The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics
In Publishing

12/3/2001 Jack Spencer Jr: A cautionary tale for the whole family.
Part of this story is true, part of it is based on a worse-case scenerio speculation. Names are withheld, but I suspect a few Forge members know who I'm talking…
In Publishing
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, hardcoremoose, Ranko, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards, Marco, canisPRIME, greyorm, JSDiamond, Ian O'Rourke, Joe Murphy (Broin), Ryan Ary, James V. West.

12/2/2001 Ranko: Web design comments and stuff
Following chimera I’d like to offer my services as a web designer to my gaminig equivalents from the Forge. If you are interested in what I can or could do…
In Publishing
Participants: Ranko, Marco.

12/2/2001 Demonspahn: Web Page Content (revisited)
Hi. I was wondering what the rules were for listing game conversions on a commercial web site. Specifically, what I mean is that if you have your own system, could…
In Publishing
Participants: Demonspahn, Ron Edwards, Marco, Paul Czege, greyorm.

11/30/2001 Ron Edwards: Raw pain
Hello, I should like to direct the attention of anyone interested in role-playing publishing here for a nice insight into the process. For those who've been through the process…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards.

11/19/2001 unodiablo: Dead Meat - step by step - Interested?
Hey All, I'm far enough along in the planning and production of the printed version of Dead Meat that I thought I'd post here and ask if any of you…
In Publishing
Participants: unodiablo, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, hardcoremoose.

11/8/2001 Nathan: CD Publishing
Ron & All, Has CD publishing been successful for anyone? I remember one company that promised to do several RPGs per different CDs, with supplemental material and programs included on…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan, Ron Edwards, unodiablo, JSDiamond, Jack Spencer Jr, Laurel, kwill, Matt Gwinn, Paul Czege.

11/7/2001 Laurel: $1000 bucks, a system, a vision
Building off the million dollar scenario, let's say you've just been given $1000 to publish a game. You have a system that needs polishing, but you are getting there and…
In Publishing
Participants: Laurel, unodiablo, Jason L Blair, Paul Czege, Nathan, Ron Edwards, Matt, JSDiamond, James V. West.

11/6/2001 Nathan: Gamer Masturbatory Exercise #11
Nevermind the topic title...... Your Uncle, a lifelong war reenactor, hobbyist, and gamer, has died and left you a grand total $1,000,000. The only stipulation was for you to spend…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan, unodiablo, jburneko, Zak Arntson, Laurel, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards.

10/19/2001 Matt Gwinn: Single or Double Column?
I'm doing the layout for Kayfabe and I was curious what people feel is a better layout for a game.
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards, Chris Passeno, Le Joueur, unheilig, Laurel.

10/12/2001 Jack Spencer Jr: Help getting you game out there.
SOmewhere, forget where, Ron mentioned that part of why Sorcerer gained the following it did is because he participated in banner exchanges and webrings and stuff like that. Well, as…
In Publishing
Participants: Jack Spencer Jr, Ron Edwards.

10/12/2001 Nathan: Status Reports (from YOU)
So, how is everyone doing in your projects/project or daydreams? Anyone have any major success lately, or new creations that they are giggly about? Currently, I am excited about the…
In Publishing
Participants: Nathan, Matt, unodiablo, Zak Arntson, Philippe Tromeur, Epoch, jburneko, Jared A. Sorensen, Matt Gwinn, Jack Spencer Jr, hardcoremoose, Valamir, Mytholder, greyorm, Mike Holmes, Ian O'Rourke.

10/10/2001 Clinton R. Nixon:
I just found this site - it's apparently new - and thought it actually had some good resources. They manage to screw up a lot of stuff that can be…
In Publishing
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon.

9/29/2001 Marco: Sorry about the inappropriate post.
Removed Msg about newly released book. -Marco
In Publishing
Participants: Marco.

9/28/2001 Matt Gwinn: The Cost of Art
I was just wondering what all you published game designers pay for your art. My game Kayfabe is reaching completion and I'm in the process of getting some art together…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, James V. West, Ron Edwards, Bankuei, greyorm, Le Joueur.

9/26/2001 Mike Holmes: Web Page Content
I can do HTML, and so can Ralph. We're not challenged as far as that goes. What is challenging is coming up with something to put on a web page.…
In Publishing
Participants: Mike Holmes, Matt, Nathan, Paul Czege, Marco.

9/26/2001 Ron Edwards: Emily's second article
Hey everybody, Emily Dresner has presented the second in her series of articles about the nuts & bolts of RPG publishing. Discuss! Best, Ron
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr, Emily Dresner.

9/12/2001 Ron Edwards: Dresner article series
Hi everybody, Emily Dresner is writing a series of articles for the Forge about the actual practicalities of RPG book publishing. The first of the series is available now in…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, Mytholder, ephealy, Zak Arntson, Judas.

9/6/2001 Matt: Web promotion
This a tangent to the HTML thread, but I thought it could do with some discussion as most of us have web pages. Once you have your cool and funky…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt, Ron Edwards, Emily Dresner, Philippe Tromeur, Tyrant, Marco, rpghost, ephealy.

9/3/2001 James V. West: Web-Page Challenged...
I posted my stuff on a geocities page using the generic "page builder" software they provide. Very limiting, as far as I can tell. The next time I post a…
In Publishing
Participants: James V. West, Matt, Tyrant, Valamir, peteramthor, Jack Spencer Jr, FilthySuperman, Philippe Tromeur, Epoch, Ron Edwards, Clay.

9/2/2001 rpghost: Instant Download Sales! ( ) is an electronic delivery system for role-playing games: rule books, modules, fiction, paper miniatures, software, and more! Puchase products in the store and imedately download them…
In Publishing
Participants: rpghost, Tyrant, Matt, sandy.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

12/13/2001 JSDiamond: How they did it (D&D & Vampire)
...and how WE can too. Branching off from creating a successful rpg line, Zak and I conferred on a few reasons as to why things have gone the way they…
In Publishing
Participants: JSDiamond.

12/18/2001 Dav: Channel conflict with distribution-retailers-manfacturers
Taking the hint from Ron's last post regarding a new thread, here it is. Without further ado, I would like to throw out a few open questions to the collective…
In Publishing
Participants: Dav, contracycle, Jack Spencer Jr, Ron Edwards, GMSkarka, Jared A. Sorensen, joshua neff, Ian O'Rourke, Ryan Ary.

12/21/2001 Blake Hutchins: Tesseraction Games
I mentioned in another thread that our start-up company, Tesseraction Games, looks to be up and running officially next month. In brief, it's a computer game company. I can't tell…
In Publishing
Participants: Blake Hutchins.

12/28/2001 Jared A. Sorensen: PDF publishing
Inspired by a chat with Mearls over some spinach-feta puffs, I've been thinking of how to publish InSpectres. He raised some excellent points about how PDF wasn't really meeting its…
In Publishing
Participants: Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards, joshua neff, Matt Snyder, James V. West, Ryan Ary, Mike Holmes, Laurel, Bailey, Paul Czege, Ben Morgan, mahoux, Clay, Adam.

12/29/2001 Cynthia Celeste Miller: Playtesting
We're pretty far into the playtesting process for Cartoon Action Hour, but I'm a total perfectionist. I want to make sure the playtesters are hitting all the right nooks and…
In Publishing
Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, hardcoremoose, Jack Spencer Jr, Ron Edwards.

12/31/2001 Cynthia Celeste Miller: Editing
Once Cartoon Action Hour has had all the final revisions, I'll need to have it edited for typos, grammar and consistency. Now, I admit to being a perfectionist. So, naturally,…
In Publishing
Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, Jack Spencer Jr, Bailey.

12/31/2001 Cynthia Celeste Miller: The Whole Website Ordeal
Okay, I now have a website created, but it's not on my own domain yet. The designer just put it on his account until I can get my own. Now,…
In Publishing
Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, greyorm, Tim Gray, Ian O'Rourke, J B Bell, Matt, Clay.

1/3/2002 Ryan Ary: Seeking Christian Moore
Hey anybody know how to reach this guy? He was the owner of Last Unicorn Games. Sold it to WoTC. I want to talk to him about a copyright. All…
In Publishing
Participants: Ryan Ary, Le Joueur.

1/7/2002 Laurel: Elements of a Great Cover
This goes along with a game design thread. I've always felt like the most important piece of art an RPG book can have is the cover. Unless I'm looking for…
In Publishing
Participants: Laurel, Jason L Blair, Tim C Koppang, mahoux, Ron Edwards, Joe Murphy (Broin), Matt Snyder, Jack Spencer Jr, Matt, Bankuei, Bailey, James V. West, rafael, Clinton R. Nixon, Jared A. Sorensen, Valamir.

1/11/2002 Cynthia Celeste Miller: The Joys of Publicizing Your Game
Alrighty, it looks like Cartoon Action Hour is almost out of the final playtest phase.....and it's time for me to begin publicizing it. Now, since last time I posted about…
In Publishing
Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege.

1/18/2002 Matt: Viral Marketing
Several forum posts both here and on RPG.NET have touched on "how to get new people into gaming" and "how to effectively publicise your game". I was considering both of…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt, Ron Edwards, Laurel, contracycle, Jared A. Sorensen, Matt Snyder, Clinton R. Nixon, Paul Czege, woodelf, Tim Denee.

1/31/2002 Dav: Price Setting in the Gaming World
Okay, before I begin, I just want to mention that I may, to some degree, break into crazy business terms and mathematics. I don't know, I haven't written anything yet.…
In Publishing
Participants: Dav, Jared A. Sorensen, Tim Gray, Ron Edwards, Paul Czege, GMSkarka, Valamir, J B Bell, woodelf, Bailey.

2/7/2002 Cynthia Celeste Miller: Lightning Printing
Okay, I went to Lightning Printing's website to get a price quote and I must say, I looked at the info they requested....and was confused. Being a neophyte to…
In Publishing
Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, Jack Spencer Jr, mahoux, Ron Edwards, Chris Passeno, GMSkarka, Jason L Blair, Clinton R. Nixon.

2/7/2002 Ferry Bazelmans: Rephrase: I was approached for publication and need advice
Hey guys, I got an email yesterday from a wellknown company asking me if I was willing to work with them to get my game SOAP published. They are a…
In Publishing
Participants: Ferry Bazelmans, Ron Edwards, TheRef, GMSkarka, Bailey, Jack Spencer Jr, Dav.

2/10/2002 Matt Gwinn: Welfare Publishing
Ok, I really want to have copies of Kayfabe available for GENCON this year, but from the looks of things I won't have more than about $500 to put towards…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Gwinn, Ron Edwards, Dav, Adam.

2/12/2002 Ian O'Rourke: PayPal - What's the skinny.
Okay, I'm not sure this is even the right forum, but it seems the closest to me :) I've noticed over time a lot of website and e-publishers using PayPal…
In Publishing
Participants: Ian O'Rourke, J B Bell, greyorm, Tim Gray.

2/15/2002 Ron Edwards: GenCon 2002: the lowdown
Hello everybody, It's about time I announced the Forge plans for GenCon. The main issue is that "the Forge" is not a business entity and as such will not have…
In Publishing
Participants: Ron Edwards, joshua neff, Paul Czege, Clinton R. Nixon, Mike Holmes, hardcoremoose, Zak Arntson, Jason L Blair, James V. West, Blake Hutchins, Valamir, mahoux, mearls, sdemory, Le Joueur, Matt Gwinn, Dav, Adam.

2/19/2002 GMSkarka: GAMA Trade Show 2002
OK...So, now we've had the discussion about who's going to be at GenCon '02 (not me, I'm skipping this year and taking a real, non-working vacation for the first time…
In Publishing
Participants: GMSkarka, Jason L Blair, Ron Edwards.

2/22/2002 Christopher Kubasik: The Narrativist Community
I have no idea where to dump this thread, so I'm putting it here. Whither GenCon? Sure, RPGs are where all our gaming concerns grew from. But when I read…
In Publishing
Participants: Christopher Kubasik, joshua neff, James V. West, Mike Holmes, Gordon C. Landis, mearls, Dav, wyrdlyng, Ron Edwards.

2/25/2002 Bailey: No Website
I don't know html and I work full time as well as going to school full time. Is there anyway I could get away with something bare bonesed? Is there…
In Publishing
Participants: Bailey, Clinton R. Nixon.

more subsequent topics >>