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In The Riddle of Steel

6/24/2004 Adrynian: Spell: Fountain of Youth
I realize that on page 106, under Growth:Maturing it says, "As time may not be reversed, making things younger is impossible," but I think I've still figured out a reasonable…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Adrynian, Jem, Fleinhoy, SheWolf, Bob McNamee, Rick, Tash, kenjib.

6/24/2004 Sir Mathodius Black: New Skill
Does anyone know of a skill within the rulebook that would be used for appraising things, more specifically weapons and armors? The craft skill seemed viable, but i was thinking…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Sir Mathodius Black, Jake Norwood.

6/24/2004 bottleneck: 'Piercing swings' - ?
In the game yesterday, a knight was struck hard on the head with a warhammer spike. So: it's a bashing weapon that inflicts piercing damage. Which table to use? The…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: bottleneck, toli, Jake Norwood, ultraviolet.

6/24/2004 hkdharmon: GenCon
So, The chances that I will actually get to go to GenCon are about as good as a snowball's in Iraq. Will TFOB be available also at that time over…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: hkdharmon, toli, deltadave, Jake Norwood, Sir Mathodius Black, watermine999, MonkeyWrench, Valamir, Bloodstryke, Durgil, Vagabond Elf, shoplifter.

6/24/2004 hkdharmon: Psychology of Combat, a little off topic
This is a pseudo-reply to a very old article, who's author suggested that no games take into account he psychology of combat. Not true I say, there is : The…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: hkdharmon, Sir Mathodius Black, Salamander, Tom, Richard_Strey, toli, Ian.Plumb, Stephen, Muggins, Vagabond Elf, Emiricol, Drifter Bob, Gideon13, Tash, Andrew Mure, Stump, bottleneck, Jaif, Valthalion, Turin, Irmo.

6/23/2004 ultraviolet: Cutting damage tables & the other mass weapons???
As a brand new TROS player, I wonder a bit about the Damage Tables. The Regions for swung weapons are only listed as for Cutting weapons, but what about all…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: ultraviolet, Jake Norwood.

6/23/2004 Ashren Va'Hale: an essay on realism and fantasy in story telling roleplaying
I wrote this essay for a different RPG site and I thought I should post it here too. It was aimed more at writing fiction but it applies very well…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ashren Va'Hale, Irmo.

6/23/2004 Ashren Va'Hale: Sword myths, help me out
I went to an RPG site and they had a little FAQ about swords that was so horrid that I have decided to compile an essay about swords and teh…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ashren Va'Hale, Tobias, WyldKarde, Sir Mathodius Black, Caz, Valamir, timfire, toli, Jake Norwood, Salamander, Tash, Tom, Brand_Robins, tauman, Ben Lehman, Turin, CPXB, Paganini, Bankuei, Kaelin, Muggins, Eamon, Emiricol, Vagabond Elf, Mike Holmes, Dain, Richard_Strey, Irmo, Drifter Bob, coryblack_666, Andrew Mure.

6/23/2004 Sir Mathodius Black: Maps
Does anyone know any good sites with good maps that I could use for fantasy worlds? Ive tried Googling but i always come up with something along the lines of…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Sir Mathodius Black, Prince of Thieves, Paka, Malechi, Emiricol.

6/22/2004 aaronharmon: Grapple to Disarm
OK, using a weapon, there is probably a better way to disarm someone, such as attacking the arm, but I know of many unarmed offensive and defensive techniques to use…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: aaronharmon, Ashren Va'Hale, Tash, Jake Norwood, Prince of Thieves, bottleneck, [MKF]Kapten.

6/22/2004 aaronharmon: Feinting with a rapier
I read the post that i could find, and I just want to ask a clarifying question... It is more expensive to feint with a rapier than with other weapons?…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: aaronharmon, Jake Norwood.

6/20/2004 Rattlehead: It's me again....
Thought you were rid of me, didn't you?!?!? Muahahahaha! Just popping in to say hi to everyone. Been a while but I've finally managed to get a Riddle game going…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Rattlehead, Jake Norwood, Draigh.

6/20/2004 Sir Mathodius Black: Sudden SA change
Even though it usually costs points to change an SA, arent there some situations that would warrant changing an SA but not paying for it? Heres an example: A character…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Sir Mathodius Black, Trevis Martin, Lxndr, Jake Norwood.

6/20/2004 Rico: Life or Death?
During my campains some of the players keep on pressuring me to be a more strict seneschal and kill more characters. One even got mad at me when during the…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Rico, Sir Mathodius Black, Tash, ZenDog, bottleneck, toli, Ashren Va'Hale, ZazielsRephaim, James Buchanan, Ian.Plumb, Krammer, Mike Holmes, Bankuei.

6/19/2004 Sir Mathodius Black: Parrying with your hand
Hey all, Im just a little unclear about the rule under the puch attack that says only thrusting attacks may be defended, otherwise take damage to deflecting limb. Does this…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Sir Mathodius Black, Salamander, Jake Norwood, Tash, toli.

6/19/2004 ZenDog: My thoughts on how SA's should work.
There has been a lot of debate at RPGnet about how SA's do or don't work. I just posted this at RPGnet and decided to post it here too (mainly…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: ZenDog, Sir Mathodius Black, Vanguard, Paka, Jake Norwood.

6/17/2004 toli: longsword prof and 1h use
These a questions primarily for Jake or anyone else who knows about the longsword prof. How much 1 handed use is taught in this prof? Do all maneuvers (eg counters)…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: toli, Tash, Ashren Va'Hale, Richard_Strey, Salamander.

6/17/2004 Stephen: Blunt Swung vs. Blunt Thrust Damage Tables
I've recently been looking at the compacted Damage Tables produced by Alan (they were linked to in my thread "A leaner damage system"), and I noticed something: The damage-by-location results…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Stephen.

6/17/2004 aaronharmon: OK, new maneuver help
I want to create a new stance, called a Drawing Stance. How it works in the real world: You present an opening in your defense. Maybe you hold your shield…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: aaronharmon, toli, Mike Holmes, nsruf, Tash, Valamir.

6/16/2004 Tash: Don't bring a fist to a sword fight....?
I was thinking the other day about the use of hand to hand strikes in fencing. We've all seen swachbuckler movies where fencing opponents perform a quick backfist or kick…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Tash, Turin, Jake Norwood, Richard_Strey, coryblack_666.

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Subsequent Topics
In The Riddle of Steel

6/26/2004 Deliverator: throwing red vs. white dice
Hello all. Long-time reader here, but I only just joined indie-rpgs. I have the core TROS book and have many wonderful things I plan to do with this system. I've…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Deliverator, Durgil, Rattlehead, Ben Lehman.

6/27/2004 hkdharmon: Dropping Weapons
When you take damage tot he arm, it sometimes says "May drop weapon". What do you roll for that? I guessed last night that you would roll KO or KD,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: hkdharmon, Prince of Thieves.

6/27/2004 Deliverator: a new way of dealing with Race & Sorcery
One thing I'm not that happy about in the core book is the way Race works. It seems like playing a non-gifted Seelie, Unseelie, or Halfling is extremely underpowered. What…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Deliverator, Jake Norwood, Ben Lehman.

6/27/2004 Tash: Expanded unarmed combat rules for TRoS
I'm working on some expanded rules for unarmed combat using the TRoS system. They are based largely on my own training in several different eastern martial arts, mainly Kung Fu…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Tash, Caz, Jake Norwood, Turin, Mokkurkalfe, Vagabond Elf.

6/28/2004 Aimthes: TROS questions and Horror
Hello... First, OT a little: Ordered the game a couple of weeks ago, psychotically read the forums and stewed in a lather of anticipation until it got here... even downloaded…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Aimthes, Caz, Tash, Jake Norwood, Mike, son of Bob, Mike Holmes.

6/28/2004 baumi: another Maneuvering Question
HiHo! What confuses me about the Maneuvering Checks in Combat is how you announce the Roll. Can only the person who try to avoid the attackers roll, are the others…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: baumi, Jake Norwood, Deliverator, Tash.

6/28/2004 Tom: Magic System
This is partly a comment to the anti-aging spell that was posted recently. Some of the comments down in that thread made me wonder, so I'm throwing a few ideas…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Tom, Tash, Deliverator.

6/28/2004 Ashren Va'Hale: I need help creating random magic items and crap
Ok, first of all, if you are a player in my campaign, dont look here. Stop reading. If you keep reading I will break out the GM stick of smiting,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Ashren Va'Hale, Stephen, Salamander, Tash, bottleneck, Jaeger, Silanthous, hkdharmon.

6/28/2004 coryblack_666: player verse player and such. Running around
im not quite sure how to figure this stuff out. I tried to do some mock combat with like 6 or so people. 3v3 and i stuck them in an…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: coryblack_666, Ashren Va'Hale.

6/29/2004 Sir Mathodius Black: chain coif
what area does it protect that helms do not, as it said it can be worm under other helms? im assuming the neck but im not sure... SMB
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Sir Mathodius Black, Irmo, bottleneck, Overdrive, Turin, Jake Norwood.

6/29/2004 Sir Mathodius Black: Terrain rolls
As i cant take the time to read all the extensive topics on terrain rolls, and the book is not exactly clear (to me at least), could someone please explain…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Sir Mathodius Black, Tash.

6/30/2004 Sir Mathodius Black: Abilities Priority
Simple question: Does anyone ever put Abilities at anything less than Priority B? B is the lowest ive ever put it, considering any lower and you would have an average…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Sir Mathodius Black, Jake Norwood, Dain, toli, Lxndr, Ashren Va'Hale, bottleneck, Ben Lehman, Bankuei, Fizban, ZenDog.

6/30/2004 Emiricol: Building Farranshire into a PDF?
Inspired by the thread at on Building Farrenshire, my question is this: Prince of Thieves, have you any plans to draft this out into a PDF? Maybe include some…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Emiricol, Jake Norwood, Prince of Thieves, toli, Dan Sellars, Tom, Ian.Plumb.

7/1/2004 Jake Norwood: Driftwood Publishing Schedule '04
I figured you all would like to know what we're up to out here at Driftwood Publishing. Here's where we're at: The Flower of Battle This is our most important…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Jake Norwood.

7/2/2004 Durgil: Using Less Than Full CP
There have been several discussions in the past about surprising opponents with a few more dice that have held back, but a discussion on the HârnForum got me to see…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Durgil, toli, Jake Norwood, Emiricol, Malechi.

7/2/2004 Sir Mathodius Black: Changes from TFoB
Jake, how greatly will the new (or changed) rules in TFoB change previous characters? Will it be easy to incorporate these changes or will it render some characters unplayable? And,…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Sir Mathodius Black, Jake Norwood, Tash, Malechi.

7/2/2004 Rattlehead: Anyone have the revised Magic chapter PDF?
Hi guys! I have the original printing of the game and if you recall, when the revised edition came out, those with the original version were given a link to…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Rattlehead, Jake Norwood, Sir Mathodius Black, Emiricol, Prince of Thieves.

7/2/2004 Eamon: Sword myth fun
After the fun of the sword myth thread, I figured we should include some of the weapons from the thread. These would be the melee versions of these mythical weapons:…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Eamon, Ashren Va'Hale, Tash, Jake Norwood.

7/3/2004 Stump: New here...and Hi
Just a quick post to say hey I’m new here and hello. This is the part of the post where I’d say something clever if I had anything clever to…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Stump, Emiricol, Jake Norwood, Prince of Thieves.

7/5/2004 Deliverator: mock combat; shields
So, I've been running some mock combats against myself. Not ideal, I know, since so much depends on that initial throw (I've just been assuming various permutations). Does anyone want…
In The Riddle of Steel
Participants: Deliverator, Stump, Vagabond Elf, Turin, Caz, Jake Norwood, Drifter Bob, Tash, Muggins, bergh.

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