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In The Riddle of Steel

6/17/2003 Morfedel: Weapon Defaults, the character generator, etc
Ok... I've been fooling around with the Character generator, and now i'm confused on something. IF I, say, raise Sword and shield, eventually it will trigger the default on mass…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Morfedel, demiurgeastaroth, Wolfen, Brian Leybourne.

6/17/2003 Durgil: Does Size Matter?
I've been working at putting together a Middle-earth campaign using my favorite rule system, TRoS, for some time now. A while back I picked up a copy of Decipher's LotR…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Durgil, Nick Pagnucco, demiurgeastaroth, Draigh, Mike Holmes, ruusu, Wolfen, Jake Norwood.

6/17/2003 Tuomo Aimonen: Which proficiency?
Why is there no proficiency for fighting with spear and shield? Should one just use the Sword & Shileld without the Cut offensive maneuver? Tuomo
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Tuomo Aimonen, Mayhem1979, toli, Jake Norwood, Gary_Bingham, zeke023, Wolfen, Mike Holmes, prophet118, Anthony I, Bomilkar, Mokkurkalfe, Salamander.

6/17/2003 adamsmith: Newbie battleaxe question
One of my players (we're just starting up a new game) wanted to have a battleaxe. Is this the same as a poleaxe, or is the battleaxe a 'made up'…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: adamsmith, Durgil, Mayhem1979, Jake Norwood, Jaeger, Salamander, Wolfen, Ashton, prophet118, Mike Holmes, Malechi.

6/17/2003 demiurgeastaroth: Gaining Reach
The rulebook says that you gain the Reach advantage if you score a "damaging" hit on your opponent. Does this mean you have to penetrate armour, or just score a…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Durgil, Wolfen, Nick Pagnucco.

6/17/2003 demiurgeastaroth: A question about Initiative
I have initiative and attack. My opponent blocks and strikes. I miss him, and he hits me. Do I still have initiative? What if I hit him, and he hits…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Malechi, Jake Norwood, Wolfen, Spartan.

6/16/2003 Bankuei: Clement's Essay
Hi Jake, Thanks for posting up an informative and solid essay. Funny enough, I find that all the folks who train in combatative arts always come back to the same…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Bankuei, Valamir, cruciel, Eamon Voss, demiurgeastaroth, contracycle, Jake Norwood, Ashren Va'Hale, Durgil, Ashton.

6/16/2003 Jake Norwood: Web Updates
There's a new article by ARMA Director John Clements on our site. Please post your comments here. Jake
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jake Norwood, arxhon, deltadave, Ashren Va'Hale.

6/15/2003 Nick Pagnucco: Taveruun Overview Thread
Hello. A few days ago, I suggested there should be a separate thread to discuss the issues involving Taveruun as a whole because the other thread was becoming focused on…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Nick Pagnucco, Morfedel, Jake Norwood, Poenz, Gary_Bingham, Mike Holmes, Valamir, Brian Leybourne.

6/14/2003 Ashren Va'Hale: the virtue of a conman
I love my rad conman from farrenshire with a social of 8. this guy bought a riding horse and then sold it as a courser for about 20 gold. he…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ashren Va'Hale.

6/14/2003 Durgil: Alternate Idea for TO & ST in Combat
I've been at this forum long enough to know that this subject has been covered to death on several occasions, but I have been discussing various ideas for at least…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Durgil, Wolfen, demiurgeastaroth, Ashren Va'Hale, Anthony I, prophet118, Morfedel, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

6/13/2003 Salamander: Real Swordsmanship and how it pertains to TRoS.
Okay, here we can discuss the ideas of how real swordsmanship pertains to TRoS and discuss the trials & tribulations of learning to use those wonderful long bits of steel.
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Salamander, Poenz, Jake Norwood, Ashton, Bankuei, Anthony I, Valamir, GreatWolf, demiurgeastaroth, cruciel, Irmo.

6/13/2003 Morfedel: Bugs in the Combat Simulator
I just found at least one bug in the combat simulator. If an individual's combat pool gets down to 1 die, and he is required to attack, but due to…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Morfedel, Mike Holmes, Wolfen, Brian Leybourne, ruusu, Jason Kottler.

6/13/2003 demiurgeastaroth: Two handed mass weapons
Which skill do you use for, say, two handed axes (that aren't poleaxes), mauls, hammers, and so forth? Also, do flails and war flails not deserve their own skill? I'm…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Jake Norwood, Morfedel.

6/13/2003 Gary_Bingham: Unbalancing ... for want of another word
[color=darkred]I am not a practitioner of HEMA and do not profess to know much about the martial art hence I am pitching my question here for some of you experts…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Gary_Bingham, Jake Norwood, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Salamander.

6/13/2003 Morfedel: Gamism, Simulationism, and Narrativism: A brief pause....
I just took the time to read Ron Edward's article on game system DOES matter, and I noticed his breakdown of Gamism, Narrativism, and Simulationism. I don't think that hardcore…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Morfedel, Valamir, Bankuei, Ron Edwards, Jake Norwood, Poenz, Mike Holmes, Wolfen, Nick Pagnucco, Lxndr.

6/13/2003 Ashren Va'Hale: SEAT OF THE EMPIRE SUP
Ok, heres what I have gone and done, I went and made a supplement for the seat of the empire whe I was bored Lastweek. its mainly justth capital city,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ashren Va'Hale, demiurgeastaroth, Jake Norwood, Nick Pagnucco.

6/13/2003 demiurgeastaroth: Languages and Names
Does anyone have a master list of the languages used on Weyrth (and where they are spoken)? Also, what sort of Earth-style names should be used for people of Gelure…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: demiurgeastaroth, Wolfen, arxhon.

6/13/2003 coryblack_666: armor question
I don't even have the book yet, but will first chance i get. But when me and some friends were doing some combat tests we came across a question that…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: coryblack_666, Ashren Va'Hale, demiurgeastaroth, Salamander, Bankuei, Valamir, Morfedel, Mike Holmes, Wolfen, Jake Norwood, tauman, Crusader, buddha.

6/12/2003 kenjib: Combat clinic: Das Monk is kicking Das Booty!
I've been playing the combat sim and I can't beat Das Monk with any of the other humans. The closest I could come was using Max Steele, ignoring the staff…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: kenjib, ashampine, Brian Leybourne, Salamander.

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Subsequent Topics
In The Riddle of Steel

6/17/2003 adamsmith: Problem with TROS character generator
I apologise if this has been covered elsewhere, but: the character generator appears to have a glitch whereby it gives 2 free points in each attribute that aren't counted towards…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: adamsmith, demiurgeastaroth, Brian Leybourne.

6/20/2003 Morfedel: Plateaus: The Taveruun/Otamarluk/Savarastra Border
Ok, perhaps this is a stupid question, but.... It says that there is a plateau protecting Savarastra from Otamarluk (which doesn't matter, as they are paying Otamarluk tribute anyway); I'm…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Morfedel, Poenz, Mike Holmes, Gary_Bingham.

6/20/2003 zeke023: Any Swordsman on this list? SCA? etc?
I started doing SCA heavy weapons combat about a year ago. One of the reasons I was so impressed with TROS was the real research that they did into actual…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: zeke023, Salamander, Wolfen, Bankuei, Eamon Voss, Jake Norwood, Valamir, Ashton, Thorbrin, Krammer.

6/20/2003 Ben Morgan: Riddle of the Five Rings?
Okay, I did a search, but I couldn't find anything about the possibility of a Legend of the Five Rings to Riddle of Steel conversion. I thought it had been…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ben Morgan, Paka, Jake Norwood, Claymore, Waiwode, Marc Hameleers.

6/22/2003 Claymore: The riddle of steel with Burning Wheel
I've make a post over on the Burning Wheel forum about adapting the Riddle of Steel combat and spiritual attribute mechanics to the Burning Wheel RPG. Anyone who has both…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Claymore, Durgil, Jake Norwood, abzu, Bracken.

6/24/2003 Ashton: New proficiency
So there's sword and shield, there's rapier (covering also rapier and cloak, rapier and dagger, rapier and arming glove, and probably rapier and bar wench and rapier and chicken as…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ashton, tauman, Salamander.

6/24/2003 Morfedel: Ars Magica, the TRoS way....
Just to let you know, I've finished a rough draft of a conversion of the Ars Magica magic system to The Riddle of Steel. The mechanics will be quite similar…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Morfedel, Eamon Voss, Robert K Beckett, Durgil, Paka, prophet118, tauman, Mainboard, grot, Marc Hameleers, Jake Norwood, Brian Leybourne, Darcy Burgess, lemmiwinks, Charles Smith, Malechi, jeff_vandenberg, Rausch.

6/25/2003 lemmiwinks: Geralt v. Stefan
Forgot to mention, this is main book's combat example in the combat section. In the opening encounter Geralt performs a duck and weave succesfully, which the Seneschal sais takes away…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: lemmiwinks, Overdrive, Spartan.

6/26/2003 Salamander: Hey Jake! Good Luck!!!
Just a thread to wish Jake good luck. He is playing for a very important prize this weekend! So how's a bout we cheer him on?
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Salamander, Wolfen, Claymore, Spartan, Jake Norwood, Bankuei, Nick Pagnucco, Morfedel, arxhon, kenjib, Eamon Voss.

6/27/2003 lemmiwinks: Shield bash?
As I passed over the combat section I failed to notice any manuevers regarding a shield bash or push. Are there any rules that I missed that regard this issue?
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: lemmiwinks, Malechi, Salamander.

6/27/2003 Malechi: First TROS "Session" - Actual Play and Comments
Hey there guys, Just thought I'd reflect on my first session of TROS the other day. It was more of an introduction to the game for two of my prospective…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Malechi, Overdrive, Morfedel, prophet118.

6/27/2003 Jason Kottler: Drinking in The Riddle of Steel
Last night was a great session. For the first time, the PCs actually entered a tavern. One of the PCs was unhappy. She'd just killed someone, and for the first…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jason Kottler, Bankuei.

6/27/2003 lemmiwinks: Stopping short?
It sais the defender's TN is 7 plus the number of dice the attacker spent using the maneuver. What's to stop the attacker from using 3+ dice raising the TN…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: lemmiwinks, DaGreatJL, Ben Lehman.

6/27/2003 DaGreatJL: Dormant Spells
First off, wonderful game, I love it. Now, I was wondering about the use of Dormant spells. First of all, how long to they take to 'release'? Is it the…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: DaGreatJL, Mayhem1979.

6/29/2003 Jaeger: Riddle of Steel Players wanted
I'm moving back to Hayward Califonia (Bay Area)this week from Orem Utah and I'm looking for 3-4 players for The Riddle of Steel... I'll Gm the first campaign but if…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jaeger, Mayhem1979, Morfedel, Wolfen, Lxndr, prophet118.

6/29/2003 Sir Mathodius Black: Hey Everyone!
Hey all, I just registered here so you have one more ROS player among your ranks now. Ive been playing ROS since the demo versions and since it came out…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Sir Mathodius Black, Spartan, Nick Pagnucco, arxhon.

6/29/2003 lemmiwinks: Feinting
In the errata it says extra cost for Feint doesn't make sense. Rapiers supposedly have a cost of 1, and other weapon choices have a VARIABLE. In the description it…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: lemmiwinks, Overdrive, Wolfen, MrGeneHa, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood, Durgil.

7/2/2003 Malechi: Katanapunk! ...blood, honour, steel...attitude!(LONG)
Last night I kicked off an idea that has been stewing around in my head since I first saw TROS. Based off the Blade of the Immortal manga series, Kurosawa…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Malechi, Wolfen, Valamir, Jake Norwood, 6inTruder, Mike Holmes, Paka, cruciel, Ben Lehman, Thorsten, Waiwode, Vanguard.

7/3/2003 Jake Norwood: New web page look
The first few pages of the new official TROS web page are up. So far I've updated the Market page and the home/news page. The content is mostly the same,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jake Norwood, Ashton, ethan_greer, deltadave, Wolfen, Bracken, Jason Kottler, Nick Pagnucco.

7/3/2003 Lebo77: Combat sim Question
Just wondering why plate armor is giveing Max Steele a 14 chest armor. I thought the right number was 6. Or am I reaing the rules wrong somewhere?
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Lebo77, Ashton.

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