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In Indie Game Design

12/23/2001 James V. West: The Questing Beast
Hey all! First off, I hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday season. I posted the first draft of The Questing Beast. I'm posting about here just in case you…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: James V. West, Mithras, Thededine.

12/22/2001 Spawny: Game system design
Does anyone out there have any ideas/know of any articles on designing a game system? I have 3 RPG worlds/ideas fleshed out etc. But im having REAL trouble working out…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Spawny, Ron Edwards, Jared A. Sorensen, Zak Arntson, hardcoremoose, James V. West, Spawn, Joe Murphy (Broin), Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, archangel_2, Skippy.

12/20/2001 Tim Denee: Suspect Behaviour (quite long, really; sorry about that)
An idea for a game inspired by the antics of a certain Belgian inspector. Now that I look at it, it's kinda long for an 'idea'. Whaddya think? This is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Tim Denee, Ferry Bazelmans, Mike Holmes, hardcoremoose, Paul Czege.

12/19/2001 hardcoremoose: Suicide King
Hey guys, I've been somewhat quiet on this forum lately, but that doesn't mean I haven't been soaking up what people are saying and working on a few ideas of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: hardcoremoose, Mike Holmes, Paul Czege, Skippy, archangel_2, James V. West.

12/19/2001 Mike Holmes: 'Realistic' Orcs (was Heads Up)
Since nobody can seem to get off that thread, I'll just try and continue it here (a great deal of the hi-jacking was my fault). Anyhow, what this thread should…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Mike Holmes, Uncle Dark, contracycle, John Wick, hardcoremoose.

12/19/2001 FruitSmack!: Umm..A little help here...
Hey y'all, Im working on a game idea and I cant, for the life of me come up with a name for the beings in it. Maybe someone has an…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: FruitSmack!, Ferry Bazelmans, Mike Holmes, Jack Spencer Jr, gentrification, Matt, Skippy, Tim Denee.

12/19/2001 FruitSmack!: Umm..A little help here...
Hey y'all, Im working on a game idea and I cant, for the life of me come up with a name for the beings in it. Maybe someone has an…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: FruitSmack!.

12/18/2001 jburneko: The Litterary Gamers Guide To...
Once again, I find myself with a topic that doesn't really fit a specific forum. This time I find myself torn between Indie Game Design and Publishing. What I want…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jburneko, Joe Murphy (Broin), Le Joueur, Marco.

12/18/2001 Laurel: Devils Cay
I know I've been suspiciously quiet for the last 2-3 weeks. There's been a lot going on for me, that is now finalized so that I can start discussing it.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Laurel, Ron Edwards.

12/18/2001 Ferry Bazelmans: SOAP - restructuring and rebuilding
Hi there, After about three quarters of a year, I wanted to redo Soap and get some of its more problematic issues solved. It is up at for review:…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ferry Bazelmans, Mike Holmes.

12/15/2001 erithromycin: Se7en: A 'Generic' rpg
This grew out of an idea I had about an hour ago. It's posted here rather than at a URL for convenience, probably more on my part than yours. This…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: erithromycin.

12/12/2001 Jared A. Sorensen: No Media Kings This is Jim Munroe's site. He wrote a book a liked (Angry Young Spaceman) and a book I really loved (Flyboy Action Figure Comes with Gasmask). Anyway, it's all…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jared A. Sorensen, joshua neff, hardcoremoose, Paul Czege.

12/11/2001 erithromycin: PUNk
There have been natterings about a real world game in a couple of forums now, so I dug out an old game I wrote that grew out of an older…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: erithromycin, contracycle, Mike Holmes.

12/10/2001 Zak Arntson: Robot GNS - Preliminary Design
Okay, I wrote an RPG about Robots. Well, I wrote 3 of them. I tried to carry them along the lines of GNS, just to see how it would work.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson.

12/8/2001 Bankuei: Persona system
This system has been floating in my head for a couple of months, so let me know what you think of it. The goal is a system that encourages plot…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bankuei, Julian Kelsey, contracycle.

12/7/2001 xiombarg: Faster, Better, Cheaper
I work as a contractor for NASA. Some of you may remember the infamous Faster, Better, Cheaper slogan NASA was pushing a while back. Well, the joke going around…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xiombarg, Epoch, Nathan, Clinton R. Nixon, Paul Czege, contracycle.

12/6/2001 Epoch: Power to the Goblins!
The concept I can't currently get out of my head is gritty class-based struggle in Arcadia/Under the Hill/Faerie. I'm seeing this as a human-less game, with the real world not…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Epoch, Mike Holmes, hardcoremoose, joshua neff, Jared A. Sorensen, Blake Hutchins, Torrent, Mytholder, contracycle.

12/5/2001 razgon: Dragonmeet and other conventions
Hi again. I'm posting this here since no other catagory seems to allow "general" talk :smile: I was thinking about the whole "INDIE RPGS" community here, and what they did…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: razgon, Jared A. Sorensen, Bret, Mike Holmes, hardcoremoose, Mytholder, Ron Edwards.

12/5/2001 razgon: Greetings
Hi. I recently discovered this grand site, and just wanted to say hi and tell you a little about Regalia (our rpg) and Lidiumonline(our website). LIDIUM is an adventure media…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: razgon, Ron Edwards.

12/4/2001 Bret: RPG Idea
Concept: Sci-fi setting where humanity is being attacked by a constantly evolving alien race. The mainstay of the alien forces are enormous creatures dubbed "Behemoths" - large, bony monstrosities that…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Bret, Joe Murphy (Broin), erithromycin, Jared A. Sorensen, Ron Edwards, Mike Holmes, mahoux, Ryan Ary.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

12/26/2001 archangel_2: Advice Please (editted)
Well, I've been working on a set of game mechanics, off and on, for a few years now. I've shown bits and pieces of them to individual people, but never…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: archangel_2, Mike Holmes, Epoch, Laurel.

12/26/2001 lumpley: Chalk Outlines Waiting to Happen
[FONT COLOR="#990000"] [FONT SIZE="+3"]C[/FONT][FONT SIZE="+2"]halk [/FONT][FONT SIZE="+3"]O[/FONT][FONT SIZE="+2"]utlines[/FONT] [FONT SIZE="+1"] Waiting to Happen[/FONT][/FONT] A Caper Flick Roleplaying Game Is up in a crude-ish, pre-playtest, pre-serious editing kind of way at…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: lumpley, Mike Holmes, Paul Czege.

12/27/2001 Mike Holmes: Cheating Death
Ron asks for: An application of game design that permits the player still to participate even though the character dies (and never mind kluges like resurrection, I mean Dead-death)…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards, Clinton R. Nixon, Paul Czege, unodiablo, joshua neff, Jack Spencer Jr, Zak Arntson, James V. West, Laurel, Joe Murphy (Broin).

12/27/2001 Clinton R. Nixon: There and Back (a Meta-system) - idea from "Cheating Death"
Inspired by the ideas on the "Cheating Death" thread, I whipped this out. I'd actually incorporate this into a larger system that determined character resolution as well, but as is,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Dave Versace.

12/27/2001 Zak Arntson: Preliminary Design - Gamist Cubes & Narrativist Fate
Two different game ideas: Cubes Competitive roleplaying corporate drones, a la Office Space (the movie). I wanted a game that uses cards, is competitive, and a commentary on my…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson, Clinton R. Nixon.

12/28/2001 Cynthia Celeste Miller: Greetings
Believe it or not, I hadn't come to the Forge before last night. Maybe I just never thought to look beyond So, I figured I'd introduce myself and start…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, Joe Murphy (Broin), James V. West, Mike Holmes, joshua neff, unodiablo, Zak Arntson, Ryan Ary, Paganini, Matt Gwinn.

12/28/2001 Marco: Historical Inaccuracy
Whew ... I had something to say about Paul's historical-setting thread--but we were so close to the launch of our newest world book that it was better to wait. We've…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Marco, James V. West, Laurel, Mike Holmes, Joe Murphy (Broin), joshua neff.

12/29/2001 Paganini: [Cornerstone] Introduction
Greetings! I'm a new user on the forge (check out my profile if you're interested), but I'd bet that I know a lot of you from other RPG-related lists around…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, hardcoremoose, Mike Holmes, Cynthia Celeste Miller, contracycle, joshua neff.

12/30/2001 Epoch: Random Thought
(No, for the record, I haven't abandoned the fae wargame thing -- just thinking about it). Anyhow, I was pondering descriptor-based systems after Paganini's recent topic, and I had an…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Epoch, Joe Murphy (Broin), Paganini, Jared A. Sorensen, Bankuei, Cynthia Celeste Miller.

12/30/2001 Paganini: [Cornerstone] Content
Supposing you picked up the latest $5-$10 self-published indie-RPG. You take it home and read it, and, regardless of what kind of setting information it contains, as far as rules…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, James V. West, Cynthia Celeste Miller.

12/30/2001 Paganini: [Cornerstone] Poll: Organizational Writing
What, in your opinion is the best way to approach layout and writing in an RPG? This is not a general question... I want specific information form individuals about what…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, Le Joueur, Mike Holmes, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Mithras.

12/30/2001 Paganini: [Cornerstone] [Genreal Design] Chapter Layout
Fang: Thanks for directing me to a useful and interesting thread. One thing not mentioned with respect to layout is: What if you only have one chapter for everything? That…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, Mike Holmes, Le Joueur, Laurel, Ron Edwards.

12/31/2001 Cynthia Celeste Miller: Capturing the Spirit
This topic is inspired by the "Playtesting" thread over on the Publishing forum. I'm all about capturing the mood and spirit of the game setting / genre using any means…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Cynthia Celeste Miller, Blake Hutchins, John Wick, JSDiamond, Jack Spencer Jr, James V. West, hardcoremoose, Laurel, Mike Holmes, Spawn.

12/31/2001 joe_llama: Greetings and Requests
Greetings everyone! Before I begin, I would like to say that this forum is the best I've seen in a long time. I still ask myself how is it possible…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: joe_llama, mahoux, Ron Edwards, Laurel.

12/31/2001 Zak Arntson: Harlekin-Maus monthly: Fungeon
I'm officially releasing my GM-less Dungeon Crawling game. Fungeon The holidays kicked me upside the head, so I wasn't able to make it super-amazing by the end of the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Zak Arntson, James V. West.

1/1/2002 Paganini: RPG Layout
For Cindi, a bit, but also I want to present an idea I had for the layout for Cornerstone. :smile: Cindi, and anyone who's interested, I have an RPG Layout…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Ron Edwards, James V. West, Laurel, Matt Snyder, Jack Spencer Jr, J B Bell, Bailey.

1/1/2002 James V. West: The Iron Devils Quandary
I’m writing a game based on the Sword and Sorcery sub-genre of fantasy. Its called Iron Devils and its primarily based on the style and atmosphere of stories written by…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: James V. West, Uncle Dark, hardcoremoose, Paganini, Cynthia Celeste Miller, Matt Snyder, Laurel, Bankuei, Blake Hutchins, Paul Czege, greyorm, Jared A. Sorensen.

1/2/2002 Ian Freeman: High Fantasy System
Hey everybody, long time no see. I've just slammed out a rather interesting little high fantasy system that is designed specifically to feel like high fantasy. The whole system is…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ian Freeman, Skippy, Garbanzo, Thededine.

1/4/2002 Paganini: Eh?
How does one delete a message (such as this one, which is now in the process of being heavily edited :wink: that has been, for example, posted multiple times? font…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini.

1/4/2002 Paganini: [Cornerstone] Outline
Today I made a list of all the things I have rules for and made an outline. Here's what I came up with: Definition of Descriptors (GM: Using Descriptors for…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Paganini.

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