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In Publishing

3/16/2005 Dev: Security Advice (& other advice) for your Websites/Forum
I'm continuing from this (closed) thread in Site Discussion about advice for securing your own websites and forums. Rob Carriere had some excellent advice, which I'm reposting. A key part…
In Publishing
Participants: Dev, jdagna.

3/11/2005 bacon_x: A free game industry newsletter - Would you support it?
Hello There, After viewing the thread about getting the word out about one's creations, I realized that there may be a way to gain free publicity for new and existing…
In Publishing
Participants: bacon_x, Ron Edwards, jdagna, axonrg, Polyman.

3/3/2005 Veritas Games: Registering for copyright (split)
[quote="Space Cowboy"][quote="Valamir"]If you are not registered you can't while technically you are copyrighted just from writing it down, you can't actually enforce your copyright without being registered. [/quote] I…
In Publishing
Participants: Veritas Games, Ron Edwards.

3/2/2005 Bardsandsages: Legal Information for Publishers
As I promised, here is a collection of very useful websites for publishers who are trying to navigate the legalities of publishing. DISCLAIMER: these sites are not a substitute for…
In Publishing
Participants: Bardsandsages, Ben Lehman, Ron Edwards, ffilz, Thunder_God, drnuncheon.

3/1/2005 Bardsandsages: Book Exchange
Of the many little projects I find myself pulled into, I'm participating in a poetry book exchange through the Poetry Super Highway. Basically I agree to send a stranger a…
In Publishing
Participants: Bardsandsages, jdagna, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

3/1/2005 Andy Kitkowski: Looking for RPG Design/ Gaming-topical Blogs
Totally being serious here, this isn't just a "fun thread'. Recently, I've seen a lot of interesting gaming discussion go down on various weblogs like 20x20 Room and the like.…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Matt Snyder, Bankuei, Ben Lehman, Bob Goat.

3/1/2005 Olibarro: Getting the word out
So we finally have two actual products in our catalog and we're looking to add a couple more shortly. Where are good sites on the web for making announcements/press releases/that…
In Publishing
Participants: Olibarro, Ed Cha, bacon_x, xiombarg, Tav_Behemoth.

2/28/2005 Ron Edwards: Meatbot Massacre update
Hiya, I was thinking about Meatbot Massacre, which was discussed in Meatbot Massacre and the ransom model. You can read about it through the links, but basically, what's going on…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, Bob Goat, Brendan, groundhog, gobi, abzu.

2/27/2005 Dev: [Dead Inside] Good use of advertising
Go check out the popular webcomic Something Positive, and you'll see the ad for Dead Inside there. This is awesome, because: It's the right market. (SP has in its…
In Publishing
Participants: Dev, Space Cowboy, Paul Czege, chadu.

2/25/2005 Jasper: [TotG: Distilled] Comments wanted on a text
Howdy, I'm working on a rewrite of Trials of the Grail, which I'm calling Distilled (for now). The original version's text was wordy and stuffy, and I'd like to rectify…
In Publishing
Participants: Jasper, Bardsandsages.

2/23/2005 Matt Gwinn: Google Ad Words & PPC campaigns
I was just wondering if anyone had tested the usefulness of the Pay per Click campaigns at Google and Overture? If so, how has it worked out for your sales…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Ben Lehman, Matt, daMoose_Neo, Paul Czege, Mernya, ffilz.

2/23/2005 T'oma: RPG (Community) Legal System Defence (Fund)
This is by No Means how I planned on introducing myself to this group, but I have a sense of (possibly paranoid) urgency that far outweighs my hesitation. (This is…
In Publishing
Participants: T'oma, Ron Edwards, jerry, Sean, Bardsandsages.

2/22/2005 Simon W: The Great Dreamscape Name Debate
Okay, last year I wrote Dreamscape as part of the 24-hour RPG challenge. Since then, I have invested a lot of time and money into producing a pdf for sale.…
In Publishing
Participants: Simon W, Ron Edwards, daMoose_Neo, Andrew Morris, jdagna, quozl, ffilz, GregS, Andy Kitkowski, timfire, T'oma, etherworld, Valamir, GMSkarka.

2/22/2005 smokewolf: Looking to collaborate with map/tile publisher
I am looking to partner with a tile/map publisher for a new product I am coming out with. What I am looking for: Two story, Victorian style house Modern, though,…
In Publishing
Participants: smokewolf.

2/17/2005 etherworld: [paid] writing proposals for books ABOUT the RPG industry
Etherworld is expanding its publishing arm and is now accepting writing proposals for books ABOUT the RPG industry and not necessarily FOR the RPG industry. If you are a professional…
In Publishing
Participants: etherworld.

2/17/2005 daMoose_Neo: 2Q: Fact or Fiction first? & Mentioning another game...
Hmmkay, two questions (2Q from above): 1) Fact or Fiction first? My latest project is an expansion on my card game Final Twilight. As I'm putting together the book for…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Bardsandsages, jerry.

2/17/2005 Ampere: Advertising revisited
This is really separate from the previous PR kind of inquiry. Advertising. The con season is coming up and we want to make a splash. Maybe stickers, T-Shirts, flyers... Any…
In Publishing
Participants: Ampere, TonyLB.

2/17/2005 Ampere: Getting material reviewed/ PR/ Advert
I looked this one up and didn't see anything in current history goes. Lets say I have a game product (or a few) which are completed and up for…
In Publishing
Participants: Ampere, TonyLB, abzu, Michael S. Miller, Bardsandsages.

2/15/2005 Space Cowboy: Trading Links for grassroots marketing
Hey all, On the “History of Sorcerer as an Indie Game” (, one thing that Ron Edwards suggests for would-be publishers is to trade links with other independent games. For…
In Publishing
Participants: Space Cowboy.

2/14/2005 GregS: The GAMA Trade Show from a Freelancer's Perspective
With GTS just around the corner I've been heavily weighing the idea of going as a Freelancer (as both a mechanics content and fiction writer). The problem is I'm totally…
In Publishing
Participants: GregS, philreed, Paul Czege, balrog21.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

3/18/2005 Nathan: RPGNow + LuLu
Yup, I don't think the announcement is completely official yet, but I hear it is going up soon. RPGNow is switching their POD services to go through This means…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan, daMoose_Neo, madelf, Valamir, rpghost, Solly Brown, Lxndr, Bardsandsages, Ron Edwards, jdagna.

3/21/2005 Dantai: [Piledrivers & Powerbombs] 24hr rpg published!
Evening all. I'm pleased to announce that Piledrivers & Powerbombs, my 24 hr rpg offering has been tarted up and is now available at rpgnow. plug plug ;-) Its…
In Publishing
Participants: Dantai, Andy Kitkowski, timfire, Jeph.

3/21/2005 MarktheAnimator: Getting your game into stores
So what is the best way to get your game into the local game stores? I've heard that the big distributors don't want to deal with you unless you have…
In Publishing
Participants: MarktheAnimator, Ron Edwards.

3/22/2005 Andy Kitkowski: "Mech A RPG Design Contest" (Free Art)
Hey all, this was a thread going over on RPGNet that I got behind. Basically, Fellow A was going to write a Mecha-Themed RPG. He had $300 worth of art…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, daMoose_Neo, contracycle, timfire, Tobias, Eero Tuovinen, xenopulse, philreed, Jasper Polane, Bogie_71.

3/23/2005 Lynn: Usage of 3D Art
Almost all of the art I see in game books look like they are just ink illustrations or sometimes a painted color plate. I work extensively in 3D ( and…
In Publishing
Participants: Lynn, Trevis Martin, Michael S. Miller, daMoose_Neo, jdagna, greyorm, contracycle, ukgpublishing, Illuminarch.

3/24/2005 Sean: D&D Publishing Information
This relates to some discussions I've had with Ron and may have some mild interest and utility for today's indie publisher, at least as food for thought. From "It's only…
In Publishing
Participants: Sean.

3/24/2005 dysjunct: To read or not to read?
So, for the past several weeks I've been bitten by the "get-off-your-@$$-and-design-an-RPG" bug, and have been diligently putting things through my mental centrifuge and seeing what sticks. However, as I've…
In Publishing
Participants: dysjunct, matthijs, Troy_Costisick, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski, jdagna, Solly Brown, abzu, paulkdad, MatrixGamer, killacozzy, philreed.

3/26/2005 greyorm: Help with ORX Press Release Text
Heya all, I plan on submitting a press release about Orx to a couple gaming sites over the next few weeks to (hopefully) generate interest, and I am wondering if…
In Publishing
Participants: greyorm, Andrew Morris, Sean, Valamir, hix, jdagna, Alan, xiombarg.

3/29/2005 xiombarg: Free Desktop Publishing...
Okay, kids, can anyone reccommend a decent, FREE (or very, very cheap, like less than $40) desktop publishing program that works on Windows 98 andor Windows XP? Feel free to…
In Publishing
Participants: xiombarg, spawky, madelf, Trevis Martin, Dev, MisterPoppet, Victor Gijsbers, Clay, nikola, Doug Ruff, jerry, MatrixGamer.

3/31/2005 Andrew Morris: Business licenses, trade names, and similar legal hassles
I'm just now looking at buying a domain name, building a web site, and eventually selling my games online. While doing this, I started thinking about the legal issues of…
In Publishing
Participants: Andrew Morris, xenopulse, timfire, Valamir, jdagna.

4/2/2005 darrick: Satanis via Lulu
hey guys, thought you might be interested in a report from a first time rpg designer/self publisher. i just received a copy in the mail. it's my Empire of…
In Publishing
Participants: darrick, greyorm, Jasper, Grand_Commander13, MatrixGamer, madelf, Andrew Morris, paulkdad.

4/5/2005 daMoose_Neo: [Imp Game] Nearing the finishline, layout q's
Alright! Feeling geeked, getting my first RPG wrapped up! The Imp Game Homepage - this here is the homepage, 0.5 draft of the rules, and links to some AP Threads.…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Jasper, Tobias, Jasper Polane, jrs.

4/6/2005 GregS: UPC and, the other, or both?
Okay, so the subject is slightly misleading. I, in my ever infinite wisdom, screwed up some time ago and paid for UPC registration before I knew better. Now the question…
In Publishing
Participants: GregS, jdagna.

4/8/2005 Sean: OGL question
I'm wondering about something. If someone wanted to publish a fantasy game that had spell lists with a vague resemblance to D&D's, but without any of the names ('Leomund's', etc.,…
In Publishing
Participants: Sean, jdagna, daemonchild, MisterPoppet, lev_lafayette, viktor_haag, daMoose_Neo, Veritas Games, Ron Edwards, efindel, jerry, LloydBrown.

4/8/2005 Solly Brown: Amazon worth getting an ISBN for
I'm toying with the idea of getting an Isbn from Lulu so that I can sell Dog Town: Core Rules on Amazon. They offer the basic at $34.95 and a…
In Publishing
Participants: Solly Brown, Paul Czege, jdagna, MisterPoppet, Bob Goat, Roger, Bardsandsages, Eero Tuovinen, viktor_haag, daMoose_Neo, Brendan.

4/9/2005 GregStolze: The Ransom Model Worked.
Five months earlier than deadline, Meatbot Massacre ( has been paid for in full and is now free to all. Tell the people! -G. Who can't make his PayPal account…
In Publishing
Participants: GregStolze, gobi, Matt, Valamir, Vaxalon, daMoose_Neo, Troy_Costisick.

4/9/2005 gobi: The ransom is paid. Meatbot Massacre is released.
Yup. Many months ahead of schedule, the full ransom for Meatbot Massacre has been paid and it's now available for download. Previous threads about Meatbot Massacre and the Ransom Model…
In Publishing
Participants: gobi.

4/9/2005 nikola: Card games: how do you get the damn things printed?
I've spoken to a couple of printers about my current project, Under the Bed. It uses unique cards, but they turn out to be very expensive to print. Currently, I'm…
In Publishing
Participants: nikola, timfire, daMoose_Neo, Shawn De Arment, Valamir, guildofblades, Polaris, Walt Freitag.

4/11/2005 nikola: Graphic Designers
Who are the graphic designers of the Forge? Are your services for sale to other Forgies? I'm one such designer and have worked with Lumpley and Timfire on their books.…
In Publishing
Participants: nikola, TonyLB, Matt Snyder, jdagna, Jasper, abzu, greyorm, MisterPoppet, Jonathan Walton, Valamir, Bob Goat, Paul Czege.

4/12/2005 timfire: Color Art and Paper Quality
Alright folks, so I've decided to upgrade the interior art for The Mountain Witch to full color. (Yah!) Should I upgrade the paper thickness as well? I've been assuming 60#…
In Publishing
Participants: timfire, abzu, Andy Kitkowski, nikola.

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