Previous Topics 8/2/2004 sirogit: Customized Sorcerer Character Sheets Usual warnings blah blah using possibly copywrited images, for personal use only, blah blah blah, mostly taken from the rasputina website, blah blah, geocities goes down alot. In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards, ScottM.
7/12/2004 sirogit: Moral differences around the table? In a group for sorcerer that I'm assembling, something has crept into my mind as a concern: Since the game is about stories with moral judgement(Not preachy stories, but good… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Christopher Weeks, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, greyorm.
6/30/2004 sirogit: Community-circle based Descriptors. I'd really like to try out this idea for descriptors based on the different circles of communitys listed in Sex&Sorcery(Such as family, self, community etc etc.)
Here's a rough model… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards.
6/25/2004 sirogit: the Seas of Let's Fiddle.(Very weird.) I'm working on something that's a chimera of a parody of Furry characters and a game with the premise of What Would You do For Love? It's nearly complete. right… In Indie Game Design Participants: sirogit, deidzoeb.
6/25/2004 sirogit: Hooray[Sex&Sorcery] Yay! I just got this in the mail. I'm at a loss for words. That Death/Madness/Sex thing just blows my mind, I'll have to give it some serious thought on… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman, DannyK, Henri, Christopher Weeks.
6/15/2004 sirogit: Highschool Automatons. I just came up with this today so it's kind've sketchy. It's more or less a weird, arty one-shot game that I thought would have a neat aesthetic. It's one… In Indie Game Design Participants: sirogit, Doctor Xero, Jasper, Tobias, sergeant_x.
6/13/2004 sirogit: Thoughts on poor taste. I've been thinking over an idea in my head and wondering if it is's good taste. Not that it's offensive, because I am most sure that it would offend somebody.… In RPG Theory Participants: sirogit, Eero Tuovinen, Henri, ethan_greer, Tomas HVM, Andrew Morris, MarktheAnimator, lumpley, Doctor Xero, M. J. Young.
6/1/2004 sirogit: Elfs would do a Slayers game incredibly well. (As much as I hate to admit it, as I hate slayers and find Elfs much funnier. But I could be coerced to run it like that as I know… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards, xiombarg.
5/28/2004 sirogit: Creating the sensation of hope. It occurs to me that a sensation I never here people trying to create in an RPG session is "hope", and yet I find it a very essential part of… In RPG Theory Participants: sirogit, montag, Paul Czege, neelk, Doctor Xero, SlurpeeMoney, Andrew Martin, TonyLB.
5/28/2004 sirogit: Group social dynamics similarity to sexual social dynamics? It's been floating around in my head for awhile that many of the game groups, paticularly ones which emphasis social basis rather than creative, operate in social dynamics similar to… In RPG Theory Participants: sirogit, lumpley, Noon, Ravien, Bankuei, Doctor Xero.
5/24/2004 sirogit: (Sorcerer) Alchemist Before my Demon Cops game this fall, A friend and I wanted to get together for a game over a month or so, and something I definately want to run… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Paka, b_bankhead, Nev the Deranged, Solomon.
5/18/2004 sirogit: Another new Demon Ability I came up with the idea for this ability while watching B:TAS's Two-Face episode. It breaks alot of the fundamental rules of the game so I'm not sure how disruptive… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards, Nev the Deranged, DannyK.
5/15/2004 sirogit: Hunter Logan: "Dice-driven railroading"? In that Bleeding Edge thread, Hunter Logan said
Parts of it are flat-out fucking brilliant. But other parts are not quite so brilliant, and it seems to me that… In RPG Theory Participants: sirogit, Hunter Logan, greyorm, Ian Charvill, Trevis Martin, Ron Edwards.
5/15/2004 sirogit: 100% Blood and Sex... Relationship Maps. Is a relationship map in which ALL of the characterss are connected through blood or sex ties more, less, or not conducive to play?
It sounds implausible on paper, but… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Paka, Mike Holmes, Michael S. Miller.
5/10/2004 sirogit: Walk-by Sorcerer Me and my brother were going on a 4 hour walk for some Real-Estate deal, we were bored and thought, what they hey, why don't we try to run an… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Doyce, b_bankhead, Mike Holmes.
5/6/2004 sirogit: For Ron: How would you do Sorcerer differently? Ron,
I've read a smattering a posts where you poisited minor design flaws with Sorcerer. This seems very curious to me as I find Sorcerer the epitome of an advanced… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards.
4/23/2004 sirogit: The end of my campaign and Armor/Blood Loss tokens My Riddle of Steel campaign is coming to an end after next session. It was a satisfying if bumpy ride. The parts where the game faltered I learned alot about… In The Riddle of Steel Participants: sirogit, Kcasar, Tash, Emiricol.
4/19/2004 sirogit: A few random rules questions. 1. Is there any point to group-banishing? The way I read it, in order for the group to confer bonuses to the main sorcerer, they would have to make the… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards.
4/19/2004 sirogit: Humanity gain for summoning demons? I'm abit conflicted over the answer to this question:
1. If someone summons a demon for the purposes of performing a task that equals Humanity Gain, could they get a… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Lxndr, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.
4/17/2004 sirogit: Kinship/Sex as ideal relationships for Story purposes. At first when I read Ron's insistance for story-important relationships to based on Kinship/Sex to be rather limiting. But just now I realize a great reason for the distinction.
Alligince,… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics 8/6/2004 sirogit: Success with RPGs under an hour? I've always wanted to run a game at the same speed as a tv show. In my expierince, gaming was always very slow. Too much looking up rules, arguements, over-elaborations,… In RPG Theory Participants: sirogit, Dev, Mike Holmes, Ravien.
8/13/2004 sirogit: Three settings that show the breadth of Sorcerer's options? If you could choose three settings of Sorcerer to show the breadth of the possibilities behind customizing the concepts, what would they be? In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Ben Morgan, Ron Edwards, Doyce, DannyK, Paka.
9/1/2004 sirogit: Sex & Robots Idiom: Reproduction-based stories, speicially with themes of technological invasion.
Settting: Ultra-modern, extremely familiar world save for the inclusion of advanced robots. There's a focus on the urgent and the downtrodden,… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman, Andrew Martin, neelk.
9/7/2004 sirogit: What have you done with incoherent games? Its a fairly common claim to say that incoherent games are popular because of their incoherency, that it allows the game to be whatever the players of it desire.
I… In Actual Play Participants: sirogit, Mark D. Eddy, Frank T, Marco, Ron Edwards, contracycle.
9/29/2004 sirogit: The Art of Dramatic Writing and Sorcerer Hey Ron
I began reading this and has some very intereasting ideas I'd like to use in roleplaying.
I'm wondering how much it influenced Sorcerer, and how much you think… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards.
10/1/2004 sirogit: Current State of Ghost Light A long time ago, I looked at the review of Ghost Light, and found it extremely intereasting. I was considerably distraught that it was no longer available.
I found the… In Site Discussion Participants: sirogit, Andrew Martin, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon.
10/2/2004 sirogit: References for people who don't think they get Sorcerer Play these games:
My Life with Master
Read these books:
Elric of Melninbone
Read… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, bcook1971, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson.
10/13/2004 sirogit: Luminaires(Tentative title) I wasn't quite sure if this is 100% fit for Game Design, as the game is by and large, a specific mechanic, but anywho...
The game's principlly about a different… In Indie Game Design Participants: sirogit, Shreyas Sampat, Mike Holmes.
10/17/2004 sirogit: (One-sheet)Psychic Residue Setting: A curious mix of an outside view of America with a certain vacant, hokey pleasantness, and an inside view of supernatural intrigue with a flavor of traditional horror stories,… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.
11/8/2004 sirogit: (Sorcerer)Psychic Residue - Actual Play This saturday was the character-generation session for my Psychic Residue Sorcerer game
Here's the Characters I got
Name: Carter Jenkins
Player Name: Chris H
Appearance: Handomse, naive, well… In Actual Play Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards, Ben Morgan.
11/26/2004 sirogit: &Sword setting - Last Rites of the Dark Gods Sword & Sorcery setting I'm shooting for running after my current Sorcerer game, out of the fact that one of the current players is a major S&S fan and it'd… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit.
12/1/2004 sirogit: Bein' a Dude! Bein' a Dude!
Basic Premise:
There's a fleet of starships that landed on some alien planet slated for colonization. For some reason the only crew alve are 14-18 year old… In Indie Game Design Participants: sirogit.
12/4/2004 sirogit: Ran Metal Opera on Friday... My regular friday game(TROS) wasn't happening so I ran this one-shot of Metal Opera with the people that showed up and it was a blast.
Special note: I barely remembered… In Actual Play Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards.
12/16/2004 sirogit: Forge Wiki? Has this ever been suggested before?
I know I'd find it tremendously useful if it was half as good as Doyce's Sorcerer Wiki.
What would have to be done to… In Site Discussion Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Doyce, John Kim, Mike Holmes.
12/21/2004 sirogit: Shadows(Ya shouldn'tna'done that, he's jus'ta boy.) So, unkowledgable to myself I had agreed to run another one-shot for Chris H and some of his friends, so I picked out Shadows, and played with: Chris M, Chris… In Actual Play Participants: sirogit, Lord_Steelhand, Noon.
1/4/2005 sirogit: [Sorc]Superhero-Cyberpunk-Angels. Idiom: Superheoic-angels in cyberpunk-apocalypse, goofy irreverent fun.
Inspirations: Spawn, The Preacher, Hellboy, Aberrent, X-Men(Paticularly Night Crawler), The Prohecy, Demon: The Fallen(An excellent thread on morsso than the actual game.),… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Paka.
1/11/2005 sirogit: The Shadows of Yesterday - Zexies Midnight Runners I just got finished with a game of Shadows of Yesterday I just ran. Everyone had a totally awesome time.
This game is special because I wanted to test a… In Actual Play Participants: sirogit.
1/17/2005 sirogit: New Secrets While at first I was thinking about posting all of these to the Wiki, I thought I'd allow people to take a look at them and give me any early… In CRN Games Participants: sirogit.
1/21/2005 sirogit: Non-linear play and a change in character's ability. What's the recommeded way to handle a character having different abilities during different time periods when running scenes non-linearly?
Example: I'm running some Sword & Sorcerer. We run scene A… In Adept Press Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards, Rod Anderson.
1/26/2005 sirogit: Miscleanous questions & Terminology 1. When a description of a Secret says "in combat"(Mighty Blow,Secret of Shattering), does that mean in actual -fighting-, or could it mean any use of Bringing Down the Pain?… In CRN Games Participants: sirogit, Clinton R. Nixon.
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