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In The Riddle of Steel

4/22/2004 Emiricol: How long to receive book?
I ordered the TRoS book on the 12th. I noted on the website the order ships on the Monday after the order is received, which would have been the 19th.…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Emiricol, Valamir, Tash, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood.

4/22/2004 Tash: Yet another question about flails
OK, so we all know flails are some kind of blunt weight attached to a chain and a haft. You swing, the weight swings around, hits someone, hurts. They do…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Tash, Mokkurkalfe, Caz, Salamander, Overdrive, Wolfen, Turin.

4/22/2004 Starshadow: About the Morning Star
The mace has a shock rating of +(Dam Lvl+1), the morning star has a shock rating of +(Dam Lvl-1). Why is this? Isn't a morning star basically a mace with…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Starshadow, Mokkurkalfe, Muggins, Tash, bergh, Jake Norwood.

4/22/2004 coryblack_666: extra attack power
I thought i read this somewhere in the book, but when i looked for it i couldnt find it. You know how when you do a test for a skill…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: coryblack_666, Spartan, Tash, Edge, bergh, Wolfen, Zhores.

4/22/2004 The big blue ape: Combat question that has probably been covered before
The other day I was doing a campaign, and incedentaly we had to duel with some big man super magic dude. My traveling companion rushed into combat, using spiritual points…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: The big blue ape, Spartan, nsruf, Ashren Va'Hale.

4/21/2004 Uber_Munchkin: A Sorcery Question - Sorry if it's been covered before
Ok I've tried searching the board for this but I can't find anything on it. I'm going to be running my first TROS game within the next few weeks, my…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Uber_Munchkin, Stephen.

4/20/2004 bergh: Shield Bash!
Shield Bashing....... this arent in the rules ? anyway how do you think a shield bash should be? as pure damaging weapon, i think its not as usefull-.. is there…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, Jake Norwood, Turin.

4/20/2004 BPetroff93: Tinkering with TROS
Tinkering for “Realism” I’ve noticed a lot of posts over the concept of tinkering with TROS rules in order to correct perceived faults. I’m not after anyone in particular, just…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: BPetroff93, Stephen, Emiricol, Vanguard, Tash, Muggins, nsruf, Turin, Jake Norwood, bcook1971, Ingenious, Wolfen.

4/20/2004 tauman: Magic Items (Again)
As I was trying to fall to sleep last night, I got to thinking about magic items (swords in particular). One thing that seems to happen in many FRPGs is…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: tauman, Emiricol, kenjib, Uber_Munchkin, Muggins, Tash, Jake Norwood, Kcasar.

4/19/2004 Krammer: claws
Has anybody made stats for a Claw type of weapon? Not like animal claws, but more like wolverines, only not built into your hands. I guess what I am thinking…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Krammer, Caz, Salamander, kenjib, Tash.

4/19/2004 Muggins: Finally!
A box finally arrived in Oslo with my TRoS stuff. Of course, after ordering it from two places, it finally arrived from Warehouse 23 the day after I left South…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Muggins.

4/19/2004 Kcasar: extra blood loss...?
okay second silly question for the night: the extra blood loss granted from weapons like the morningstar... does that require the wound to have blood loss? like level 1 wounds…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Kcasar, Jake Norwood, bottleneck, toli, nsruf.

4/19/2004 Kcasar: Arming Glove?
first off, lemme just say hello to everyone, i'm new to the Forge, but should be bouncing through from time to time. okay, maybe i'm just missing something. I've looked…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Kcasar, bcook1971, Brian Leybourne, bergh, Salamander, Wolfen, Caz, Jake Norwood, Edge.

4/18/2004 Mokkurkalfe: Spear = Lance ?
Hello. I was wondering if you could use your spear as a lance when mounted. My current solution is that you cannot charge with the horse's strength using a spear,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Mokkurkalfe, Muggins, Caz, Wolfen, Jake Norwood.

4/18/2004 Emiricol: Highlander TRoS
Going through every scrap of information I can get my hands on regarding TRoS until my book arrives (however long shipping is from when it gets mailed off, Monday according…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Emiricol, bergh, Caz, Bob McNamee, Lxndr, Brian Leybourne, Edge.

4/16/2004 GaGrin: Until TFoB gets here - My own ideas for Mass Battles
[b]PCs in combat:[/b] During the chaos of battle, the combatants are assumed to be trying to survive the melee while getting from A to B, searching for a comrade or…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: GaGrin, Jaeger, Caz, Ian.Plumb, Irmo, Vanguard, Uber_Munchkin, Sneaky Git.

4/15/2004 Thagorod Alynsson: Stats for a swordbreaker - anyone?
In our campain I recently bought a swordbreaker (at the GMs permission), but I have some problems figuring out the stats for such a weapon. I use the "cut and…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Thagorod Alynsson, bergh, Caz, Salamander, Wolfen, Blankshield, Jake Norwood, ulfhiden.

4/14/2004 Tash: Rapier vs. Chain/Plate?
After our first session of sparring duels my group and I learned some interesting things about the system. One of these is that rapiers are ungodly....ATN5, STR+2 damage (on a…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Tash, Caz, Wolfen, [MKF]Kapten, Salamander, tauman, Ashton, Sneaky Git, Richard_Strey, Dain.

4/14/2004 Ingenious: Split upon the alternate priority system for Middle Earth..
Okay.. now that I've sorted out reality at the present time... I can move on to my point, if I ever had one. An alternate priority system as it pertains…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ingenious, bergh, Krammer, Jake Norwood, Kaelin, Tash, bottleneck, GaGrin, Caz, Sneaky Git, Turin.

4/14/2004 bergh: Merits/gift and flaws collection project.
Sorry yet another idea of mine just came up! I wanna be inspired to make a complete merit/gift and flaws list. What i need you to do, is to make…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, Ingenious, [MKF]Kapten, Stephen.

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Subsequent Topics
In The Riddle of Steel

4/24/2004 Turin: Blocking with a shield
Berghs question about a shield bash made me think of something along a similar vein. PCa is hit by NPCb on an area covered by a shield. Counting sucesses and…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Turin, bergh, Wolfen, Starshadow, bottleneck, aaronharmon, Poleaxe.

4/24/2004 Turin: Kite Shields
Once again, an early middle ages topic.. From what I understand, the larger round shields covered about as much area as a kite shield, referencing the larger round shields used…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Turin, bergh.

4/25/2004 bergh: Again confused by the "buying initiative" system.p
OK first i will explain how i think it is: Only the defender (white dice), can buy initiative (and only once). if won the "old attacker" can't buy it back…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, Starshadow, Overdrive, kenjib, Ingenious, nsruf, Wolfen, Jake Norwood.

4/25/2004 bergh: Horse attacks! can you do stampede or trample?
I have a question, when a group of mounted knight (my players in this case), wants to charge a close group of enemys, we play that they attack with there…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, Irmo, Jake Norwood, Turin, Tash, Farseer415, Wolfen, Valthalion.

4/25/2004 bergh: my own Mounted combat rules so far!
MOUNTED COMBAT. 1. Rider, roll AG/Ride skill to see if the combat round only last one exchange. 2. Use the horses CP and use the Ride skill for attacks by…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh.

4/27/2004 Emiricol: Demographics maps?
Has anyone done up the map of Weyrth to show, for example, general technology level or better yet, religions? A map with an overlay, for example, showing which realms followed…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Emiricol, Tash, Jake Norwood.

4/28/2004 Uber_Munchkin: Otamarluk & Djinn
Ok so I'm starting my first TROS game tonight and I have a vague idea of what I want to be doing with it. The game is going to occur…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Uber_Munchkin, Mike Holmes, Jake Norwood, Ian.Plumb.

4/28/2004 Starshadow: Questions about maneuvers
Hi there. Have a few questions about maneuvers here. 1. Can maneuvers that give give bonuses on the following exchange be started in the second exchange of a combat round?…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Starshadow, Uber_Munchkin, Alan, nsruf, Wolfen, Jake Norwood.

4/28/2004 Starshadow: Armor penalties and stacking
Have a few more questions for today, concerning armor. 1. With a chainmail coif and a pot helm, you get a CP modifier of -1, same as with either of…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Starshadow, Tash, Jake Norwood.

4/30/2004 Emiricol: Pointless battle? Knight vs Rapier.
Alright. Having just received my TRoS book (Yaay!), I ran through some combat simulations. What stumped me is this; how can a fully armored knight and an unarmored Rapier-wielder avoid…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Emiricol, Bob McNamee, Tash, Dain, nsruf, bergh, Ben Lehman, GaGrin, Brian Leybourne, Jake Norwood, Irmo, Salamander, Turin, contracycle, Uber_Munchkin, Wolfen, tauman, BPetroff93, Deliverator, Rattlehead, Draigh.

4/30/2004 Morfedel: Of Beasts and Men Order
FINALLY got around to ordering this. I just wanted to say, Yah! Anyone know how long it takes Driftwood to get the book out? I did it on paypal today....
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Morfedel, Tash, nsruf, Jake Norwood, Overdrive.

4/30/2004 bergh: Samurai!
Hello people i wanna do some work for the a samurai setting, using riddle of steel, and then i just want to know if some other people did know a…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, Tash, Irmo, Malechi, Wolfen, Jake Norwood, Muggins, Richard_Strey, Bastoche, clehrich, timfire.

4/30/2004 Ashren Va'Hale: combat monsters
I was wondering if people wouldnt mind posting their most wicked combat monster PC's. Include the CP, str, To, what weapon and armor they use, reflex, knockout and knockdown, relevant…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ashren Va'Hale, Salamander, Tash, Krammer, Mayhem1979.

5/1/2004 Starshadow: Sickness
When you lose attribute points due to sickness, are these points lost permanently, or do you regain points in time without using SA points?
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Starshadow, Tywin Lannister, [MKF]Kapten.

5/2/2004 Tywin Lannister: The Riddle of Steel PDF Mini-supplement.
I am currently writing a "TRoS" PDF mini-supplement. It was almost finished, but my harddrive finished first; so I am rewriting material. The mini-supplement in question is a detailed setting…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Tywin Lannister, Tash, Muggins, ZenDog, Mike Holmes, Thagorod Alynsson, greyorm, Rattlehead.

5/2/2004 Emiricol: PC sheet - criticism welcome
I've made my first real PC, and I'd welcome a critical review by you fine folks. The sheet is here but comes in at just under 2 megs (sorry). Next…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Emiricol, Mike Holmes, Tash, Wolfen.

5/3/2004 bergh: New Trollspawn for Weyrth. Thickskins
I made the first draft for a new troll spawn for Weyrth. I think i need to develop them a bit more, maybe by doing a "Story"-first style like…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bergh, Krammer, Tash, Brian Leybourne.

5/4/2004 Tash: Good place to get dice?
I was wondering if anyone here knows of a good online source for dice. My group has a quite limited quantity of D10s, basically one set for the players and…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Tash, Trevis Martin, Durgil, Dain, ethan_greer, Edge.

5/4/2004 Ashren Va'Hale: a new TROS Yahoo Group/ E-List
I just started a new yahoo group for TROS players. I figured it could be an effective way for peopel here to RP or just shootthe breeze in a format…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ashren Va'Hale.

5/4/2004 Loki: suggestions for a 1-shot
I'd like to run RoS for my group as a 1- or 2-shot adventure with pre-generated characters for 3-5 players. I've been reading over the sections in the book that…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Loki, Ashren Va'Hale, kenjib, Muggins, Paka, Wolfen, Tash, Jürgen Mayer.

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