The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Publishing

5/3/2004 Matt Wilson: relocating a business to a different state
So at the end of July I'll be moving from Seattle to Milwaukee. I've already registered a sole proprietorship with King County and the city of Seattle. Anyone know where…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Wilson, semprebon.

5/3/2004 Pramas: Some Parting Thoughts
When I started posting here at the Forge, I thought people might appreciate my POV. I've been working in the game industry for 11 years professionally, and in that time…
In Publishing
Participants: Pramas, John Kim, Dav, Matt Snyder, Jack Spencer Jr, ethan_greer, Bankuei, Ravien, Storn, semprebon, pete_darby, Ron Edwards.

5/2/2004 apeiron: Published Your CCG?
@ Have any of you published your Collectible Card Game? If you have please share your war stories here. i've been working on one for ages and i'd really like…
In Publishing
Participants: apeiron, daMoose_Neo.

5/1/2004 Ravien: Flawed Marketing Strategy?
Ok, right off the bat I will state that I am no businessman, and have no knowledge of business practises. I don't know how to take advantage of "three-tiered marketing",…
In Publishing
Participants: Ravien, Jack Aidley, daMoose_Neo, Zak Arntson, Sean, smokewolf, abzu.

4/29/2004 ethan_greer: RPGNow: Why or why not?
Poking around RPGNow, I've noticed that some Forge folks sell pdf downloads from there, while others don't. This is a request for end-user info about the service from those who…
In Publishing
Participants: ethan_greer, Matt.

4/29/2004 semprebon: PDF prices [split from older thread]
[quote="greyorm"]People naturally tend to believe something with a higher price is "better" than something with a lower price. "Cheap price" translates to "poor quality" in our societal subconscious, and we…
In Publishing
Participants: semprebon, Ron Edwards, Ravien, Lxndr, Jack Aidley, Valamir, cognizantchance.

4/29/2004 ecliptic: Legality of using free fonts?
I was wonder what is the legality in using freeware fonts in a product that you sell?
In Publishing
Participants: ecliptic, Jack Aidley, jdagna, Shreyas Sampat.

4/28/2004 xiombarg: the "supplement treadmill"
Malcolm (eyebeams), as a freelancer for White Wolf (he can correct me if that's an incorrect way to refer to him in this context), made and interesting comment on another…
In Publishing
Participants: xiombarg, Pramas, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, FFG Greg, Valamir, daMoose_Neo, Ben Lehman, Matt Wilson, quozl, Erick Wujcik, ethan_greer, mearls, Lxndr, ryand, Paul Czege, Matt.

4/28/2004 andy: PDF pricing
Help-- I'm getting ready to put my first indie effort out on RPGNow. It will be a new game system (The BONES thread in the Forge explains it in detail)…
In Publishing
Participants: andy, Jack Aidley.

4/28/2004 xiombarg: customer fraud and e-publishing
I thought the following link might be of interest to y'all: When Your Customer Commits Fraud In essence, it goes over your rights, as a writer, regarding your customers, when…
In Publishing
Participants: xiombarg, Dev, Valamir, Ron Edwards.

4/28/2004 Erick Wujcik: Credit Union/Co-op Banking
Since there was a thread about starting a business, I thought I'd offer some advice on banking. I'll start with a post from a previous thread, "Starting a "Legal Company",…
In Publishing
Participants: Erick Wujcik.

4/27/2004 Valamir: Another Departure from GAMA
Jonathan Albin resigns as Marketing Director for GAMA. Problems in the GAMA hierarchy...what else is new. I received this as part of an email broadcast. As it is definitely industry…
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir, xiombarg, Dav, Andy Kitkowski.

4/25/2004 Pilger: Own fanzine?
Talking about indie rpgs isn't such a popular thing, but this forum seems to be a real treasure :) Me, some other germans and some austrians try the same back…
In Publishing
Participants: Pilger, Matt.

4/21/2004 daMoose_Neo: EXCELLENT site for FREE photography! *not spam*
I was doing some googling for some stock art for my card game (wanted free photo's of cities and skylines to use as Location cards) and came across an EXCELLENT…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo.

4/16/2004 Andy Kitkowski: Starting a "Legal Company", need help, STAT!
Hey all, for this project that my wife and I are engaging in, we need to register ourselves as a business ASAP (I think, details below). Basically, we are looking…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Lxndr, quozl, Ron Edwards, Matt Wilson, BPetroff93, Dav, daMoose_Neo, RaconteurX.

4/14/2004 abzu: NPA Art -- Time's Up!
So I did the preliminary layout last night for Snowball and Discernment in the NPA. It looks good. All I need in order to get this ball really rolling is…
In Publishing
Participants: abzu, xiombarg, Ben Lehman, Jeph, Matt, Mike Holmes, Jonathan Walton.

4/12/2004 Dev: Ross Perot / Slander
Supposing I wanted to publish a setting around the suggestion that Ross Perot's election in 1992 led to a nationalistic (near-fascistic) atmosphere throughout the 90s. How much danger am I…
In Publishing
Participants: Dev, Mike Holmes, Christopher Weeks, Clay.

4/12/2004 realms_creator: Card publishers
Where can I find a publishers of cards? We are trying something new with spells. Instead of having them in a book.We want to have them done on deck of…
In Publishing
Participants: realms_creator, daMoose_Neo, Marhault.

4/11/2004 Tav_Behemoth: Specific questions about a print edition
Dear Forgers: I've seen posters here advise that one can best tap the collective local expertise by asking very specific questions. Having seen the amazing quality of that expertise, I…
In Publishing
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, Ron Edwards, abzu, Bob McNamee, madelf, Michael S. Miller, Christopher Weeks, Chris Passeno, Matt Gwinn, Clay.

4/10/2004 Juicetyger: 1km1kt online publishing
So, the much anticipated 1km1kt website has finally opened! It's been set up this time as an open submission site for anyone interested in fiction, fantasy, sci-fi and role-playing games.…
In Publishing
Participants: Juicetyger, Steve Samson, Amadeus, Jeph, madelf.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

5/5/2004 Matt Snyder: What do gamers need?
In the Supplement Treadmill and spawned thread "D&D specifically," I asked the Forge what gamers need: That begs a question in my mind. What do d20 gamers need? For that…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Snyder, Christopher Kubasik, Jack Spencer Jr, daMoose_Neo, Bankuei, Matt, Sean, Christopher Weeks, smokewolf, madelf, Loki, quozl, Bob Goat, John Kim, xiombarg, semprebon, Storn, talysman, Valamir, Tav_Behemoth, mearls, greedo1379, MarktheAnimator, komradebob, Jonathan Walton.

5/6/2004 Drifter Bob: Spell naming contest
Pelgrane Press is having a spell-naming contest, to rename D&D spells in the Dying Earth style. First prize is a copy of the Dying Earth game signed by Robin Laws…
In Publishing
Participants: Drifter Bob.

5/10/2004 Matt Gwinn: RPGs in Toy Stores
I was first introduced to roleplaying about 20 years ago. I was in the toy store browsing and I found a rack of D&D stuff. I didn't know what they…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, madelf, xiombarg, Jack Spencer Jr, b_bankhead, timfire, greedo1379, contracycle.

5/11/2004 KeithBVaughn: A Few Thoughts...
To the Group, The premise of the "What does a Gamer Need," caused me to do some asking of further questions and I came up with some questions that led…
In Publishing
Participants: KeithBVaughn, John Kim, Mike Holmes, Latigo.

5/11/2004 Matt Snyder: Is the Forge a hit parade?
In his reply in the Hubris, the Sequel thread in Site News, the Ayatollah of Rock n Roll-ah (aka Dav Harnish), said the following: The Forge talks a damn good…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Snyder, Dav, abzu, Paganini, Michael S. Miller, Jürgen Mayer, andy, GB Steve.

5/12/2004 xiombarg: color print-on-demand
Well, it seems that booklocker can do color POD printing. It's pricer than or, but it might lower the barrier for people who want to do a full-color…
In Publishing
Participants: xiombarg, hardcoremoose, madelf, Paul Czege, talysman.

5/13/2004 Palaskar: Paging Clinton R. Nixon!
Clinton, how can I publish my RPG via the Forge Bookshelf? --Michael Mendoza
In Publishing
Participants: Palaskar, xiombarg, Jack Aidley, Matt Wilson.

5/14/2004 Tav_Behemoth: Two Metaphors for Indie RPGs / d20
[b]Metaphor #1: Pop Music[/b] Now that the '90s are safely dead, we can say that there were two important movements in pop music that decade: indie rock and DJ culture.…
In Publishing
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, greyorm, Halzebier, GreatWolf, daMoose_Neo, John Kim, Dev.

5/16/2004 Simon W: OK, I've published, now how do I sell?
I've published It's a Dog's Life (which I was hoping to get into the NPA, but I was a bit late - hopefully the NPA2) and it's available at RPGNOW.…
In Publishing
Participants: Simon W, Ron Edwards, semprebon, chadu, Malcolm.

5/16/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Striking Out On My Won -- Again
Well, I've been in a corproate publishing envrionemnt for about four months now since others have taken over Seraphim Guard and there have been a lot of phiolosphical differences betweem…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Simon W, talysman, Ron Edwards, madelf, daMoose_Neo, Bob Goat.

5/18/2004 abzu: The Price was Right (Come Up?)
My aim for this thread is to chronicle some interesting developments in the "product" that is Burning Wheel. Not the game, but the thing sold from websites and stores. The…
In Publishing
Participants: abzu, Trevis Martin, Dev, Jack Aidley, Michael S. Miller, Matt, Valamir, ethan_greer, quozl, Sean, Andrew Morris, taepoong, Bankuei, jdagna, LordSmerf, John Burdick, ryand, greyorm, Zak Arntson, Jack Spencer Jr, madelf, Christopher Weeks, Rorimack, MarktheAnimator, Ron Edwards.

5/18/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Pricing PDF product (split)
Since we're on the subject of prince, I'm looking at a 24-30 page PDF for my new company in the near ftuture. Would $5 be too much to charge? Also,…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Ron Edwards, Jack Aidley, Roy.

5/19/2004 Valamir: Full time game designers
In this thread When you underprice your product vs. what the market would pay and is paying for similar works, you're hurting everyone who is making those other works…
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir, John Burdick, Dev, daMoose_Neo, wakingjohn, mearls, contracycle, Jack Aidley, abzu, Bankuei, Dav, John Kim, ryand, Ron Edwards, Sean, Olibarro, Andrew Morris.

5/20/2004 daMoose_Neo: Distributor questions - quick answer appreciated
I'm working out an arrangement with a distributor and I'm fairly unfamiliar with the actual, inner workings of it. What kind of arrangements have you had now/in the past? What…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, jdagna, smokewolf.

5/20/2004 xiombarg: timing of new releases
I'm curious what people think of the ideas in this blog entry: Personally, I think the power of buzz cannot be underestimated, but it's worth noting that buzz is…
In Publishing
Participants: xiombarg.

5/22/2004 Space Cowboy: Changes at
Hey all, Just a quick question- have there been any recent changes over at I'm curious since I can no longer log in without reducing my browser's security level…
In Publishing
Participants: Space Cowboy, Ron Edwards.

5/24/2004 Valamir: Games Quarterly Magazine
The premier issue of GQM is out, a companion magazine for the retailer's bible Games Quarterly Catalog. Its primarily full of advertisements aimed at retailers but there are a number…
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir, Matt Snyder, daMoose_Neo, Andy Kitkowski.

5/24/2004 Astrivian: Supplemental info Online
I was just curious if anyone has either used or desired to use goofy online apendices to an rpg? I suppose (just brainstorming here) there are several categories of what…
In Publishing
Participants: Astrivian.

5/26/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Quark Advice
I recentl redicosvered a copy of Quark XPress 5.0 from my previous installation of Windows. Now that I've loaded it again, I seem to be gradually trying to figure out…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, abzu, jdagna, Bob Goat.

5/26/2004 WyldKarde: How do I publish my RPG?
When I joined the Forge, I largely wanted to flesh out the RPG designs that I made while I was bored off my ass at Ft. Huachuca. I considered myself…
In Publishing
Participants: WyldKarde, Matt, abzu, Dev, Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, Valamir, Michael S. Miller, Lxndr, Ravien, timfire, LoreTG, Juicetyger.

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