The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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In Publishing

8/17/2003 gobi: Javascript Character Sheets?
I have PUNK currently set up as an html site. I'll be making a PDF as well, but the webpage will be a sort of sister site for more up-to-date…
In Publishing
Participants: gobi, Dev, Jonathan Walton, iago, Matt, HinterWelt.

8/15/2003 Tony Irwin: Thanks
This has been an amazing thread, I've found it very useful. Serious thanks to everyone who contributed. I won't do a quote by quote run down of all the good…
In Publishing
Participants: Tony Irwin.

8/14/2003 simon_hibbs: Born of the Blood PDF format
The playtest/preview version of the game (available here) is A4 two-column text. I know that's not ideal for reading online though. I'm considering a 2/3 width column for main text…
In Publishing
Participants: simon_hibbs, Clay, Brian Leybourne.

8/14/2003 HinterWelt: PDF Previews of Sahdes of Earth
Hey folks, Apologies if this is not the place for this but I would like your opinions also. I have generated some PDF previews for our 1930s RPG called Shades…
In Publishing
Participants: HinterWelt, Kester Pelagius.

8/13/2003 Tony Irwin: Organising text
I hate polls on discussion boards, but... What game book can you recommend to me for its outstanding clarity and organisation? I've got loads of instructional text crammed into word…
In Publishing
Participants: Tony Irwin, gobi, cruciel, Emily_Dresner, Paul Czege, Clay, iago, jdagna, Rob Donoghue, Alan, abzu.

8/12/2003 Emily_Dresner: LaTeX
Two little blips: - I downloaded and installed PDFCreator. Although it's only a 0.7Beta, it's much better than PDF995. It also costs nothing, and has no annoying ads. The PDF…
In Publishing
Participants: Emily_Dresner, Ron Edwards.

8/12/2003 pigames: Impresa Express for Indie Publishers
Hey gang! I've just released a new game system which may interest a few people here - Impresa Express. It is a set of quick-play rules intended for use where…
In Publishing
Participants: pigames, Clinton R. Nixon, Dev, Lxndr, Matt Snyder, xiombarg, Jonathan Walton.

8/10/2003 Michael Hopcroft: Is it possible to have too many ideas?
If you're an e-publisher who doesn;t have to spend $1,000 to publish each book, is it possible to have too many game and/or supplement ideas, especially when you don't know…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, jdagna, Ron Edwards, Thomas Tamblyn, pete_darby.

8/9/2003 AgentFresh: Anthology meets Magazine
The talk over in Space Cowboy's Collective Bargaining about anthology type publishing made me remember an idea I had the other day. This passage in Ron Edwards' "The Nuked Apple…
In Publishing
Participants: AgentFresh, iago, ethan_greer.

8/9/2003 Jonathan Walton: New Logo (suggestions welcome)
This is the kind of thing I would put in my own forum if I had one. But I don't. Yet. This came to me a couple days ago.…
In Publishing
Participants: Jonathan Walton, Matt Snyder, C. Edwards, Shreyas Sampat, ethan_greer, Lxndr, Jack Spencer Jr, iago, Paul Czege.

8/8/2003 Valamir: Gen Con 2003 Spreadsheet summary
Ok, I finally finished digging through the various receipts and cash sheets and cobbling together a master spreadsheet of GenCon 2003 Forge Sales. I will make it available to anyone…
In Publishing
Participants: Valamir, jrs, Ron Edwards, Armin D. Sykes.

8/7/2003 Space Cowboy: Increasing bargaining power- collective bargaining
Hey all, I wanted to float an idea that occurred to me today: How feasible is it for small game companies to get together to make common/similar purchases, increasing bargaining…
In Publishing
Participants: Space Cowboy, Mike Holmes, HinterWelt, iago, gobi, Simon W, Ron Edwards.

8/6/2003 GB Steve: Going International - The Forge at Dragonmeet?
Will there be a Forge presence at Dragonmeet? Some of us UK fanzine editors, the boys and girls from Critical Miss, KMANT, the Black Seal, Demonground and Aus fanzine editors…
In Publishing
Participants: GB Steve, Matt, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, simon_hibbs.

8/6/2003 Dev: Publishing a setting for multiple systems
So many great systems out there! You kids are amazing! The space setting I was working on ("SpacerPunk": gotta better name?) would work great for any one of them, and…
In Publishing
Participants: Dev, iago, btrc, simon_hibbs.

8/6/2003 Matt Snyder: If you love your game, set it free....
I posted the free PDF playtest of Nine Worlds to all and sundry yesterday. I was of two minds about this. I had much success releasing Dust Devils as a…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Snyder, ethan_greer, Mike Holmes, Clay, Michael Hopcroft, Lxndr, Matt, heironymous, Bankuei, ejh, contracycle, Clinton R. Nixon, Brian Leybourne.

8/5/2003 Jeffrey Miller: GenCon Wrap-Up from Peter Adkinson
An open letter from Peter about the good and the bad bits of GenCon '03. Interesting to see "management" being very sensitive to the issues that we ourselves pointed out…
In Publishing
Participants: Jeffrey Miller.

8/4/2003 Dav: You guys are nutz
Okay, so I've noticed something completely odd about you Forgite booth babes... You are odd. I mean that. No, really. With the exception of Jurgen (who is all sorts of…
In Publishing
Participants: Dav, iago, Adam, ethan_greer, Ron Edwards, Jeffrey Miller, Matt Wilson, Mike Holmes, Gordon C. Landis, madelf, Heather Manley, Clay, hardcoremoose, jdagna.

8/2/2003 Michael Hopcroft: Dragonflight in Seattle
Are any member of the Forge plannint ot at Dragonflight August 15-17 in Seattle?
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, samdowning, Jeffrey Miller, jdagna.

8/2/2003 Michael Hopcroft: GenCon SoCal -- will there be a Forge presence?
Are there enoughn Forge publishers on the West Coast to make a Forge booth or presence at GenCon SoCal this year worthwhile, or should we wait until next year to…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, samdowning, jdagna.

8/1/2003 lumpley: Jonathan Tweet's Pick of GenCon
I think everybody at the booth knew that this was going to happen. Congrats, Paul! -Vincent
In Publishing
Participants: lumpley, Mike Holmes, Matt Snyder, ejh, Rob MacDougall, Jürgen Mayer.

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Subsequent Topics
In Publishing

8/22/2003 Jonathan Walton: Engel Arkana Rules in English!
You heard right! I'm not sure whether Feder & Schwert actually counts as an indie company, but everything seems to be controlled by Oliver & Oliver (though they hire…
In Publishing
Participants: Jonathan Walton.

8/25/2003 Michael S. Miller: Selling thru Indie Gaming Parties
My wife goes to these parties to buy Pampered Chef kitchen utensils. What happens is the hostess invites a bunch of her friends over, a Pampered Chef demo person makes…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Lxndr, Dev, Clay, Mike Holmes, WDFlores, abzu, Perrina.

8/27/2003 Dev: Photos instead of art for published work
Suppose you get your digitial camera, some bored friends, a copy of Photoshop, and... Are there any good/bad examples of photographs being used (instead of, or perhaps alongside, art) in…
In Publishing
Participants: Dev, Jonathan Walton, gobi, Valamir, iago, Trevis Martin, Clay, Eric Kimball, jdagna, anonymouse, xechnao, Ron Edwards.

8/27/2003 Michael Hopcroft: Coming up with cash in a hurry
I';ve been given the opportunity to revive an old favorite project from when i first did game writing. but first I have to buy the rights back from the original…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, cognizantchance, Jack Spencer Jr, ethan_greer.

8/28/2003 Michael Hopcroft: Guerilla marketing for RPG Publishers
I remember once picking up a book about "Gureilla Marketing", which does not involve bursting into a game shop with machine guns and telling everyone to buy your product or…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Clay, Perrina, Mike Holmes, realms_creator, Dave Panchyk, Bankuei, cognizantchance.

8/28/2003 Michael Hopcroft: Foreign languages
What is the best way to get your game into a foreign-langauage market if you;'re an electronic publisher -- sell the rights to a publisher in the host country, or…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Erick Wujcik, Perrina, Philippe Tromeur, heironymous.

8/29/2003 Philippe Tromeur: [Wuthering Heights] Thinking about selling a pdf version.
I'm planning to release (commercially and electronically) an updated version of Wuthering Heights before the end of 2003. I think the final file will be 48 pages (approximately) : -…
In Publishing
Participants: Philippe Tromeur, heironymous, samdowning, Perrina, Ron Edwards, Valamir.

9/2/2003 bcook1971: Dammit! I Reinvented the Wheel!
I went into Lonestar Comics today to kill some empty holiday hours. Inspired by the variety of indie plugs I've been exposed to at the Forge, I thought I'd check…
In Publishing
Participants: bcook1971, Mike Holmes, Samael, Ron Edwards.

9/4/2003 Tim Alexander: Ethics of Indie proselytizing and the PDF
Hey Folks, When I'm pitching a new game to players, I generally hand out the book to let them borrow for a few days and let them get comfortable with…
In Publishing
Participants: Tim Alexander, ethan_greer, Matt Snyder, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon.

9/7/2003 realms_creator: Publishers
Can anyone on this site put me in contact with a nice publisher? Thanks
In Publishing
Participants: realms_creator, AgentFresh, Ron Edwards.

9/8/2003 bigsimon: Where would I find custom printed dice bags in quantity?
I'm looking for... maybe 250 or so (initial order) 6"x4" double drawstring dice bags with a single color logo printed on the front. Anyone know of an inexpensive source? I'm…
In Publishing
Participants: bigsimon, MachMoth, rpghost.

9/11/2003 xechnao: Internet Piracy on Documents
Could this be a problem for a rpg maker? If so I wanted to present here an idea that stroke my head about the matter and ask about it. I…
In Publishing
Participants: xechnao, Ron Edwards, ejh, Dave Panchyk.

9/12/2003 Michael Hopcroft: D20 vs. OGL -- markteing Advantage?
As someone who seels mainly over the net, and given recent controversies over the changes in the D20 STL, I am pondering the realtive marketing power of the D20 logo.…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, xechnao, HinterWelt, madelf, pnweerar, Anthony I, Ron Edwards, ethan_greer, Adam, MongoosePaul, ejh, Mike Holmes, Pramas.

9/13/2003 realms_creator: Web hosting
Can someone but me in contact with a good hosting company?
In Publishing
Participants: realms_creator, Lxndr, Dave Panchyk, Matt.

9/15/2003 Michael Hopcroft: GenCon SoCal Transportation & Room Sharing
I'mm be going to genCOn soCal after all, to pitch myself and help a few other Forge members if I can. I think I have my membership taken care of,…
In Publishing
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, jdagna.

9/17/2003 Matt Snyder: The Forge as co-operative
I have spent the last year and more publishing my own games. I've had good success, all things considered. I've made a very small profit that has so far allowed…
In Publishing
Participants: Matt Snyder, Mike Holmes, madelf, Michael S. Miller, Hardpoint.

9/24/2003 ejh: Plagiarism. Good plagiarism.
I remember reading in a Different Worlds article the phrase "the first rule of game design is plagiarism." That article went on to talk about ripping off the Resistance Table…
In Publishing
Participants: ejh, AnyaTheBlue, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, Dev, Ben Lehman, Lxndr.

9/27/2003 rpghost: New Store Grand Opening Support
We are in the process of opening up a brick and mortar store in the Milwaukee, WI area ( ). This huge 3000 sq ft mega store will feature…
In Publishing
Participants: rpghost, xiombarg.

9/29/2003 Space Cowboy: ISBN Numbers?
Hey guys, How's it going? Just a quick question- when is it worth it to purchase an ISBN number for a product? (i.e., going in general distribution, going into booktrade,…
In Publishing
Participants: Space Cowboy, Ron Edwards, jrs.

9/29/2003 taalyn: PDF publishing
[quote="Back in April of 2002, Ron"]As the pioneer and arguably the expert on selling PDF versions of a role-playing game, I can tell you that this tactic is not valid.…
In Publishing
Participants: taalyn, Matt Snyder, gameskald, Brand_Robins, quozl, Valamir, samdowning, HinterWelt, Michael Hopcroft, Scott_Lynch, Gold Rush Games.

more subsequent topics >>