Previous Topics In Forge Birthday Forum 4/9/2005 Dave Panchyk: If Ralph can do it, so can I! Kick-ass art by Eric Lofgren for the cover of my Souls of Ice & Steel player's book: In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Dave Panchyk.
4/8/2005 Doug Ruff: Good night, and thanks... It's already 9th April here, and when I wake up in the morning this forum will be closed for another year.
It's been a real privilege to be able to… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Doug Ruff, joshua neff, Shreyas Sampat, nikola, TonyLB, Chris Goodwin.
4/8/2005 Andy Kitkowski: Where is that general online design chat on irc? I can't find it- I could have sworn it was at Magicstar... but I can only find the Indie Netgaming stuff there. Wasn't there another online server/irc channel that people… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Andy Kitkowski, LordSmerf, Doug Ruff, Jeffrey Straszheim.
4/8/2005 Andy Kitkowski: Wow, now THAT takes me back... Just found this on Tony's RPG archive:
Age of Heroes v4.0 by Brian Gleichman, Bryan Harsh, Terri Gleichman
Old URL ""
Keywords: genre fantasy long
A detailed fantasy-genre system. It… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Jason L Blair, inthisstyle, Gordon C. Landis, C. Edwards, Asrogoth, John Kim, GB Steve.
4/8/2005 nikola: Narrativist wargaming Here's something I've been wrestling with for a long time:
In Henry V, Braveheart, Lord of the Rings, and many, many others, the protagonists are involved in substantial battles. Part… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: nikola, TonyLB, Paul Czege, Bankuei, Gaerik, Michael S. Miller, Thierry Michel, James Holloway, Sydney Freedberg, Wolfen, Paka.
4/8/2005 Ben Lehman: Best Threads of the Year Hey, guys.
Not a lot of time left in the Birthday forum. I want some nominations for Best Thread of the Year.
Here are mine, and why:
Writing for… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Ben Lehman, Kit, Emily Care, C. Edwards, John Kim, timfire.
4/8/2005 sirogit: Definition of "Porn" I noticed Ron Edwards mentioning this in the Sin City thread, and I was wondering if most people's definitions synced up to mine, which is, anything in a story-medium which… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: sirogit, Vaxalon, James Holloway, Christopher Weeks, pete_darby, Ben Lehman, Miskatonic, Ron Edwards, Brendan, Meguey, Adam Dray.
4/8/2005 Gordon C. Landis: A quote for discussion OK, it's kinda serious stuff, and can be seen as Nar/RPG related, so maybe it doesn't have to be in the Birthday forum. But I'm interested in some free-wheeling reponses,… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Gordon C. Landis, xenopulse, pete_darby, Brendan, Wolfen.
4/8/2005 Valamir: Sneak Peak at new Robots & Rapiers art Its a map...its an illustration...its REALLY cool Check it out (scroll down) In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Valamir, Paka, abzu, James Holloway, Emily Care, Gaerik, Rob MacDougall, GreatWolf, quozl, TonyLB.
4/8/2005 Jonathan Walton: What Should I Do With These? So, I have these amazing pictures that I did for a game concept called We Regret to Inform You the Gamemaster is Dead, which was going to be a kind… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Jonathan Walton, Paka, daMoose_Neo.
4/8/2005 Danny_K: Greg Stolze article on Greg Stolze, who I hold in great esteem as a fine writer and mechanics monkey, had a recent thread on posting the results of a poll he did about… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Danny_K, Rob MacDougall, Andrew Norris, Brand_Robins, Emily Care, Valamir.
4/7/2005 timfire: This is getting out of hand... OK, maybe its just me, but everyone and their mother is abreivating their game titles now. I know I do it, but it annoys me sometimes 'cause I can't keep… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: timfire, TonyLB, Jason L Blair, greyorm, Domhnall, Paganini, Andrew Morris, Emily Care, joshua neff, Ben Lehman, inthisstyle, Meguey.
4/7/2005 Dev: [cracked idea] SharePlay Magazine Manifesto I had a silly idea, but I want to share it before we go back to NormalForge and I'm forced to back up my arguements with facts. Quickly!
SharePlay… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Dev, Brendan.
4/7/2005 C. Edwards: The Sights/Sounds/Words of Your Life What would the film, soundtrack, and book about your life be called? Tell us a little about them. Wishful thinking and artistic license is allowed.
Film: Dark Mnemonic Cybernoir a… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: C. Edwards.
4/7/2005 Paul Czege: New Games Journalism So, there's a bunch of computer games guys writing what they call "New Games Journalism."
Here's an example.
It's a reference to the "New Journalism" of Hunter S. Thompson… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Paul Czege, Bankuei, Andy Kitkowski, Dave Panchyk, Sean, Rob MacDougall.
4/7/2005 Miskatonic: Pancakes! I'm gonna make pancakes!
Aren't pancakes awesome? In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Miskatonic, joshua neff, xenopulse, C. Edwards, Lxndr, lumpley, Ben Lehman, Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards, Michael S. Miller, Christopher Weeks, rafial, Rob MacDougall, Danny_K.
4/7/2005 Christopher Weeks: Socialist? What are you doing about it? Right, so there are a bunch of people here who are socialist-communist to some extent. I spent most of my life as an anarcho-capitalist, even before I knew those words.… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Christopher Weeks, Andy Kitkowski, lumpley, greyorm, J B Bell, Alan, Ben Lehman, Matt Snyder, Emily Care, Victor Gijsbers, pfischer, Yokiboy, joshua neff, C. Edwards, bastion-b, kenjib, Anonymous, Dave Panchyk.
4/7/2005 Sean: The Booze Thread Not as much discussion of drinking at this year's party!
What are your favorite drinks these days?
I have a passion for all things grape-derived. I'm a big wine guy,… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Sean, Christopher Weeks, Dev, Andy Kitkowski, timfire, Ben Lehman, Paul Czege, Lee Short, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Andrew Morris, Danny_K, C. Edwards, Frank T, Jason L Blair, xenopulse, James Holloway, Yokiboy, Doug Ruff, joshua neff, Gordon C. Landis, John Harper, groundhog, Kesher, Jack Aidley, Matt, Thor Olavsrud, Shawn De Arment, Matt Wilson, Asrogoth.
4/7/2005 Andy Kitkowski: Twelve Kingdoms: A MUST WATCH Anime... [b]Twelve Kingdoms[/b]
So, for the Forge Birthday folks, I give to you this gift: If you can enjoy anime, check it out. The chance that it doesn't resonate with you… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Ben Lehman, Bankuei, Green.
4/7/2005 Sean: A Couple of Miscellaneous Notes These are just a couple things I've been thinking about.
1) On a while back I started a thread on Fantasy Heartbreakers:
I said there that I thought… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Sean, Ben Lehman, lumpley, Brendan.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In Forge Birthday Forum 4/4/2006 Thunder_God: Oooh! Ooooh! I'm first this year! :)
I'm Guy, and I'm all about self-pimping :D In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Thunder_God, GreatWolf, Eric Bennett.
4/4/2006 Troy_Costisick: This one snuck up on me Heya,
Is it birthday time again already?!?!? Wow, these years are starting to go by fast. Well, happy birthday Forge! There's been a lot of changes in the last 5… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Troy_Costisick, Brand_Robins, Emily Care, Paka, jasonm, JMendes, Kesher, Graham Walmsley, nikola, John Harper, Anders, Thunder_God, Alex Fradera, Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards, Valamir.
4/4/2006 Matt Snyder: Forge Midwest MAN, I had no idea the Midwest gig and the Forge birthday coincided. Awesome.
I hereby declare this the thread to go nutso planning and spooing oneself for this weekend.… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Matt Snyder, Thunder_God, Ron Edwards, Keith Senkowski, Kesher, chris_moore, Thor Olavsrud, greyorm, John Harper, mtiru, Andy Kitkowski, Blankshield, Ben Lehman, Matt Wilson.
4/4/2006 Paka: DIaspora Birthday Fall-Out (but not in a bad way) Between Story Games and RPGtalk, it feels like I have access to the birthday forum kind of communication with Forge-i-zens every day.
In the last year we've see the diaspora… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Paka, ffilz, Anders, Keith Senkowski, Thunder_God, xenopulse, Andy Kitkowski.
4/4/2006 Kesher: rpgs and poetic tradition... Okay, this is nowhere near as pretentious as that title makes it sound...
So, I've been reading a lot of mid-20th century poetry lately, and the gigantic book The Pound… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Kesher, Lisa Padol, 1of3, Ben Lehman, Peter Nordstrand, talysman, droog, Emily Care, Miskatonic, jerry, Mark D. Eddy, Michael S. Miller.
4/4/2006 Valamir: Single Best Gaming Moment since last year Ok, so what was you single best moment (scene, part of a scene, line) RPGing since B-day 2005. And I mean single best...if you wanna list more than one start… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Valamir, inthisstyle, GreatWolf, Alex Fradera, jasonm, Andy Kitkowski, Graham Walmsley, Troy_Costisick, Nathan P., Eric Bennett, MikeSands, Ben Lehman, Paka, matthijs, GB Steve, Arturo G., Gaerik, Glendower, ScottM, LeSingeSavant, Frank T, Lisa Padol, James_Nostack, dindenver.
4/4/2006 Keith Senkowski: Why Thor Sucks Let us now share stories about the hows and whys Thor sucks. Why he sucks at Jungle Speed. How he doesn't live up to the image of the Marvel Comic… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Keith Senkowski, John Harper, Thor Olavsrud, drozdal, Michael S. Miller, mtiru, Paka, Thunder_God, Brand_Robins, Nathan P., Miskatonic, Marhault, Iskander.
4/4/2006 Asrogoth: Has It Been THAT Long?!?!? Sheesh.. I logged in last week and found out that I'd missed a Game Chef Competition.
The Boards have really changed (new general forums and old ones put in the… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Asrogoth.
4/4/2006 GreatWolf: So...any Eurogamers out there? It's all Ralph's fault. One day in 2002, he brought over this game called Ra, designed by some German guy with a funny name. Something like "Reiner Knizia". Now I… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: GreatWolf, Jonathan Hastings, Valamir, Matt Snyder, Shreyas Sampat, Graham Walmsley, rafial, Julian, Melinglor, Yokiboy, Thor Olavsrud, Thunder_God, ScottM, Frank T, quozl.
4/4/2006 Peter Nordstrand: Breaking News: The Nordic Tradition is a Lie I'm going to tell you straight up: There is no "Nordic tradition", or whatever those Fins and that Norwegian guy Erik Flatsomething is talking about. I know, this is probably… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Peter Nordstrand, rafial, Bryan Hansel, Shreyas Sampat, c, Valamir, greyorm, Miskatonic, J. Tuomas Harviainen, Ben Lehman, talysman, matthijs, Merten, Thunder_God.
4/4/2006 Valamir: Vegetarianism - bah In this thread folks are talking about accomodating herbivorous diets.
Bah, I say. Our ancestors didn't spend 100,000 years clawing their way to the top of the food chain so… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Valamir, Thunder_God, greyorm, GreatWolf, Andy Kitkowski, Shreyas Sampat, Troy_Costisick, John Harper, c, Ron Edwards, TonyLB, joshua neff, Peter Nordstrand, matthijs, Ben Lehman, Marhault, ( o Y o ), Jason13.
4/4/2006 Spooky Fanboy: Updated Wish Lists for 2006 darkpages and Lacuna from Wicked Dead Studios.
Elfworld and that new magic game John's working on from Wicked Dead.
Bailywolf's On the Threshold and Stealing Heaven.
Tenra Bansho Zero from… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Spooky Fanboy, GreatWolf, jburneko, Andy Kitkowski, Thunder_God, Peter Nordstrand, Emily Care, Jeph, Troy_Costisick, Graham Walmsley, joshua neff, Miskatonic, Ron Edwards, Dav, Lisa Padol, Paka, Keith Senkowski, JMendes, Ben Lehman, Melinglor, Shreyas Sampat, GB Steve, Matt, Arturo G., Marhault, Michael S. Miller, Chris Gardiner, Gaerik, Joshua BishopRoby, Paul Czege, gains, Frank T, ErrathofKosh, James Holloway, neko ewen, Nathan P..
4/4/2006 jburneko: V for Vendetta & Alan Moore Hello,
This might be a fun topic for the Birthday Forum! This last weekend I managed to both see the movie and read the book, V for Vendetta. To be… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: jburneko, TonyLB, Emily Care, Melinglor, John Harper, jerry, Bankuei.
4/4/2006 Andy Kitkowski: This Forum is Why I Started Story Games Not so much the Tangency-ish stuff that goes on here, which indeed is awesome (I may do something of the effect when Story Games turns One, but only if I… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Eric J-D, Levi Kornelsen, Ron Edwards, Jeph, Kester Pelagius, ffilz, talysman, Melinglor, Joshua BishopRoby, Alex Fradera.
4/5/2006 John Harper: Come as you are: The Revenge! Same as always: Film. Book. Game. Your last of each. Aw heck, I'll add a new one: Good Meal and/or Drink.
Film: V for Vendetta (excellent)
Book: Latro in the… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: John Harper, joshua neff, talysman, Troy_Costisick, Jeph, Paka, Ron Edwards, Eric J-D, Matt Snyder, Matt Wilson, Andy Kitkowski, Keith Senkowski, Melinglor, LordSmerf, Dav, Clinton R. Nixon, Ben Lehman, Nathan P., Peter Nordstrand, J. Tuomas Harviainen, dindenver, pells, droog, rafial, matthijs, Graham Walmsley, ( o Y o ), Marhault, devilbunny, Gaerik, Iskander, Thunder_God, Thor Olavsrud, Kesher, Chris Goodwin, GreatWolf, jasonm, ScottM, Jonathan Hastings, Alex Fradera, Paul Czege, Bryan Hansel, Calithena, jrs, ErrathofKosh.
4/5/2006 Valamir: More shameless self promotion Check out the new Universalis Cover In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Valamir, GreatWolf, Miskatonic, matthijs, Thunder_God, Arturo G., Tony Irwin, Graham Walmsley, Eero Tuovinen.
4/5/2006 Ben Lehman: Singalong <i>Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Fo-orge
Happy birthday to you</i>
Add your own favorite birthday songs. Or other songs. Or new languages for this… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Ben Lehman, Nathan P., Ron Edwards, talysman, Peter Nordstrand, Melinglor, matthijs, Miskatonic, drozdal, Thunder_God, Jared A. Sorensen, Bryan Hansel, Mike Holmes, quozl, Meguey, dindenver, Calithena.
4/5/2006 Eric J-D: Encomiums to Howard and "Sword & Sorcery" In light of both the Forge's birthday and the many discussion I have been in recently at regarding Robert E Howard and "sword & sorcery" generally, I thought it… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Eric J-D, Kester Pelagius.
4/5/2006 GreatWolf: Outside the Birthday Forum Whenever the Birthday Forum is open, the rest of the Forge feels like an office during the in-office Christmas party. Sure, there are a couple of people working, but there's… In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: GreatWolf, greyorm, Thunder_God.
4/5/2006 Joshua BishopRoby: Okay, what the fuck is Jungle Speed? Y'all keep talking about it over and over and over.
I think it's the flavor of Kool-Aid that they make you drink before you can work the Forge Booth. In Forge Birthday Forum Participants: Joshua BishopRoby, Paka, Iskander, Jared A. Sorensen, Alex Fradera, Miskatonic, gains.
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