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In The Riddle of Steel

3/24/2004 bergh: General Fantasy setting question! but in riddle its ekstra
General Fantasy setting question! but in riddle its ekstra hard to handle. my question is: How do you handle all warrior groups and wounds, wihtout any healer type magicians, its…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, Tash, Jake Norwood, Dain, Caz, Turin, montag, Ingenious, bottleneck, [MKF]Kapten, Wolfen.

3/24/2004 bcook1971: Contest to Define Kudara
Hello. Don’t know if this has been done already. Or if it’s welcome. Thought I’d post to find out. My idea: post a contest to define Kudara. (Then Shiragi and…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bcook1971, Ingenious, Edge, Mike Holmes.

3/24/2004 ZenDog: Good article on the spear
In light of the spear and shield thread just thought you all might find this interesting (I did).
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: ZenDog, Tash, Turin, [MKF]Kapten, Muggins.

3/24/2004 kenjib: TROS with a narrative combat system?
Okay, so TROS is a marvelous narrative game with a really cool simulationist combat system added in. I almost feel like I'm breaching a taboo here because the combat system…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: kenjib, Tash, Nick Pagnucco, Turin, Bankuei, Malechi.

3/24/2004 Richard_Strey: A Fight is a Fight is a Fight. Or is it?
Now, we are all torlerant people. I like that about this forum. I, myself, am a tolerant person -and in Cologne, as you know, everyone is- who spends about ten…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Richard_Strey, clehrich, Valamir, Malechi, Tash, tauman, Caz, Jake Norwood, Edge, timfire, Blankshield.

3/24/2004 ulfhiden: Confused about terain rolls.
im acctualy so confused i dont know what questions to ask!! i guess first is when and how to use them. Roll them everytime you move in combat so that…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: ulfhiden, Tash, Starshadow, Alan, Wolfen.

3/23/2004 Blankshield: Black Company TROS
I've noticed a few mentions of Glen Cook's Black Company series in the forum here as a good potential setting for TROS, and figured people might be interested in seeing…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Blankshield, Valamir, ulfhiden, Tash, Morfedel.

3/23/2004 bergh: Scenechal screen
Hi what do you think a scenechal screen should be? im talking both the side to the players and the scenechal?.
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, Caz, Tywin Lannister, Wolfen, Ben.

3/23/2004 bergh: hits succes vs. defending succes.
This question is rather silly you may think. we have been playing: hits succes vs. defending succes. ie. if i hit with 5 success and my opponent evade with 3…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, [MKF]Kapten, bcook1971, Edge, Wolfen.

3/23/2004 Malechi: New review at
[url][/url] errrr ... yeah.... go check it out.. *ahem*
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Malechi, Salamander, bottleneck, Caz, MrGeneHa, tauman, Eamon, Wolfen, Stephen, bergh, Richard_Strey, montag, NotOnYourLife, kenjib, Turin, Edge, dysjunct, Valamir, Merritt Baggett, Ingenious, clehrich, Ian.Plumb, Alan, Jake Norwood, luke, Dain, [MKF]Kapten, pete_darby, ZenDog, Brian Leybourne, Mayhem1979.

3/22/2004 daagon: Maximum Proficiency
What is the maximum proficiency level attainable by a character? Since you can never have more than 25 SA points, I'm assuming it will max out at level 26. Is…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: daagon, Tash, toli, Ian.Plumb, Wolfen.

3/22/2004 Starshadow: Buying initiative
Hi there. A question about initiative that came up during this weekends session: One character had less reflex than his opponent in a red-red situation, and decided to buy initiative.…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Starshadow, Tash, Jake Norwood, Overdrive, bergh, Edge.

3/22/2004 Ace: 6 more magic items for TROS
Here are a few more items for your TROS game Singer This exceptionally well made Shide bow looks to be carved out of a single piece of Ivory. It is…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ace, Jake Norwood, kenjib.

3/21/2004 ZenDog: Major NPC's with firing SA's
When you create major NPC's for your games do you create SA's dfor them and use them the same way as the players? Or are SA's consdered and edge for…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: ZenDog, bergh.

3/21/2004 ZenDog: NPC's as a supporting cast.
As my game is a one on one campaign, I'll have lots of Allied NPC's around the player. Some of them will generally stay in the settlement, but some of…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: ZenDog, bergh, toli.

3/21/2004 Jadetiger: Proficiencies in Character Generation
Hi everybody! Just a few weeks ago I got my own Riddle of Steel Rulebook and I think this RPG is REALLY great. But I've got some newbie questions that…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jadetiger, [MKF]Kapten, Malechi, Tash, Jasper, nsruf, Wolfen, Blankshield, kenjib.

3/21/2004 bergh: Bite attacks how?
Bite attack DR is ST-3c fine...a little weak i think a punch does give ST-2.. anyway the: "following a succesful bite the jaws begin to crush doing STb damage until…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, Brian Leybourne, nsruf, kenjib, Jake Norwood.

3/21/2004 ZenDog: Berserkers
I'm guessing that this subject ie either, A) Covered in TFoB B) Discusssed at length in previous threads C) A&B If so apolpgies ect, any hombrew solutions or links to…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: ZenDog, Tash, Sigurth, Brian Leybourne, [MKF]Kapten, bergh, nsruf, Jake Norwood, Ingenious, silburnl, bottleneck, Wolfen.

3/20/2004 Tash: Finally!
My copy of the core rules arrived today! Interestingly, after all the time I've spent reading these forums, there is very little in them that is new for me besides…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Tash, bergh, ZenDog, Brian Leybourne, ulfhiden, Jake Norwood, Overdrive.

3/20/2004 Ace: 4 magic swords for TROS
Here is a TROS write up for 4 swords from my Fantasy World of Midrea These weapons are "alive" after a fashion as are most magic items IMC. Item Spirit…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ace, ZenDog, [MKF]Kapten, Brian Leybourne, Tash.

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Subsequent Topics
In The Riddle of Steel

3/25/2004 bergh: Dwarf racial modifier TRoS (non-wyerth)
Dwarf racial modifier TRoS (non-wyerth). Im thinking the Tolkien dwarf a warhammer dwarf. --- Dwarfs Lifespan: average 230, old 250. A few Dwarves reach 300. Height: Male average 4' 9"…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, Turin.

3/25/2004 bergh: Great axe or 2h-axe. we use pole axe weapon and style.
Great axe or 2h-axe. we use pole axe weapon and style, but why can a pole axe thrust?, something you can't do with a large viking 2-handed axe. Should there…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, toli, Caz, ZenDog, Tash, Wolfen, Richard_Strey, kenjib, Turin, Starshadow.

3/25/2004 Crusader: Armor pics. OT, I know, but...
...I wanted to post some photos of my armour anyway. I know it needs polished, and there are a handful of minor inaccuracies, but just the same, I'd like some…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Crusader, toli, bergh, Salamander, Caz.

3/25/2004 brigadoon: Max Steele vs Steffan - combat simulator
Can someone explain to me how they would fight these two in the simulator? My combats are lasting much too long. Thanks
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: brigadoon, [MKF]Kapten, Overdrive.

3/25/2004 Caz: Another magic sword
Sperno This in a normal arming sword with a wide blade and sharp point, it stays in good condition. It has a scaly red leather grip. It has red inlaid…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Caz, Mike Holmes, Tash, Turin.

3/26/2004 Turin: Running TROS
With the way the TROS combat system works, how do you handle running combat as a senshcenal? (I'm sure I butchered the spelling)? I would think the best person to…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Turin, MonkeyWrench, ZenDog, Malechi, Overdrive.

3/23/2004 daagon: TROS Gladiators
TROS: Gladiators!? Ooooo... tell me more!!!!! (please?)
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: daagon, Wolfen, ZenDog, Muggins.

3/26/2004 Deacon Blues: How Do You Sheath A Doppelhander?
Pretty much sums it up right there.
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Deacon Blues, Irmo, Blankshield, Tash, Malechi, Salamander, Jake Norwood, murazor, Jürgen Mayer, Starshadow, Turin, Eamon, Muggins, Richard_Strey, Brian Leybourne.

3/27/2004 Starshadow: Shield and dagger?
Something I've been thinking about: My character has the Mass weapon and shield, and Dagger proficiencies. Suppose, during combat, I somehow lose my morningstar, and pull a knife instead, how…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Starshadow, ZenDog, Caz, Richard_Strey, Turin.

3/27/2004 Bob Richter: Combat is too deadly?
My current character, who has no combat skill to speak of, has been in numerous battles and remains, for all intents and purposes, alive. Recently, he barely avoided being chomped…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Bob Richter, Andrew Mure, Ian.Plumb, Ben Lehman, Mayhem1979, Fizban, Richard_Strey, ZenDog, casinormal, Wolfen, sirogit, Gideon13, Caz.

3/28/2004 Valamir: What does a city in Wyerth look like?
Well, check out this site One of the coolest web resources I've ever seen. Over 3 dozen dutch city maps from 1652 in Gif and Jpeg. Actual period maps showing…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Valamir, ZenDog, Ian.Plumb, Irmo, Bob McNamee, MrGeneHa.

3/29/2004 bcook1971: TROS in 10 Lines or Less.
Chargen Everyone gets the following attributes: Physical (5), Mental (5), CP (10). Write a story-trigger for 3 extra dice. Pick one of the following weapons: sword, spear or mace.…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bcook1971.

3/29/2004 bergh: Parrying a hit from a large troll...
Parrying a hit from a large troll... or in TRoS case a Giant or something like do you run the rules, i say no one can parry a hit…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, Caz, Salamander, Turin, Valamir, Gary_Bingham, Wolfen.

3/30/2004 Malechi: [Sorcery] Resisting spells
Sorry if this has been brought up before.. i tried a search but came up empty handed. My question is, the rulebook presents a set of guidelines for resisting spells…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Malechi, nsruf.

3/31/2004 Drifter Bob: TROS - Death Spiral?
I was on usenet with the very a naive intention of promoting my new D20 book, and needless to say, like a tourist straying off the path in a visit…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Drifter Bob, Ingenious, kenjib, Irmo, bergh, bottleneck, Malechi, [MKF]Kapten, Mike Holmes, Wolfen, Eamon, Tash, Brian Leybourne, zilvar, Jaeger, Valamir, Durgil, Overdrive, greyorm, Emiricol, bcook1971.

3/31/2004 Stephen: A "leaner" damage system
Provided in response to a suggestion in the "TROS Death Spiral" thread below, I thought I'd try this. This damage system is suggested as a sort of "lite" version of…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Stephen, Valamir, Irmo, Tash, nsruf, Alan, bergh, Ingenious, Eamon, Mike Holmes, kenjib, Jaeger, Durgil.

4/1/2004 big kev: luck.
hey all, its big kev of 24attack dice fame (?) just thought id throw this one in the mix cause it left me blown away. I had the most heroicly…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: big kev, Mayhem1979, Ingenious, Valamir, luke.

4/2/2004 spunky: ALTERNATE APPROACH TO THE KILLING DRAGONS and misc epic foes
The damage and combat system of TROS, while unparalled when dealing with humans, get real nasty when dealing with ogres, dragons, giants, and B.L.'s beloved ubertrollen. The combat system is…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: spunky, Caz, Wolfen, Tash, Negilent.

4/2/2004 coryblack_666: My first TROS campaign(or any campaign), need help.
Ok, so writing a capmpaign is a lot harder then i thought it would be. I have a basic outline of a campaign going, the group is off to find…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: coryblack_666, kenjib, Ingenious, Alan, Bankuei, nsruf, Tash.

4/2/2004 Durgil: The Mount's Strength
In the main rule book under the Offensive Maneuvers for the Lance, it states:The Riddle of Steel, pg. 59"]Simultaneous Block/Strike (0) used in a charge (mount's ST) V. Mounted Combat…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Durgil, Jake Norwood.

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