The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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From Day One

Previous Topics

11/12/2010 TrollSlayer: Large-scale battles?
Hello, I've been designing a comedy/satire RPG based on the characters being "cannon-fodder". The general feel of the game is meant to be of insignificance: think of one of the…
In First Thoughts
Participants: TrollSlayer, Ar Kayon, flossy, Noon, mreuther, contracycle, NN.

11/11/2010 iluxan: Need advice - How to get non-gamers into a story game?
[Cross-Post from story-games - ] [I hope that's not a faux-pas.  I just really want to run a game this Saturday, so I'd like to get as much advice…
In Actual Play
Participants: iluxan, Eliarhiman6, Chris_Chinn, David Artman, Noon, Clay, Cliff H, Ron Edwards.

11/10/2010 Abkajud: Ancient Rome, Lead Poisoning, and Violence
[x-posted at] I got sucked back into Adult Swim's delightful game Viva Caligula, and an idea struck me. - Your character is a resident of ancient Rome. You're either…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Abkajud, Vulpinoid, Magnus Pym, Airafice.

11/10/2010 epweissengruber: Wanted: Play-by-post Playtesters for "In this Sign, Conquer"
I am hoping to get 8 persons to help me work out the conflict and scene mechanics for ItSiC. The central visual display for the conflict and various modes for…
In Connections
Participants: epweissengruber.

11/10/2010 bryantpauljohnson: Freelance Illustrator for Hire
I'm a freelance illustrator and cartoonist always looking for something interesting on the horizon. I've illustrated a couple of games (Bone Wars: The Game of Ruthless Paleontology and Reiner Knizia's…
In Connections
Participants: bryantpauljohnson, aaron illustration.

11/10/2010 Bloomfield: [Mars Colony] The corporations will be our doom
I had a chance to play Mars Colony tonight. I took pretty careful notes, and here is a report of how it went, followed by some thoughts about the game…
In Actual Play
Participants: Bloomfield, iluxan, Tim C Koppang.

11/10/2010 Superior POD: Blank Chipboard Game Counters now available at Superior POD
Blank Chipboard Game Counters now available at Superior POD Call them counters, call them chits....  whatever you call them we now manufacture them and offer them for sale. This first…
In Connections
Participants: Superior POD.

11/10/2010 Eliarhiman6: Trollbabe barrage of questions: help!
Hi! The Italian edition of Trollbabe was published ten days ago, translated by me, and now people are asking all kind of questions in our forum about the rules. Some…
In Adept Press
Participants: Eliarhiman6, Ron Edwards.

11/9/2010 Sapiento: Frog God Games seaches reviewers.
Frog God Games is searching for reviewers for their recent products (pdf), mostly Pathfinder. If you are interested please send an email to Bill Webb: bill at talesofthefroggod dot…
In Connections
Participants: Sapiento.

11/8/2010 Artanis: [BtI] Rules clarification
Hello Emily I've played Breaking the Ice two and two thirds times, and have played the first date of a new story with my girlfriend (with whom I've already played…
In Black and Green Games
Participants: Artanis, Emily Care.

11/8/2010 Leovaunt: [Legacy of Heroes] Spell Casting Systems
Attacking and Check Mechanic Thread Introduction/ Class Mechanic Thread: Wounds and Hit Point Mechanic Thread Corruption System Note: This has some relation to this thread Keshan…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Leovaunt, Ar Kayon.

11/8/2010 Leovaunt: [Legacy of Heroes] Corruption
Attacking and Check Mechanic Thread Introduction/ Class Mechanic Thread: Wounds and Hit Point Mechanic Thread I have the basics on the corruption mechanic for my roleplaying game.…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Leovaunt, Ar Kayon, davidberg.

11/7/2010 CardinalXimenes: Wanted: Playtesters for Stars Without Number, sci-fi sandbox game
Hello, all. I'm looking for playtester feedback on Stars Without Number, a retroclone-inspired sci-fi game that I built to experiment with some ideas about how to mechanically support a sandbox-style…
In Connections
Participants: CardinalXimenes.

11/7/2010 sproket: Goldchest
Hi everyone, I've been a lurker for a while - I decided to be brave enough to post now. :) I've been working for about a year on a new…
In First Thoughts
Participants: sproket, Ron Edwards.

11/7/2010 Nigel: Capes still available for download?
Hey, I was wondering if Capes was still available for download orders. I am a bit hesitant to order through the website without confirmation as there is no email address…
In Muse of Fire Games
Participants: Nigel, Nocker.

11/6/2010 Eric_from_LA: Wanted: Playtesters for SuperHero game.
Hello Everyone I am currently in beta-plus testing of a superhero role rlaying game and am in need of some more playtesters. If this interest you please drop me a…
In Connections
Participants: Eric_from_LA, Tazio Bettin.

11/6/2010 Noon: Extreme Vengeance - Skyclad
I did actually play extreme vengence years back, not too long after getting it. Actually, I'll stick in the caveat I do these days on 'I played X' : I…
In Actual Play
Participants: Noon.

11/6/2010 Danny2050: Self Publish with Fraxion Payments
Hi folks. I've been roleplaying since shortly after the first D&D brown box was published. I have played a number of indie games and I am a big fan of…
In Publishing
Participants: Danny2050, mreuther, preludetotheend.

11/5/2010 Musashi74: Playtesters Wanted - Death Frenzy: Chambara RPG
I've been working on a card-based RPG for some time tentatively called 'Death Frenzy' (this is a working title that will likely change). Death Frenzy is based on Japanese period…
In Connections
Participants: Musashi74, Ron Edwards.

11/4/2010 Superior POD: Superior POD adds Support Forum
We have just added our own support forum at Superior POD You will find it on the website or here is a direct link: We hope you will find…
In Connections
Participants: Superior POD.

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Subsequent Topics

11/12/2010 metagov: 5dx: a new action resolution mechanic
Hello, I've been thinking about RPG game mechanics and I wanted to share one in particular that I think is new and interesting. Well, new to me at least: I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: metagov, Ar Kayon, mreuther, Certified, Adam Dray, Abkajud, Noon, BinaryCat.

11/12/2010 Pelgrane: Game Design Contest
I'd like to get some feedback on a game design contest I want to run. Is there anywhere legitimate to discuss this here?
In Site Discussion
Participants: Pelgrane, Troy_Costisick.

11/13/2010 Doug Law: Best way to make a powers list?
I'm putting together a booklet for my homebrew game for a playtest group. Who knows, someday it might go on RPGNow. In any case, I want it to look at…
In Publishing
Participants: Doug Law, Jason Pitre.

11/13/2010 Pen: Skill advancement doesn't feel right
I came up with a roleplaying setting that I felt needed its own game system.  It's called The Raptured and it starts out on our current real world Earth and…
In Game Development
Participants: Pen, mreuther, Ar Kayon, Finarvyn, johnthedm7000, Ron Edwards.

11/14/2010 SortableBadger: Project Absalen
So, first post, though I am a lurker - of sorts. I've recently decided to put what I've learned into action and realized I didn't know as much as I…
In First Thoughts
Participants: SortableBadger, Noon, Chris_Chinn, mreuther, stefoid.

11/14/2010 Doug Law: I hate opposed rolls
I suppose the subject says it all, but I'm designing a new game system and I was weighing a few mechanics. I wondered if maybe someone could convince me why…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Doug Law, SortableBadger, Ar Kayon, Chris_Chinn, Noon, dataweaver, Abkajud, Necromantis.

11/14/2010 Quynce: @Matt Wilson: Audio Access to Primetime Adv.
My boyfriend has been a gamer for about twenty-five years and is currently going blind.  After playing it at a con, I thought that Primetime Adventures might be a great…
In Dog Eared Designs
Participants: Quynce.

11/14/2010 Superior POD: Superior Print On Demand announces the SPOD 200 CLUB
Superior Print On Demand announces the SPOD 200 CLUB As most of you know, SPOD currently has full color printed chipboard game counter sheets available in the following sizes: 5/8”…
In Connections
Participants: Superior POD.

11/15/2010 Ron Edwards: [Doctor Chaos] World peace, my way
Back in 2005, I noodled around with a game design that I really liked, but set it aside for a number of reasons, partly because playtesting had shown a couple…
In Game Development
Participants: Ron Edwards, SamuelRiv, Chris_Chinn, Troy_Costisick, pkalata, Miskatonic.

11/15/2010 Necromantis: [RUN!] is there a non-gamist way of dealing with REWARDS
I was doing some thinking... wouldn't any game that awards XP or any other kind of Points, has levels or any kind of "improvements" to the character be gamist in…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Necromantis, Chris_Chinn, mreuther, Noon, Ar Kayon, stefoid, SortableBadger, ShallowThoughts, Daemonworks.

11/15/2010 dataweaver: dice: time taken vs. series of rolls
In my games, I usually use a simple 2d10-equivalent mechanism when resolving success or failure.  However, I'd like to come up with a reasonable alternative to this for handling cases…
In First Thoughts
Participants: dataweaver, mreuther, Noon.

11/16/2010 Alfryd: Egri and Nar vs. Sim
I can't recall the exact thread, but I was thinking recently about some comment Ron made when trying to 'daignose' a given player's general CA.  I think the general gist…
In First Thoughts
Participants: Alfryd, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.

11/16/2010 Skull: Wanted: External Playtest Groups
My game is going through It first real run of playtesting and I am looking for a few more game groups who would be interested in giving my game a…
In Connections
Participants: Skull.

11/16/2010 Judaicdiablo: [Minions, Inc.] a new AW hack
Minions, Inc. is an Apocalypse World hack for playing henchmen in a world of costumed aggression.  This game was inspired by the Venture Bros., The Tick, The Incredibles, and just…
In lumpley games
Participants: Judaicdiablo, Chroma, David Artman.

11/16/2010 BunniRabbi: Aristotelian Morality / Virtue list
I've been taking this philosophy class that has given me an idea for a morality system based, very loosely, on Aristotelian Morality.  Essentially, Aristotle felt that every virtue was a…
In First Thoughts
Participants: BunniRabbi, SortableBadger, Noon, Jason Pitre, epweissengruber.

11/17/2010 stefoid: a game where there is no GM and/or everybody is the GM
Real Soon Now (tm) Im going to test this concept on a group of friends  Yes, actual play, wowee. The link is to the 'back-story generator' idea I had. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: stefoid, SortableBadger, mreuther, Abkajud, Chris_Chinn.

11/17/2010 Artanis: [Unspeakable] Abashed or anti Czege principle?
Hello all I've been toiling away at a game based on my group's chaotic play of Call of Cthulhu of years past. After two years of development in French, I…
In Game Development
Participants: Artanis, Ron Edwards, Eero Tuovinen.

11/17/2010 Talanic: Laying out P. C. Hodgell's World of Rathillien RPG
Hi all!  I was here a while ago with the World of Rathillien RPG, and the net result of the critique I received was the harsh truth; it's a mess. …
In First Thoughts
Participants: Talanic, Abkajud, Chris_Chinn, ShallowThoughts.

11/17/2010 Jonathan Walton: 2010 Game Chef Playoffs: Vote with Your Play!
Hey Everyone, Now that all my initial reviews are in, it's time to get serious about the 2010 Game Chef Playoffs. Out of 59 solid games that were submitted to…
In Endeavor: Game Chef 2010
Participants: Jonathan Walton.

11/17/2010 Dan Maruschak: [Final Hour of a Storied Age] Heart of the Fire
For the past few weeks I've been playtesting Final Hour of a Storied Age, my GM-less no-prep game of Epic Fantasy with Leo Lalande and Nolan Callender. This AP report…
In Game Development
Participants: Dan Maruschak.

more subsequent topics >>