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In First Thoughts

8/28/2010 masqueradeball: Pandering for Feedback
This is an alpha draft of a game I'm designing called Shadows (I know that the name is likely already taken, but it works for now, at least). I think…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball.

8/28/2010 BullyBoy: [Delta] Rules to modify the mood/theme of other games
[size=20pt][u][b]Delta[/b][/u][/size] I am not sure whether this is a unique premise for a RPG or not.  Actually, I am hoping it isn’t unique, so that I can save myself some…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BullyBoy.

8/28/2010 chronoplasm: Dwarves
As I was doodling in my sketchbook last night, I had an idea for a game about fantasy dwarves. You have four ability scores: Beard, Stomach, Muscle, and Brain. Beard…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, dugfromthearth, greyorm, masqueradeball, Skofflox, hansel, Anders Gabrielsson, flossy, TehCodr, juminosy.

8/26/2010 Benajmin385: When Making a RPG what should i cover first?
I am looking at making a Class based RPG System. But i do not know where to start... - The Core Dice Mechanics - The Classes themselves - The Setting…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Benajmin385, Chris_Chinn, dwashba, Maugh, Ar Kayon, Necromantis, Noon, Vulpinoid, Adam Dray, dugfromthearth.

8/25/2010 dwashba: A single player rpg
        I am working on a single player rpg. I dont know if it will work but I am willing to try. It could be played with…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dwashba, slingshot, Noon, greyorm, Paiku, dugfromthearth, Adam Dray, Anders Gabrielsson.

8/25/2010 slingshot: The Young Adult Literature Role-playing game (begging for a better name)
Hi, I am in the final steps of designing and releasing my first rpg Newsies & Bootblacks ( The game is set in New Paris, a fictional American Eastern Coast…
In First Thoughts
Participants: slingshot, dugfromthearth.

8/24/2010 Jason Pitre: Difficult Powers to handle mechanically?
So, I am in the process of building the portion of my game system that deals with "Powers", including pretty much all things blatantly violating the laws of reality.  Magic,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Jason Pitre, Moganhio, chronoplasm.

8/24/2010 Moganhio: A question about generic systems and copyright
I'm devoloping a new generic/universal system (more universal than generic, indeed). And as usually in universal systems, you need a setting too! I was thinking of providing a setting as…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Moganhio, Vulpinoid, Jason Pitre, Eero Tuovinen, Adam Dray.

8/24/2010 vasten: Free Fanatasy / Alien Script
I just finished a long term project. I have taken chinese pen strokes and integrated them with the roman alphabet based on a binary representation system to produce a new…
In First Thoughts
Participants: vasten, Vulpinoid, Paul Czege, Ar Kayon.

8/24/2010 jasprelao: First Impression - Eternal Grace
[b][url=]Banner[/url][/b] Greetings, friends... This is my first RMXP project that I develop with my friends. I want to make it original, from the visual art, music and of course the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: jasprelao.

8/24/2010 BullyBoy: The Program (a Matrix-like RPG)
I need a little help...  Where to next?  What areas should I be thinking about in order to develop this into a sound RPG that covers all things that a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BullyBoy, a flight of stairs.

8/22/2010 johnthedm7000: Discussion of Point Buy Char Gen Philosophies
I wanted to jump-start a discussion of various point-buy character generation methods and get some feedback from the community as to which ones are most useful for fulfilling different design…
In First Thoughts
Participants: johnthedm7000, dugfromthearth, masqueradeball, dindenver, Rafu, Maugh.

8/21/2010 oswald: [Fiat Money] Reflections towards a new contemporary fantastic game
Ok first of all i would like to say I havent been using forums for many years, and i am quite new to this particular one : Ill try my…
In First Thoughts
Participants: oswald, masqueradeball, Ar Kayon, Moganhio, johnthedm7000, Vulpinoid, stefoid, Spooky Fanboy, John Stephens, thezenbear.

8/21/2010 masqueradeball: Indie Indie RPG
I want to make a one shot RPG/Party Game cross about Indy kids getting drunk at a party and getting into lots of drama (as in the bad stuff that…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, dugfromthearth, sojikai, JasonSWalters.

8/19/2010 Sebastian: [Way of the Agent] Help with tragedies
So, your character has been fucked by The Man. Maybe that's the mafia, maybe that's the government, maybe that's the hive-minded slaver aliens. "What did they take from you?" That's…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Sebastian, slingshot, Noon, chronoplasm, Ar Kayon.

8/18/2010 slashandz: What's the point of all these stats?
Something that bothers me about RPGs today is the increasing number of stats. Strength, Dexterity, Luck, Will, Charisma, Wisdom, Intelligence, Speech, Sneak, Initiative, Constitution... the list goes on. Why are…
In First Thoughts
Participants: slashandz, MacLeod, Trevis Martin, greyorm, Ar Kayon, TheRoleplayer, VAgentZero, Marshall Burns, Moganhio, Locke, dindenver, dugfromthearth.

8/18/2010 johnthedm7000: The world creation minigame for Shapers
So I wanted to put out my rough draft for the world-creation mini game that will begin any Skein (I figure that because fate and destiny are so important to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: johnthedm7000, Matthew V.

8/15/2010 Rui!: Brainstorm the mechanics of secrets - need help!
I'm posting this across several forums, in order to get more replies. This is a mini-game that mixes Cthulhu, time-travelling bandits and Secrets. The premise is simple: in the near…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Rui!, masqueradeball, Moganhio.

8/14/2010 masqueradeball: Descriptive Text for Character Sheet
The game I'm designing uses 10 characteristics to define characters, all of which could be seen as moral virtues. They're rated from 1 to 6, 1 being the worst and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, Moganhio, Necromantis, slashandz.

8/14/2010 masqueradeball: Formalize Conflict Initiation
I need help coming up with a way in which conflicts (when the rules are used) formally begin and end. I'm just generally unhappy with leaving it purely up to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, dugfromthearth, Vulpinoid.

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Subsequent Topics
In First Thoughts

8/30/2010 masqueradeball: How many Attribute Types?
So, for my game, Shadows, which is a fantasy game that draws its inspiration from, among other things Ninja Scroll, Star Wars, Willow, Watership Down, His Dark Materials, Aesop's Fables,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, Adam Dray, Locke, Finarvyn.

8/30/2010 Moganhio: Tasks, conflicts and plot
I was in a debate in and it came to types of games and mechanics. I think the subject is interesting and I'm bringing it here. My point is:…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Moganhio, Ar Kayon, masqueradeball, Ron Edwards, Rui!.

8/31/2010 masqueradeball: Eucatastrophe
"But the 'consolation' of fairy-tales has another aspect than the imaginative satisfaction of ancient desires. Far more important is the Consolation of the Happy Ending. Almost I would venture to…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball, Ar Kayon, Anders Gabrielsson.

8/31/2010 Tayr_an-Naar: Getting all the players involved, not just in one aspect
I was discussing matters with my partner in crime for game design a week or so ago when I arrived at something of a revelation.  We're currently adapting a sci-fi…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Tayr_an-Naar, masqueradeball, Ar Kayon, greyorm.

8/31/2010 JesseQ: Risk, caution, and tenacity
(I was going to call this a Wushu hack, but it's more like a bludgeoning) I've been watching I Spy recently (, and it occured to me that what makes…
In First Thoughts
Participants: JesseQ.

8/31/2010 AdriannaDD: [Chrysalis] Initial Thoughts
I’m a student interested in making a small indie tabletop game. After much poking and prodding by my mentor I’m posting the initial idea for my game Chrysalis. The player…
In First Thoughts
Participants: AdriannaDD, Necromantis, Adam Dray.

9/1/2010 Xeadin: [New] Magi Chronicles RPG
"If your looking for a bit of Role- Playing action, then this is the place for you! Experience the power of Role- playing like you've never witnessed before. All- new…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Xeadin, greyorm.

9/1/2010 Coplantor: [Eclectic Project] A multi genre game idea
Trying to make everybody happy around the gaming table I once thought of a joke campaign for a d20 game with all the pretty things my players wanted. What was…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Coplantor, chronoplasm, Skofflox, satellite12, a flight of stairs, Locke.

9/3/2010 Anekanta: [Lords of Sky] help with descriptive resolution system
Hey all, I've got another question pertaining to my fantasy game, this time to do with resolution systems.  I'm hitting a major stumbling block, and I'm hoping to get some…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Anekanta, Adam Dray, Finarvyn, Noon, masqueradeball.

9/3/2010 johnthedm7000: Story-Based Mechanics for Shapers
So for a while I've been working on a fantasy game in which players take on the roles of great heroes (in the ancient Greek sense of those with incredible…
In First Thoughts
Participants: johnthedm7000, Spooky Fanboy.

9/3/2010 Gunnox: My mechanics for DrakeStrike, what do you think?
Hi I work on my FREE tabletop fantasy RPG called DrakeStrike which is set in the world of Farverden where there are 7 continents (Drakmar - Land of Dragons ,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Gunnox, Noon, Ar Kayon, Vulpinoid, Anders Gabrielsson, masqueradeball, TehCodr.

9/4/2010 resistor: [Northwest Passage] Very first thoughts
So, I've been having a brain-storm of a a concept for a game, but I don't feel like I have enough background to actually implement.  I'm particularly looking for pointers…
In First Thoughts
Participants: resistor, masqueradeball, Skofflox, Noon, Ar Kayon.

9/4/2010 masqueradeball: Cute Design challenge from Story Games
I'm probably a) taking this too seriously and b) running out of time, but I would really like this game to work. I had a cat die recently and this…
In First Thoughts
Participants: masqueradeball.

9/5/2010 ravingmalcontent: [Tales of Hepian] Names for Machines
I am making a Steam Punk Themed table top RPG and I have been having one heck of a time trying to come up with better names for machines.  Especially…
In First Thoughts
Participants: ravingmalcontent, Ar Kayon, Noon.

9/5/2010 a flight of stairs: Untitled, awesome spy RPG
I was watching SALT, and at the scene where Angelina Joylene (or however you spell it) created a crude rocket launcher out of a desk leg and owned whatever generic…
In First Thoughts
Participants: a flight of stairs, Noon, chronoplasm, Magnus Pym.

9/6/2010 DDurand: My new combat system : Need advices
Hi, Sorry for my bad english I changed home recently, more or less of life, and with all the things a start, i started to rewrite my old homebrew game.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: DDurand, contracycle.

9/6/2010 TehCodr: Help with Game Idea: The Tale Of The Tears
I'm not sure if this should go here, but it's info on a game I'm creating. I'll move this post if it should be somewhere else. Please offer suggestions, I'd…
In First Thoughts
Participants: TehCodr.

9/7/2010 psychomatic: Hitchhikers Guide Universe
Yo im new. Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is my favorite science fiction series in the world. Its my favorite series in general in the world. Iv'e read every douglas…
In First Thoughts
Participants: psychomatic, Vulpinoid, Ar Kayon, DDurand.

9/8/2010 chronoplasm: Dwarf: Wounds and Character Advancement
So I'm designing a game all about dwarves and I had a few ideas for mechanics. I'd like to run these by you and ask some questions. A dwarf's life…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm, Vulpinoid, masqueradeball, Eric Schwenke, flossy, Abkajud.

9/8/2010 Eric Schwenke: [QADST (Shitty working title)] Ideas for Persona definition and Conflict/Damage
Hello, I'm trying to develop a Purist for System type game to fit many different sorts of settings, with the intent of the rules being designed to be highly customizable. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: Eric Schwenke, Anekanta, Ar Kayon.

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