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In Indie Game Design

7/30/2004 Jonathan Walton: Vespertine: Some System Help?
Man, it's been a long time since I've had a thread in this forum. Anyway, I'm trying to put some finishing touches on this concept called Vespertine that I've been…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jonathan Walton, PlotDevice, TonyLB, Eero Tuovinen, Tobias, Christopher Weeks, Marhault, chadu.

7/29/2004 Solly Brown: Crime game set in 1970's new york ...Opinions
A lack of respect can be fatal and it usually is with me. I tell dem one time; no no that ain't true, sometimes I don't even fucking tell em…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Solly Brown, Ron Edwards.

7/28/2004 Eric Goold: Primal Insanity - My new rpg!
Hello, I'm new here. But amidst studying for my qualifier examination this summer, I took a bit of time to type up some refinements to a game that I came…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Eric Goold, Mike Holmes, The Walruss, Paul Czege.

7/28/2004 Insect King: New home-written OGL game
Hey all. I'm busy rewriting an OGL/d20-based rpg. And since I've to overhaul chunks (thanks to White Wolf's Dark Ages Fae) I was wondering if a I could post some…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Insect King, Mike Holmes, Vaxalon.

7/28/2004 arturo227: Adjectives needed for degrees of success
Hi all, I'm designing an RPG with a "degrees of success" resolution mechanic. There are four degrees, from General to Exact. My problem is that I can't think of, and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: arturo227, timfire, JimmyB.

7/27/2004 Tobias: [YGAD] - update for those following the action
Those who have been following the development of YGAD (Your Gods Are Dead) know that i've been striving for a 'buckle-down' phase to get all the rules into place, finally.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias.

7/27/2004 Vaxalon: The Skein, Chapter 1 - Jumping in with both feet.
1. Introduction Skein attempts to do something unusual in a roleplaying game. The aim is to have a seamless process that includes worldbuilding, character creation, backstory and narration. The line…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Vaxalon, Ron Edwards.

7/26/2004 PlotDevice: Hello all. New 24hour rpg
Well, it has taken me this long to find the Forge, and I am finding it interesting reading. Hello all! :) For my first post, I was bitten by the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: PlotDevice, Frank T.

7/24/2004 Jason Petrasko: Karbon, a 24hr RPG
Well its almost tied up. I have <7 hours left to clean it and add a little more color and editing/fixes. Here it is so far: In summary: Karbon…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jason Petrasko, cfc, Dumirik, Simon W, b_bankhead, Demada, John Burdick, Sidhain, Ron Edwards, Sydney Freedberg.

7/24/2004 Dumirik: [Faces] 24 hr RPG
I have completed my 24hr RPG, started last night at 11:30 approx and posted at 10:30 today Australia, Sydney time. The game is Faces: Subconscious Role Playing, where you play…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Dumirik.

7/24/2004 bluegargantua: The Last Hunt -- Call for Comments/Critique
Hi, I'm trying to put a little more effort into developing my RPG ideas and maybe even finishing them. To that end, I'm making the pre-Alpha draft of my game…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: bluegargantua, TonyLB.

7/23/2004 Tim C Koppang: Scope of Premise; Making Choices
I've been working on a game now for a little over a year and a half now, the name of which is in flux, but what I have called "Lineage"…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tim C Koppang, Mike Holmes.

7/23/2004 Space Cowboy: Suggestions or suggested resources to develop a slang/lingo?
Hello all, I am further fleshing out the background for Wild Sphere, my space western RPG set in an alternate future, and one of the things I want to do…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Space Cowboy, Dev, Mark D. Eddy, Czar Fnord.

7/23/2004 kevin_presley: Need a little insight on a non-level building rpg game
hello! I have two other threads going(realms of adventuring), but I am getting off of that topic for a second to ask for some seasoned advise from anyone with a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: kevin_presley, GregS, lumpley, Paganini, John Harper, rafial, Deadboy, Eero Tuovinen, Ravien, btrc, Ben Lehman, Mike Holmes, cfc, sergeant_x, dewey, Precious Villain, TooManyGoddamnOrcs, andy, Elkin, Doug Ruff, MrSandman666, MrSanmdan666.

7/23/2004 Joshua Tompkins: [The Cauldron] Writing Down the Rules
[i]Hmm, not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I can't seem to find any better forums here at the Forge.[/i] This is my first post…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Joshua Tompkins, ethan_greer, ErrathofKosh, GregS.

7/23/2004 Vaxalon: The Skein - my venture into Indie Game Design begins
Okay, so now I've been inspired, and I'm writing my own game. The Skein is starting to shape up nicely, but I'm coming across a minor stylistic dilemma, and I'm…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Vaxalon, SrGrvsaLot, Jack Aidley, Valamir.

7/22/2004 Simon W: have-a-go heroes
[b]The 24 hour role-playing game of Marvel City's not so super superheroes.[/b] You may spot the resemblence to a certain 'Mystery Men' movie, but that is pure intention. Anyhow, I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Simon W, TonyLB.

7/22/2004 S-Max: Help with Modern-Spy-Supers game
Hi, folks It's my starting post and, not intending to be repetitive, I'd like to have some ideas from the veterans here for a game I'm trying to design. This…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: S-Max, Zathreyel, TonyLB.

7/21/2004 Crackerjacker: My 24 Hour RPG
Just wanted to say that I'm starting my 24 hour rpg now (7:13 Eastern US)
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Crackerjacker.

7/21/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Blocking Action and Monologues
I'm writing up a superhero game called Capes. Its premise is "Power is fun, but do you deserve it?" Two issues were highlighted by last nights playtest. First issue: It…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Sydney Freedberg, LordSmerf, inky, John Harper.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

7/30/2004 Lathan: [Blood Royal] Mechanics help
I've been redoing the mechanics of Blood Royal, my 24-hour game; the original dice rules were really messed up, something I unfortunately noticed only after publishing. The non-crippled version (I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Lathan, GregS.

7/30/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Social resolution mechanics
Okay, the new revision of Capes is online. I've separated the action into two phases: First is Monologue Phase for talking, invoking Attitudes and Powers, and playing with Debt. Second…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, statisticaltomfoolery, LordSmerf, Sydney Freedberg, Marhault.

7/31/2004 Jasper: Symmoira
A couple of days ago I was hit with this lightning bolt of an idea (or so it seemed anyway) for a new system, and I've done little but work…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jasper, PlotDevice, Ravien, timfire, GregS.

7/31/2004 linux: Combat Mechanics...
Before the question, a little background information on the mechanic: In this mechanic, each weapon has a damage based on the ability of the weapon to penetrate objects (penetration) and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: linux, bcook1971, Vaxalon, Dauntless, Hereward The Wake, Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards, ErrathofKosh, GregS.

8/1/2004 xiombarg: LARP System: WRATH
So, here's the first draft of a LARP system I'm writing: I'm looking for comments from LARPers and non-LARPers alike. In particular, I'm interesting in: 1) Any obvious condradictions…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xiombarg, PlotDevice, mindwanders, simon_hibbs, sirogit.

8/1/2004 Suvordaeus: COR: a generic vanilla simulationist system.
First off, I'm new, so I am not sure that I'm using the terms in the heading correctly. COR stands for Combat Oriented Roleplay. This is because the rules only…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Suvordaeus, LordSmerf.

8/2/2004 Joshua Tompkins: [The Cauldron] Modifiers to a Dice Pool?
I'm working on the resolution system for the Cauldron, and I'm having some doubts about some of the ins and outs. Here's how it works: characters are made up of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Joshua Tompkins.

8/2/2004 Demada: Walkers (Working Title)
Here's a little RPG I thought up. The idea actually came to me when thinking about Amber and an anime called Scrapped Princess at the same time, but Scrapped Princes…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Demada, anonymouse, Jason Petrasko.

8/3/2004 abzu: Burning Wheel Lite Lark
So, I'm bored at work. What do I do when I'm bored at work and have read every forum post and news article? Design a game. Goal: To distill my…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: abzu, Ron Edwards, jdrakeh, rafial, Sydney Freedberg, Thor Olavsrud, eruditus.

8/3/2004 Vaxalon: [Skein] Jumping in with both feet: In over my head
Okay, folks... the first draft of Skein is available for your perusal. Go to to download it.
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Vaxalon, Jack Aidley, Emily Care, ErrathofKosh.

8/3/2004 Gavinthorne: Grifter (working title)
I'm a long time gamer recently introduced to this site through SJGames. I've begun development of a game system based on my GURPS Underworld/Star Wars campaign. Lots of mob involvment,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gavinthorne, Demada, Zathreyel, Vaxalon, Dev.

8/4/2004 Sir Privy Toastrack: Please critique my historical medieval RPG!
I would really appreciate any intelligent feedback for my still uncompleted RPG set in 1141 England (it's called "Land Without a King"). The game is only 29 pages long right…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sir Privy Toastrack, Simon W, Ron Edwards, Jack Aidley, Andrew Martin, statisticaltomfoolery, Thor, Garbanzo.

8/6/2004 CassandraR: Organic Tech setting
I am curious what people might think of a setting that was based on the normal modern world except all the technology was organic in nature and was grown rather…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: CassandraR, Andrew Morris, b_bankhead, dewey, Christopher Weeks, Jack Aidley.

8/8/2004 Vaxalon: Jumping in with both feet: Stop sinking, start swimming
I've put up a new version of Skein, in the link in my sig. I would appreciate some feedback. Does it make sense? What needs better explanation? Am I too…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Vaxalon, bcook1971, Emily Care.

8/12/2004 Green: it's that time again (kathanaksaya revisions)
I've just done a bit of revision on the specialties/skills and abilities as presented in Kathanaksaya, and I realized something about the character creation revision. Though I require that each…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Green.

7/15/2004 andy: BONES coming
Well, my earlier time estimates were a bit off, but BONES should be out by the end of the month both on RPGNow (pdf) and on LuLu (print copies). One…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: andy, Grimmstone, Ron Edwards.

8/13/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Losing with Style
The newest version of Capes, Superhero Storytelling, is online. The new system is substantially simpler than the version it replaces... lots of rules that seemed to have a reason for…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, statisticaltomfoolery, LordSmerf, Sydney Freedberg.

8/13/2004 Crackerjacker: Get Kreiged! 24 Hour RPG
my first thoughts: ------------------------------- 24 Hour RPG- Get Kreiged! So I was just sitting down at my PC for a long night of working on my proffesional writing work and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Crackerjacker, Demada.

8/13/2004 dademan: Deleted
In Indie Game Design
Participants: dademan.

8/13/2004 jdrakeh: [Doctor Who] Obviously, it'll be a cold day in Hell...
Obviously, it'll be a cold day in Hell when I obtain the rights to commercially publish an official Doctor Who RPG - so until then, I've uploaded Tempus Denuo. Tempus…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh, Doctor Xero.

more subsequent topics >>