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In Indie Game Design

1/4/2002 Paganini: Eh?
How does one delete a message (such as this one, which is now in the process of being heavily edited :wink: that has been, for example, posted multiple times? font…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini.

1/2/2002 Ian Freeman: High Fantasy System
Hey everybody, long time no see. I've just slammed out a rather interesting little high fantasy system that is designed specifically to feel like high fantasy. The whole system is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ian Freeman, Skippy, Garbanzo, Thededine.

1/1/2002 James V. West: The Iron Devils Quandary
I’m writing a game based on the Sword and Sorcery sub-genre of fantasy. Its called Iron Devils and its primarily based on the style and atmosphere of stories written by…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: James V. West, Uncle Dark, hardcoremoose, Paganini, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Matt Snyder, Laurel, Bankuei, Blake Hutchins, Paul Czege, greyorm, Jared A. Sorensen.

1/1/2002 Paganini: RPG Layout
For Cindi, a bit, but also I want to present an idea I had for the layout for Cornerstone. :smile: Cindi, and anyone who's interested, I have an RPG Layout…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Ron Edwards, James V. West, Laurel, Matt Snyder, Jack Spencer Jr, J B Bell, Bailey.

12/31/2001 Zak Arntson: Harlekin-Maus monthly: Fungeon
I'm officially releasing my GM-less Dungeon Crawling game. Fungeon The holidays kicked me upside the head, so I wasn't able to make it super-amazing by the end of the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson, James V. West.

12/31/2001 joe_llama: Greetings and Requests
Greetings everyone! Before I begin, I would like to say that this forum is the best I've seen in a long time. I still ask myself how is it possible…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: joe_llama, mahoux, Ron Edwards, Laurel.

12/31/2001 Cynthia Celeste Miller: Capturing the Spirit
This topic is inspired by the "Playtesting" thread over on the Publishing forum. I'm all about capturing the mood and spirit of the game setting / genre using any means…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, Blake Hutchins, John Wick, JSDiamond, Jack Spencer Jr, James V. West, hardcoremoose, Laurel, Mike Holmes, Spawn.

12/30/2001 Paganini: [Cornerstone] [Genreal Design] Chapter Layout
Fang: Thanks for directing me to a useful and interesting thread. One thing not mentioned with respect to layout is: What if you only have one chapter for everything? That…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, Mike Holmes, Le Joueur, Laurel, Ron Edwards.

12/30/2001 Paganini: [Cornerstone] Poll: Organizational Writing
What, in your opinion is the best way to approach layout and writing in an RPG? This is not a general question... I want specific information form individuals about what…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, Le Joueur, Mike Holmes, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Mithras.

12/30/2001 Paganini: [Cornerstone] Content
Supposing you picked up the latest $5-$10 self-published indie-RPG. You take it home and read it, and, regardless of what kind of setting information it contains, as far as rules…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, James V. West, Cynthia Celeste Miller.

12/30/2001 Epoch: Random Thought
(No, for the record, I haven't abandoned the fae wargame thing -- just thinking about it). Anyhow, I was pondering descriptor-based systems after Paganini's recent topic, and I had an…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Epoch, Joe Murphy (Broin), Paganini, Jared A. Sorensen, Bankuei, Cynthia Celeste Miller.

12/29/2001 Paganini: [Cornerstone] Introduction
Greetings! I'm a new user on the forge (check out my profile if you're interested), but I'd bet that I know a lot of you from other RPG-related lists around…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, hardcoremoose, Mike Holmes, Cynthia Celeste Miller, contracycle, joshua neff.

12/28/2001 Marco: Historical Inaccuracy
Whew ... I had something to say about Paul's historical-setting thread--but we were so close to the launch of our newest world book that it was better to wait. We've…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Marco, James V. West, Laurel, Mike Holmes, Joe Murphy (Broin), joshua neff.

12/28/2001 Cynthia Celeste Miller: Greetings
Believe it or not, I hadn't come to the Forge before last night. Maybe I just never thought to look beyond So, I figured I'd introduce myself and start…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, Joe Murphy (Broin), James V. West, Mike Holmes, joshua neff, unodiablo, Zak Arntson, Ryan Ary, Paganini, Matt Gwinn.

12/27/2001 Zak Arntson: Preliminary Design - Gamist Cubes & Narrativist Fate
Two different game ideas: Cubes Competitive roleplaying corporate drones, a la Office Space (the movie). I wanted a game that uses cards, is competitive, and a commentary on my…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson, Clinton R. Nixon.

12/27/2001 Clinton R. Nixon: There and Back (a Meta-system) - idea from "Cheating Death"
Inspired by the ideas on the "Cheating Death" thread, I whipped this out. I'd actually incorporate this into a larger system that determined character resolution as well, but as is,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Dave Versace.

12/27/2001 Mike Holmes: Cheating Death
Ron asks for: An application of game design that permits the player still to participate even though the character dies (and never mind kluges like resurrection, I mean Dead-death)…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Paul Czege, unodiablo, joshua neff, Jack Spencer Jr, Zak Arntson, James V. West, Laurel, Joe Murphy (Broin).

12/26/2001 lumpley: Chalk Outlines Waiting to Happen
[FONT COLOR="#990000"] [FONT SIZE="+3"]C[/FONT][FONT SIZE="+2"]halk [/FONT][FONT SIZE="+3"]O[/FONT][FONT SIZE="+2"]utlines[/FONT] [FONT SIZE="+1"] Waiting to Happen[/FONT][/FONT] A Caper Flick Roleplaying Game Is up in a crude-ish, pre-playtest, pre-serious editing kind of way at…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: lumpley, Mike Holmes, Paul Czege.

12/26/2001 archangel_2: Advice Please (editted)
Well, I've been working on a set of game mechanics, off and on, for a few years now. I've shown bits and pieces of them to individual people, but never…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: archangel_2, Mike Holmes, Epoch, Laurel.

12/24/2001 Paul Czege: setting creation: avoiding pressures to historical accuracy
Hey everyone, So...I've been giving a little thought to a setting for The World, the Flesh, and the Devil, and I keep hitting into the same snag. I'm tempted…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paul Czege, hardcoremoose, James V. West, Balbinus, A.Neill, Bankuei, Ron Edwards, Mithras, Mike Holmes, contracycle, Osric, John Wick, joe_llama.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

1/4/2002 Ian Freeman: Burning Legends: of Blood, Romance and the Will of a People
Before I start I just want to thank everyone who gave me comments in the other short little post. I have incorporated pretty much all the recommendations and I think…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ian Freeman, Mike Holmes.

1/4/2002 Zak Arntson: One-Shot Gaming
I've been thinking about the way our (about to be rekindled) group plays games, and the intent is to play a single indie game for a weekend or two. Thing…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson, unodiablo, Mike Holmes, Paul Czege, Julian Kelsey, Garbanzo, hardcoremoose, James V. West.

1/5/2002 Spawn: Actually finishing your RPG
After the game design thread I started (that was VERY helpful thanks guys! :) ) Ive been working on my stuff, the only problem is, that now I have 6…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Spawn, Jack Spencer Jr, Zak Arntson, Logan, Ben Morgan, unheilig, Ron Edwards, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Paul Czege, hardcoremoose, Mithras.

1/5/2002 Ferry Bazelmans: SOAP again
Hi people, Mike Holmes was the onlyone to react to my previous attempt at getting input from you guys, so I'm going to be an asshole and post again. :)…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ferry Bazelmans, Ian Freeman.

1/5/2002 greyorm: The Road to Narrativism...
I've lately grown disenchanted with my 3E game. Some thought on the issue leaves me with the impression this dissatisfaction arises from not knowing what the players want and thus…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: greyorm, James V. West, Joe Murphy (Broin), Paul Czege, lumpley.

1/7/2002 Paganini: [Cornerstone] Death
I've run into a bit of a problem with my cornerstone mechanics. My current rule is as follows: "A character is out when he runs out of positive descriptors. Out…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, Gordon C. Landis, Laurel, efindel.

1/7/2002 James V. West: HOF: an idea for a game (long)
This is an idea I’m working on (and I apologize for the length and the typos in advance): Hof- a game of swords, devils, and family. In a nutshell: Players…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: James V. West, hardcoremoose, Zak Arntson, Paganini, joe_llama, Skippy, Garbanzo.

1/7/2002 Jason L Blair: If I'm crazy, how come I can do _this_?
I N S T I T U T I O N E I G H T Y E I G H T As always, a work in progress. I88…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jason L Blair, Thededine, Matt, Mike Holmes, Laurel, Clinton R. Nixon.

1/8/2002 Epoch: Goblin's Liberation Front
Okay, time to get some work done on this thing. Bringing you all up to date: An as-yet untitled game, set "someplace else," an arcadian locale with no humans and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Epoch.

1/8/2002 joe_llama: Triad - Just another RPG...
Hi again, I know I haven't even passed 10 posts in this forum, so this next message is kind of a bold move on my side. I just finished reading…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: joe_llama, Paganini, Laurel, Mike Holmes, James V. West, Logan, Garbanzo, Ron Edwards, Le Joueur, Paul Czege.

1/9/2002 James V. West: Alrighty then, let's smurf!
I don't know why I did it, but here it is: May Peyo forgive me.
In Indie Game Design
Participants: James V. West, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Uncle Dark, joe_llama, Laurel, Mike Holmes, lumpley, Zak Arntson, Matt Snyder, Mithras.

1/9/2002 Zak Arntson:
Okay, the only way I can justify posting basically an ad ... is that I'm taking down my old site and putting it up (with some revamping) at…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson.

1/10/2002 hardcoremoose: Man's Worst Friend
Hey guys, It's been a while since I posted anything of my own to this site, but since I'm trying to catch Josh Neff in posts, I figured I'd better…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: hardcoremoose, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes, Joe Murphy (Broin), Ron Edwards, James V. West.

1/11/2002 Epoch: Dwayne's Voices
Hi, everyone. I'm sick with a cold, and generally unable to focus on anything, so I just figured that I'd sit down and try to write something off-the-wall. Dwayne's Voices…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Epoch, Le Joueur, Paganini, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.

1/12/2002 Daredevil: Aeon Flux?
Heya, I'm a big fan of the Aeon Flux television series, authored by Peter Chung, and have recently thought about making some mechanics for game based on it. I'm wondering…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Daredevil, Joe Murphy (Broin), J B Bell, Le Joueur, FruitSmack!, Mike Holmes, contracycle.

1/12/2002 Paganini: [Cornerstone] Announcement
I've got a Cornerstone draft ready to go, compelte with layout, fonts and everything. It's in postscript format, so those of you who are interested and can view postscript (or…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini.

1/12/2002 Paganini: Accuracy vs. Precision
Fang, and everyone, I thought maybe I was unclear in my last post, so I wanted to clarify. Here's what I meant to say: Detail in a system does not…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, Ron Edwards, Joe Murphy (Broin), Logan, hardcoremoose, efindel, Marco, Mike Holmes.

1/14/2002 hyphz: A really silly idea. Could it work?
A very ridiculous idea which came to me as a result of a) being a fan of anime gaming and b) having an unexpected surprise exposure to episodes of Digi…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: hyphz, Jared A. Sorensen, Joe Murphy (Broin), hardcoremoose, Matt, James V. West.

1/13/2002 Jared A. Sorensen: Scattershot and naming games
Fang! Why is your game called Scattershot, anyway? - J, who always thinks of to-the-death, Rollerball-esque hockey when he hears that name...
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jared A. Sorensen, Le Joueur, James V. West, Ron Edwards, Mithras, Jack Spencer Jr.

1/15/2002 James V. West: How much Premise does it take?
How much Premise do you need to create an egaging rpg? This is me asking because I’ve suddenly become very aware of Premise or lack of it in my ideas.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: James V. West, Zak Arntson, hardcoremoose, Gordon C. Landis, contracycle, Paul Czege, Paganini, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Marco.

more subsequent topics >>