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In Indie Game Design

8/25/2004 DarkForcePrime: The Basic System V2
Well after a little bit of tweeking I have fixed most of The Basic System. For an updated rules set: Something I fixed was character generation. We are now…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: DarkForcePrime, salkaner.

8/25/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Super Speed
I ran another Capes playtest tonight, solo with my friend Jennifer, to test out whether the new dice balancing had achieved its goal, and how the sequence of Complications to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Mark D. Eddy, LordSmerf, statisticaltomfoolery, Sydney Freedberg.

8/25/2004 Tobias: Done before? - Group life or death? What would it stimulate?
Ok, here's a little question about something that popped up in my head and that's threatening to eat time if I don't let it crystallize bit: What is a group…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias, salkaner, ErrathofKosh, Sydney Freedberg, Eero Tuovinen, Ravien, Doug Ruff.

8/25/2004 Tobias: [GroupDesign] - System and Setting brainstorm.
As mentioned in this thread, a group effort of design will take place in this thread. This thread is for a System and Setting brainstorm. YES, this can involve such…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias, LordSmerf, Andrew Morris, Thor, Jediblack, Sydney Freedberg, xenopulse, amiel, Andrew Martin, Bogie_71, Doug Ruff, contracycle, Ron Edwards.

8/25/2004 Crackerjacker: Metamechanical Games: Example- "Speak of the Devil"
Ok.. So I can't stand having specific rules for everything, the rolling of dice around, the adding up and the keeping track of millions of different competing values and quantities.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Crackerjacker, MrSandman666.

8/24/2004 Bob Goat: Eat Kittens for Khrist
Hi, So this is my tribute to Vincent's wonderful game, Kill Puppies for Satan. You you want to know the whole back story that led to this little exercise check…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bob Goat, smokewolf.

8/24/2004 Gavinthorne: Grifter, First Draft... Please review this system!
OK guys, lay it bare and tear it apart! is where you will find the system. I do want to clarify that a character's Grifts can be as specific…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gavinthorne, statisticaltomfoolery, Hudson Shock, Mark D. Eddy.

8/24/2004 smokewolf: Eat Pussies for the Gods
Ha, beat ya to it Bob. New Game Concept Type: Card game Premise: Prove your devotion to the gods by showing them how far you will go to debase yourself…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: smokewolf, Andrew Martin, jdrakeh, Bob Goat, Gamskee, btrc, JamesSterrett.

8/23/2004 Akuma Kyo: [Makyo] System kernel for critique
Hi all, Thought I would present the very barebones of my system in hope for a little inspiration from your input. This is very barebones. I do have other rules…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Akuma Kyo, Andrew Martin, Joshua Tompkins, eef.

8/23/2004 jdrakeh: Karma Rough Draft - Critique Needed
Karma is an idea that I've been tinkering with for running IRC or PbP games. It's a fairly minimalist affair, but rigidly enforces certain design decisions. Here's the very rough…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jdrakeh.

8/22/2004 Supersonic Wind: Need criticisms for further refinement (warning: big post)
I've written this system up during my freetime to play with some friends of mine. I posted the skeleton of this system up on this board a few months back.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Supersonic Wind, Andrew Martin.

8/21/2004 ks13: Use of game design notes
By and large I enjoy reading game designer notes. It gives a very nice perspective in terms what the designer was thing, and what they considered to be important when…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ks13, Jasper.

8/21/2004 Akuma Kyo: [Makyo] light vs heavy
Hi all, I'm just interested in what people around here think about rules-lite vs rules heavy. I have always favoured rules lite-giving the player a lot of power in choice-although…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Akuma Kyo, Doug Ruff, sirogit, eef, greyorm.

8/19/2004 WolfJack: Organizational software
Some friends and I are starting to work on a game design. New for me, but enjoyable. Question I have for the masses: What software, preferably web based software, do…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: WolfJack, Jasper, Trevis Martin, Dave Panchyk.

8/19/2004 Tobias: [YGAD] - update and chapter order question.
Well, work on YGAD continues steadily. The vacation in Hungary was great, but not very good for gaming (which is fine, since I've recharged batteries, which is good). To make…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias.

8/19/2004 Tobias: Group design of a RPG - right here
Hello All, I'm wondering, has something like 'group design' of an RPG ever been tried on the Forge? On-line? Everyone free to contribute? 90% chance it'd become a real hodge-podge,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias, contracycle, jdrakeh, Andrew Morris, Emily Care, Tyrant, LordSmerf, hix, TonyLB, Jediblack, Sydney Freedberg, Bogie_71.

8/18/2004 WyldKarde: Dying Age MUD
Ahhhh, after a pleasant break to do some serious writing (actually, it was grinding drudgery, but no one wants to hear that) I'm back to finish up the first "phase"…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: WyldKarde, shoka.

8/18/2004 Zebuleon: The Road Trip RPG
Hello all, Its been quite awhile since I've been here. But recently I was recalling a spur of the moment game I played with a couple friends a few years…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zebuleon, Mario.

8/17/2004 MrSanmdan666: Need some help with advancement mechanic
Hello together! Since I've grown increasingly dissatisfied with established systems like Shadowrun and GURPS I've started working on my own little RPG. I'm pretty new to all this (the Forge…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: MrSanmdan666, mindwanders, MrSandman666, ADGBoss, Precious Villain, Kryyst.

8/17/2004 Zathreyel: The aftermath of the 24-hour RPG
Heya everybody. Plotdevice recently asked what he should do with his game, Sin/Zen, in this post over here,and i think it's a good enough question that maybe it should have…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zathreyel, Jediblack, Lathan, philreed, Simon W, jdrakeh, PlotDevice.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

8/26/2004 Lathan: [Blood Royal] Revised, up for playtesting
It took me longer than I'd thought to get this done, but the revised Blood Royal is ready to be unleashed. I've been playing it with friends, trying different ways…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Lathan, MrSandman666.

8/26/2004 ADGBoss: [Neuter] A Game of Horror, Conspiracy, and Survival
Well finally it's alive, the electricity has hit the bolts and the creature has stirred. Neuter is the horror genre game I intend to submit to Phillip J Reed's a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: ADGBoss.

8/27/2004 JSE: [Alter Ego] Weapon Skills
Hi there! I'm new to this board, so I hope I've chosen the right sub-forum ;)... I'm working on a universal role-playing system called Alter Ego which uses learning-by-doing skill…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: JSE, TonyLB, Vaxalon, eef, Gamskee, salkaner, mindwanders, Akuma Kyo, Lee Short, Valamir, Eero Tuovinen, Andrew Martin, Doug Ruff, John Uckele, tj333, btrc, Hereward The Wake.

8/27/2004 Bob Goat: [Conspiracy of Shadows] The Lost South
Hi, I've just started working on the follow up book to Conspiracy of Shadows, The Lost South and I was looking for some feedback from folks that have bought the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bob Goat, Ron Edwards.

8/27/2004 LordSmerf: [Trust & Betrayal] Workable concept or insane babbling?
So i have been thinking a lot about meta level gameplay recently... I find the things you can do with the system beyond modeling events incredibly compelling. Anyway, i have…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: LordSmerf, TonyLB, timfire, Vaettyr, John Kirk, Ron Edwards.

8/29/2004 Gaiaguerrilla: Gnost]A game of . . . uh, White Wolf revision?(tangled mess)
Related to this post here. As I've mentioned before, the biggest problem I find is finishing what I start. (Been that way for about 5 years). This frustrates me beyond…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gaiaguerrilla, Andrew Martin, darthblevis, Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro, eyebeams, Doug Ruff.

8/29/2004 Morrius: Space combat
I'm designing a spacefaring setting, and I need a good system that can handle space combat well. I tried using WEG's d6 Space, but I found that it took too…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Morrius, Vaxalon, JamesSterrett, Andrew Martin, btrc, anonymouse.

8/30/2004 JamesSterrett: [24 Hour RPG] Virtues and Vices
Spawned by the topic on "Eating Pussies for the Gods", an inspiration particle slammed into my puny excuse for gray matter this morning, and left the following crater.... --------------- Virtues…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: JamesSterrett, Ron Edwards, Doug Ruff.

8/30/2004 Frank The Pug: Please Help Me With My Mechanic?
I'm not a statistician, just an ordinary gamer trying to "create a better game," or at least a game I can use for my players without having to amass tens…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Frank The Pug, Precious Villain, btrc.

8/31/2004 Jasper: [Graal] Redux: tighter rules, more risk
Hi, I'm in the process of revising Graal, my game about moral questing ala classic Arthurian Romances. In addition to a new layout, fixing typos, and so on, I'm considering…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jasper.

8/31/2004 Jason Petrasko: Kill Aliens for the Federation
Given the posts about spinning off Kill Puppies for Satan, here is a link to a game I did a while back: Kill Aliens for the Federation. It's similar to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jason Petrasko.

8/31/2004 Gaiaguerrilla: [Gnost]Modern-day drama(Did I finally organize it??)
[url=]Previous thread (obsolete) [/url] INTRODUCTION -All names are working titles only. -No system yet, sorry. Don't read if hoping so. *PRIMARY DIRECTIVES -Non-geek-play: Anything at all that sounds a little…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Gaiaguerrilla, Andrew Martin, MrSandman666, sirogit, hix.

9/1/2004 inthisstyle: [Mortal Coil] Passions
OK, here is one part of the system I am currently working on. Basically, this game is a diceless system where actions are taken by allocating Action tokens toward a…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: inthisstyle, TonyLB.

9/2/2004 bcook1971: [Tell Your Tale] Playtest Update
Just had an interesting playtest with a couple of friends. It felt good to stretch the system's legs. A couple of points are worth sharing: Writing the player characters…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: bcook1971.

9/2/2004 Tobias: [YGAD] - finally, the 'finalized' core
And I say that with some sarcasm - but at least, I now no longer have the feeling there's a gaping big hole in the system. After the first testing,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tobias, Ron Edwards, statisticaltomfoolery.

9/2/2004 Ravien: Scarlet Wake: Official Play-Test Release
Hey, Some of you might remember that a few months ago I released a version of my game, Scarlet Wake, for play-test. I received a bunch of responses and suggestions,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ravien, Andrew Morris, Ron Edwards, John Harper, Andrew Martin, Paul Czege, Sydney Freedberg, Dumirik, Jonathan Walton.

9/3/2004 linux: Dice Pool Scalability
I am designing a system and have come across a 'bug'. My system includes 12 Attributes with corresponding skills in each attribute. My problem is two-fold. With my die pool…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: linux, Andrew Martin, Tobias, btrc, Doug Ruff.

9/6/2004 TooManyGoddamnOrcs: Another Attempt to Pull an Indy Game out of my Ass with ease
I find kill puppies for satan to be an excellent game because of what I interpret (quite uncharitably) as its central idea: this style of play displeases me and so…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TooManyGoddamnOrcs, TonyLB, inky.

9/7/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Dungeons for Dummies] Notes: Character Creation & Scene
[b]Dungeons for Dummies[/b] [url=]Imp Character Creation[/url] [url=]Scenerio Ideas[/url] Premise: Instead of playing a stalwart band of intrepid heroes, players take on the role of a Horde of Imps- mildly evil…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Bob Goat, Tobias, Inner Circle Inc.

9/8/2004 TonyLB: [Capes] Players and Villains
Welcome back, true believers, to design of Capes: Superhero Storytelling! When last we left our intrepid designers, they had created a system that looks like it will run faster, stay…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: TonyLB, Sydney Freedberg, Alan, Ron Edwards, John Harper, Doug Ruff, LordSmerf, Bill_White.

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