've wanted to discuss for a while, and what with the buzzword Asymetrical Concflict being thrown about on the news a lot of late, I…
In HeroQuest
Participants: Mike Holmes, lightcastle, simon_hibbs.

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