The Forge Reference Project: Browse Threads


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6/2/2004 DavidsWeb: Eternity: Looking for Alpha testers
I have finished designing a new RPG called Eternity and I'm currently looking for a group to perform an alpha test. The website, with full info for players, is located…
In Connections
Participants: DavidsWeb.

5/28/2004 cognizantchance: I will happily trade search engine optimization for links...
Hi, I am a professional Search Engine Optimization Consultant who is persevering on with an undoubtedly ill-fated plan to publish some RPG material. That being said I love indie games…
In Connections
Participants: cognizantchance.

5/27/2004 16CBH: [ARCHENA] Core System Open Playtest Now Live
[b]The Archena Role-Playing Game is offering a free download of its core system. [/b] The 215 page PDF includes the complete system, character sheets, and some very basic world data.…
In Connections
Participants: 16CBH.

5/25/2004 Space Cowboy: Seeking Anime-style artists
Entertainment company is seeking to add several highly-talented, anime-style artists to its staff. The original flagship product is a roleplaying game, but the company is seeking to also produce a…
In Connections
Participants: Space Cowboy.

5/23/2004 oversoul01: Hoping to find an Editor/Formatter for Dice Chucker
I think the subject pretty much says it all. I wrote a short system(9 page pdf) calledDice Chucker and I am looking for someone who read over it, who could…
In Connections
Participants: oversoul01, Juicetyger.

5/20/2004 daMoose_Neo: Anyone else for "Ad swap"?
Bob Goat had an idea earlier that I really liked and we're working something out between the two of us, but I wanted to extend it to the rest of…
In Connections
Participants: daMoose_Neo, wakingjohn, Bob Goat.

5/20/2004 Ranko: Free adds & web design (not free)
Hola, I'm planning to add some flavor adds to my site. And I remembered my old haunt - The Forge, and figured that I too could help the Indy Community.…
In Connections
Participants: Ranko.

5/19/2004 Jack Aidley: Art for the IGC book
Well, I need some cover art for Chanter for the IGC anthology book thingy. And I'm guessing I'm not the only designer in need of an artist, hence this thread.…
In Connections
Participants: Jack Aidley, xiombarg, sharchen.

5/17/2004 matthijs: Playtesters wanted for card-based GM-less RPG
"Will the Emperor Fall?" is a story-telling role-playing game for 2-5 players with no game master. More information about it can be found here. I'm looking for playtesters who are…
In Connections
Participants: matthijs.

5/17/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Looking for layout advice
Gentles, Since it appears I'm going to be doing my own layout on my new venture, I was wondering if any of the veteeran layout gurus could advice me on…
In Connections
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, Andy Kitkowski, talysman, Jack Aidley, inthisstyle, timfire, MarktheAnimator, 16CBH, Garbanzo, Bob Goat.

5/15/2004 Space Cowboy: Online Playtesting for Anime Space Western RPG
Hey guys, Now that the school year is over, members of my playtest group have gone home for the summer and we're moving online. If you're interested in an original-mechanic…
In Connections
Participants: Space Cowboy, Andy Kitkowski.

5/14/2004 M. J. Young: Gaming Outpost Thread Restoration
Much of the pre-history of The Forge was in the discussions at Gaming Outpost. It was there that Ron Edwards first introduced System Does Matter and the distinctions between…
In Connections
Participants: M. J. Young, Mike Holmes.

5/13/2004 gryphonkessira: RPG group finder message board
For all of you who (like me) are having a hard time finding a group to play with, or groups looking for players, I’ve started a message board where people…
In Connections
Participants: gryphonkessira, Mike Holmes.

5/11/2004 Andy Kitkowski: Room search for GenCon
I'm seriously considering going to GenCon this year, it'll be my fourth GenCon, the last one being about 7-8 years ago... Indie booth aside... Is anyone planning on getting one…
In Connections
Participants: Andy Kitkowski, Ron Edwards.

5/11/2004 Bob Goat: Ad Exchanges
I noticed in several products I have purchase after discovering them through the forge that in the back they have ads for other games (which has often led me to…
In Connections
Participants: Bob Goat, greyorm, daMoose_Neo.

5/10/2004 Clarn: Athala RPG
Hi all Let me introduce you Athala, a free fantasy role playing game I wrote. I am not a native English speaker so be indulgent, as it may (must ;)…
In Connections
Participants: Clarn, Mike Holmes, Bob Goat, Trevis Martin.

5/10/2004 Clay: A simple tool for RPG sites
This last week I put a little time in building an ingenious tool for maintaining web sites. It's has the features that I think a little independent game publisher needs:…
In Connections
Participants: Clay.

5/8/2004 C. Edwards: GenCon Indy: Sunday Night Crash Pad
Hey all, Thanks to the cool True Dungeon folks, I have my room taken care of for Wed-Sat night. I'd really like to stay Sunday night also though, for various…
In Connections
Participants: C. Edwards.

5/7/2004 Dav: Iron Game Chef -- The Publication!
Mike Holmes and I have been working through a plan to publish the current Iron Game Chef games in a single tome. While there are likely a few kinks to…
In Connections
Participants: Dav, Shreyas Sampat, Rich Forest, quozl, Eero Tuovinen, Mike Holmes, talysman, Christopher Weeks, Zak Arntson, Asrogoth, C. Edwards, Simon W, hanschristianandersen, Jack Aidley, Lxndr, Ben Lehman, greyorm, Walt Freitag, Palaskar, xiombarg, abzu, JamesSterrett, dalek_of_god, timfire, Dev, Jonathan Walton.

5/7/2004 Jack Aidley: [Great Ork Gods] Scenario Playtesters wanted.
Hi, I've written a new scenario for Great Ork Gods, and I'm looking for a few folks to playtest it for me. Just drop me a PM if you're interested.…
In Connections
Participants: Jack Aidley.

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In Connections

6/5/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Wanted -- CAH Expert
I'm looking for someone who has become a real expert on Spectrum games' Cartoon Action Hour! RPG to help me with a project. Contact me for details.
In Connections
Participants: Michael Hopcroft.

6/6/2004 Clinton R. Nixon: Playtesters in New Orleans, LA needed
I'm looking to form a group to playtest my new game, The Shadow of Yesterday, in New Orleans. Specifically, I'm looking for all types of people: non-gamers, artists, old skool…
In Connections
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon.

6/8/2004 bluekabuto: cheap web development and design for your game store/company
Attn gameshop owners/companies. As a gamer and small business owner I know how tight money can be sometimes. I also know how frustrating it is to visit a website that…
In Connections
Participants: bluekabuto.

6/8/2004 Andy Kitkowski: [Convention Swap] GIMME SOME RPG STUFF in exchange for ads
Hey all, sorry about the ambiguous title. Let me quickly summarize what's going down: In late July is Trinoc-Con, the area's (Durham/Raleigh/NC) premier game and SF convention. This year, I'm…
In Connections
Participants: Andy Kitkowski.

6/11/2004 MarktheAnimator: Fantasy Imperium - Looking for Playtesters
Hello, I'm looking for playtesters for my game, Fantasy Imperium. What the game is about: - Historical Fantasy Role Playing in Medieval Europe. - Complex combat system that is meant…
In Connections
Participants: MarktheAnimator, LoreTG.

6/12/2004 Dumirik: Playtesters for Oneiro
Hi. I need some playtesters for my RPG Oneiro. I'd be willing to trade playtests if required. The game can be found on my Yahoo! group shown on my signature.…
In Connections
Participants: Dumirik.

6/15/2004 pigames: Seeking Mac/PC Programmer
Politically Incorrect Games is looking for a freelancer to write a small-ish computer program capable of working on both Windows 95+ and Mac OS 8+ (obviously, two different versions). If…
In Connections
Participants: pigames, Christopher Weeks.

6/19/2004 philreed: Playtesters Needed for Motocaust
I expect to have Motocaust ready for playtest in a week (probably Saturday or Sunday) and, at that time, will be looking for people to have fun driving fast cars…
In Connections
Participants: philreed, Jason L Blair, Jonathan Walton, Matt, Jürgen Mayer, Bob Goat, Andrew Martin, Tobias, smokewolf.

6/22/2004 StrongBadMun: [Schism] Connections of all kinds needed
That's right, brand new to The Forge with an Indie game. At the moment the project involves me, so I'm looking for artists, writers, and anything else I can…
In Connections
Participants: StrongBadMun, Andy Kitkowski, Jürgen Mayer.

6/24/2004 Michael Hopcroft: Layout artist for screen-format PDFs
I don't know for sure if I'm going to need this -- there may be people within my company who can do this. But just in case I thought I'd…
In Connections
Participants: Michael Hopcroft, bigsimon, Bob Goat, Eero Tuovinen.

6/25/2004 Matt: Looking for contributors
As some of you may know, I run a site called Realms. It's a mix of articles, reviews, interviews, links and free games. It's me, plus the occasional contribution from…
In Connections
Participants: Matt, ethan_greer, Juicetyger, Kester Pelagius.

6/27/2004 bigsimon: Looking for chibi style superhero art for a superkids book.
I'm finally to the point where I'm going to be buying artwork for the first VS. book, which should be finished and in production by the end of the year.…
In Connections
Participants: bigsimon.

6/28/2004 daMoose_Neo: Final Twilight TCG release and Forge Discount!
Hey all! Finally, after quite a while of dealing with customs (I learned my lesson- never print overseas when possible!), I finally have my shipment of my card game, Final…
In Connections
Participants: daMoose_Neo.

6/30/2004 hive: Illustrating Gunslinger
Former SDG Principal and Studio Ronin member, Gary Simpson creates artwork for every need and style with a body of work that exceeds over 30 covers crowning over 400+ illustrations.…
In Connections
Participants: hive.

7/2/2004 Tav_Behemoth: Seeking NYC-area playtesters July 9th-11th (D&D tourname
Fellow Forgers: Behemoth3 is holding three days of games to help us get ready for the Best Four Days in Gaming! In preparation for the Official Masters and Minions Tournament…
In Connections
Participants: Tav_Behemoth.

7/5/2004 Radecave le Scribouillard: Palimpseste Looking for a translator
I'm looking for a translator for Palimpseste, a french rpg I wrote. I need someone who likes odd words. I can pay for that job...
In Connections
Participants: Radecave le Scribouillard, Kesher.

7/5/2004 jdrakeh: Seeking Artwork for Formless
Hi, I've been down this road before, but I figured that I'd give it another shot. I need a piece of cover art (and possibly some small pieces of line…
In Connections
Participants: jdrakeh, hive.

7/10/2004 jdrakeh: Wanted: An ad for your game in Formless
If you already have a game in circulation and are looking for a little more exposure, I plan on devoting one two-column 8 1/2" x 11" page per issue of…
In Connections
Participants: jdrakeh, M. J. Young, Juicetyger.

7/10/2004 Ben Lehman: Wanted: Ad Designer for Polaris
Hi, so I'm writing this RPG (Polaris: A Tragic Fairy-Tale), which isn't done yet, but I have a sudden need for a "coming soon" advertisement, simply because there are a…
In Connections
Participants: Ben Lehman, Jonathan Walton.

7/12/2004 Bob Goat: [Conspiracy of Shadows] Looking for Playtest Reviews
Hi, I'm trying to get as many reviews of my game as possible and I think that playtest reviews are usually the most informative. If anyone is interested I can…
In Connections
Participants: Bob Goat.

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