The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

6/11/2010 Ron Edwards: Welcome to the Endeavor forum - please read here first
This forum is for organizing activities: contests, projects, whatever. My only advice for successful threads here is to take leadership of what you propose. Best, Ron
In Endeavor
Participants: Ron Edwards.

6/11/2010 Ron Edwards: Welcome to the Actual Play forum - please read here first
This is the primary discussion forum at the Forge. There are a few operative principles governing posting here, and within their bounds, you are wildly and nakedly free to post…
In Actual Play
Participants: Ron Edwards.

6/11/2010 Ron Edwards: Welcome to the Conventions forum - please read here first
This forum is straightforward. If you're playing, promoting, selling, organizing, or otherwise doing anything at a convention that concerns independent role-playing games, then post about it here. That includes organizing…
In Conventions
Participants: Ron Edwards.

6/11/2010 Ron Edwards: Welcome to the Publishing forum - please read here first
This forum is for a wide variety of discussions about publishing role-playing games. The topics can be how-to, or what-you-have-done, or how-does-it-work, or what-about-this, or just about anything. The only…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards.

6/11/2010 Ron Edwards: Welcome to the Playtesting forum - please read here first
This is a pretty specialized forum at the Forge, but it's arguably the most important in practical terms. Topics should go here if they concern a role-playing game which is…
In Playtesting
Participants: Ron Edwards.

6/11/2010 Ron Edwards: Welcome to the Connections forum - please read here first
This is the simplest forum at the Forge. Post here if you want to provide services to people designing independent role-playing games, such as art, layout, editing, or anything similar.…
In Connections
Participants: Ron Edwards.

6/7/2010 lumpley: The Archives and the Live Forum
This archive includes every Forge post from minute 1 to the crash of May 30, 2010. The live forum is at . It begins with the first post of…
In Welcome to the Archives
Participants: lumpley.

5/30/2010 Ayyavazi: [DitV] Actual Play Questions about play (long)
Hello all. This is a combination Actual play thread and involves my previous first session thread. I'm looking for help and insights, as well as ideas and critique. I'll list…
In lumpley games
Participants: Ayyavazi, lumpley.

5/28/2010 Ayyavazi: Is it just me, or is the server timing out all the time?
Hello, I've been trying to post regularly over the past week or so on the forge, and my internet connection is superb. I can access just about any website I…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Ayyavazi, PeterBB, lumpley, Eero Tuovinen.

5/28/2010 Paolo D.: [SS / TWoN] Mechanics questions
After playing at SS (in the Star Wars setting) and TWoN, I've got some questions about the rules: 1) Introduction cost of equipment with imbuements I must pay the introduction…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Paolo D., Eero Tuovinen, Aetius.

5/28/2010 smarttman: More or less skills?
I have been tempted to write my own RPG, more specifically a pulp one as I love the genre, but I don't know how many skills I should have. Skills…
In First Thoughts
Participants: smarttman, Trevis Martin, Ar Kayon, Noon.

5/27/2010 Noclue: [DITV] White Rock Crossing, my new town
I'm planning to run this town at Gamex this weekend in Los Angeles (So, if you're playing on Saturday don't read this). I'm interested in any feedback. Do you think…
In lumpley games
Participants: Noclue, Paul T, Binny-UK.

5/27/2010 PeterAdkison: [DitV] Actual play, 1st game highlights, small rules question
Ran my first Dogs game last night and it went down GREAT!  I’ll spare you the details, but I’d love to share a couple highlights and get feedback on a…
In lumpley games
Participants: PeterAdkison, lumpley.

5/26/2010 Ayyavazi: [DitV] First Session, a few questions and concerns
Hello all. This is my first session of Dogs in the Vineyard. I have repositioned my questions up top here, as putting them at the bottom and not including DitV…
In lumpley games
Participants: Ayyavazi, Noclue.

5/25/2010 outsider: Playtesters Wanted
I'm taking volunteers for play-testing my game, Crisis. If anyone is willing to play-test a rules-heavy generic combat driven medieval fantasy RPG. I'll include with it a "letter to play-testers"…
In Playtesting
Participants: outsider, Ron Edwards.

5/25/2010 pseudoidiot: [IAWA] Negotiating after the final conflict
Ran my group through our first game of IAWA and it went pretty well. One thing I thought of on the way home. I have a feeling most groups have…
In lumpley games
Participants: pseudoidiot, Paul T.

5/25/2010 Necromantis: a new (to me) look at skills. would like input
I am working on the skills system within my Fantasy roleplay game titled "a time of steel and staves" In the game I have created 11 characteristics that define a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Necromantis, Vulpinoid, Noon, philipstephen, Ron Edwards, Locke, Mike Sugarbaker, horomancer.

5/25/2010 Fatespinner: Dice and throwing them
Hi, I like the game, but I never played it for one really simple reason. I don't like it to use that many different dice. Also the whole left hand…
In design
Participants: Fatespinner.

5/25/2010 Icel: Feedback for LEGEND
Hello, I recently published a simple role-playing battle system called LEGEND. I'd appropriate any feedback. download:
In First Thoughts
Participants: Icel, Mike Sugarbaker, Alex Abate.

5/24/2010 Sebastian: [Hell for Leather] Run & Rest - 70s Narcs
Last week I got another chance to playtest Hell for Leather, this time dressed in golden medallions and gorgeous sideburns. We built the Frame (world and setting) quickly, but this…
In Playtesting
Participants: Sebastian.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

6/11/2010 PeterBB: [IAWA] Question about characters coming back
Hey! So, I'm going to be having a summer o' lumpley games (Dogs, IAWA, and Apocalypse World, at least), and I've been preparing for our In A Wicked Age game.…
In lumpley games
Participants: PeterBB, lumpley.

6/12/2010 Khimus: Shapeshifter
Well, this is a personal project fairly advanced that I´m developing. The concept emerged from this sentence: "every choice you make changes you in retribution." A shapeshifter is a special…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Khimus, Mike Sugarbaker, Ron Edwards.

6/12/2010 Klaus_Welten: [Sorcerer] Which demons get which abilities for free?
Hello there. The descriptions for Inconspicuous and Passing demons state that they "often" have the Cloack and Cover abilities, but the text of those abilities say that demons of those…
In Adept Press
Participants: Klaus_Welten, Ron Edwards.

6/12/2010 greyorm: [ORX] Big Fate OOPS
Though I suspect feedback to be minimal at best (does anyone even read this? Hello? *echo*echo*echo*)... Guy recently pointed me towards a review of ORX that contained the following criticism:…
In Wild Hunt Studios
Participants: greyorm, Eero Tuovinen.

6/12/2010 Ninetongues: [IntoDreams] premiere - free game
Hello Into Dreams is a free game about dreaming, that Ihad in mind since my first coming to the Forge. Illustrated by very skilled artist Basia Marek, this game allows…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Ninetongues, greyorm, PeterBB.

6/13/2010 ronfig: game seed
Are there any story games in which players create a concept album flike the ones from the days when vinyl was king? 
In First Thoughts
Participants: ronfig, Monte, Vulpinoid.

6/13/2010 ronfig: game advice for strange group
Objective: to find a quality rpg that could work within the following constraints: player age range 13-18 45 minute sessions maximum possible campaign play players are anime fans, larpers, Magic…
In Actual Play
Participants: ronfig, lumpley, Eero Tuovinen, greyorm, Noon, Finarvyn.

6/13/2010 PeterAdkison: Multiple guns for extra dice?
I have a min-max player in my group who gave himself like 5 guns.  Each has the appropriate back story and all but I'm anticipating that in the middle of…
In lumpley games
Participants: PeterAdkison, craggle, PeterBB, jburneko, Noclue, Paolo D., lumpley, Paul T, Marshall Burns.

6/13/2010 Simon C: [Sorcerer] Failed States and Demons as a metaphor
A friend of mine and I have been talking about a game of Sorcerer where the Demons are factions (or faction leaders) in a failed state, and Sorcerers are CIA…
In Adept Press
Participants: Simon C, Ron Edwards.

6/13/2010 Vulpinoid: [FUBAR] A game about vengeance
I'm in the processes of playtesting my new project "FUBAR". Here's the basic splat... You've been screwed... At least one person wants you dead... The only people you almost trust…
In Playtesting
Participants: Vulpinoid, Finarvyn.

6/14/2010 greenmaul: Lore of Steel - Looking for playtesters.
We are looking for some help to play-test lore of steel. You can find all the content at . Just register for an account. Lore of Steel is a…
In Connections
Participants: greenmaul, Ron Edwards.

6/14/2010 pseudoidiot: [IAWA] A few questions
Been through a few sessions now and some questions have popped up. 1) Can NPCs come back in later chapters like PCs? Like maybe later on there's a character/element none…
In lumpley games
Participants: pseudoidiot, lumpley, yellowparis.

6/14/2010 Melinglor: [The Dreaming Crucible] Same Seeds, different fruit.
[b]Note: this post is the first in a series: rather than pack every issue to explore into a single post, I'm going to examine the same two play instances from…
In Playtesting
Participants: Melinglor, hansel.

6/14/2010 Paul Czege: is there a Sufi in the house?
Hi, I'm working on a game setting and have a small concern that adherents of Sufism might find something I'm considering irritating or offensive. If you can comment as Sufist,…
In Connections
Participants: Paul Czege, Parthenia.

6/14/2010 MJGraham: [Defiance: A Discourse on Civic Tyranny] Playtesters Wanted
[center][i]To all felons, knaves, traitors and dissidents, you are cordially invited to witness the beheading of your worthy friend, William Price, for the crimes of treason, conspiracy and incitement. Your…
In Connections
Participants: MJGraham.

6/15/2010 Vulpinoid: [Go Play: Cockatoo Island] Name subject to change...
I doubt people would head halfway around the world to head to a game convention, but I'm sharing some ideas with everyone here anyway. In 12 months time (the middle…
In Conventions
Participants: Vulpinoid.

6/15/2010 Marshall Burns: [MADcorp] call for alpha testers
Hi everyone, I've got an alpha draft of MADcorp ready, and I need a few outside alpha testers. MADcorp is the game of corporate dungeoncrawling in a world gone weird.…
In Connections
Participants: Marshall Burns.

6/15/2010 Rasmus Ljunggren: Dungeon Master Tribute - A 3D version of the original
Hello everybody, this is my first post here and will hopefully not be the last :) Last year I worked on a 3D remake of the classic FTL game Dungeon…
In Connections
Participants: Rasmus Ljunggren, Miskatonic, Noon, Lynn.

6/16/2010 Melinglor: [The Dreaming Crucible] Know thy role
[b]This is the second in a series, examining different aspects of the same two play instances. The first, addressing the use of Seeds, is [url=]here[/url]. I'll reproduce the rules explanation…
In Playtesting
Participants: Melinglor, davidberg, hansel.

6/16/2010 Nathan P.: [Design Matters] PDF Promo - 6 Rad Games For $30
I am again part of the Design Matters booth at this upcoming Gen Con. We put together a summer promotion PDF bundle to showcase our great games! Both Annalise and…
In ndp design
Participants: Nathan P..

more subsequent topics >>