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In Game Development

2/8/2012 Hasimir0: Tactical Ops RPG
Hi :-) I'm developing a game called Tactical Ops RPG. The game is complete and playable, but I still consider it in the Alpha stage of playtesting. The game will…
In Game Development
Participants: Hasimir0, stefoid.

2/8/2012 infected: Opinions requested on indie RPG/skirmish
Hey guys (and gals) I’m new here and found the forum/site because I was looking though Google for advice with testing/publishing my own RPG/skirmish game. I have had a read…
In Game Development
Participants: infected, dugfromthearth, Sp4m, DWeird, bosky.

2/4/2012 Some Gamer666: Game Close to Completion: Sales and distribution question.
Don't now what area to post in.  Don't know if there is even a "place" within this forum to post.  My game is still in development (I Guess), but it…
In Game Development
Participants: Some Gamer666, Thriff, stefoid, davidberg, Eero Tuovinen.

1/31/2012 jalinde: LARP Ruleset Development - Quickdraw
I'm working on a LARP ruleset that simpifies rules interactions within the game format. As such, I'm drawing from a FATE-esque narrative thing which I am calling 'Threads'  which make…
In Game Development
Participants: jalinde, Thriff.

1/31/2012 Velexia: Project Vex - RPG System - Combat Rules
[b][u]Project Vex[/u][/b] is a working title for a role playing game system I have been developing since 2005.  It has undergone many changes since its inception, and has seen not…
In Game Development
Participants: Velexia, Thriff.

1/31/2012 Monkey_Zombie: Defcon (First Draft)
The setting is post apocalyptic Its a survival based game. The game mechanics: D20+ Modifier VS Goal number in non combat. D20+ Modifier VS D20+ Modifier in combat. All opposed…
In Game Development
Participants: Monkey_Zombie, theletterQ, phatonin, bosky.

1/30/2012 theletterQ: Red Desert (Early Stages)
So, I was on here years and years ago working on a game with my friend called Union Roleplaying Experience.  We were building a system and very expansive world from…
In Game Development
Participants: theletterQ, Thriff.

1/29/2012 Rubbermancer: Post-apoc steampunk caveman RPG - insight and guidance needed!
I've been working on this for over a year, during which time the game has mutated several times as I've refined and solidified my design goals.  I've reached the point…
In Game Development
Participants: Rubbermancer, nataix, Thriff, bosky.

1/27/2012 Tayr_an-Naar: Need help re: Math -- resources?
My partner and I just finished hashing out the basic design of our conflict resolution mechanic for our system, and we've reached a compromise we're both happy with.  There's a…
In Game Development
Participants: Tayr_an-Naar, Double_J.

1/27/2012 Skirmish_Tactics: Initial playtest for Skirmish Tactics Apocalypse
Greetings everyone, Digital Capricorn Studios is pleased to announce our initial playtest for Skirmish Tactics Apocalypse (STA).  STA is a skirmish-level turn-based tabletop miniatures wargame set in a post-apocalyptic near…
In Game Development
Participants: Skirmish_Tactics.

1/26/2012 davidberg: [Within My Clutches] my game can be won, so they played to win it
[url=]Within My Clutches[/url] (old; still revising current version) Oops.  This game operates on a structure of pursuing your protagonist's goals, and there are some strategic decisions you make that impact…
In Game Development
Participants: davidberg, Noon, Sp4m, Rubbermancer.

1/26/2012 Catelf: [Streed Rpg] Fitting equipment for semi-Modern Action (and Animal Anthros) ?
Ok, i have my own Game System, and the basics works. It is a further-development of WW's Storytelling system, but made for further speed and simplicity. I have tried to…
In Game Development
Participants: Catelf.

1/25/2012 joelesko: Fabletop - Browser-Based Roleplaying
I just released Fabletop (open beta), a web app for real-time role-playing, and am interested in any feedback from the community here. Chat-based ruleset: The biggest difference from other…
In Game Development
Participants: joelesko.

1/23/2012 andrei: Introductions to role-playing games: are they ever useful?
I think everyone who got into tabletop role-playing started off by playing computer RPGs, then went into the genre via D&D, Warhammer or perhaps the White Wolf books due the…
In Game Development
Participants: andrei, pawsplay, JoyWriter, Vile, Eliarhiman6, Noon, dugfromthearth, Catelf, Hasimir0, storyteller, My Precious, dindenver, David Artman.

1/22/2012 pawsplay: ICO
So I'm creating a game. This started as a trickle in my mind a while back while working on an OGL-based Kickstarter which didn't turn out. Between then and now…
In Game Development
Participants: pawsplay.

1/22/2012 Vile: [AEON] Quickstart Playtest Open
The first two chapters of the AEON Quickstart playtest files (Character Generation and Skills) are up on the BRP forums. Please go and check them out!  :) Unless you're a…
In Game Development
Participants: Vile.

1/20/2012 nataix: Alternative Terminology: Success
I've hit a mental brick wall and need a hand. The game I've been working on for a few years uses a dice pool system, with each die showing a…
In Game Development
Participants: nataix, Noon, JoyWriter, DWeird, andrei, pawsplay, stefoid, Velexia, phatonin, hansel, dugfromthearth, Sintua, thedroid.

1/20/2012 wicked.fable: Card-based Mechanics: The Legerdemain Betrayers - Playtest Release
Hi all, I've just recently made the playtest release of my game, "The Legerdemain Betrayers" available. Briefly, it is about four people that find out there are other mages and…
In Game Development
Participants: wicked.fable, andrei.

1/19/2012 Zireael: [unnamed] indie RPG in development
The goals of the project are as follows: 1) remove the Linear Warriors Quadratic Wizards effect 2) remove the clunky tables (too much math) 3) retain the race-class-skill-feat system of…
In Game Development
Participants: Zireael, Double_J, Noon, Justin Halliday, bosky, Ron Edwards, Lex Mandrake.

1/18/2012 Joevis: RPG Game Questions
Hi, I am currently at university studying character animation, but for my final project of this year I plan to make an RPG! I need to carry out some primary…
In Game Development
Participants: Joevis, Velexia.

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Subsequent Topics
In Game Development

2/11/2012 Thomas Lawrence: Gossip Girl: The Unauthorised RPG
Call it GG-RPG. Here's the text thus far as a Google Doc. If you've never seen the show or read the books, Gossip Girl is a teen drama on the…
In Game Development
Participants: Thomas Lawrence, vithofnir, JoyWriter.

2/11/2012 Sp4m: [Evil High] Public Release. Ready for Peer Review.
Hello Forum! I am pleased to announce that my game "Evil High" has been released to my website, Players are would-be Super Villains, in a special high school for…
In Game Development
Participants: Sp4m, stefoid.

2/11/2012 dugfromthearth: simple (that's what they all say) social encounter system for an RPG
I am working on my rpg. I have a combat system that I will post later - it is a very stripped down version of 4e that lets you build…
In Game Development
Participants: dugfromthearth, davidberg, stefoid.

2/13/2012 Hasimir0: Right name for the Right way
I need a bit of help in defining 3 terms for my game (Tactical Ops) Think of them as attributes you roll if you make your PC behave in a…
In Game Development
Participants: Hasimir0, Sp4m, Marshall Burns, Noon, way, jalinde, Sintua, thedroid, dindenver, storyteller, JoyWriter.

2/19/2012 CipherJonathan: The Matrix Unplugged [Text-Based MMO]
Hi all! I've been working on a Matrix-themed, browser/text-based MMORPG using PHP/MySQL for a few months now, and I recently released a public alpha demo. It currently has a small…
In Game Development
Participants: CipherJonathan.

2/20/2012 wicked.fable: [God-king] Playtest Release
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=]God-king[/url][/center] Hey Forgers, I have put up a playtest release of my game, God-king. It is a game that is focused on collaborative storytelling and, as such, offers mechanics…
In Game Development
Participants: wicked.fable, stefoid, storyteller, My Precious.

2/23/2012 OptimGameStudio: Our new game: Tavern Of Heroes
Hey, we're a small indie team working on our first game called "Tavern Of Heroes". Here's some sneak peek of what you'll find on our blog:…
In Game Development
Participants: OptimGameStudio.

2/23/2012 Justin Halliday: [Heroes Against Darkness] Solo adventure available for playtesting and feedback
The alpha version of the first solo adventure for Heroes Against Darkness, The Sundered Tower, is now up on the rules and downloads page of the website. The solo adventure…
In Game Development
Participants: Justin Halliday.

2/24/2012 Escova12: Lovecraft in the Mausoleum (DitV Mod)
Hi all,     Here is a little modified version of Dogs in the Vineyard I designed for a Lovecraftian/Eldritch/Dark supernatural campaign. Hope you guys like it! Comments welcome! PS:…
In Game Development
Participants: Escova12.

2/24/2012 thedroid: New dice mechanic?
I know there are games that use a "blackjack" dice method where you try to roll between two numbers, but are there any that use multiple rolls in this fashion:…
In Game Development
Participants: thedroid, Certified, Escova12, storyteller, Christoph, Silverwave, Ron Edwards.

2/25/2012 Stregheria Games: Stregoneria Final Release Version 2.0 Available for Free Download.
Hello fellow forge members, Stregoneria final release version 2.0 is available for free download from: It has been streamlined and reformatted. As always, feel free to ask questions about…
In Game Development
Participants: Stregheria Games.

2/29/2012 Hasimir0: [Tactical Ops] enforcing the Setting
In Tactical Ops the world around the PCs is pretty much 100% produced by all the Players at the table. I'm working on a way to allow for a "Canon…
In Game Development
Participants: Hasimir0, Sp4m, storyteller, dindenver, David Artman, tymotzues.

3/1/2012 Sp4m: Analog Game Development News? Is there any?
This isn't exactly "game development" related, but this is the best place I could think of to ask. I'm looking for news sites or blogs that talk about developments in…
In Game Development
Participants: Sp4m, Ron Edwards.

3/2/2012 amazingrobots: [The Boy and The Girl] Die sizes could be an issue.
So, I've got a game here. It's an Apocalypse World hack for just two players. It's an adventure game about children on the run, in a quest that's beyond them.…
In Game Development
Participants: amazingrobots, stefoid, Sp4m, Anders Gabrielsson, storyteller.

3/4/2012 Snake_Eyes: Looking for collaborators for a (Hybrid) Tabletop and Miniatures FRPG.
I am looking for help and feedback on a game I am in the process of making, it is a work in progress. MARS is a Miniature Action Role-play System,…
In Game Development
Participants: Snake_Eyes, Sp4m.

3/5/2012 Certified: Concept Little Green %@$^@%^$
A fan of bad 80's movies today I had an idea for a beer and pretzels game. The concept is simple your character is an average person in an average…
In Game Development
Participants: Certified, Hasimir0.

3/6/2012 penumbra: Need proofreaders for a gothic role playing game (already released in spanish)
Hi, My name is Javier CUesta, I recently completed and released the spanish version of a new gothic role playing game called "Penumbra: the gothis post-apocalyptic role playing game" (But…
In Game Development
Participants: penumbra.

3/9/2012 smccd: Clasic console development dev kits, samples (Nintendo, Sega, Atari, etc.)
Hello, Over the past year, I have been gathering dev kits for classic consoles from around the net, fixing them up to get them in a working state, and then…
In Game Development
Participants: smccd.

3/11/2012 JSchwag: Oracle Online
I've been developing a game in C# on and off for about a month now. I thought i'd upload a screenshot to see if there's any interest here. Screenshots:…
In Game Development
Participants: JSchwag, hansel.

3/14/2012 storyteller: Silicon Children
so I am working on a new game. I have been a gamer for almost 30 years, I have written a dozen or so unpublished games over the years. I…
In Game Development
Participants: storyteller.

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