The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Adept Press

6/9/2004 Old_Scratch: [Charnel Gods] Questions and Musings
I'm looking forward to breaking my players into Sorcerer, but before playing with the Mythic Past/Haunted Present setting, I'm going to start them off with the Charnel Gods setting, which…
In Adept Press
Participants: Old_Scratch, hardcoremoose, DannyK, greyorm, Paka, Nev the Deranged, Bryant, Secondlaw.

6/7/2004 Wulf: Adept Press print stuff.
My FLGS has basically given up on finding Sex & Sorcery (the book that is...) through his distributor, so I was going to order direct on the Adept Press website.…
In Adept Press
Participants: Wulf, joshua neff, Ron Edwards, stingray20166, 8bitjunkie.

6/6/2004 Henri: [Sorcerer] Cure lite wounds and other "white magic"
[quote="Ron in the Sorcerer book"]Vitality. Dice of lasting damage up to the demon's power are removed when the user takes a rest following combat, as opposed to half the damage.[/quote]…
In Adept Press
Participants: Henri, sirogit, Ron Edwards.

6/6/2004 angelfromanotherpin: Questions re: Sorcerer System
If a character is rolling a single die and succeeds, is it automatically a total success? There seems to be no room for any other result. Also, the main book…
In Adept Press
Participants: angelfromanotherpin, Ron Edwards, greyorm.

6/5/2004 Tim Alexander: [Sorcerer] Ordinary Tragedies
Hey Folks, Yep, I've been gone for quite a bit what with the birth of my son, but I'm itching to get back to some playing. Towards that end I'm…
In Adept Press
Participants: Tim Alexander, Fabrice G., Ron Edwards, Paka.

6/4/2004 Trevis Martin: Posessors/Parasites, Stamina and Damage
Hey Ron, I've perused a bunch of past threads but I can't seem to find an answer to my question. If someone attempts to damage a possessor or parasite demon…
In Adept Press
Participants: Trevis Martin, Ron Edwards, Henri, Bob McNamee.

6/4/2004 Bailywolf: For demons- why not ditch all scores but Power?
Hey gang- it has been a while since I posted hereabouts. I searched for this topic, but didn't see it anywhere, so I'll post my question/idea/thingy. A Demon's Power is…
In Adept Press
Participants: Bailywolf, Doyce, Ron Edwards, greyorm, stingray20166.

6/4/2004 Dev: Posthumanesqe Sorcerer!
Based in part of talk about roleplaying posthumans, I'm trying to plan how to roll with good hard sci-fi using Sorcerer. So here's the thoughts I've got so far, and…
In Adept Press
Participants: Dev, sirogit, Henri, Ron Edwards, Nev the Deranged, neelk, Christopher Weeks.

6/1/2004 Nev the Deranged: A few really stupid questions
These are probably dumb questions, but I don't have my books handy and can't remember anything relevant. So I beg your forgiveness in advance. 1) What do demons use Lore…
In Adept Press
Participants: Nev the Deranged, Doyce, Ron Edwards.

6/1/2004 pfischer: Sorcerer and Pullman's His Dark Materials
Excuse me if this is a stupid-kind-of post, I am waiting for my Sorcerer copy (due Thursday). I can't help thinking of Philip Pullman's brilliant trilogy His Dark Materials (Northern…
In Adept Press
Participants: pfischer, Nev the Deranged, iambenlehman, Solomon, pete_darby.

6/1/2004 sirogit: Elfs would do a Slayers game incredibly well.
(As much as I hate to admit it, as I hate slayers and find Elfs much funnier. But I could be coerced to run it like that as I know…
In Adept Press
Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards, xiombarg.

5/31/2004 Nev the Deranged: Gretchen Helfrich raps about motherhood in cinema click the link to Maternity in the Movies, for Friday the 28th of May. A truly interesting discussion on the roles of mothers in various genres of film, as…
In Adept Press
Participants: Nev the Deranged, ethan_greer.

5/28/2004 Paka: Non-Verbal Demons
I don't like 'em. When my players make up Demons it is as if they are making these great NPC's for me to play and non-verbal Demons just make me…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paka, Ron Edwards, sirogit.

5/28/2004 Paka: Gun-Fu Ghost Story
Rob (aka Scorpio Rising) has been running our 7th Sea game for years and hasn't played in a while, so I asked him what he'd like me to run whiel…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paka, Nev the Deranged.

5/25/2004 Ron Edwards: [Trollbabe comics] Life and Death
Hello, My story with Ed Heil, Mystic Crystal Revelations, is now concluded. It should be available in full soon. The new story, Life and Death, written by me and illustrated…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, jrs, joshua neff, sirogit, ejh, Andrew Navaro, Valamir, Bankuei, greyorm.

5/25/2004 Ron Edwards: [Sex & Sorcery] Gay stuff
Hello, This thread follows up on Judd's (Paka's) comment in Sex and Sorcery: facts feeding fictions: ... would like to at some point address the gay and lesbian issues that…
In Adept Press
Participants: Ron Edwards, DannyK, Paka, lumpley, kwill, Tim C Koppang.

5/25/2004 Nev the Deranged: Wannabe Sorcerer scores
So, if I wanted an NPC who was a hardcore wannabe occultist, who stumbled into a real sorcerer coven and got apprenticed to a powerful adept.. who has devoted himself…
In Adept Press
Participants: Nev the Deranged, Ron Edwards, Henri.

5/24/2004 sirogit: (Sorcerer) Alchemist
Before my Demon Cops game this fall, A friend and I wanted to get together for a game over a month or so, and something I definately want to run…
In Adept Press
Participants: sirogit, Paka, b_bankhead, Nev the Deranged, Solomon.

5/24/2004 Paka: Suburban Fairy Tale - Grade School Sorcerers
[u][b]Suburban Fairy Tale[/b] [/u] [i]inspired by a post by Old Scratch over at in the thread, [/i][u]Kickers and bangers, how do you use them?[/u] An epic adventure can be…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paka, b_bankhead, Old_Scratch, RobNJ, Nev the Deranged.

5/22/2004 Doyce: [Sorcerer] Humanity gain quickie question
Okay, quick and easy: The humanity gain check for a successful Banish against a demon whose Power is higher than your Humanity is: Humanity vs. Power The Sorcerer has to…
In Adept Press
Participants: Doyce, Ron Edwards, Solomon, Henri, sirogit, djarb, Valamir, Nev the Deranged.

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Subsequent Topics
In Adept Press

6/10/2004 pfischer: [Sorcerer] Thanks for the kick
I got a copy of Sorcerer last week, read it, and boy, that was a kick in the head. It brought my belief that roleplaying isn't a waste of time…
In Adept Press
Participants: pfischer, Ron Edwards.

6/11/2004 Paka: A Sorcerous Month
I've been playing Sorcerer regularly these past four to five weeks. Two different games of Mu's Bed, a one-shot of Blood Simple, a two shot with Grade-School Sorcerers and another…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paka, Ron Edwards, Bret Gillan, hix.

6/12/2004 pfischer: [Sorcerer] Convention scenario
In Denmark there is a long tradition of scenarios written for conventions, able to be played by a GM other than the author, and with complete and extensive player characters.…
In Adept Press
Participants: pfischer, Paka, sirogit, Ron Edwards, kallisti_dk, Fabrice G., Michael S. Miller.

6/16/2004 Paganini: [Trollbabe] Conflicts and Pace
One of the things that I've never understood about Trollbabe caught my attention again tonight. I'm getting ready to run it again (a vampire game, this time, in fact). The…
In Adept Press
Participants: Paganini, rafial, Ron Edwards.

6/17/2004 Sydney Freedberg: Gamist Sorcerer?
First, an admission: I've never played Sorcerer, just read it (acquired rulebook only after acquiring tiny baby daughter; roleplaying, sleep, sustained rational thought all on hold). But as I go…
In Adept Press
Participants: Sydney Freedberg, Mike Holmes, Solomon, Alan, Ben Lehman, Jaik, DannyK.

6/17/2004 Henri: Demon Cops - Character Creation
If this should be in Actual Play, please feel free to move it. Last night we had our first session of Demon Cops, in which we discussed general aesthetics and…
In Adept Press
Participants: Henri, Ron Edwards.

6/23/2004 Peter Nordstrand: Describing Sorcerer
Hi, How would you describe Sorcerer to potential players? I'm talking about that first conversation about the game, pre-first session, pre character generation, pre any kind of seriuos prep. Let's…
In Adept Press
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, Paka, sirogit, Clinton R. Nixon, Bret Gillan, Ron Edwards.

6/23/2004 KingOfFarPoint: Are some NPCs communal property in Sorcerer?
A little while back I read a post that seemed to suggest that the GM plays the PC's and NPC's demons as major NPCs but that non demonic NPCs are…
In Adept Press
Participants: KingOfFarPoint, Ron Edwards, Doyce.

6/24/2004 Bret Gillan: [Sorcerer] The Unnecessary Mentor View
So, I have Sorcerer. I've gathered my players, and I've done some character creation. A problem that I keep encountering is that the players keep getting drawn to Solitary Adepts,…
In Adept Press
Participants: Bret Gillan, sirogit, Bailywolf, Christopher Weeks, Ron Edwards.

6/25/2004 sirogit: Hooray[Sex&Sorcery]
Yay! I just got this in the mail. I'm at a loss for words. That Death/Madness/Sex thing just blows my mind, I'll have to give it some serious thought on…
In Adept Press
Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards, Ben Lehman, DannyK, Henri, Christopher Weeks.

6/27/2004 Peter Nordstrand: [Sorcerer]Demon Types Make No Sense (to me)
Hi, Please forgive me if I'm asking something that has already been discussed at length... However ... The demon types make no sense to me. The categories actually seem pretty…
In Adept Press
Participants: Peter Nordstrand, sirogit, Fabrice G., Ron Edwards, Bailywolf, Christopher Weeks, Piers Brown.

6/28/2004 pfischer: [Sorcerer] Dark Places
OK, I am working on my own Sorcerer setting, to be developed as a mini-sup. I am in the very initial stages, reading, making notes, researching. What I wanted to…
In Adept Press
Participants: pfischer, Bailywolf, Ron Edwards, DannyK.

6/28/2004 angelfromanotherpin: [Sorcerer]Favorite Humanity Definitions?
I tried running Sorcerer a couple of times, once with Humanity as Identity, once with Humanity as Empathy; and I was a little disappointed each time. The mechanics flowed nicely,…
In Adept Press
Participants: angelfromanotherpin, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Paka, KingOfFarPoint, Doyce, droog, Yokiboy.

6/30/2004 sirogit: Community-circle based Descriptors.
I'd really like to try out this idea for descriptors based on the different circles of communitys listed in Sex&Sorcery(Such as family, self, community etc etc.) Here's a rough model…
In Adept Press
Participants: sirogit, Ron Edwards.

6/30/2004 pfischer: [Sorcerer] Desire/Need question
I have tried to look through the Adept Press forum, but a search for Desire brings up 6 pages alone, and you cannot search for combined words only or refine…
In Adept Press
Participants: pfischer, Ron Edwards, hix, joshua neff, DannyK, sirogit.

7/1/2004 kwill: sorceron
n. sors-er-on 1) a gender-neutral term for sorcerer/sorceress 2) author of a book called Sorcerer damn late night typos :)
In Adept Press
Participants: kwill, Ron Edwards.

7/1/2004 xiombarg: stupid S&S questions
Okay, I'm sure there are threads that answer these questions, but my search-fu is poor today. 1. Okay, Pacts. If I understand this correctly, a Pact roll is exactly like…
In Adept Press
Participants: xiombarg, Ron Edwards, greyorm, DannyK.

7/2/2004 hix: Who Sorcerised Roger Rabbit?
[b]Demons[/b] are Toons. They want to play with humans, entertain (and be entertained) and most of all they want humans to use Toon Logic with them. [b]Humanity[/b] is Logic, Reason…
In Adept Press
Participants: hix, greyorm, Ron Edwards, joshua neff, Sydney Freedberg, pete_darby.

7/2/2004 ZenDog: Break out the links... search-fu is weak, and I've just ordered Sorcerer. Sorcerer and the suppliment Sorcerer and Sword, should arrive over the weekend (going on previous online transactions with Leisuregames). So err…
In Adept Press
Participants: ZenDog, Henri.

7/2/2004 Bailywolf: Sorcerer and... school? Young sorcerers & sorcery scho
I've been rereading the Harry potter books, and looking back through this forum to pick up references to the likes of Sabriel and The Amulet of Samakrand. Add to the…
In Adept Press
Participants: Bailywolf, sirogit, LeSingeSavant, 6inTruder, DannyK, Old_Scratch, Ron Edwards.

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