The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

10/19/2010 drkrash: Indie Sales Numbers
Hey, all.  I haven't posted here in a long time because, well, I've been working on my game.  But I was curious about something I read this week. I released…
In Publishing
Participants: drkrash, Adam Dray, mreuther, Ron Edwards, Valamir, Noon, Gryffudd, Gregor Hutton, Frank Tarcikowski, Pelgrane, Vulpinoid.

10/19/2010 Seamus: Anyone else been getting wierd spams from chinese IP
I mention this on the forge because a number of the emails I received, when I click view email source, looks like they were sent to RPG related emails (and…
In Site Discussion
Participants: Seamus.

10/18/2010 BunniRabbi: Wargame developement
    I'm not seeing this answered anywhere so let me just ask: Does this site revolve around RPGs only in a strict sense, or would table-top wargames also be…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BunniRabbi, mreuther.

10/17/2010 robotsunshine: [DitV] Gunfighting questions
If I missed this somewhere, apologies! I couldn't find it in the book or skimming the forums. When do you roll Acuity + Will for gunfighting versus just rolling a…
In lumpley games
Participants: robotsunshine, lumpley, Noclue.

10/16/2010 FetusCommander: [Supers Chess] story elements in a mechaically focused game
[url=]Supers Chess[/url] has seen about 6 playtesting sessions now, and I have some concerns about how it's shaping up. The chess mechanics, central to the conflict resolution of the game,…
In Game Development
Participants: FetusCommander, Noon, SamuelRiv, Holywar.

10/16/2010 Jason Pitre: The Steps to Design an RPG
I just produced this article over on my website;  and I think it might be of particulare interest to some of you folks over at the Forge.  It's far…
In Publishing
Participants: Jason Pitre.

10/16/2010 Jason Pitre: Seaching for style guides
I am in the early editing stage for my game, and I have realized that I really have a style guide for my products.  I was wondering of any of…
In Connections
Participants: Jason Pitre, David Artman.

10/15/2010 Eduardo Caetano: Situationist Gamemastering by Bruce Baugh (does anyone know where to find it?)
Hello Everybody! I'm a brazillian role-player, and I've recently discovered the universe of indies RPGs. Now I'm studying a lot of the theories debated in the early 2000. I've just…
In Connections
Participants: Eduardo Caetano, Paul Czege.

10/15/2010 Chris Chambers: Game System in the works
Hi I am kind of new, well I was here years, and years ago, and am working on turning our house game system into a full RPG.  I would like…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Chris Chambers, Ar Kayon, Noon, Abkajud, Mike Sugarbaker.

10/14/2010 Artanis: Demoing Trollbabe
Hello Ron and other Trollbabe aficionados I'll be attending Spiel Essen, slavishly monkeying for Eero. The booth will be offering Trollbabe and we'll be demoing it. Except, I just read…
In Adept Press
Participants: Artanis, Ron Edwards.

10/14/2010 Chris_Chinn: Avoiding the Mechanics for Functional Play
Over at this thread ( ), Abkajud mentioned: Oddly, I've noticed a parallel conceit regarding "traditional" design - there's a crowd that thinks game mechanics should be brutal and…
In Actual Play
Participants: Chris_Chinn, Filip Luszczyk, Abkajud, mreuther, Noon, jburneko, C. Edwards, Caldis, davidberg, Chris Chambers.

10/14/2010 SamuelRiv: [Rifts] Simplification question
Reviving the dead, as I'm new here. My brother played Rifts and AD&D when he was teen and I was wee. I couldn't join in, thus I read the Rifts…
In Actual Play
Participants: SamuelRiv, Ron Edwards, davidberg, Noon, mreuther.

10/14/2010 Valamir: Universalis Monthly Sales since 2002
As a note of general interest to those not in the habit of scanning the publisher forums, I just started a thread on Universalis sales down in the Uni forum. …
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir.

10/14/2010 Valamir: Universalis monthly sales since 2002
[url=][/url] Having just completed my semi annual update to my inventory and sales numbers I though I'd put the number up on my website as an item of general publishing…
In Universalis
Participants: Valamir, Artanis, mreuther.

10/14/2010 Galwinganoon: [[SS/WoN]] Secrets and Training
A note about my experience level:  I've just finished my third meeting of the first SS / WoN game I've ever run. With that in mind, I have some questions…
In Arkenstone Publishing
Participants: Galwinganoon, mreuther, Eero Tuovinen.

10/13/2010 Kalandri: Yet another Conflict Resolution idea: The Battle Track
The game session is getting boring, the GM is running into a wall, and so he resorts to the old standby: GM: "An army of like thirty ninjas jump out…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Kalandri, Noon, Ar Kayon, Eero Tuovinen, Bloomfield.

10/13/2010 Warrior Monk: Fantasy heartbreaker, version 7
Long time without posting :P ok, after several tests I came up with another ruleset to try on a medieval fantasy game. I'm still using the Anima rpg setting so…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Warrior Monk.

10/13/2010 epweissengruber: [WoD & Exalted] Currency and Dice Pools
After a session of Sorcerer a player and I got into a casual discussion of dice probabilities and system. His contention was that in the recent White Wolf WoD games,…
In Actual Play
Participants: epweissengruber, Abkajud, Noon, SamuelRiv, Eero Tuovinen, Filip Luszczyk.

10/12/2010 Marshall Burns: [Uncanny Underworld] powerz test
Uncanny Underworld is an urban fantasy game I've been working on for a while, but has only recently been stirring after it became clear through testing that a major overhaul…
In Game Development
Participants: Marshall Burns, Roan, help im a bug.

10/12/2010 Aetius: [Shooting the Moon] Gaining Traits
Hi Elizabeth and everyone, We (me and Lavinia) have just got a little brain-fart about gaining traits during the hurdle. The correct sequence is: 1) The First Pool is rolled…
In Black and Green Games
Participants: Aetius, Emily Care.

<< more previous topics


Subsequent Topics

10/20/2010 JasonSWalters: A Message From IPR’s Warehouse Guy
Hello everyone! My name is Jason S. Walters, and I’ve been put in charge of a lot of much of the day-to-day running of Indie Press Revolution. Actually, I ran…
In Connections
Participants: JasonSWalters.

10/20/2010 mreuther: How to Design an RPG . . . (lol)
Ran across this today and thought it'd be of use to folks. ;) For the fun, a diagram to help . . . Some cliches to avoid, or play on,…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mreuther, BunniRabbi, Ar Kayon, Noon, Ron Edwards.

10/20/2010 Fungiochi: Reaper: Student Project
Hi! We're a group of students from QUT in Brisbane making a game for UDK, please check it out. All feedback is greatly appreciated. Check out all about the game…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Fungiochi, Ron Edwards.

10/20/2010 MattCumming2010: Graphic Design Careers
Visit my site for more information.. Graphic Design Careers
In ndp design
Participants: MattCumming2010, BunniRabbi, mreuther, Nathan P..

Hello my name is Aaron, I am a Illustrator looking to expand my client base. I have been working for the last year as a concept artist for a video…
In Connections
Participants: aaron illustration, Magnus Pym, daranp.

10/21/2010 chronoplasm: Non-Combat 'Roles'
If there's one thing I like about D&D 4E, it is the well defined and transparent roles in combat (defender, striker, leader, controller). They ensure that character has strong niche…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm.

10/21/2010 Necromantis: A offshoot idea -- RPG centered around personality
So a while back I was considering whether alignment had a place in the game I am designing (A Time of Steel & Staves) I posted here for advice and…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Necromantis, Ar Kayon, Chris_Chinn, ShallowThoughts, Lassidus, Jason Pitre, stefoid.

10/21/2010 mreuther: Validity of Cliche in Game Design
[url=]Reference[/url] Re-phrasing: To what extent are cliches viable in our designs? As was discussed in the last thread which got closed, some good gaming moments have been had in various…
In First Thoughts
Participants: mreuther, chronoplasm, Ar Kayon, Ron Edwards, Necromantis, Chris_Chinn, Mike Sugarbaker.

10/22/2010 Warrior Monk: What's in a fighter? without using
I like to play characters that go straight into the battle, but often find them in disadvantage against mages or simply boring to play in combat since combat options are…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Warrior Monk, Chris_Chinn, BunniRabbi, dindenver.

10/23/2010 baxil: Getting feedback on your finished game
Hi, fellow chefs! Most of us are still awaiting the official judgment on our games (my own "Egregore" is 48th in the review queue), and I know it's easy to…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: baxil, devlin1, Jason Pitre.

10/23/2010 Moganhio: Is Gumshoe simulationist?
Is Gumshoe (Trail of Cthulhu) simulationist or gamist? this question comes from a debate in a spanish forum where no agreement was reached. I felt curious about what would pop…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Moganhio, Ar Kayon, Necromantis, Chris_Chinn, mreuther, Ron Edwards, davidberg, Bloomfield.

10/24/2010 BunniRabbi: Attribute question
This is a very specific question about a larger project; I'm creating a superhero narrative RPG, and am currently going over the attribute spread.  In most games there is "Strength"…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BunniRabbi, Necromantis, Locke, VAgentZero, Jason Pitre, Noon, Bloomfield, Roan, dataweaver, Certified.

10/25/2010 davidberg: Pass the Ball, Tick the Clock
I wonder how much fun it would be to play a game where no one must (or can) invent setting features.  You play your characters and choose what they encounter…
In First Thoughts
Participants: davidberg, chronoplasm, Noon, Bloomfield, stefoid.

10/25/2010 chronoplasm: Humans in Dwarf
I'm designing a game called Dwarf: The Old World of Dwarfiness. It's what it says on the tin; it's a game about the lives and the adventures of fantasy dwarfs.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: chronoplasm.

10/25/2010 Noon: Avoiding the mechanics or damocles sword/finger on the button play?
I was thinking about the Avoiding the Mechanics for Functional Play thread. In terms of taking the idea as a damocles sword sort of play, as one way of playing…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon, mreuther, oculusverit, Ar Kayon.

10/25/2010 Stregheria Games: Stregoneria RPG Release Date Monday 15th November.
The pdf of the Stregoneria fantasy rpg is being released on Monday 15th November. The rule book will be published shortly afterwards once customers are happy with the electronic product.…
In Publishing
Participants: Stregheria Games, mreuther, Ron Edwards.

10/26/2010 Lorthyne: Help With Hero's Banner
Hello all! I'm new to The Forge, although I've been playing and loving RPG's and indie RPGs for several years now. I've recently acquired a copy of Tim Kopang's excellent…
In Actual Play
Participants: Lorthyne, Chris_Chinn, Tim C Koppang, Ron Edwards, Tzuriel27.

10/26/2010 Eero Tuovinen: Spiel Essen 2010 report and afterthoughts
As discussed in the earlier thread, we did set up a Forge booth for Spiel Essen this year; I just returned from Germany yesterday and am still waiting for our…
In Conventions
Participants: Eero Tuovinen, mreuther, Frank Tarcikowski, Artanis, PiHalbe.

10/26/2010 Gregor Hutton: [Mars Colony]`
Last night was Glasgow Indie Gamers night, where 18 people met up for a night of Indie Games. It's the last Monday of the month in the Drum & Monkey…
In Actual Play
Participants: Gregor Hutton, epweissengruber, Tim C Koppang.

10/26/2010 The Dragon Master: [Tempe, AZ] Indie Explosion looking for gamers...
Thought I'd drop a line here. We've started a new gaming group that meets every Monday at 7pm at Pop Culture Paradise in Tempe, AZ to play Indie games. So…
In Conventions
Participants: The Dragon Master.

more subsequent topics >>