Previous Topics In The Riddle of Steel 9/27/2002 svenlein: freakout flaw This is a flaw common in people who haven't seen combat:
Major Flaw : Freakout
When arrows start flying, or other combat breaks out, you stand dumbfounded for 8 -… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: svenlein, Lyrax, Mike Holmes.
9/27/2002 svenlein: weapon lenght after bash Lets say i'm fighting someone with a greatsword, I bash it successfully, does his weapon lenght become 0?
Scott In The Riddle of Steel Participants: svenlein, Lyrax, Jake Norwood, Thirsty Viking, Vanguard, Bob McNamee, Valamir, Mokkurkalfe, Bob Richter, Brian Leybourne.
9/26/2002 Mokkurkalfe: *realistic* armor penalties Jake! (or anybody else qualified to answer)
You've said a few times yourself that the armor penalties in tRoS are a bit to hefty. If I wanted more realistic penalties,… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Mokkurkalfe, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood, svenlein, Thirsty Viking, Vanguard.
9/24/2002 Lyrax: I'm Baack! Yes, BYU has finally (after a little prodding from me) decided that this is NOT a porn site! YAY! In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Lyrax.
9/24/2002 svenlein: Archery supplement I'm working on an archery supplement because it seem to me (but i may be wrong) that the archery rules for tRoS don't have the same level of depth as… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: svenlein, Holt, Durgil, Wolfen, Mokkurkalfe, Thirsty Viking, Jake Norwood, contracycle, Lyrax, Mike Holmes.
9/24/2002 Thirsty Viking: Gladiator Update Work on Gladiators is ongoing, Currently we are debating what things might modify the Purse structure for a match. What follows is a Cut and paste from an ongoing thread.… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Thirsty Viking.
9/23/2002 Trav: A combat question... I was running a game this weekend and am curious as to what should happen in this scenario.
There was combat between two people. In the first part of the… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Trav, svenlein, Thirsty Viking, Wolfen.
9/23/2002 Nick Pagnucco: how are people's campaigns? Time for me to live vicariously...
Who is doing what with TROS?
How is it going?
Any good stories?
Any annoying problems?
Any new insights that arose from play?
I… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Nick Pagnucco, Mokkurkalfe, Spartan, Valamir, Vanguard, Ace, Ashren Va'Hale, Wolfen, svenlein, Jake Norwood, Brian Leybourne, Delta1.
9/22/2002 Ville: For TFOB Hello everyone.
Since I'm new on this board a little introduction.
Im from Finland, have been a gamer for about 20 yrs (from "Red box" to ADD to Rolemaster to… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ville, Thirsty Viking.
9/20/2002 Thirsty Viking: See you Monday Well guys, this is my weekend with my son, and his first time to play RoS. Have Fun. Run Wonderful sessions, Tell everyone you know about the game. And I'll… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Thirsty Viking.
9/20/2002 Nick Pagnucco: new world? I forget if this was asked already, but if it was, it was a while ago.
Is there a new world in your view of Wyerth?
If there is, does… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Nick Pagnucco, Jake Norwood, Jeffrey Miller, Mokkurkalfe, Chade, Thirsty Viking.
9/20/2002 svenlein: Axeing a sheild Another idea last night:
If you are fighting someone with a wooden sheild (even one with a metal rim), and are using an axe (ok pick maybe too), you can… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: svenlein, Jake Norwood, Mokkurkalfe, Thirsty Viking, Mike Holmes, Apprentice of Steel, Wolfen.
9/20/2002 svenlein: shield walls idea Here is an idea i had last night:
Each person next to you that is in a defensive stance and has a heater sheild gives you a +1 die to… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: svenlein, Jake Norwood, Herr Nils, Thirsty Viking, Wolfen, Brian Leybourne, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Lyrax, Spartan, Mokkurkalfe.
9/20/2002 Delta1: Riddle of Steel Homepage Jake,
I'm getting a domain name expired message when trying to view the TROS site. In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Delta1, Jake Norwood, svenlein.
9/17/2002 Scotty: Weires This is my proposal for weires, and it has gained the Asaraludu seal of approval. Aside from a few minor tweekings that may occur, this is how weires will be… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Scotty, Brian Leybourne, Valamir, Thirsty Viking, Lyrax, Jake Norwood.
9/17/2002 svenlein: half-poling Swords have 2 grips (in TROS): regular and half-swording,
Should Pole weapons (spears, staves, pole arms) also have more than one grip? Or are pole weapons only optimally effective at… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: svenlein, Shadeling, Wolfen, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood, contracycle, Thirsty Viking, Jaif, Durgil, Nick Pagnucco, Lyrax, Gordon C. Landis, Valamir.
9/17/2002 Shadeling: Anyone playing sologames Anyone running just one player in Riddle of Steel? In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Shadeling, Holt, Jake Norwood, Brian Leybourne, Delta1.
9/15/2002 Thirsty Viking: House Rule: Fumble Roll I was working on the fumble rules today, And the objections some had with the current system. This was my possible solution, Please post your thoughts about it. In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Thirsty Viking, Durgil, Wolfen, Mike Holmes.
9/15/2002 Mokkurkalfe: The Riddle of Steel, SMG's and lasers I'm planning to run an X-COMish (a computer game) game with tRoS rules. The lethal feel of tRoS should fit well here.
For guns I'll just use the missile weapon… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Mokkurkalfe, Shadeling, Sneaky Git, Thirsty Viking, Wolfen, Bladesinger, Mike Holmes, svenlein, Valamir, Brian Leybourne.
9/13/2002 Thirsty Viking: Thoughts on Weires and Familiars From a discussion outside the forge.
Originally posted by Scotty
Welcome Viking! Everyones input is welcome.
I think somewhere along the line we got confused. No you can only bond… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Thirsty Viking, Vanguard.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In The Riddle of Steel 9/28/2002 Ashren Va'Hale: books and or movies with that TROS feel Hey, just wondering here, but what books and / or movies strike you guys as having that TROS feel to it? for example, GRR Martins books (Game of thrones etc)… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ashren Va'Hale, Shadeling, Vanguard, Apprentice of Steel, Jake Norwood, Chris Passeno, Blake Hutchins, Thirsty Viking, Brian Leybourne, qirien, Bankuei, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Mokkurkalfe, Ville, Thalaxis, Irmo, luke, spunky, hix, Adrian Werner, Jon the Bastard, Bob Richter, Wolfen, Amy1419, Jason Kottler, Eamon Voss, tauman, Paka, deltadave, Sneaky Git, arxhon.
9/28/2002 Claymore: Some Problems with TRoS Combat=Comments Appreciated Hello All,
I've been running a RoS campaign for about a month now. It's a converted older Gurps campaign that I’ve run over the last two years. The campaign takes… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Claymore, Jake Norwood, Thirsty Viking, Bob Richter, Brian Leybourne, Lyrax.
9/29/2002 Thirsty Viking: Magic ITEM: The Black Arrow of Bard [quote="Claymore"]
[quote="jake"]Finally, what do you mean by "one-shot dragon kill," so that I don't answer off-base?
A one-shot Dragon kill refers to Bard in the Hobbit, who slays Smaug… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Thirsty Viking, Brian Leybourne.
9/29/2002 Sykora: Riddle of Birthright Just picked up TRoS this week and I'm very impressed. While reading through it, I kept getting this Birthright vibe, which leads to the inevitable conversion. Social class is built… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Sykora, Jake Norwood, Brian Leybourne, Nick Pagnucco, Lyrax.
9/30/2002 qirien: Anybody in Albuquerque? Hello everybody! I'm new to the boards (and pretty new to tRoS, too), but my husband and I really like the game and would like to find some people to… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: qirien, Brian Leybourne.
10/1/2002 allahlav: Questions on maneuvers and more Picked up the game at the insistence of a friend last week - awesome! Now I need to stop reading it and start studying, but before i do, some questions...… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: allahlav, Spartan, Jake Norwood, svenlein.
10/1/2002 Jake Norwood: Problem: As most of you know our site, has been down for some time. The short version of the story is that my domain server provider (whatever it's called) screwed… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Mokkurkalfe, Bob Richter, Thirsty Viking, Bogie_71, Brian Leybourne, Claymore, qirien.
10/2/2002 Jake Norwood: Group Hug...why do we love (and play) TROS? Hey all.
I was sitting looking at TROS next to a few other games on my "office" shelf just now, and I got to thinking (last time I did that… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Ville, Shadeling, Nick Pagnucco, Holt, Durgil, Mokkurkalfe, Janne Halmetoja, Lyrax, Spartan, Thirsty Viking, Brian Leybourne, Vanguard, Jason L Blair, Ashren Va'Hale, allahlav, Herr Nils, Mike Holmes, Claymore, qirien, Bob Richter, Sykora, qaphsiel.
10/2/2002 Ville: Grabbing/trapping One question regarding the maneuvers that trap the opponents arm.
Can you do it with a weapon in your own hand?
I see a lot of martial arts techniques that… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ville, Jake Norwood.
10/2/2002 Shadeling: So I am moving to Crestline, CA... And I can't find any TROS players!!! In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Shadeling, Brian Leybourne, svenlein, allahlav, Sneaky Git.
10/4/2002 svenlein: failed grapple leads to wrestling? in the newest edition page 62 the last line of Grapple says:
"A tie or failure leads to Wrestling, as per the Wrestling Proficiency"
Should this just say tie, or… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: svenlein, Jake Norwood, Buzzy Bee.
10/5/2002 Bob Richter: Wizardry... it's a D&D (3rd ed.) distinction, but somehow I don't think everyone who casts spells ought to have been born with magic in their blood.
Are there going to… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Bob Richter, Jake Norwood.
10/6/2002 Ashren Va'Hale: they say a man can change reality if he wans it bad enough. Just a fun Idea from one of my campaigns: once a ton of really nasty evil demons from the depths of ... well somewhere really nasty, came at a players… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Ashren Va'Hale, Thirsty Viking, Jake Norwood, Nick Pagnucco, Mayhem1979, Lyrax.
10/6/2002 Jake Norwood: now up, the new and hopefully short-term solution to the Russian Porn folks that store our site is now up and running. Many of the links are broken, which we will… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Jake Norwood, Nick Pagnucco, Roger Eberhart, Brian Leybourne.
10/6/2002 Nick Pagnucco: Unfortunate flame-bait martial arts question Disclaimer #1:
This question has less to do with RPGs than martial arts, but this is (sadly?) the best place I have to ask this.
Disclaimer #2: long anecdote for… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Nick Pagnucco, Jake Norwood, Thirsty Viking, Valamir, Bankuei, Mike Holmes, Psychopompous, Thalaxis, Lyrax, Sneaky Git.
10/7/2002 svenlein: Expulsion In expulsion it says to refer to beat for an example, should expulsion act more like beat?
I am in a rapier duel with someone else with a rapier.… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: svenlein, Jake Norwood.
10/7/2002 svenlein: Dodge Ideas Jake’s partial evade rule
People were suggesting to avoid the pike's high DTN by dodging at a DTN of 7 instead. This is fine, but I would not penalize the… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: svenlein, Thirsty Viking, Brian Leybourne, Jake Norwood.
10/7/2002 svenlein: Grabbing weapons [quote="Jake"]Therefore if the dagger guy got close in it would make more sense for the pikeman to pull a sword and have a more reasonable range advantage over the dagger… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: svenlein, Brian Leybourne, Lyrax, Jake Norwood, Thirsty Viking, Bob Richter, Thalaxis, Valamir, MrGeneHa.
10/7/2002 Mokkurkalfe: All dice on offence! What should a gol grunt NPC do against a PC with more dice(CP 14) and a very good bastard sword(TN's 5) that uses all of his dice on one attack?… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Mokkurkalfe, svenlein, Valamir, Lyrax, Mike Holmes, Vanguard, Thirsty Viking, Holt, Jake Norwood, Jaeger, Brian Leybourne, Michael Tree, Jim DelRosso, Gordon C. Landis.
10/8/2002 Brian Leybourne: Interception? Just something that has been festering in the back of my mind for a while now.
The use of armour (you yanks would say armor) in TROS is very passive.… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: Brian Leybourne, Lyrax, Spartan, Thirsty Viking, Jake Norwood, Mokkurkalfe, Bob Richter, Valamir, Vanguard, Irmo, svenlein.
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