Previous Topics In Indie Game Design 3/9/2004 Eric J.: [FF Legacy] An RPG, yet to be realised. Disclaimer: FF does NOT mean or indicate, imply directly or indirectly, Final Fantasy. There is no subtle invited assumption that it does or does not. Nope. None. And since there… In Indie Game Design Participants: Eric J., Ben Lehman, Ravien, gabby2600, Mike Holmes.
3/9/2004 taalyn: Cruxness in revision Some of you may remember Crux, an urban fantasy rpg using colored tokens instead of dice. Well, development went on hiatus for about 6 months, but I'm gearing up to… In Indie Game Design Participants: taalyn, cruciel, Shreyas Sampat, Darcy Burgess, Strams.
3/8/2004 HOT: Hengist the Dane - Saxon Roleplaying in Arthurian Britan Ok heres an Idea that's been rolling around in my head for a while. The concept is that you are first- or second-generation immigrants to Britan around 500 AD. "Fleeing… In Indie Game Design Participants: HOT, Kryyst, RaconteurX, Shreyas Sampat, Valamir.
3/6/2004 Amadeus: dice questions I'm working on a paranoid style rpg system/setting and I was wondering if anybody had any insight on the legality of using Fudge dice. ie can I use them without… In Indie Game Design Participants: Amadeus, Jeph, Shreyas Sampat, Harlequin.
3/5/2004 andy: BONES the RPG I like dice. I have written a lot of homebrew RPGs over the years, most of which fall in the "not-ready-for-prime time" category. However, I have been working on one… In Indie Game Design Participants: andy, montag, Ron Edwards, Bluve Oak, ethan_greer, Mike Holmes, Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro, xiombarg, taalyn, Paul Czege, Umberhulk, Zathreyel, Nuno Viotti, Valamir, charles ferguson, TheLoom.
3/5/2004 Bob Goat: [Consipiracy of Shadows] Introduction Help We are in the editing stage of our game and I was looking to get some outside opinions/comments on our Introduction. I think that it is a terribly important part… In Indie Game Design Participants: Bob Goat, Mike Holmes, Ron Edwards.
3/5/2004 matthijs: [Okkupasjon!] Character design concept A few others and I are just starting to throw around ideas for a Norwegian role-playing game called "Okkupasjon!". The game is set in Norway 1940, while the country was… In Indie Game Design Participants: matthijs, Jeph, Ron Edwards, Ravien.
3/4/2004 Dregg: [Dice Pools] When colors of dice become too much Ok,
Working on my newest monstrosity "Path of 5 harmonies" I have ran into a mind numbing issue.
The game is simple
Dice pool based system with a sliding Difficulty… In Indie Game Design Participants: Dregg, Christopher Weeks, Matt Gwinn, Shreyas Sampat, Wolfen, Halzebier.
3/4/2004 timfire: [E.rpg LITE] My Fantasy Heartbreaker I've decided to finish up my Fantasy Heartbreaker so I can move on to other projects with a clean conscience. Since coming to the Forge, I've decided to change a… In Indie Game Design Participants: timfire, montag, Halzebier, arwink, Jack Aidley, ethan_greer, John Burdick, Ravien, Ron Edwards, Valamir.
3/4/2004 Bluve Oak: Inexhaustible Magic Greetings.
I'm looking for an RPG that has inexhaustible magic. By this I mean a system where you can cast spells all day long without limitations or anything becoming depleted.… In Indie Game Design Participants: Bluve Oak, Demada, Ole, Shreyas Sampat, Halzebier, Christopher Weeks, Lxndr, Matt Gwinn, Paul Czege, John Burdick, pete_darby, Deadboy, clehrich, Ravien, M. J. Young, Mike Holmes, Valamir, frog, Ian Charvill, andy, komradebob, timfire, Jonathan Walton, Ben Lehman, herrmess.
3/3/2004 Demada: [Feats] A Game of Heroic Storytelling, first time This is my first attempt at anything like this. I can't tell you where I came up with the idea, just kind of struck me. Anyway, it's a bit rough… In Indie Game Design Participants: Demada, Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro.
3/2/2004 Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro: Lila: A Synopsis Lila, a Vedic Role Playing Game: A Synopsis
I wrote this synopsis for my own satisfaction, for clarity of mind. But I thought I should post it to fellow Forgee’s… In Indie Game Design Participants: Lorenzo Rubbo-Ferraro.
3/2/2004 Rexfelis: Abilities in "Dominion" My question re. abilities in DOMINION is at the bottom. Before I can ask it meaningfully, a summary of the DOMINION game is in order.
DOMINION summary
1. Premise
How… In Indie Game Design Participants: Rexfelis, Shreyas Sampat, coxcomb, Dav, clehrich.
3/2/2004 micahcomer: Before I even get started Hello. This is my first post here on the Forge, though I?ve been lurking for quite awhile. I?ve read a lot of the posts, most of the articles, and have… In Indie Game Design Participants: micahcomer, orbsmatt, Shreyas Sampat, ethan_greer, Ron Edwards, Dev, Paul Czege, Mike Holmes, Ole.
3/1/2004 WyldKarde: Trying something new here... I know, I know. There isn't much that hasn't been tried in RPG design. However, I'm experiemnting with a few ideas that, at the very least, aren't mainstream, and I… In Indie Game Design Participants: WyldKarde, Harlequin.
3/1/2004 ReverendBayn: Karmic - New diceless system needs critique. I've been working on a pet project for some time now, a science-fantasy setting inspired by the myths and religions of south-east asia. It even has a great slogan: "Get… In Indie Game Design Participants: ReverendBayn, John Harper, coxcomb, orbsmatt, lumpley, Christopher Weeks, Matt Gwinn, RaconteurX, clehrich.
3/1/2004 Rich Stokes: [Urban Mythos] Yet another Tarot system & narration issu [b]Previously in "Life of Rich":[/b]
I'm working on Urban Mythos still. Slowly and painfully.
Some other posts can be found [url=]here[/url], [url=]here[/url] and [url=]here[/url].
I came up with a cool… In Indie Game Design Participants: Rich Stokes, Shreyas Sampat, clehrich.
3/1/2004 Dumirik: NightWorld playtesters needed NightWorld, the RPG that I have been on and off working on for the past 10+ months has now been finalised and moderately playtested (just stuffing around with some friends).… In Indie Game Design Participants: Dumirik.
2/29/2004 Ben Lehman: A RPG of Heroic Passion Hey everybody.
So I had some free time today, and sat down to work on Tactics (minutia of movement rules... joy!) Instead, this came out, nearly whole cloth, in about… In Indie Game Design Participants: Ben Lehman, james_west, Jeph.
2/27/2004 tldenmark: The No Stats rpg I've been pondering this for sometime, and have been playing around with an RPG system that has no base stats. (I mean like traditional abilities: strength, intelligence, blah, blah)
Your… In Indie Game Design Participants: tldenmark, Nathan P., Eric J., bcook1971, Lxndr, Valamir, Shreyas Sampat, Nuadha, xiombarg, Mike Holmes.
<< more previous topics | | Subsequent Topics In Indie Game Design 3/9/2004 Matt Wilson: Peregrine - mixing rpg and boardgame There's been a few games I've seen recently that have made cool use of visual aids like a map, and they got me thinking about this vague concept I've had… In Indie Game Design Participants: Matt Wilson, Valamir, Mike Holmes, johnzo, xiombarg.
3/9/2004 Bob Goat: [Conspiracy of Shadows] Introduction Part Deux After getting the good advice earlier I went back to the drawing board and deconstructed by own game to get to its core premise. It is a bit shorter, which… In Indie Game Design Participants: Bob Goat.
3/9/2004 johnzo: fistful: cramming the dice I've been playing in Feng's TROS game at UGX. I'm having a lot of fun with it, and not just because Feng's an exceptional GM. The system is really a… In Indie Game Design Participants: johnzo, John Harper, Zak Arntson.
3/11/2004 Jasper: [PRINCIPIUM NOVA] Resources and Scalability In Principium Nova (recently renamed to the singular), I have a resolution system that is designed to scale in terms of task size and specificity, so that it can handle… In Indie Game Design Participants: Jasper, Eero Tuovinen.
3/11/2004 age_of_dissent: [FS:Twilight] Computer to Tabletop? Hi folks! I'm new here, but I hope I can avoid any obvious mistakes.
(Edit: And I make a spelling mistake in the subject. I can't believe I did that.… In Indie Game Design Participants: age_of_dissent, Eric J., anonymouse.
3/11/2004 VoiceOfGd: [Softlands] Question about Core Mechanic Ok, this is my first post here and I have forum stagefright so I'm going to go directly down Ron's list in "How to present a mechanic..." explicitly. Sorry for… In Indie Game Design Participants: VoiceOfGd, Shreyas Sampat, Mike Holmes, Jonathan Walton.
3/11/2004 madelf: A racist race? What's your take? I hope this belongs here. I don't swim much in this end of the pool. I usually stick to "Publishing" and occassionally stick my toe into "RPG Theory".
But I… In Indie Game Design Participants: madelf, Wolfen, daMoose_Neo, simon_hibbs, Doctor Xero, pete_darby, Valamir, komradebob, Matt, Lara, contracycle.
3/12/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Backstage] Looking for a little opinion...(comedy RP) Hmmkay, most of my posts have been to the publishing side concerning my CG going out, but with it at the printers I have a little time before I have… In Indie Game Design Participants: daMoose_Neo, age_of_dissent, Mike Holmes, Doctor Xero, orbsmatt.
3/12/2004 age_of_dissent: [FS: Twilight] Would this initiative mechanic work? I'm hashing out the details of my combat system, and I've got a system which works a bit differently to any I've seen before. I would appreciate your opinions on… In Indie Game Design Participants: age_of_dissent, Mike Holmes.
3/12/2004 Autocrat: I.N.I. ; Action Point System OK, I'm happy with Action Point systems for interracting, I'm OK with figuring who goes when....the problem I have is excessive AP scores and normal AP Scores.
All Characters,… In Indie Game Design Participants: Autocrat, s3kt0r, Shreyas Sampat, Jack Aidley, Umberhulk, contracycle, Ben Morgan, Runjikol.
3/12/2004 Nathan P.: [Kildarrin] Opinions on optional rules Hey all. I'd like to get some opinions on offering optional rules in a main game text.
First, a little background. Timestream, my time travel game, is on the back-burner… In Indie Game Design Participants: Nathan P., montag, Mike Holmes, taalyn.
3/12/2004 greyorm: Pre-raiding jitters put stop to orcish horde? Alright, ORX is nearly complete.
There's a few bits to write out here and there, but I know exactly what is going into those bits, plus examples need to be… In Indie Game Design Participants: greyorm, Alan, Mike Holmes, daMoose_Neo, Sylus Thane, Ole.
3/15/2004 The Immortal MOOSE!: D12 Revisited Quite some time ago, and under a different Screen Name, I posted a concept for a core game mechanic based around the use of a D12 for all resolutions.
Due… In Indie Game Design Participants: The Immortal MOOSE!, Jasper, anonymouse, Darcy Burgess.
3/16/2004 Rexfelis: Combat in "Dominion" (Do I have a Heartbraker?) Previous threads on "Dominion":
Abilities in “Dominion”:
Dominion: Jihad:
Note: technically "Dominion" is now just one setting for the game system I'm working on. The game is about… In Indie Game Design Participants: Rexfelis, Mike Holmes, Valamir, daMoose_Neo, Jeph.
3/17/2004 Sparky: oh no. Not another thread about hit points. Hi all.
I'll come clean. I don't mean Hit Points, per se. What I mean is options for forcing character retirement based on injuries AND/OR more narrative/storyline concerns. Specifically, I… In Indie Game Design Participants: Sparky, Jack Spencer Jr, Ole, Zoetrope10, Eric J., Lara, Zathreyel, komradebob, The Immortal MOOSE!, Jonathan Walton, orbsmatt, Umberhulk.
3/17/2004 jphannil: Chaos & Order, the next step Hi all Forgers !
I've modified and updated Chaos & Order and it can be now found in pdf-format from:
Playtesting is also in-progress with hyborian mini-campaign and it's… In Indie Game Design Participants: jphannil, Ville Takanen.
3/18/2004 Lara: Opinions on Screen Shots Been working on screen shots for our game. Its a 2D MMORPG and the images are sans lighting and shadows at this time. Hence they are brighter then they will… In Indie Game Design Participants: Lara, Zathreyel, contracycle, Ron Edwards, Jack Aidley, Christopher Weeks, daMoose_Neo, Alex Johnson, anonymouse, Walt Freitag.
3/19/2004 johnzo: [fistful] Dogfighting I've added a section on cinematic dogfighting to the Fistful rules.
* use fistful die-allocation mechanic to let players manage their risk.
* meaningful decisions for players: when… In Indie Game Design Participants: johnzo.
3/19/2004 hanschristianandersen: [Musketeers!] Who gets to do the scene framing? This is my first earnest attempt at RPG design, and it's pretty close to the point where I start rounding up folks for playtesting. However, I'm stumped on a core… In Indie Game Design Participants: hanschristianandersen, RaconteurX, Rexfelis, quozl, Jonathan Walton, clehrich, Bluesboy.
3/20/2004 Mr. Sluagh: Setting Idea to Build Upon [brainfart]The stars are right. The Old Gods rise. A reckoning is at hand.
No, not the those Old Gods. That would be too cliché. I'm talking about the actual, mythological,… In Indie Game Design Participants: Mr. Sluagh, Walt Freitag, orbsmatt, Umberhulk, Ravien, Rich Stokes.
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