The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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Previous Topics
In Publishing

4/19/2005 komradebob: Selling "Simple" Games?
Over on this thread in the Universalis forum, Chris Engle, Ralph, and Mike have been discussing the challenges of selling "simple games". Now, this is of personal interest to me,…
In Publishing
Participants: komradebob, Andrew Morris, Jasper, xenopulse, Valamir, daMoose_Neo, MatrixGamer, Heraldic Game Design, abzu, Ron Edwards.

4/17/2005 xiombarg: Unsung Ready
Wahoo! I have my second commercial role-playing game entirely laid out at this point, in the form of a text-only beta. You can download a copy here: If you…
In Publishing
Participants: xiombarg, Jasper, matthijs, paulkdad.

4/16/2005 Duke: Creative control.
this is my first posting so please bear with me. I'm curious what the opions of this forum are on maintaining creative control. Mostly I'm curious about creative control of…
In Publishing
Participants: Duke, Eero Tuovinen.

4/12/2005 Andrew Morris: Interior art -- how important is it?
In putting together my first game(s), I've realized two things: 1) I have no artistic ability whatsoever. 2) My budget is slightly more than zero. This got me thinking about…
In Publishing
Participants: Andrew Morris, Trevis Martin, Shreyas Sampat, jdagna, abzu, Bob Goat, Valamir, Ron Edwards, James Holloway, Michael S. Miller, Bardsandsages, daMoose_Neo, xiombarg, Domhnall, paulkdad, MatrixGamer, killacozzy, komradebob.

4/12/2005 timfire: Color Art and Paper Quality
Alright folks, so I've decided to upgrade the interior art for The Mountain Witch to full color. (Yah!) Should I upgrade the paper thickness as well? I've been assuming 60#…
In Publishing
Participants: timfire, abzu, Andy Kitkowski, nikola.

4/11/2005 nikola: Graphic Designers
Who are the graphic designers of the Forge? Are your services for sale to other Forgies? I'm one such designer and have worked with Lumpley and Timfire on their books.…
In Publishing
Participants: nikola, TonyLB, Matt Snyder, jdagna, Jasper, abzu, greyorm, MisterPoppet, Jonathan Walton, Valamir, Bob Goat, Paul Czege.

4/9/2005 nikola: Card games: how do you get the damn things printed?
I've spoken to a couple of printers about my current project, Under the Bed. It uses unique cards, but they turn out to be very expensive to print. Currently, I'm…
In Publishing
Participants: nikola, timfire, daMoose_Neo, Shawn De Arment, Valamir, guildofblades, Polaris, Walt Freitag.

4/9/2005 gobi: The ransom is paid. Meatbot Massacre is released.
Yup. Many months ahead of schedule, the full ransom for Meatbot Massacre has been paid and it's now available for download. Previous threads about Meatbot Massacre and the Ransom Model…
In Publishing
Participants: gobi.

4/9/2005 GregStolze: The Ransom Model Worked.
Five months earlier than deadline, Meatbot Massacre ( has been paid for in full and is now free to all. Tell the people! -G. Who can't make his PayPal account…
In Publishing
Participants: GregStolze, gobi, Matt, Valamir, Vaxalon, daMoose_Neo, Troy_Costisick.

4/8/2005 Solly Brown: Amazon worth getting an ISBN for
I'm toying with the idea of getting an Isbn from Lulu so that I can sell Dog Town: Core Rules on Amazon. They offer the basic at $34.95 and a…
In Publishing
Participants: Solly Brown, Paul Czege, jdagna, MisterPoppet, Bob Goat, Roger, Bardsandsages, Eero Tuovinen, viktor_haag, daMoose_Neo, Brendan.

4/8/2005 Sean: OGL question
I'm wondering about something. If someone wanted to publish a fantasy game that had spell lists with a vague resemblance to D&D's, but without any of the names ('Leomund's', etc.,…
In Publishing
Participants: Sean, jdagna, daemonchild, MisterPoppet, lev_lafayette, viktor_haag, daMoose_Neo, Veritas Games, Ron Edwards, efindel, jerry, LloydBrown.

4/6/2005 GregS: UPC and, the other, or both?
Okay, so the subject is slightly misleading. I, in my ever infinite wisdom, screwed up some time ago and paid for UPC registration before I knew better. Now the question…
In Publishing
Participants: GregS, jdagna.

4/5/2005 daMoose_Neo: [Imp Game] Nearing the finishline, layout q's
Alright! Feeling geeked, getting my first RPG wrapped up! The Imp Game Homepage - this here is the homepage, 0.5 draft of the rules, and links to some AP Threads.…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Jasper, Tobias, Jasper Polane, jrs.

4/2/2005 darrick: Satanis via Lulu
hey guys, thought you might be interested in a report from a first time rpg designer/self publisher. i just received a copy in the mail. it's my Empire of…
In Publishing
Participants: darrick, greyorm, Jasper, Grand_Commander13, MatrixGamer, madelf, Andrew Morris, paulkdad.

3/31/2005 Andrew Morris: Business licenses, trade names, and similar legal hassles
I'm just now looking at buying a domain name, building a web site, and eventually selling my games online. While doing this, I started thinking about the legal issues of…
In Publishing
Participants: Andrew Morris, xenopulse, timfire, Valamir, jdagna.

3/29/2005 xiombarg: Free Desktop Publishing...
Okay, kids, can anyone reccommend a decent, FREE (or very, very cheap, like less than $40) desktop publishing program that works on Windows 98 andor Windows XP? Feel free to…
In Publishing
Participants: xiombarg, spawky, madelf, Trevis Martin, Dev, MisterPoppet, Victor Gijsbers, Clay, nikola, Doug Ruff, jerry, MatrixGamer.

3/26/2005 greyorm: Help with ORX Press Release Text
Heya all, I plan on submitting a press release about Orx to a couple gaming sites over the next few weeks to (hopefully) generate interest, and I am wondering if…
In Publishing
Participants: greyorm, Andrew Morris, Sean, Valamir, hix, jdagna, Alan, xiombarg.

3/24/2005 dysjunct: To read or not to read?
So, for the past several weeks I've been bitten by the "get-off-your-@$$-and-design-an-RPG" bug, and have been diligently putting things through my mental centrifuge and seeing what sticks. However, as I've…
In Publishing
Participants: dysjunct, matthijs, Troy_Costisick, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski, jdagna, Solly Brown, abzu, paulkdad, MatrixGamer, killacozzy, philreed.

3/24/2005 Sean: D&D Publishing Information
This relates to some discussions I've had with Ron and may have some mild interest and utility for today's indie publisher, at least as food for thought. From "It's only…
In Publishing
Participants: Sean.

3/23/2005 Lynn: Usage of 3D Art
Almost all of the art I see in game books look like they are just ink illustrations or sometimes a painted color plate. I work extensively in 3D ( and…
In Publishing
Participants: Lynn, Trevis Martin, Michael S. Miller, daMoose_Neo, jdagna, greyorm, contracycle, ukgpublishing, Illuminarch.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

4/20/2005 Andrew Morris: Sources for harcover POD?
I've searched and found only two POD printers that offer a hardcover option, but they either require a minimum purchase or don't offer specialty covers. What I'm looking for is…
In Publishing
Participants: Andrew Morris, philreed, Ben Lehman, MisterPoppet, Jason L Blair.

4/21/2005 MatrixGamer: Home Printing
Andrew Morris asked me to write about what I've done to set up a home printing operation. I told him I'd put it on the forum in case anyone else…
In Publishing
Participants: MatrixGamer, Andrew Morris, xenopulse, Valamir, abzu, Thor Olavsrud, jdagna, philreed, Christopher Weeks.

4/23/2005 philreed: First Wave Printing -- Comic-sized books
Okay, I thought some of you would want to see this site: I'm using them for a product (haven't yet seen the final version but I have seen their…
In Publishing
Participants: philreed.

4/25/2005 kenw: Rapid POD, a new way to print your RPG.
Dear Publisher, Rapid POD is a new Print on Demand that guarantees the quality of a traditional printing in short runs from 1 to 1,000. Unlike other POD companies, we…
In Publishing
Participants: kenw, Domhnall, Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards.

4/25/2005 daMoose_Neo: Small Press & The Ccard Game - The How To!
After some recent PM discussions with Phil Reed and at the behest of Ralph Mazza almost a year ago, I'm pulling together my notes, research and experiance on producing a…
In Publishing
Participants: daMoose_Neo, philreed, Veritas Games, Lxndr, Valamir.

4/27/2005 killacozzy: Conceptualizing[Cian]
For a great many months, I've been spying on the various helpful posts in this forum, and this late evening, I've finally decided to get "out there" with some of…
In Publishing
Participants: killacozzy, Shreyas Sampat, Ron Edwards, Selene Tan, Valamir, Technocrat13.

4/29/2005 Mike Holmes: D&D for Dummies
Actually has nothing to do with Moose's game, and is just what it sounds like: So, will this product have any impact? Does it attempt to mainstream D&D (and…
In Publishing
Participants: Mike Holmes, Eero Tuovinen, Andrew Morris, pete_darby, jdagna, komradebob.

5/1/2005 Heraldic Game Design: Non-Standard RPG Components
Hi there, folks. I'd like to get some opinions about the direction I should take with an RPG I am working on. When I first began this project, the system…
In Publishing
Participants: Heraldic Game Design, Eero Tuovinen, daMoose_Neo, paulkdad, jdagna, komradebob, Valamir, Selene Tan, GreatWolf, ravenx99, groundhog, Chris Passeno, LloydBrown, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.

5/2/2005 Andrew Morris: Logo design -- cost and other questions
I'm working on finishing my first game, Group Therapy. While still a month or so from being ready for playtesting, I'm trying to get all the logistical details taken care…
In Publishing
Participants: Andrew Morris, Michael S. Miller, Ron Edwards, Andy Kitkowski, LloydBrown, tj333, Resonantg, Trish2.

5/6/2005 paulkdad: When do you change your prices?
Over in this thread Valamir said: If I had it to do over again, honestly, I'd probably sell Uni at $18.00 instead of $15. And while I understand the "if…
In Publishing
Participants: paulkdad, TonyLB, philreed, Andrew Morris, daMoose_Neo, jdagna, Ron Edwards, MatrixGamer, LloydBrown, guildofblades.

5/6/2005 Andy Kitkowski: Game (Iron) Chef Contest: It's back! (May 21-29)
Hey all, just wanted to drop this bomb: Been working with Mike H and Ralph to bring back the Game Chef: This time, a little bigger, a little prettier, and…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Eero Tuovinen, Andrew Morris, Asrogoth, Valamir, BrennaLaRosa, Mike Holmes, ADGBoss, Paul Czege, PlotDevice.

5/8/2005 neoknocker: Living from the game
Hi everyone, I'm seriously considering of starting my RPG company and publish my first game. I used to work for a small RPG company, for a brief moment, and the…
In Publishing
Participants: neoknocker, Eero Tuovinen, jdagna, philreed, MatrixGamer, guildofblades.

5/11/2005 TonyLB: [Capes] New cover, early draft for critique
Last time through, people had very solid comments on my cover, but I got them too late into the process to take advantage without throwing away a lot of work.…
In Publishing
Participants: TonyLB, Bret Gillan, Jasper Polane, Brendan, Andrew Morris, timfire, inthisstyle, matthijs, Valamir, paulkdad, Jack Aidley.

5/14/2005 Solly Brown: Independent Publisher Forums
Hi Cold Blooded Games would like to have a forum dedicated to Dog Town. How do you go about creating a forum on the indie publishers page. Jonathan Ridd…
In Publishing
Participants: Solly Brown, timfire.

5/15/2005 Polaris: Consolidators/Fulfillment List??
Greetings, I would like to ask that we start a list of consolidators/distributors here. I am asking this for selfish reasons (I am trying to find good ones), but I…
In Publishing
Participants: Polaris, Eero Tuovinen, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes.

5/16/2005 Tony Irwin: Pixellation and dpi
The new pictures I've done for Shoujo Story are printing out ever so slightly pixellated. I scanned and saved the images at 300 dpi, which I understand is kind of…
In Publishing
Participants: Tony Irwin, abzu, Ron Edwards, Matt Snyder, Bob Goat, jdagna, Veritas Games, Angaros, MatrixGamer, Chris Passeno.

5/17/2005 Andy Kitkowski: Indie RPG Awards: It's Your turn to Vote!
Hey all, I just wanted to let you know that the Indie RPG Awards' Peoples' Choice Award is now active and online. You can see the big red button to…
In Publishing
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Valamir, Mike Holmes.

5/23/2005 Palaskar: Advertising for the complete newbie
Ok, I have a great new RPG system (Signature 6.0.2) and it's reasonably priced ($5 for 84 pages in PDF). The problem is that I've found out that I'm absolutely…
In Publishing
Participants: Palaskar, neoknocker, MatrixGamer, Michael S. Miller.

5/24/2005 Trevis Martin: Publishing with TiddlyWiki
I wanted to share this with everyone. I ran across a wiki software called TiddlyWiki. It is an entirely client side wiki software written in xhtml and javascript. That works…
In Publishing
Participants: Trevis Martin, Andy Kitkowski, Paul Czege, Gaerik.

5/27/2005 Krammer: Board Game Publishers
Now I know this is an independent role-playing game site, but I was just wondering if anyone has any idea of any publishers that accept submissions for strategic board games…
In Publishing
Participants: Krammer, Trevis Martin, Ben Lehman, c, daMoose_Neo, MatrixGamer, Michael S. Miller, guildofblades.

more subsequent topics >>