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In Indie Game Design

3/23/2004 Strams: 'Navigator' Generic SCI-FI RPG
First off, I just recently found this board and I am delighted to find that there are this many people into this aspect of RPG. I guess almost all folks…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Strams, Matt Wilson, Garbanzo, Steve Samson, Shreyas Sampat, Dev, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Juicetyger.

3/23/2004 Rich Stokes: [Danger Dudes] Light hearted narrative based action movies
To mark the first anniversary of me shooting my mouth off about this project, here is the first release of Danger Dudes, my beer and chips narrative betting game. This…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Rich Stokes.

3/20/2004 Promethius: SF RPG (split and closed)
This game sounds like fun. I like the changes you made to the system. Looks like I've got some competition.
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Promethius, Ron Edwards.

3/21/2004 Promethius: Start to finish game design (split and closed)
I always design a world in which I create the character I wish I could be. Then, I just keep adding things in from there. Most of what I was…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Promethius, Jack Spencer Jr, Jeph, Ron Edwards.

3/21/2004 madelf: (Angor) Magic & Technology in conlict
I'm about to start playtesting my Tales of Angor game (pseudo-victorian fantasy) and yet I've still got a concept in it that I'm not really entirely happy with mechanically (and…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: madelf, hanschristianandersen, BPetroff93, Garbanzo, The Benj, contracycle, Umberhulk, timfire.

3/20/2004 Mr. Sluagh: Setting Idea to Build Upon
[brainfart]The stars are right. The Old Gods rise. A reckoning is at hand. No, not the those Old Gods. That would be too cliché. I'm talking about the actual, mythological,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Mr. Sluagh, Walt Freitag, orbsmatt, Umberhulk, Ravien, Rich Stokes.

3/19/2004 hanschristianandersen: [Musketeers!] Who gets to do the scene framing?
This is my first earnest attempt at RPG design, and it's pretty close to the point where I start rounding up folks for playtesting. However, I'm stumped on a core…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: hanschristianandersen, RaconteurX, Rexfelis, quozl, Jonathan Walton, clehrich, Bluesboy.

3/19/2004 johnzo: [fistful] Dogfighting
I've added a section on cinematic dogfighting to the Fistful rules. Philosophy: * use fistful die-allocation mechanic to let players manage their risk. * meaningful decisions for players: when…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: johnzo.

3/18/2004 Lara: Opinions on Screen Shots
Been working on screen shots for our game. Its a 2D MMORPG and the images are sans lighting and shadows at this time. Hence they are brighter then they will…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Lara, Zathreyel, contracycle, Ron Edwards, Jack Aidley, Christopher Weeks, daMoose_Neo, Alex Johnson, anonymouse, Walt Freitag.

3/17/2004 jphannil: Chaos & Order, the next step
Hi all Forgers ! I've modified and updated Chaos & Order and it can be now found in pdf-format from: Playtesting is also in-progress with hyborian mini-campaign and it's…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: jphannil, Ville Takanen.

3/17/2004 Sparky: oh no. Not another thread about hit points.
Hi all. I'll come clean. I don't mean Hit Points, per se. What I mean is options for forcing character retirement based on injuries AND/OR more narrative/storyline concerns. Specifically, I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Sparky, Jack Spencer Jr, Ole, Zoetrope10, Eric J., Lara, Zathreyel, komradebob, The Immortal MOOSE!, Jonathan Walton, orbsmatt, Umberhulk.

3/16/2004 Rexfelis: Combat in "Dominion" (Do I have a Heartbraker?)
Previous threads on "Dominion": Abilities in “Dominion”: Dominion: Jihad: Note: technically "Dominion" is now just one setting for the game system I'm working on. The game is about…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Rexfelis, Mike Holmes, Valamir, daMoose_Neo, Jeph.

3/15/2004 The Immortal MOOSE!: D12 Revisited
Quite some time ago, and under a different Screen Name, I posted a concept for a core game mechanic based around the use of a D12 for all resolutions. Due…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: The Immortal MOOSE!, Jasper, anonymouse, Darcy Burgess.

3/12/2004 greyorm: Pre-raiding jitters put stop to orcish horde?
Alright, ORX is nearly complete. There's a few bits to write out here and there, but I know exactly what is going into those bits, plus examples need to be…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: greyorm, Alan, Mike Holmes, daMoose_Neo, Sylus Thane, Ole.

3/12/2004 Nathan P.: [Kildarrin] Opinions on optional rules
Hey all. I'd like to get some opinions on offering optional rules in a main game text. First, a little background. Timestream, my time travel game, is on the back-burner…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Nathan P., montag, Mike Holmes, taalyn.

3/12/2004 Autocrat: I.N.I. ; Action Point System
OK, I'm happy with Action Point systems for interracting, I'm OK with figuring who goes when....the problem I have is excessive AP scores and normal AP Scores. Details: All Characters,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Autocrat, s3kt0r, Shreyas Sampat, Jack Aidley, Umberhulk, contracycle, Ben Morgan, Runjikol.

3/12/2004 age_of_dissent: [FS: Twilight] Would this initiative mechanic work?
I'm hashing out the details of my combat system, and I've got a system which works a bit differently to any I've seen before. I would appreciate your opinions on…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: age_of_dissent, Mike Holmes.

3/12/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Backstage] Looking for a little opinion...(comedy RP)
Hmmkay, most of my posts have been to the publishing side concerning my CG going out, but with it at the printers I have a little time before I have…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: daMoose_Neo, age_of_dissent, Mike Holmes, Doctor Xero, orbsmatt.

3/11/2004 madelf: A racist race? What's your take?
I hope this belongs here. I don't swim much in this end of the pool. I usually stick to "Publishing" and occassionally stick my toe into "RPG Theory". But I…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: madelf, Wolfen, daMoose_Neo, simon_hibbs, Doctor Xero, pete_darby, Valamir, komradebob, Matt, Lara, contracycle.

3/11/2004 VoiceOfGd: [Softlands] Question about Core Mechanic
Ok, this is my first post here and I have forum stagefright so I'm going to go directly down Ron's list in "How to present a mechanic..." explicitly. Sorry for…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: VoiceOfGd, Shreyas Sampat, Mike Holmes, Jonathan Walton.

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Subsequent Topics
In Indie Game Design

3/25/2004 taalyn: Ability Scope problems in Crux
I am having problems figuring something out, so I'm hoping you all can help. First, a basic run through of relevant details (mechanics only, as I've done setting numerous times):…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: taalyn, Shreyas Sampat, jphannil, Mike Holmes.

3/25/2004 New Dimension Games: New games for you
Greetings to all! We at New Dimension Games are offering alternatives to d20 in the genres of medieval fantasy, historical piracy, and modern paranoia. Want to rediscover the genres you…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: New Dimension Games, rafial, Valamir, RaconteurX, greyorm, M. J. Young, Ron Edwards, Jack Spencer Jr, John Harper.

3/26/2004 LeeRaulin: Direct Me to the Best System
I'll start off on a tangent. Hello everyone. I just found this site and it looks really interesting. It seems there are others who share my absurd fascination with designing…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: LeeRaulin, montag, daMoose_Neo, Alan, Ron Edwards, Steven Bishop, TerroX.

3/26/2004 Ben Lehman: Tactics: Antagonist Bidding
Previous Threads on this game: So, after some long agonizing over the virtues of varying levels of "GMless" play, I have decided the following things: 1) If it…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ben Lehman, Mike Holmes, Dev.

3/29/2004 Ravien: Eclipse: Social Interaction Mechanics
[b]Eclipse: Social Interaction Mechanics [/b] The social interaction mechanics in Eclipse are fairly complex in theory (in practise they are pretty straightforward), and may or may not be intuitive or…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ravien, Autocrat, Spooky Fanboy, Valamir, Mike Holmes, Shreyas Sampat, Andrew Martin, Alf_the_Often_Incorrect, Thor.

3/29/2004 Ravien: Eclipse: Combat Resolution Mechanics
[b]Eclipse: Combat Resolution Mechanics [/b] Combat resolution in Eclipse is fast and intuitive (it is, damn you!). You won’t “miss” someone because of a poor roll, and you won’t score…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Ravien, Bracken, Valamir, greyorm, charles ferguson, Alf_the_Often_Incorrect.

3/30/2004 Jasper: PN: divided, rotating GM powers
Principium Novum is progressing nicely. What I've been working on recently is the potential for dividing the typical GM powers between the players. I still want to retain a central…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jasper, Mike Holmes.

3/30/2004 taalyn: How to determine difficulties
I can't figure them out. They're beingtransparent. I have a huge excel file with all the odds and probabilities for my system, but have no idea how to decide what…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: taalyn, Steve Samson, Jeph, Jasper, orbsmatt, Mike Holmes, Shreyas Sampat.

3/30/2004 Kilor Di: [Terrae Novae] Tables and then click on Terrae Novae. I'm having troubles with the table-work in the game (experience tables, gold/credit tables, etc.) Any suggestions on how to create such tables would…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Kilor Di, Jasper, orbsmatt.

3/31/2004 Survivor: Help needed for unique RPG system
Hey, I'm new here, and I need some help (as if the title didn't give it away). I'm undertaking a very improbable, highly specialized task: Making an RPG based on…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Survivor, xiombarg, erithromycin, Palaskar.

3/31/2004 Malechi: [Cabal] intro mechanics
Hi there, So there we were, digesting the last session of InSpectres with a nice glass of Pinot when we struck upon the idea for a new game. Its got…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Malechi.

3/31/2004 rafial: Rules suggestions for NDG Pirates
This thread is continuation of the game design issues brought up in a previous thread which is now closed. Since I am responding to a question regarding future directions of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: rafial.

3/31/2004 timfire: [E.rpg] Worked out some kinks, and developed a new focus.
Well, I feel I've worked out the major kinks in my reworked heartbreaker, E.rpg. Here are the basics of the system. I still have to finish writing everything out, but…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: timfire.

3/31/2004 xiombarg: Unsung Overhall
So, okay, Alexander sent me an email with several suggestions about changing Unsung as a post mortem to the campaign we just ended. Other people are welcome to chime in.…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: xiombarg, Lxndr.

4/2/2004 Valamir: [Robots & Rapiers] Contacts, Favors, and Influence
I'm busily at work getting R&R ready for the next round of testing and thought I'd throw out a concept I'm pretty excited about. Contacts. Contacts are all of the…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Valamir, montag, Jack Aidley, Michael S. Miller, Ron Edwards.

4/2/2004 Mourglin: Using a survey.
Hello all, This is my first visit to the Forge and my very first post. I am pleased with the volume of discussions going on here and was referred by…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Mourglin, Argetlamh, M. J. Young, Bluve Oak, Ron Edwards.

4/2/2004 Jere: [Shadows in the Fog] Age of Paranoia
I'll be adapting clehrich's excellent Shadows in the Fog to an espionage game, heavily borrowing from John Le Carré's Cold War espionage novels, that I'm calling Age of…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Jere.

4/3/2004 Spooky Fanboy: Entry-Level Dieties: a roleplaying game in progress
Okay, I started this game being fed up with games like Lost Gods, Black and White, the Last Exodus, Nobilis, etc. for various reasons. My goal, in creating this game,…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Spooky Fanboy, gobi, taalyn, RaconteurX, Matt, Marhault.

4/4/2004 Morrius: Damage mechanic
Whenever I'm trying to develop a system in my head, the one part that always stymies me is the damage mechanic. I'm currently working on a systems that uses an…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Morrius, Jasper, Knarf, Matt.

4/5/2004 Mourglin: Skyfall
My goals for this thread are two fold. First I wish to answer two inter-related questions I have been wrestling with for weeks. In order to present these questions to…
In Indie Game Design
Participants: Mourglin, Kryyst, Shreyas Sampat, Castellanus, Alex Johnson, ghostwolf.

more subsequent topics >>