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9/29/2004 Gaiaguerrilla: Anyone in Calgary?
Anyone in Calgary who's interested in roleplay design, I'd love to meet. Respond here or email me. Put an email subject as "roleplaying" / "calgary" or anything for me to…
In Connections
Participants: Gaiaguerrilla.

9/28/2004 balrog21: Author Submissons Wanted!
White Silver Publishing is sending out a call to any and all aspiring authors! If short story is your thing or a novelist, we would like to see some samples…
In Connections
Participants: balrog21, daMoose_Neo, smokewolf, Ben Lehman.

9/28/2004 balrog21: [b]PLAY TESTERS WANTED PART II[/b]
Well, I must apologive to any and all who sent an email asking to be test player. We have found out through Yahoo that our email system had some "switches"…
In Connections
Participants: balrog21.

9/27/2004 Matt-M-McElroy: Send me your Links & News/Promos
Hey folks, We are continuing to rebuild the Flames Rising website and restoring the old content as we go. The Web Links section is up and running so drop by…
In Connections
Participants: Matt-M-McElroy, Matt.

9/27/2004 Adorame: What a great site :)
Hello everyone, I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself, the project Im working on and what I think of the Forge. My name is Cody I live…
In Connections
Participants: Adorame, Nathan.

9/24/2004 Bob Goat: [Freelancer] Art, Art & More Art
Hey, I figured that I would post my services as an artist since I just finished my first freelance art gig. The gig was for Mr. Clinton R. Nixon for…
In Connections
Participants: Bob Goat, daMoose_Neo, Adorame, Clinton R. Nixon, Jasper.

9/23/2004 ozental: RPG Forums Online
I hope it's OK to do so but I wanted to introduce this forum to you: It's an online community for all things RPG, MUD and fantasy related, both…
In Connections
Participants: ozental, M. J. Young.

9/22/2004 SirBidalot: Sell your RPG on!
Have you created your own RPG? Why not sell it on SirBidalot? SirBidalot is a website dedicated to gaming where people auction, sell, and trade their wares. Come check it…
In Connections
Participants: SirBidalot.

9/16/2004 Satyrblade: Satyrblade Introduction
Hi, folks! This is Satyrblade, aka Phil Brucato of Laughing Pan Productions. The author, creator and art director for Deliria: Faerie Tales for a New Millennium, I worked at White…
In Connections
Participants: Satyrblade, Paka.

9/15/2004 andy: Development teams
I recently completed publication of our first project (BONES the RPG, and I wanted to commend the development team that helped me put it together quickly and for a…
In Connections
Participants: andy.

9/12/2004 Nathan P.: [Timestream] Playtesters (Finally) Wanted
Hey guys, A couple months ago I started work on Timestream, a game of spiffy narrative-based time travel. I was in and out of the forums for a bit, but…
In Connections
Participants: Nathan P..

9/9/2004 Tav_Behemoth: [Behemoth3] Mummy Horde Playtesters Wanted
I'm happy to say that Brian has made the first new monsters in Horde Book 4: Tomb of the Mummy available for playtesting! - Ushtabi Worker, CR 1 - Ushtabi…
In Connections
Participants: Tav_Behemoth, smokewolf, Stump.

9/7/2004 Matt Snyder: Daedalus e-zine from beyond the grave!
I will publish another issue of Daedalus on Halloween 2004. The issue theme is horror in role-playing games. I'm eager for content (articles, whole games, supplements, editorials, etc.) related to…
In Connections
Participants: Matt Snyder, Andy Kitkowski.

9/7/2004 16CBH: [Battleaxe] It's Done!
We've posted version 1.0 of the Battleaxe RPG. Stop by and download it for free!
In Connections
Participants: 16CBH.

9/3/2004 Simon W: Artist(s) needed for Dreamscape
I'm revising and updating my 24-hour rpg Dreamscape, with a view to selling it. I will need an artist or two. I'd better be upfront and say that payment may…
In Connections
Participants: Simon W.

9/2/2004 Ravien: [Scarlet Wake] Play-Testers Needed
Hey, Some of you might know that a few months ago I released a version of my game, Scarlet Wake, for play-test. I received a bunch of responses and suggestions,…
In Connections
Participants: Ravien, timfire, Ron Edwards.

9/1/2004 smokewolf: Shameless self promotion
Thought I would brag a little (modesty who needs it). Nash Devita (from Silven Crossroads) has posted an interview he did with me from GenCon. Also he has a…
In Connections
Participants: smokewolf, ChefKyle, Ed Cha, Mike Holmes.

8/30/2004 Vaxalon: IRC Nobilis game starting
I'm going to be starting a Nobilis game on IRC on the evening of Monday, september 6, at 8pm Eastern US time. Anyone interested in joining up should send an…
In Connections
Participants: Vaxalon.

8/27/2004 Ron Edwards: I need Cold War consultation
Hello, I'm considering developing my very sketchy game design Zero at the Bone into a full-blown game for release next year. To do this, I'm going to have to learn…
In Connections
Participants: Ron Edwards, Bob Goat, cns1138, Kesher.

8/26/2004 balrog21: PLAY TESTERS WANTED!
White Silver Publishing is currently seeking play testers for a fantasy role playing game that will be published next year! We have perks for being a play tester! Our game…
In Connections
Participants: balrog21, ethan_greer, s3kt0r, Caynreth, Andrew Martin.

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Subsequent Topics
In Connections

10/1/2004 adriayna: Silven Trumpeter spotlights the Forge (and other indie RPGs)
Hi everyone, I hope I posted this in the right place :) I just wanted to give you a heads up about the newest Silven Trumpeter PDF version (located at…
In Connections
Participants: adriayna, Clinton R. Nixon.

10/1/2004 EdD: NBOS Software seeking artists
Hi All, NBOS Software is seeking one or more artists to create mapping symbols. These are paid, fairly large projects. The ideal artists for these projects will be able to…
In Connections
Participants: EdD.

10/7/2004 Inner Circle Inc: Alpha Tester Positions Open Now
After four months of work, Strife: Pride's Fall is ready to undergo the first of many play tests, and play tests require players. We have a limited number of spots…
In Connections
Participants: Inner Circle Inc, 16CBH, Ron Edwards.

10/8/2004 Dev: [PUNK] try some PUNK via IRC?
I posted to indie-netgaming about a oneshot (playtest? drivethru?) of gobi's excellent game, PUNK; I thought I'd mention it here too, since may folks took a shine to the game.…
In Connections
Participants: Dev, b_bankhead, Shreyas Sampat, gobi, Lathan, Ron Edwards.

10/9/2004 balrog21: White Silver Publishing website goes Live
Hi Everyone, Just wanted to let you all know that our website went live yesterday. We are still tweaking it so to speak so some of the links and backgrounds…
In Connections
Participants: balrog21, daMoose_Neo, Jack Aidley.

10/11/2004 Ben Lehman: Link Trading?
Hi. Calder and I have a shiny new website at Well, right now, it isn't much to look at, but by GenCon SoCal, it should be very pretty, with…
In Connections
Participants: Ben Lehman, Lxndr, Matt, Bob Goat.

10/11/2004 Michael S. Miller: NPA Sampler--suggestions and demos wanted
This is likely in the wrong place because the supposed NPA forum isn't up yet. This seemed the second best place. Here's the deal: I've signed up to run an…
In Connections
Participants: Michael S. Miller, Valamir, Ben Lehman, xiombarg.

10/20/2004 ReverendBayn: Jedi Cops... who wants some!?
I'm gearing up to run a (relatively non-canon) Star Wars game in the style of an 80's cop show. Rogue cops, drug gangs, angry superiors constantly yelling about how you're…
In Connections
Participants: ReverendBayn, Dev.

10/23/2004 Strutinan: New "Dead Stars" book needs donated artwork
As I posted on the "Site Discussion" sub-board, I'm publishing an expanded version of the free Dead Stars Rule Book for small change, and need some doanted artwork to help…
In Connections
Participants: Strutinan, greyorm.

10/23/2004 daMoose_Neo: [Final Twilight] Print Test
Performing a little experiment here with my Final Twilight custom CG and I'm reformatting the cards from 2.5x3.5 to 2x3.5 Business Card size, in sheets of 10, so that…
In Connections
Participants: daMoose_Neo, Trevis Martin, Chris Passeno.

10/23/2004 JimLotFP: LotFP: RPG site live; Playtesters Wanted! is live as of today! Small details are still being ironed out (mostly wording issues) but come take a look at what we've got so far. And... after a…
In Connections
Participants: JimLotFP.

10/25/2004 grimnr: Wanted price qoutes for writers
Hello, My name is L. Lee Lamb 2nd and I am the creator of F.A.M.A.T.O.M. Games. I am Looking to hire some writers for filler text, and I would like…
In Connections
Participants: grimnr, Dave Panchyk.

10/28/2004 GaryTP: Code of Unaris Chat Session Oct 27 (Wed) 9PM
Wed Oct. 27, 2004 8:30 CST Anyone wanted to partipate in a chat adventure for Code of Unaris can go to our ezboards at: We're starting one in a…
In Connections
Participants: GaryTP.

10/28/2004 xiombarg: Unsung: PLAYTESTERS NEEDED
Okay, guys, I seriously need external playtesters for my upcoming game, Unsung. You can download everything you need to play from here: The files are PDFs, and they're just…
In Connections
Participants: xiombarg, bcook1971, Ben Lehman.

10/28/2004 Shreyas Sampat: [Limitless] IRC Playtest
So, I want to try out some Limitless via IRC. I've got a thread to two running in the design forum about it, but for those of you who don't…
In Connections
Participants: Shreyas Sampat, Jonathan Walton.

10/29/2004 Clinton R. Nixon: Open artist call on The Shadow of Yesterday
When I published Donjon, I did a program like this: after all commissioned art was done, I let artists submit work to me that they would like to have published.…
In Connections
Participants: Clinton R. Nixon, Tony Irwin.

10/30/2004 damiller: Prime Time Adventures Rockford Files
Looking for some players for a Play By Post. pm me or em me. ( d :D
In Connections
Participants: damiller.

10/31/2004 Dracos: Playtesters wanted for Arcane
The Dragon's Forge Game Craft is looking for experienced groups willing to try our fantasy RPG called Arcane. Features of the system include: Completely points based system. Archetypes are…
In Connections
Participants: Dracos.

11/1/2004 Matt Snyder: Daedalus Halloween issue online!
The Halloween special edition of Daedalus launched this weekend. All articles are now available! Including ... the farm A game of horror by Jared Sorensen Let Them Eat War…
In Connections
Participants: Matt Snyder.

11/1/2004 Matt Snyder: Get out the vote .. for game design!
On Election eve, I want to take this opportunity to earn your vote. I'm in a game design rut. Lost my mojo. So, I've created a process to help me…
In Connections
Participants: Matt Snyder.

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